MTL - Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting-Chapter 1779 Thirteen kings

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The only thing that the universe means is two things, one is powerful, the power that governs the entire category of gods. The other is exclusiveness. In the same God Realm, there will never be a stronger, or even equally powerful existence.

Just like the former dragon realm, the dragon **** is the absolute master, and no **** can compete with him for the dominance of the dragon realm.

At this moment, after incarnation of the body, Lan Xuanyu showed the unique characteristics of this universe, which also means that his fusion with the Dragon God has reached the final stage, and this final stage is actually the most dangerous, and it has also reached the gods. The last moment of Wang Zhixue.

The gazes of all **** kings turned towards Seagod Tang San in unison. This was his grandson, Lan Xuanyu, who showed the unique characteristics of the universe, was not so easy to resist. Regardless of offensive and defensive capabilities, they have reached a whole new level. Moreover, the unique characteristics and breath of the powerful universe in him even had a kind of traction effect on their **** realm.

To achieve the God Realm, it also requires a lot of power. Naturally, the more energy, the better. There is such a powerful God Realm in front of him. In the subconscious, Lan Xuanyu, who has turned into a dragon god, will of course have the idea of ​​a dove occupying a magpie's nest. Therefore, with his scarlet eyes, what he was looking at at this time was the direction of the gods.

"Join together to stop him. Wait for him to break through." Tang San said in a deep voice.

The remaining few **** kings by his side also floated out, lined up with the other **** kings, blocking the front of the gods.

In addition to the five great **** kings that they shot before, there are also several existences on their side. Among them are the heavenly scar **** king who controls space and darkness, as well as the bright **** king Long Gongwei, the Hercules Zhou Weiqing, the previous generation's **** of emotions. , Rong Nianbing, the **** of emotions that is close to the power of the **** king. In addition, the kind **** Flame and the evil **** Ji Dong, who was originally in the same **** realm as Tang San. And the current God of Emotions, Huo Yuhao, the God of Emotions who has just broken through the level of the God King.

A total of twelve **** kings or strong people close to the **** king level stood together. This is the core power of the entire God Realm, and it is also all members of the God Realm Committee. This lineup is much stronger than before the God Realm was swept away!

(There is a story about Rong Nianbing, read my book "Ice Fire Magic Cook")

(There is a story about Tianhen, read my book "Airspeed Starmark")

(There are stories about the **** of good flames and the **** of evil Ji Dong, read my book "The God of Bacchus")

The twelve **** kings stood together, together with the purple emperor, it happened to be thirteen figures. The powerful aura of the **** king merged with each other to produce a strange energetic aura. This huge aura all pressed towards the direction of the Dragon God. The body of the Jiucai Dragon God, who had just succeeded in the blow, suddenly became stagnant.

This is the powerful aura of the thirteen **** kings! Even just the breath and coercion are enough to easily destroy a planet. In the face of such a powerful pressure, Nine Color Dragon God was constantly twisting and struggling. And whenever he twisted, it seemed that there would naturally be fluctuations in the laws of the universe appearing on his body, moving forward to help him resist this oppression. It even made his power feel like a breakthrough in the oppression.

In the scarlet eyes, there was a smell of struggle. At this moment, Lan Xuanyu, the trial of the **** king had indeed reached the final juncture. In his mind, the spirit has returned, and he is facing the state when he is about to become a **** star on the altar.

He decided to give up being a **** star and would not swallow the dragon prince, making the entire altar extremely unstable and likely to collapse at any time. And he gathered so much energy from the God Realm, and the power of the 18 God Kings was irreversible.

At this time, he faces a choice. Externally, there is cosmic rejection. Internally, there are a large number of factors that are unstable. It even includes the Time Dragon King and Space Dragon King that may have betrayed.

Therefore, he was at the most difficult moment of Dragon God's assessment. Once he failed, he might really be wiped out. After a long time of assessment and so many things that happened before, Lan Xuanyu has already felt that the Dragon God's assessment means that if he succeeds, he can become the Dragon God. But if it fails, Dragon God would rather let his inheritance completely disappear in the universe, rather than force the inheritance to cause disaster.

Therefore, what he faces is a real crisis.

At this moment, the oppression from the thirteen great kings from the outside world, for Lan Xuanyu, who is undergoing the Dragon God assessment, is the pressure from the universe in the assessment he is undergoing. At least in his perception.

If you want to pass the assessment, you have to struggle under such a strong pressure.

The continuous pressure exerted by the thirteen great kings caused the huge body of the Nine-Colored Dragon God to constantly twist in the air, and every twisting gave people a thrilling feeling. The energy contained in his body is really too huge.

Xiao Wu was also very nervous, but that was her grandson! The family was finally reunited, but the grandson had to face such a situation. This is something she never wants to see.

Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena were naturally more nervous than her. It is too difficult to become a dragon god. At this moment, Lan Xuanyu has shown the only dragon **** characteristic in the universe, which also means that the assessment is absolutely irreversible, either success or death!

If you die because of failure in the assessment of this kind of **** king level, even if there is a **** realm on the scene, there are so many powerful god-level experts, it is impossible to resurrect him. This is not allowed by the laws of the universe.

Success! Son, you must stick to it, you must be successful!

Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena were a little nervous at this time and didn't dare to watch it. They all knew that success or failure was in this single move, and huge changes could occur at any time. However, they couldn't help but watch, they all prayed for their son in their hearts. As long as they need to, they are willing to dedicate everything they have to support their son at any time.

"Nothing will happen, don't worry." Xiao Wu comforted them softly.

Tang Wulin turned his head to look at his mother. He was too nervous at this time and did not realize that his mother's hands were a bit colder than before.

Xiao Wu looked at her son gently, then at her daughter-in-law, and finally turned her gaze on the huge Jiucai Dragon God in the distance, silently wishing in her heart, "My last wish is to hope that my grandson will be safe. nothing."

A faint colored halo surrounded her body, and the smile on her face became more gentle. In his eyes, there was a clear brilliance, and he looked at the huge dragon **** in the distance.

The dragon god's body seemed to tremble slightly, and there was a strange brilliance in his scarlet eyes. It was a radiant light, and it seemed to contain a special kind of enlightenment.

Facing the pressure of the thirteen great kings, his body began to shrink gradually. Yes, it is shrinking. It's like an object after being oppressed, under tremendous pressure, it begins to shrink inward.

The 10,000-meter-long huge body was slowly compressed inward, but the breath on his body did not weaken. On the contrary, as the compression became more and more concentrated, the fluctuations in the body that were close to the laws of the universe became more intense.

The feeling of owning the law is not acceptable to every god. True **** slander can't work either. Only at the level of the **** king can you have the true laws of the universe. It's like an official of the universe, who is in charge of the universe. This is the true law of the universe.

Like Tang San, the sea god, his laws are related to the sea. No matter what plane or planet he is in, all the worlds related to the sea will be influenced by him and used by him. This is the law of Poseidon.


Our Douluo fifth "Rebirth Tang San" has released the introduction and the first chapter. You can check it out, collect and recommend it first. The book ends on May 20th and will officially start to update Dou 5.