MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 762 Successive challenges

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It is certainly not easy to interrupt the casting of such elite monsters.

Ordinary skills are estimated to be immune. In addition, Zhao Dingguo felt that when the powerful boxer put this skill, he was in a state similar to magic avoidance. Fortunately, Zhao Ding's state-of-the-art elemental trial and rapid cooling have two magic skills, both have the judgment of disregarding magic immunity.

When the Elemental Judgement was launched, the Powerbox Box was immediately silenced and hurt by the Judgement.

The two stone pillars, which had been broken into earth, suddenly stopped there because of the lack of magic. Afraid of not being insured, Zhao Dingguo immediately bombarded them with elemental missiles and completely destroyed the gray stone pillar. Now, Box is really helpless. Not long after, with the teammate Oxer's blood volume further reduced, the giant Power Box wanted to be summoned again, but was still successfully interrupted by Zhao Dingguo.

Obviously, even if the strength is partly liberated, the twilight-level elite monster still cannot match the powerful Hellfire elite recruited by Archimonde.

The success of two consecutive stops gave Zhao Dingguo great confidence.

Without the drag of this disgusting summoning unit, Zhao Dingguo's battle and output at this stage went much smoother. Although Oxer has a reflection ability after passive dodge, phantom impact, and echo stomp. But this powerful single deceleration skill was directly restrained in front of Zhao Dingguo's Lincoln Sphere. Even if the spell negation has not cooled down in some cases, Zhao Dingguo of Zhongzhao can rely on various methods such as pushing and pushing sticks, star restraint, ice wall, and ghost walk to relieve stress.

The many benefits of the invoker's skills were fully exerted by Zhao Dingguo at this moment.

If you switch to those other bloodlines in the late period of the war, you can use one or two of the skills to turn them over: facing three elite monsters, rushing to open a certain skill, and then make a left and right knife across the board ... The equipment is strong enough to be crushed, then this relatively monotonous attack mode is naturally no problem, and it will also give people a domineering and cheerful feeling. However, how many high-level dusk twilight, equipment can be strong enough to crush the three twilight-level elite monsters?

Although these three twilight elite strange names are not true, they belong to the bottom of the elite monsters of the same level, but they are far beyond the range that any twilight level can cope with.

Zhao Dingguo's own combat power has already overwhelmed many of the twilight powerhouses, but in the face of these three elite monsters, they must rely on a variety of skills to successfully maintain their offensive.

Unconsciously, another five minutes passed!

After receiving the prompt from the nameplate, Zhao Dingguo immediately raised his vigilance. Because every five minutes, the strength of the three elite monsters will be improved. And this time, when the light was dripping from the zenith again, the strength of Hoyen of Flame was also partially liberated.

There is a powerful power recovery Box, has already made him a headache. Fortunately, that summoning skill can be interrupted. As long as the reaction is fast enough and luck is acceptable, his strength can still be supported. But what new ability will this enhanced Fire Mage have?

Zhao Dingguo couldn't help but look at the Hoy Ian who was bathed in a fiery flame.

His fire damage reduction ability is indeed very strong, but the explosion of spells that cannot hold the fire is higher. If this guy really shows any super e skills, Zhao Dingguo will have to use supplies or even open the field in advance. For a doomed battle, it is obviously not a good sign to use your hole cards in advance.

Hoyen didn't let him wait long, and the new skills were launched instantly.

Just as Zhao Dingguo remained vigilant, a flame aperture suddenly appeared abnormally on the ground beneath his feet. Large pieces of fire elements are gathered here quickly. Once completed, this is the moment when the skills are fully launched.

It was at this time that Box became bigger again and dived into the air. Oxer, who was chased by him, also separated the phantom again, ready to echo and stomp. At the same time, Zhao Dingguo, who was faced by three elite elites, had to use the astral imprisonment again and sealed himself before the skills broke out. Thanks to his star restraint is lv2, and after strengthening the annotations, the cooling time is the same as the full-scale star restraint. Otherwise, he can't use this life-saving skill frequently.

For two seconds, Zhao Dingguo successfully avoided this round of outbreaks.

When he arrived in front of Zhao Dingguo, the Oxerian Phantom who was ready to echo stomped and stepped into the air again, and Box hit the floor again, and the previous flame aperture was also launched when he was about to break the seal. Meter-high pillar of flame. But to his surprise, he just rushed out of the burst of flames, and a new aperture quickly formed under his feet!

This skill seems to have no cooldown.

Hoyen didn't guide the magic at all, but rather used skills such as flame rays, skyfire, and burst flames. Zhao Dingguo, driven by the endless aperture under his feet, had to run around. After pondering for nearly half a minute, he determined the effect of Hoyen's new skill.

[Flame Tracking]

Position the target every 3 seconds and launch a light strike skill under your feet. After three consecutive rounds of bombardment, there will be a 5-second cool-down period, and then positioning will resume.

There is a 2 second delay from the time of positioning to the start of the skill. If hit by fire, you will receive 500 points of fire impact damage, 2 seconds of stun, and 80 points / second of burn damage for 10 seconds. Burn damage can be Overlay.

This is an extremely powerful skill!

Because once the flame aperture is formed, Zhao Dingguo must run immediately. Otherwise, if you do not leave the aperture range within 2 seconds, you will be bombarded by a light strike array. Although 500 points of damage are very common, the subsequent 80 points / second of damage is completely ignored by Zhao Dingguo. However, those 2 seconds of vertigo are terrible!

A skill with a period of only 3 seconds, being stunned for 2 seconds after being hit, and only 1 second of cooling!

If there is no instant displacement ability, once you hit it, it is equivalent to hitting three rounds. After the flame tracing enters a short cooldown of 5 seconds, there is a chance to escape. But in these three rounds, a total of nine seconds, how high can the three elite monsters that can be seen?

There is no doubt that this is an unintentional lore. Unless you are lucky and stunned in the last round of the three rounds, or if Zhao Dingguo opens a frost barrier, you will probably survive.

Basically, from the appearance of flame tracking, Zhao Dingguo never stopped running.

The terrible light strikes, creating a life-threatening aura of flames at his feet. Running a little slower, you will be stunned by a range of light strikes. Moreover, if it is only the pursuit of survival time. Zhao Dingguo also wanted to fight back one, so he had to take the time to fight back.

Think about it, while avoiding the flames of the feet used by the wolf howling, while avoiding all kinds of fire magic guided by Hoyen, you should also pay attention to the ability to interrupt the powerful Box, while paying attention to the illusion Oxer's movements, and the reasonable allocation of life-saving skills, basic attacks and the time of spell outbreaks ... There are too many things to consider, but the time left for Zhao Dingguo to react is only a moment.

Mistakes in handling a single link can lead to a series of tragedies. When it ’s good, you can use skills like star imprisonment and ghost walk to avoid it immediately; if you ca n’t do it well, you will be hit with half a blood, or you will have to fight against barriers. In this case, Zhao Dingguo can only rely on his rich experience, familiarity with the major skills, and respond with conditioned reflexes.

After all, his 4000+ health, and his very strong injury reduction, gave a little room for error.

If you change to a crispy mage with only 2,000 blood and a defense of 20 points, it is estimated that the situation will be ten times more difficult than him. Any mistake can lead to eventual failure.

Such a high-intensity battle is very energy-intensive. Moreover, the strong oppression of the three elite monsters made Zhao Dingguo unable to fully control the release rhythm of the skills, and they had to follow their beats. In this way, the consumption of magic is a big problem. Even if Zhao Dingguo keeps the element ignited, he has a 150% magic recovery speed bonus, and various specializations and master-level mastery to reduce mana cost, but his magic power is still declining at a steady rate.

On several occasions, Zhao Dingguo had to suspend the release of skills and use some relatively cheap props to speed up the return to the blue, in order to keep the magic power at a level enough to burst out after opening the field.

In such a difficult battle, Oxer's health dropped a little below 40%.

The time from the start of the war to the present is also closer to 15 minutes!

Despite some anxiety, Zhao Dingguo did not dare to let this negative emotion control him. He tried his best to keep himself calm and try to output as much as possible before the difficulty was re-upgraded ~ ~ But the passage of time will not be transferred by the will of the person. When the 15-minute reminder Appeared, when the golden light shed again, Zhao Dingguo did not unexpectedly see the strength liberation of Oxer!

This guy who has been targeted by himself is finally going to be awesome.

Under Zhao Dingguo's gaze, this monster, which was already quite hazy under the evasion ability, quickly became transparent and disappeared into the air.

The newly liberated ability is actually invisible!

how to say?

The stealth skills of such elite monsters are almost certain to have the ability to speed up and break a hidden attack. For many masters, the invisible enemy may be more difficult to deal with than the visible. But it is not necessarily a bad thing for Zhao Dingguo, and he still has the eyes of the queen. Immediately after paying the winning points to activate the True Vision ability, Zhao Dingguo quickly saw Oxer approaching at high speed in stealth.

The speed of its own movement is 450 points of Phantom Oxer. At this moment, the speed has been increased by at least 20%, and it has definitely entered the maximum speed in the ordinary sense!

(To be continued) q