MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 694 Bingyan Lobbyist

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Bingyan came in contact with only two twilight masters.

One of them, Qin Xiaozhen, had known him for a long time. Before fighting for Roshan on the theme, this guy had tried to scare the Illuminati masters under the pretext of Bingyan. As a result, President Manlou was not fooled, and Qin Xiaozhen hit his own face.

Another Twilight Zhao Dingguo did not know, but listening to Qin Xiaozhen's tone, it seemed that he was one of the vice presidents of Bingyan.

Most of the Illuminati masters were vigilant against the two twilight's active roadblocks. However, the Big Three seemed to have anticipated this scene without any surprise. After several twilight masters touted each other for a few words, the convoys of the two sides merged and stopped temporarily at a hotel near the airport.

"Let's come together ~"

Seeing that the giants on both sides were about to walk into the VIP room upstairs, the chairman waved at Zhao Dingguo and motioned for him to follow.

There were only seven people participating in this small-scale contact after the night of the gods. In addition to the five twilight masters on both sides, only Zhao Dingguo and another director. Obviously, the Big Three of the Illuminati are optimistic about Zhao Dingguo's impact on twilight, and they have planned to gradually train him to the core decision-making level.

"Chairman Manlou, I don't have much time, so I'll open my door."

After Qin Xiaozhen was seated, he did not make any nonsense and directly stated the purpose of Bingyan's trip: "Our Bingyan organization hopes to join forces with the Illuminati to veto the glory and the throne promoted by the throne next week. alliance."

it is as expected!

Regarding Bingyan's intentions, Zhao Dingguo had already guessed some in his heart, but did not expect them to be so direct. He thought that the two twilight would be in the clouds and fog, and it would only be mentioned after several temptations.

"Against the major leagues? Why?"

President Manlou's face showed just the right surprise, as if he hadn't expected Bingyan to come at all: "I heard that the three major organizations have not always made progress together? Why?"

Pretend, you pretend to pretend!

Qin Xiaozhen was swearing in his heart, but he didn't see anything unusual on his face. Instead, he said truthfully: "We also want to be consistent with Huiyao and the throne. But it is about the vital interests of hundreds of supernatural organizations in China. He Anwei is in danger. In the face of such a big right and wrong, we will not put aside the position we have always held for the sake of face and personal affection. "

This acting skill is so good!

Man Lou also uttered a word in his heart, and his look remained unchanged. Just with doubts: "Promote the establishment of the Super God Alliance. It is a good thing to fight the Burning Legion together? How did it become a matter of safety and security for hundreds of Super God organizations?"

Qin Xiaozhen shook his lips and asked, "Is President Man Lou really ignorant?"

"That's weird." Manlou looked surprised: "Is there really any conspiracy behind this Super God Alliance? I don't think there is a problem?"

"Cut ~"

Qin Xiaozhen knew that the abominable guy in front of him was determined to be confused. I can only open the skylight and say, "Well, the Fai Yao organization and the Throne Organization, by promoting the establishment of the Grand Alliance, actually want to hold all organizations in their own hands. Once the alliance is established, they can arbitrarily move the power Any organization fights for itself. It's been a long time. Once the name is set, everyone is not vigilant, it is the time for them to carry out the annexation! "

"how come?"

Manlou shook his head and said very seriously, "The organization of Yao Yao is not what you think, and every twilight master and the chairman of the participating organizations have the right to vote. Even if Yao Yao really wants to do something that harms others. There is no way to pass it, anything else, just one vote in Bingyan Organization is enough to veto the decision of the top three! "

Kevin also agreed very sincerely: "Yes. If the throne and the radiant organization really have the heart as you said, it should be determined that as long as the highest three groups have two votes in favor, the resolution will pass. In this way, they It is true that the two organizations can control the alliance. However, the current situation is that any of the three votes can be rejected, which proves that the two organizations are not as rampant as you say. "

Seeing one side of the president winked at himself, Zhao Dingguo would immediately agree. "The chairman is right, I think it must be that you have misunderstood Huiyao and the Throne Organization. This conclusion can only be reached. This big alliance, I think it is fair, is not for dictatorship at all ~"


The attitude of the two presidents and Zhao Dingguo gave Qin Xiaozhen a sense of shame. He is really a little bit confused now. Is the Illuminati completely down to Fai Yao, so confused, or really can't see what is playing on the throne and the throne?

If the latter, it doesn't look like it!

Despite the mystery, Qin Xiaozhen said, "It looks right, but this is where the throne and the glorious brilliance are. Because they have a jury under the highest trio. And, The right of the council to overturn the decision of the trio. This seems to guarantee that each organization has a right to vote, but in fact it is tantamount to playing around with the rules and actually controlling the entire alliance in its own hands, even our eyes. Left aside! "

Manlou looked startled ...

Qin Xiaozhen simply ignored it and said straight down: "Of course we can deny the proposal of the throne and Huiyao, but they can immediately launch a general vote in the council. The influence of the two super-organizations, in More than half of the votes in the council were easy, and then we rejected the Bingyan veto. Repeated this several times, and let our Bingyan prestige sweep the floor, no one of them can check and balance. "

"Oh, that's it?"

Manlou touched his chin, and suddenly smiled, and asked, "Okay, I see. But even if Hui Yao and the throne can control the major leagues, it is impossible to openly merge all the organizations into one. So, They still need the help of powerful super-gods like the Illuminati. In this case, we are as good as them to take them. But if they are against it, apart from simply offending the two super-organizations, isn't it good? "

Here comes the key thing!

Seeing the attitude of Man Lou, Qin Xiaozhen was finally relieved. He felt that these words should be said as the president of the Illuminati. Since the Illuminati has not yet been decided, just asking about benefits, there are more things that Bingyan can talk about: "In this case, we also thought of Bingyan. In fact, after all-night discussions, we prepared a plan to play Taking a salary with one hand, let the throne and Huiyao hit their own feet, and it will definitely not make it difficult for you! "

Man Lou thought for a while and nodded, "I would like to hear the details."

Zhao Dingguo leaned forward with curiosity, trying to hear what he could say.

"It's very simple, directly blocking the establishment of the alliance, it seems a bit unrealistic now, and you will be under great pressure. In this case, we will start from the alliance's dominance. From the current stage, the twilight master is finally It is a minority, and the masters at dusk are the main force. In this case, the next time the night of the gods is held, we propose that the masters at dusk also have a vote! "

Now that the throne and Huiyao have spoken out about the need for democracy, let the twilight masters, who are still mainstream at this stage, also have one vote, not too much?


Man Lou nodded, seeming to move.

Zhao Dingguo was not stupid, and he understood the meaning of Bingyan in the blink of an eye. In the previous voting, the chairman of each organization and the twilight master each had one vote. According to this calculation, the throne of light organization can give out twelve or three votes. If the Yaoyao organization, the twilight masters are all 23. The two major organizations joined forces and counted some other good twilight masters, which is tantamount to pulling most of the twilight tickets.

It is estimated that the votes of the presidents of other organizations will be halved by the two super organizations.

In this case, the glory and the throne would be invincible.

However, Bingyan's proposal immediately reversed the situation. In the domestic circle, the number of Twilight Masters is probably dozens of times that of Twilight. If every twilight master has a vote, then the biggest advantage of Glory will immediately become the biggest disadvantage, because they only have twilight and no dusk ...

Moreover, since the second-class organization's speaking power will be relatively increased, as long as Bingyan speaks, this issue is likely to pass!

By that time, Bingyan will not fight the two major organizations with one's own strength, but will be equivalent to single the throne and add more than twenty votes. Although the actual combat effectiveness is not the case at all, Bingyan has enough room to maneuver on the resolution of the alliance. Even if the operation is good, the proposal of the throne and Huiyao is likely to make a wedding dress for Bingyan.

"This approach is indeed feasible!" Manlou stated: "But ~ ~ We still have no interest!"

Qin Xiaozhen shook his head and said, "Why isn't it? All the time, when talking about the three major organizations, any super-god user would think of the glory and the throne, wouldn't you want to join the ranks of super organizations in the Illuminati? We acknowledge that The Yao organization has a Yongye master sitting, which is not easy to deal with. However, it does not mean that we cannot start with the throne. As long as we have the power of the alliance, slowly, with the help of the Burning Legion, are you afraid that you will not defeat the throne? If you fall down, just pull a little bit, it will be enough for you to brighten up! "

It was a little hesitant to see Manlou, and Qin Xiaozhen's tone was a little more tempting, saying, "Think about it, president! On the one hand, you're eating leftovers with the throne and Huiyao, and there is the danger of being annexed. Let's join hands and pull the throne off the horse. Then with our support, you will be transformed into a bright, one of the three super organizations! At that time, the Super God Alliance has power in hand, and the entire domestic circle is not yet thinking about how to play How to play?"

Such words seemed to deeply impress Manlou. However, he still didn't express his stand, just said, "I need to think about it."

Qin Xiaozhen smiled and did not urge any more, but he knew in his heart that he had succeeded!