MTL - Douluo Dalu-v5 Chapter 630 The Purple Magical Shura Magic Light

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The sixth thirty-sixth chapter of the purple konjac

Undoubtedly, the higher the soul, the faster the soul teacher ran when he retraced. The intensive crowd could not stop the pace of these high-level soul teachers, or jumped over their own lower soul teacher. When they collided, those high-level soul teachers quickly rushed to the forefront of their own retreat. In this way, those lower soul teachers and assistant soul teachers are naturally exposed to Tang Jiajun.

Horses rushing may not be able to catch up with high-level soul masters in a short distance, but these low-level soul teachers and auxiliary soul teachers are simply impossible to compare with running horses.

When Bibi Dongyan looked at the third eruption of Zhuge Shenshen, the auxiliary soul of the Shenglong Legion and the low-level soul master fell, and could not help but close his eyes. She only reacted at this time, and her orders were wrong. Although the enemy is tough, the Shenglong Legion is a corps composed of the whole soul master. If you can let the high-level soul masters in front and slowly withdraw, even if there will be losses, it will never be as big as it is now.

However, it is too late to say anything. Bibi Dong finally looked at Tang San in the distance, and greeted the title of Doro, and quickly withdrew in the direction of Jialingguan. When he left, he did not forget to take away the wounded snake spear. Among these strongmen, the snake spears are struggling, and the seal of the previous group of red light was directly torn into pieces, losing as many as two people, plus the Tianxiang Hu Yanzhen and Shenglong Tuoqi, This time, the Wuhun Empire has undoubtedly suffered heavy losses.

At this time, Tang San couldn’t take it for himself. Shrek’s seven strangers were also in front of him. In the moment of being hit, Tang’s eyes were already blood red, how could he not see that? Who is blocking the attack on Bibidong for himself?

That is his little lover's dance, the little dance is showing nothing, bursting eight paragraphs to deal with the magic bear Douro, seeing Tang three in distress, without hesitation, with the body of the magic bear Douro greeted.

The devil bear Doro can still release his defensive power in the unpredictable storm, but he may be able to withstand some of the impact of the eight-stage blast, but how can he resist the abyss of the horrible space tearing than Dongdong? Suddenly torn into pieces, but the aftermath of the attack, also slammed into the little dance, throwing her out and hit Tang San's body.

The little dance body is now a blood red, Tang San tightly grabbed her body, desperately injecting his soul into the small dance body.

"Brother, I'm fine." The little dance slammed a cough, spurting out a soulful force, slamming the front of Shrek's five blame on the clothes and hunting.

Tang San stunned, and the so-called concern was chaotic. Seeing that the little dance was hit hard, he was already panicked. He heard the voice of the little dance, which set the mind and eased the soul of his own input into the little dance. .

The little dance squinted at the eyes, and there was no meaning of weakness. I smiled bitterly: "My silly brother, have you forgotten it? I have an invincible bodyguard! Bibidong didn't take me, you type it again. I can't take it anymore."

Tang San was completely reacted, long export gas, tightly slammed the little dance, bowed his head, and used his face to cling to the face of the little dance. "Stupid girl, you scared me."

Although Bibidong’s abyss of space tearing is strong, but it has not yet reached the level of God, it is not enough to break the invincible body of the little dance, but fortunately the little dance has the last invincible golden body defense, otherwise she is afraid It has been torn into pieces like the magic bear Douro.

Tang San suddenly struck on the hips of the little dance, and the little dance looked up pitifully: "Brother, why are you hitting me?"

Tang San snorted. "If your invincible golden body has been used up, are you still rushing up?"

Xiaowu smiled and said: "So, you must pay more attention to your own safety! Otherwise you can't blame me."

In any case, the little dance was fine, and Tang San was greatly relieved, holding her up and looking at the battlefield. At this time, the battlefield was already in chaos, and the 20th Army of the Tiandou Empire went straight to Jialing. After the three-round volley of the Zhuge Gods, the Shenglong Legion lost nearly half, and with the pursuit of more than 6,000 days of the Emperor of the Empire, the number of deaths and injuries was constantly increasing.

The sword fighting the dust heart, the bones of Luo Guyu, plus the gold triangle that has been transformed into a golden dragon, is like a sharp cone rushing to the front, leading the soul of the soul to constantly chase the escaped Shenglong Legion .

At that time, Tang Jiajun has split into two strands and has quietly withdrawn from both sides. The role of this war has been undoubted. In order to avoid their losses, the master ordered Tang disciples to stay in the soul division to assist in the attack. The 10,000 Tang family troops retreated directly, and retreated to the back, and returned to the Zhuge Gods.

The eight reloading corps of the Wuhun Empire finally came up and let the soul sect of the Shenglong Legion greet the crazy Tiandou Empire. Two pieces of steel torrents, one side is accelerating the impact, the other side itself has been paralyzed, under the collision of each other, although the number is similar, but under the leadership of the six thousand soul divisions, wins and scores.

Bibi East has already returned to Jialingguan City Head at this time, until now, she quietly spit a blood in her sleeve, his face has become extremely ugly.

The Dolphin Dou Shen Shen said: "Your Majesty, do you want to send out the Angel Legion? Otherwise our loss..."

"You can't send an angelic corps." Bibidong's eyes are dark and uncertain. "Before you can't figure out what the weapons that killed us a lot of soul masters, we must never let our soul divisions take risks again. The soul division is not a soldier. Even with our heritage, it is impossible to rebuild in a short time. Passing me orders, the angel army is on the head of the city to prevent the enemy from attacking the city."

The huge hole in the wall of Jialingguan City undoubtedly brought a huge crisis to the entire city defense. Once the Tiandou Empire army crossed the river, this is the breakthrough.

While giving orders, Bibidong's gaze also fell on the ground underneath the city, deep in the ground, above the dark trident.

Finally, the surviving sacred sects of the sacred army were withdrawn from the Jialingguan city under the cover of the eight heavy armored regiments of the Wuhun Empire. However, with their withdrawal, the Tiandou Empire Soulmasters and the Tiandou Empire The cavalry regiment has also been killed.

One side is like a rainbow. Under the leadership of as many as 6,000 soul teachers, it is the absolute superior force. On the other hand, the momentum has already been vented. Behind it is the Jialingguan city wall and four suspension bridges. The collision of steel torrents Among them, human life is like a mustard, and it is harvested wildly by death.

The role of the soul teacher in the war is instantly revealed, especially the golden dragon and the sword fighting and the bone fighting in the gold triangle of the forefront. The three strong players are like a tiger into the flock. It was a moment that opened a mouth on the heavy armored regiment of the Wuhun Empire. Six thousand soul divisions are separated in an instant, and the same is the auxiliary soul teacher. The strong attack is in front, and the Min attack is guarded in the two wings. However, the result at this time is completely different from that of the former Wulong Empire.

The Shenglong Legion faced Tang Jiajun’s Zhuge God, and at this time the Tiandou Empire Soulmasters faced ordinary soldiers, even though they were wearing heavy armor, but in front of the soul teacher, these heavy armor can have What is the role?

The flame and ice properties of the soul first appeared on the battlefield. It was the students in the four-element college who fought, and the firepower was ruthless. The power of these two absolute elements was not something that the armor could resist. Followed by is the Central Assault Army composed of Tangmen Yutang and Pharmacy disciples.

The disciples of the Royal Court were in front, and the disciples of the Pharmacy were behind. A group of two. The attack of the heavy armored soldier fell on the defense of the plated giant rhinoceros of the prince disciples, and it was no different from the itching of the boots. However, the broken soul guns that were stabbed from the shoulders of the princes and the ribs made their armor like paper. Being punctured, almost every member of the Royal Court disciples went forward, and the heavy armored regiment of the Wuhun Empire would drop 200 bodies.

Six thousand soul teachers, like a sharp knife, inserted into the enemy's hinterland. It should have appeared in the case of the Wuhun Empire attacking the Tiandou Empire reloading the Legion, but it appeared in the heavy armored regiment of the Wuhun Empire. The heavy casualties are so eye-catching.

The Jialing Guanchengtou, the generals from the various kingdoms and principalities that make up the Wuhun Empire, have collapsed at this time.

"Your Majesty, send the Soulmasters Rescue. Our reloading corps must not hold on."

"Yes! Your Majesty. This is our elite. We only have these 80,000 reloaded regiments in Jialingguan. If we are defeated by the Tiandou Empire, how can we keep it behind?"

"Your Majesty, the First Regiment of the Heavy Cavalry has already been destroyed. You should order it. If you continue this way, the reloading of the Legion will be over."


Reloading the Legion is extremely important in any country. The financial resources required to form a reloading regiment are almost equal to the ten infantry regiments. The equipment and the quality of the soldiers are the highest in the military system. It was originally a kingdom and a duchy of the two empire of Tiandou and Xingluo. It is not easy for each country to have one or two reloaded regiments. At this time, watching these precious arms are being slaughtered under the impact of the Tiandou Empire, how can they not feel bad?

Bibidong looked at the generals in front of him and said: "The Soul Legion can no longer play, I said, I can't make any more risks before I figure out what the weapons of the massive killer are. You have to understand, Although the reloading of the Legion is important, the Soul Legion is playing a decisive role. As long as the Angel Legion is still there, with the Jialingguan Heavenly Insurance, we are not afraid of being attacked by the Tiandou Empire. Come! Command me, the long-range attacks are all unfolding. The cover of the reloaded regiment retreats. The Angels are guarded within the walls. If the enemy follows the rush, they will stop immediately."

Listening to Bibidong’s orders, the generals who fell to the ground couldn’t help but face each other, and they all showed resentfulness in their eyes. Of course, they did not dare to resist Bibi’s command. After all, no one would be too long. In their hearts, a dark seed has been quietly planted. Bibidong's actions made them inevitably produce one kind. Your soul division is elite, and our soldiers are not human.

The generals were quiet, but their daring and daring words made Bibi Dongxin more depressed. Since the establishment of the Wuhun Empire, she has always been full of confidence, but until this moment, she discovered that in the real battlefield command, he is not the commander of the war. It is okay to command the soul division to fight, but when the battlefield is in chaos, her heart is a little chaotic.

Of course, this is not enough to change the decision of Bibi, in her mind, nothing is more important than his own soul teacher.

The defending giants on the Jialing Pass began to take off, and with a large number of archers, they continued to throw large arrows at the city.

Marshal Goron was prepared, watching his own army have entered the range of the long-range attack of the other side, and immediately issued an order. The ten light cavalry regiments that rushed into the battlefield from both wings quickly dispersed, and a large arc was made from both sides toward the rear. Grabbing, they did not go far, but reorganized in a place five miles from the main battlefield, ready to support the front.

Ordinary bows and arrows are not a threat to heavy cavalry. Each of the reloaded cavalry is like a can, and even their horses are wrapped in armor. The bows can only leave a series on their armor. Mars only.

The real threat is the defending giant. There are as many as one hundred and fifty squadrons on the Jialing Pass. Each of the smashing arrows used by the giant scorpion is one metre long. Within a sudden jet, the attack power is more than the guerrilla god. Even an ordinary soul teacher would never dare to let it shoot in front. Of course, the launch speed of the defending giants can't be compared with the Zhuge gods. As long as they are prepared, it is still very difficult for these giants to shoot the soul master. Moreover, the arrow itself is huge, and it allows the high-level soul teachers to be prepared to intercept their attacks. Even so, under the shooting of the giant python, the casualties of the Tiandou Empire began to increase.

The eight major reloading regiments of the Wuhun Empire were fighting and withdrawing. They had no fighting spirit. When a large number of soldiers were withdrawn to the other side of the suspension bridge, they were able to stabilize the scene with the giant scorpion and bows on the head of the city. .

If the master led the Soul Division in this time, the participating heavy-loaded soldiers were certainly not enough to stop them from moving forward. The huge gap on the wall of Jialingguan was in front of you.

But the master did not do this. After several assaults were blocked, the master and Marshal Goron looked at each other and immediately issued an order to retreat. Mingjin received troops.

The Tiandou Empire was all cavalry. Although the speed of the heavy cavalry could not be compared with that of the light cavalry, it was much faster than the infantry. Seeing that a large number of soldiers retreated like tides, the masters led The Soulmasters Corps was behind the scenes to prevent the Wuhun Empire from launching a counterattack.

On the other side, Shrek's seven strangers have already rushed up, and they will join together with the masters.

"Small three, your trident..." The master said anxiously to Tang San. With his research on the soul teacher, it is natural to see the strength comparison between Tang San and Bibidong. Without this trident of the sea god, Tang San can never stop the attack of Bibidong.

Tang Sandao: "Teacher, I have my own way. You can rest assured." As he said, he has quietly hidden his figure under the cover of the surrounding soul teacher. How can he give up his absolute artifact? The stealth effect of the Bohai Seam Cover made him in the air. With the evacuation of his own army, he also quietly separated and rushed toward Jialingguan.

Before Jialing was protecting the city, it was completely stained with blood, and countless bodies remained there. Most of them belong to the Wuhun Empire.

Tang San quietly touched Jialingguan, as long as he was close to the moat, and even did not need to cross the river, he was sure to take back his own Poseidon trident by controlling the crane and dragon. Although stronger than Bidong, but the front is not beaten, it is impossible to retain him.

However, just as Tang San was about to approach the distance that he could control the dragon and the dragon could play, suddenly, he only felt that the whole body was tight. On the head of the city, Bibidong’s gaze had fallen on him like a sword.

how is this possible? Tang San was shocked, the subconscious tumbling horizontally, and a loud bang, by his side, a large smashing arrow suddenly burst open, that is the giant cockroach controlled by Bibi.

Under the surprise of Tang San, he did not dare to move on, but he did not understand that his mental strength even exceeded that of Bibidong. As long as he did not apply the Soul Attack, with the protection of the Bohai Sea Shield, it was said to be at least Bibidong. When you grab the Poseidon Trident, you will find your own talent.

Bibidong stood on the head of the city, staring coldly at the direction of Tang San. Yes, it was only because of her spiritual strength that it was not enough to discover Tang San. But when she fell on the trident of Poseidon, she thought of the Tang Sanhui to retrieve this super weapon that could compete with her.

Therefore, Bibidong’s eyes have been watching the movements of Tang San. Although Tang San’s stealth is hidden under the cover of the Soul Legion, she was discovered by her. In the number of Douros around Bibi, there is a title that has a unique skill to connect his mental strength with the spiritual power of others. Bibidong's mental strength is not enough to find Tang San, but with deliberate attention, combined with the spiritual strength of a title, to narrow the scope of exploration, or found the location of Tang San.

Gone and then retreat, Tang San Suo is no longer invisible, showing the body, gazing at the Bibi East of Jialing Guancheng, a faint sneer on his face. So I want to stop me from getting back to the Poseidon Trident? By virtue of strength, Bibidong can certainly have such confidence. However, the Poseidon Trident is a weapon exclusively for Poseidon, and is it easy for others to touch?

Tang San stopped at a distance of about two kilometers from Jialingguan and sat down on the battlefield to find a flat and clean place.

The spirit is instantly concentrated, and the trilogy of Poseidon on the forehead suddenly shines. The strong golden light shines from top to bottom, rendering the body of Tang San.

In the previous battle with Bibidong, Tang San’s consumption was undoubtedly huge. The Poseidon trident certainly hit Bibidong, but the Tang San, who never lost his life, also consumed a huge amount of soul. Fighting against the superiors of Bibi East, every minute and every second will cause him to consume a lot. However, in the consumption of mental power, Tang San is not too much, only the partial consumption of the Poseidon trident when using the light of the sea god. Compared with the soul, now his mental strength is still sufficient.

In fact, before the fight was like a slap in the East, Tang San still had a backhand. He never succeeded in blocking the attack of Bibidong, but Tang San was sure he would not die in Bibi. Dongna space tears the abyss, his confidence comes from his only ability to compete with Bibidong, and even more than Bibidong's spiritual power. He was waiting at that time, waiting for the space to tear the abyss and reach a certain distance in front of him, so that Bibidong had no chance to react again. It may be subject to some trauma, but as long as he uses the purple konjac at that time, Bibidong's attack cannot fall completely on him. How can Tang San do not leave a good hand for himself? This is why he was greatly regretted when he saw the little dance block.

At this time, Tang San’s spiritual strength rose again and completely solidified on the brand of the Poseidon trident. His body was covered with gold liquid. From the top of his head, only a few times of breathing, the whole person already It is completely rendered golden.

The violent energy fluctuations show up at this moment, and the horror of the spiritual fluctuations rises to the apex almost in an instant. Yes, there is no forest here. Tang San can't use the blue and silver field to greatly enhance his mental strength, but he still has another field.

The white and red mixed light appeared under the body of Tang, and instantly shrouded his body. The light was condensed and not scattered. It was only around his body, but even if it was just such a small area, the horrible murderousness still pointed out. Bibi East on the head of Jialing Guancheng.

What is he doing? Bibidong brows, she does not believe that Tang San dared to come back to retrieve the magical trident under his own lock. If he really dares to come, he will certainly have no return with his strength and the strength of the seals around him. But he stopped there two kilometers away, just the distance that his soul skills can't reach. What can he do from such a distance?

Tang San gave the answer very quickly. He suddenly widened his eyes. His eyes were completely rendered by gold. The concise field of killing God completely wrapped his body in an instant, white and red. The ray of horror to the extreme murderousness blended into the golden light that spattered in his eyes.

The two gaze merged into the air, and suddenly burst out under the shade of white and red. It was so far apart two kilometers away, and rushed toward Bibidong on Jialing Pass.

In the moment when Tang San released the gaze, Bibidong felt that his own spirits could not be separated from the body, and even the air around the body was drained. It was not murderous. Simple, so far away, can lead her to produce such a big reaction, has been able to prove a lot of problems. The murderous murder of the horror is like a huge mouth of engulfing. Even if there are several guards around the battle, it is felt that Biedong is isolated and helpless at this moment.

The awe-inspiring golden light shrouded the strong red and white light, and the two kilometers almost lost the feeling of distance in an instant.

Bibi Dong screamed, and the spider web on the forehead suddenly turned into purple-black, condensed into a purple-black light and greeted. Even if she is herself, she feels a strong danger at this moment. She once collided with Tang San’s spiritual strength, but at that time, although Tang San’s spiritual strength had reached a vast realm, the soul power was only over 80 levels. At this time, Tang San’s soul power had truly reached the title. At the level of Luo, the spiritual strength naturally rises again. But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Tang San has the special skills of the purple pole konjac to say that the spirit is completely confined to a little attack. But Bibidong does not.

This is also an important reason why Tang San was able to launch a spiritual attack across two kilometers.

However, seeing that the strong golden light is about to arrive in front of him, Bibidong has even prepared for the violent mental impact, and the time that the connection with her is greatly extracted from the spirit of defense. The golden light that should have come to her was suddenly turned after skipping the moat, and swiftly swept down, and went straight to the trident of the sea **** who fell into the ground.

be cheated. This is the first thought in the heart of Bibi, and he did not hesitate to vacate, and went straight to the trident of Poseidon under the city.

The master understands, of course, she also understands that as long as Tang San can't get back to this real artifact, his strength will drop one level. He is in his next battle, he has greater confidence to kill him. . Therefore, in any case, Bibidong would never like to see Tang San take back this artifact.

At this time, Tang San, two kilometers away, has already vacated, the right leg bone of the blue silver emperor, the left leg bone of the demon killer whale, and the soul bones of the two thighs simultaneously exerted force, pushing his body like a cannonball. Shooting in the direction of Jialingguan.

Bibidong’s reaction is undoubtedly very fast, but her speed is not going to be fast. The road was issued by the purple konjac, with red and white gold shining straight into the ground, as if it had long eyes, it fell on the heart of the sea **** below the main blade of the sea **** Trident.

At this time, Bibidong’s body is descending from the sky and pounces on the Trident of Poseidon. It is necessary to stop Tang San from taking it back. Just as she put more energy into Tang San, who was running wild, suddenly, the golden light that had already rushed into the ground came back.

In a hurry, Bibidong can only erupt the mental energy that has just been recovered. The purple-black energy is just passing over her body, and it is colliding with the golden light. At the same time, the Poseidon trident caught in the ground has erupted an unparalleled strong golden light.


Bibidong only felt that his brain seemed to burst open at this moment, and the intense pain swept the whole body. The golden light was not only full of horrible spiritual shock, but also accompanied by the sacred atmosphere of the trident of Poseidon, and concise At the extreme, Haoran Boda is full of horror and murderousness. The kind of murder brought her not only the feeling of oppression and horror, but also a little familiarity.

There was a blank in front of him, and Bingdong’s body was injured at the same time, which made her look extremely horrible. The whole person turned out under the strong impact and hit the wall. At the same time, on the head of the city, the man who gave the spiritual power to Bibidong’s title was also bleed, and when his body was soft, he fell to the ground.

The collision of mental power is even more dangerous than the collision of soul skills. Even if it is the strength of the title class, once a problem occurs, it is likely to be fatal.

At this time, Tang San had already arrived at the moat, waving his right hand, and gazing at the tens of thousands of Wushu Empire generals, soldiers, and soul teachers on Jialing Pass. The Trident of the Sea God is like a golden dragon going out into the sea and returning to his grasp.

Tang San did not stop, did not even go to see the much-threatening Bibidong, and set off and swept back to the side. On the head of the city, there are six fighters of the Wuhun Empire, which have sufficient combat power. At this moment, there is no one who dares to chase them out, just watching the three floats away.

Hold on, must insist on staying, Tang San constantly shouting to himself in his heart. Bibi was seriously injured in the east. Of course he knew that he was close to the exhaustion of the oil. He can be sure that if he had previously condensed his last force to launch another attack on Bibi, Bibidong might not die, but the injury would be even more terrifying. But if you do that, you have to lose your life.

Why did Tang San become so weak? It is because of the golden light. Can Bibidong be so traumatized, how can he pay less? For that attack, Tang San paid almost all his spiritual and spiritual power.

The spirit is erupted through the purple pole konjac, and the soul power is instantly condensed by killing the gods. His soul has entered the realm of the title of Douro, and the two fields have evolved at the same time. The ultimate evolutionary skill in the blue and silver field is the Heiner, and the ultimate evolutionary skill in the field of killing is the appearance of Shura.

As Tang Tang’s great ancestor Tang Chen said, the capital of killing was built by the **** of Shura, but it was smeared by the evil Rakshasa. But the field of killing God is still the ability of Shura God. Although it is not true strength, when it evolves to the most loyalty, it can still release some of the gods of Shura.

Just the blow, Tang San released the final evolution of Shura in the field of killing the gods, but did not make the virtual image of Shura appear, which confused Bibidong. Then, the power of Shura, which was temporarily used, was merged with his own purple konjac and released.

Otherwise, his mental strength is strong, but how can he possibly hurt Bibidong?

Even so, when Tang’s attack spanned two kilometers, it quickly weakened and was closer to defense than Bidong. In this case, it was almost impossible for Tang’s attack to hurt Bibidong.

However, at this time, Tang San fully demonstrated his control and intelligence in battle. He forcibly controlled the purple magical sorcerer's magic light and fell straight down, shining on the heart of the sea **** of the Trident.

The heart of the sea **** was stimulated by the light of the sea god, and suddenly the power of the sea **** broke out and merged into the magic light of Shura. At the same time, the process of communication with Tang San was completed through this spiritual power in an instant, under the control of Tang San. The heart of Poseidon is like a mirror, which produces a reflection effect. It not only compensates the consumption of Shura Magic Light in the distance of two kilometers through the power of Poseidon, but also adds its own sacred atmosphere. Make this attack power fully manifested.

On the other hand, Bibi Dong was almost subconsciously thinking that the target of Tang San was the Trident of the Sea God, and he would take back the Trident. Therefore, she pays more attention to Tang San himself, just thinking about how to stop him from getting back to the Poseidon Trident. Who ever thought that the light that made her feel terrible was actually reflected back and returned to her. Under the unintentional heart, Bibidong’s defense is not as good as when she was in the city. Suddenly, he was hit hard, and he was still tired of the title that was passed on to her.

Of course, all the details are only clear to Tang San. Even if it is a heavy blow, Bibi Dong does not understand how Tang San did it. However, the occurrence of all this is in the eyes of the soldiers of both sides, but it is completely another concept. What they saw was only the defeat of Bibidong, the bleeding of the seven scorpions, the fall of Jialingguan on the wall, and the fact that Tang San took the trident of the sea god, but could not see the weakness of Tang San itself.