MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 695 Kalimdor Wilderness

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---------------------- There is a glass water tank with fresh water two meters long, one meter high and one meter near the wall behind the stove. (M) Because no one has cleaned up for a long time, the fresh water in the water tank has gradually dried up, leaving tan rust spots on the glass, and the fresh water inside is only about an inch of God. I do n’t know if this water was left before or was broken. Rain from the window. There are still many worms in that dirty water ...

A one-meter-high table and three broken chairs are placed in the middle of the house. A white light bulb with a lampshade is hung on the table, about half a meter away from the desktop. The wires for the light bulb are from the roof stone. Hanging down the seam.

Guo Zhuocheng and others quickly glanced at the house, then looked at Romoso in doubt.

Although Guo Zhuocheng and Sun Xingguo are smart people, setting up institutions to frame the enemy is also a necessary training subject for their special forces, and they must also be good at seeing through other people's institutions, but neither of them found any clues here. Halep and Ouyang Ping kept looking around to find the location of the cave entrance organ.

Only Doctor Sean wasn't so curious. He looked in disgust at the little fresh water in the glass box, and moved his mouth a few times without speaking.

Romso walked calmly to the table, raised his hand and grasped the electric wire of the hanging lamp, and pulled it hard—

The sigh of relief came to a sigh of relief, and they glanced at the place where the electric wires were in contact with the ceiling, and then inadvertently searched for the place where the opening appeared, but unfortunately saw nothing.

When the chandelier was approaching the table, Romso extended his hand and stopped pulling down.

Guo Zhuocheng's eyes stared again at the place where the electric wire of the chandelier touched the roof. Sun Xingguo listened carefully, his ears moved unknownly, and then his eyes fell on Guo Zhuocheng.

Romosaw smiled at Guo Zhuocheng, and asked everyone, "Do you know the hole?"

Guo Zhuocheng smiled and said, "Yes, very clever. Even if one is found, the other organization can ensure that the hole is not found."

Romso stunned in surprise and said, "You know?"

Guo Zhuocheng turned to Sun Xing State Road: "You open it."

Sun Xingguo set aside the exploration equipment and guns on his shoulders. Walked confidently to the bulky stove, grabbed the left handle near his body and dragged it in the middle of the house. In the eyes of everyone's surprise, the cumbersome stove really moved.

As the rusty stove moved away, a round wooden board appeared immediately on the ground, although its color was similar to the ground, very close. (m) But everyone knows that this is the hole.

Guo Zhuocheng said to the stunned Romoso: "The lamp you just pulled just unlocked the stove. Let this seemingly bulky stove move, right?" Guo Zhuocheng walked over and bent down , Knocked on the wooden board with his hand. The board made a few dull sounds.

Sun Xingguo and Guo Zhuocheng, who have been listening to God, made a few gestures that others could not understand, indicating that there was a hollow under the board, and the echo was not close.

Guo Zhuocheng looked again, and found the small hole in the thumb of the board, inserted his forefinger in and tried it, and saw that the board was loose. I used my hand for a moment, and a cool wind blew out of it immediately.

Although the wind blowing out of the cave was soft but very cold, Halep and others who were not prepared for it were taken aback by a few steps.

After the wooden board was lifted, Guo Zhuocheng and Sun Xingguo saw the steep stone staircase inside by the light from the hole, but it was dark inside. Can't see how many levels.

Neither Guo Zhuocheng nor Sun Xingguo was in a hurry, but looked at Romemus with a look of surprise.

Seeing everyone watching him, Romoso shook his head, took the flashlight out of his trouser pocket, and went on first after turning it on.

Guo Zhuocheng pushed the bulky stove next to him a bit further, took care of the heavy backpack on his back, and pulled out the flashlight from the small bag around his waist. Following it, it seemed that I accidentally touched the holster around the waist.

Followed by Sun Xingguo, then Halep, Ouyang Ping, and finally Doctor Shawn. The guy looked at it novelly. Obviously followed the hole with a little fear.

Everyone did not expect that the opening was on the second floor, and the tunnel was dug out by a protruding stone outside the house. If it had not been personally experienced, no one would have thought that the raised stone turned out to be hollow.

Although the stairs are steep, there are smooth escalators next to it, and it is not difficult to go down. And after walking for more than ten steps, the space became large at once, and the feet became undulating stones. Guo Zhuocheng didn't need to look to know that they had entered the real cave.

Several people's flashlights were on, and the strong light illuminated the cave. The cave is surrounded by solid, rough and white granite stones, and the stones beneath it have been smoothed and blackened by someone stepping on them.

Romoso stepped down and said continuously, "Look down! ... Be careful !! Follow me, don't go to both sides, both sides are dangerous! ..."

Several people flashed on the surrounding stone wall or underground with a flashlight, and they found many reflective spikes: this is an institution and trap to deal with people who rush into the cave.

The top wall of the cave is high and low. When it is low, people can only bend forward, but when they are high, they need to use a flashlight to see the top. The size of the cave is also irregular. The narrow place only allows two people to pass, and the wide place is estimated to have three trucks running in parallel. The only thing that stayed the same was that the air inside was always cool, which made a few of them feel comfortable and safe without worrying about carbon dioxide poisoning.

The air quality meter on Doctor Sean's body has never been alerted. He said, "I can't think of the fresh air inside. Is there a huge ventilation fan in it?"

No one answered why he was this way, but they all knew that it was impossible to have a ventilator inside.

Ouyang Ping looked at the wide cave and muttered in a low voice: "I don't think there is such a large cave in this mountain. Such a solid stone, the enemy may not be able to harm the people hiding here with a nuclear bomb."

A soldier is a soldier in the end, always thinking of war or war.

Romozo, who suddenly led the way, said, "There is a steep **** in front of two people. Who of you goes empty-handed before pulling the others?"

Guo Zhuocheng heard the flashlight heading forward, and it turned out that a steep **** like a wall blocked the way out. The steep **** was about three meters high, and there was only a gap about one meter wide between the steep **** and the top of the cave.

Guo Zhuocheng thought: This is really a dangerous place where one man must go. Just a machine gun can seal the way in. He asked, "Is there a spike on it?"

Romso shook his head and said, "Only there is nothing in the middle." Obviously there are on both sides.

Sun Xingguo was about to go up, but Guo Zhuocheng made a gesture and told him to stay in place and pay attention to vigilance with his extraordinary hearing.

When Sun Xingguo agreed, Guo Zhuocheng inserted the flashlight into his belt, walked calmly to the steep slope, and raised his hands to the top of the slope. A person leaning on the steep **** and groping for a moment felt a cold object, grabbed it and then applied a little force, and his body quickly rose.

Halepus even flashed a flashlight to the position where Guo Zhuocheng grabbed his hands, looking at the area covered by a black object, and puzzled, "What have you caught?"

Guo Zhuocheng did not answer.

Romoso admired and explained, "It's an iron ring, it's for people to use it to climb up. There is one more here .... If I don't know you are here for the first time, I really doubt it You are the old pirate here. "

Halep couldn't help but ask, "Guo, how can you conclude that the other party has a hoop, it is covered with something."

Guo Zhuocheng said lightly: "Because pirates are not angels, they can't jump so high and can't fly. This stone wall is so steep, there is nothing to grasp, and it is not easy to take a ladder. How can they go up?"

During the talk, he had already taken up with a backpack.

Take out the flashlight and shoot inward, and find that there are two machine gun bunkers! There were also two rusty machine guns in the bunker, which looked as if they were Japanese machine guns during World War II.

After confirming that there was no danger, other people came to the ground one by one, and the equipment used for exploration was also brought up. The next step is the downward **** of the stone road. Although it is not smooth, it is much better than before. It was just that the tunnel was crooked. Several corners kept the appearance of a bunker, but no more guns were seen.

Haleps asked Romoso, "You have done so many fortifications here. Has anyone attacked?" As the heir to the island, there are obviously many things unknown.

Romoso shook his head and said, "No. The Japanese have landed on this island before, and although many of us have been killed, we haven't found a hole ...., here! It's just past this big rock."

Followed Romoso to turn a stone, and found that the front was really dark and faint, and there was a common fishy smell in the air. However, the flashlight is shining towards the front, but nothing can be seen except for drawing a beam of light in the dark ~ ~ The top of the head is higher and higher, and finally it is invisible. It is impossible to estimate the height of the cave at the foot. The further forward, the lower the ground. The flashlight moved forward until it was not clear that it was still on the stone ground.

Halep asked quickly: "What about the sea?"

Romoso replied: "The ground is flat below. You can see the water if you go down and go a little further."

Doctor Sean was stunned by the huge space in the cave. He turned on a powerful flashlight and shot everywhere. Except for the side, he couldn't find the boundary in front. He opened his mouth and couldn't help but asked: "Romoso, this How big is the hole? "

Romso proudly said, "Very big! It takes almost three hours to walk around."

Although Guo Zhuocheng, Sun Xingguo, and Halepsi were all prepared, such a large cave really shocked them. Everyone accelerated their pace and walked down quickly. It didn't take long for a huge body of water to appear in front of everyone.

(Thanks to zswdbb for the reward, zhan4160 monthly pass, and thank you for your subscription support) ______________________