MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 664 Playing hide and seek with bone dragon

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There is a dead silence near the heroic cemetery, and it seems that the base camp nearby is two worlds.

However, no one looks from the outside, which does not mean that you can come and go freely here. Zhao Dingguo learned from the limited intelligence that the defense of the heroic cemetery was actually very powerful. After all, buried here are the heroes and masters of the past, the current strong plotters will not let their bodies be profaned.

As soon as it was released, as early as two kilometers away, there were heavily armed soldiers guarding it.

现在 But now, affected by the Scourge's counterattack, this outermost defense force has been transferred away, leaving only a small group of ghoul soldiers standing here symbolically. If necessary, Zhao Dingguo can approach by stealth, and then use supersonic sound waves and chaotic meteorite to solve them in an instant, so that these soldiers can not even send a warning. However, obviously there is no need to kill the killer.

Zhao Dingguo used only a tricky mist to fool them lightly.

After shaking the perimeter defense line of the cemetery, Zhao Dingguo carefully proceeded towards the cemetery covered by the mist under the true vision of the Queen's Eye.

Why open the eyes of the Queen?

定 The first level that Zhao Dingguo needs to face is not the strong men who guard the cemetery, but the magic guards and detection arrays surrounded by the fog surrounding the cemetery. If you accidentally touch them, the Aboriginal soldiers guarding here will quickly come without waiting to enter the cemetery.

Although it is empty here now, Zhao Dingguo still does not care.

The rotten gray mist with a rotten smell, while affecting Zhao Dingguo, also provided a kind of protection in disguise. Under the dual protection of mist and tricky fog, Zhao Dingguo crept deeper. Along the way, under the clear blue true vision effect of the Queen's Eye, the magic guards and detection magic arrays on the edge of the cemetery are clearly visible. Several foggy bó high places, the presence of reconnaissance guards can be seen faintly.

Such a line of defense as Luguang is enough to block out 70% of SuperGod users.

Here, Zhao Dingguo found a hidden and safe place, and set the coordinates of the teleport props. Once this coordinate is set, it cannot be changed or cancelled. If Zhao Dingguo encounters any accidents, he will directly pass here. If you return safely, then this item can actually be discarded because it is obsolete ...

After setting up, Zhao Dingguo nodded with satisfaction, and then proceeded.

人 In the fog, people are easily disoriented. Zhao Dingguo did not dare to guarantee that he had been moving forward, he could only try to grasp the direction. Fortunately, this layer of gray mist was not wide. After he walked for about two minutes, the visibility increased rapidly. Especially after turning over the neat fence of white bone texture, Zhao Dingguo knew that he had successfully entered the cemetery.

虽然 Although the grey mist still lingers in the air, it is much lighter than outside the fence. If you look away, you can already see the scene a hundred meters away.

"Is this the Graveyard of Heroes of the Scourge?"

定 Zhao Dingguo officially set foot on this black barren land, which was deeply affected by the throne's power, and then looked at this extremely large cemetery.

Because of the protection of the magic circle and the cover of the spirit of the undead, the sky of the cemetery is always hazy, and there is no sunlight for thousands of years. The air is full of death and decay, and time seems to stagnate here, and the four seasons are unchanged. Any life affected by the dissipating power of those dead heroes cannot survive here. The only architectural trace that can be seen in [Shang Hang S House] is the grave of the white bone hero that appears every 50 meters.

魔法 The front of each buried land is engraved with the magic of the identity and past glory of the heroes who have fallen asleep there.

However, before Zhao Dingguo took a few steps in, his perception suddenly became strange. After only two or three seconds, a strong coercion came from the distant sky, and a slightly harsh sound of bone friction. Zhao Dingguo was shocked, and immediately realized what he had encountered.

骨 The bone dragon patrolling the cemetery from time to time!

For the non-hero units of the Scourge, Bone Dragon is definitely one of the most powerful units. Their body length is ten meters, and the wings formed by the hard bones are also more than ten meters long after being unfolded. In addition to the good attack and defense, the powerful maneuverability and the breath of undead breath that can continuously corrode the armor all give headaches to super users facing it.

Even if Zhao Dingguo casts his monsters at this high-level template at dusk, he can only defeat one monster at a time.

If there is a slight change, the bone dragon being patrolled finds something different and attracts more companions, then Zhao Dingguo will have nothing to do with it.

Therefore, at the same time that he noticed the anomaly, Zhao Dingguo immediately went into deep stealth, and also replaced the ancient country **** wood ring-this piece of equipment that is rarely used usually, the biggest role is to cover up the human breath, very good against undead monsters use. Even the divine prophets had to resort to the ancient kingdom tree ring when entering the secret place of Karlovinch. Zhao Dingguo's invisibility was not bad at all, and there was a magic tree ring bonus. Naturally, he did not worry about being discovered.

The performance of the Sacral Dragon also proves this.

This oppressive evil creature, although vaguely feeling something abnormal, circled several times over Zhao Dingguo's stealth, and withered wings slammed into the air, but found nothing and turned away in the direction of the U-turn.

Yuan Ding watched this behemoth leave, Zhao Dingguo was finally relieved.

It is one thing for you to have confidence in yourself, but another thing when you are there. Seeing this boney silly big man hovering several times in the sky dozens of meters high, Zhao Dingguo didn't even dare to breathe at the time, for fear of stuffing leaking there. However, now he can relax temporarily.

There are not many bone dragons in the heroic cemetery. Even if they are not adjusted, there are certain intervals during the air tour. Although Zhao Dingguo didn't know the exact time, but inferred from the uncertain information, it was probably at least five minutes.

For Zhao Dingguo, this is the most precious time.

I was worried that the bone dragon would return at any time. Zhao Dingguo didn't even touch the ghost walk, so he walked in the cemetery. Soon, he stood in front of the first hero's grave since entering the cemetery.

Harmony Face Tomb of the Dark Fearer!

The so-called harmonious face is the void mask. This powerful hero who masters the power of time is a strong contender in the first and late stages of the Scourge. The void in which the six gods pretend to be in the hand is definitely to see God kill God. However, such a powerful hero cannot resist the passage of time after death.

强大 The powerful forces of that year were long gone in this grave. Even if Zhao Dingguo survived with the magical array passed down by Karl, he only saw a faint, flash of time energy debris.

I can't do it ~

定 Zhao Dingguo frowned. The hero had been dead for too long, and the magic in the corpse that could be refined into the energy of the saint had long gone. He took a closer look under the tombstone, and found that the void mask had died during the Scourge Alliance period, and suddenly suddenly. The Scourge Alliance, when the Scourge Army was first established, has been unknown for many years ...

Next, Zhao Dingguo looked at several more graves and found that at least they were more than a thousand years ago.

定 Zhao Dingguo suddenly realized that it was not a random place to bury in the heroes' cemetery. It seems that the movies he came in are very old heroes, and none of them were after the war of the mage. In this case, Zhao Dingguo can only venture to the depths of the cemetery.

At this time, a hundred-meter-high sky appeared again.

In front of these tyrannical creatures, Zhao Dingguo dare not care. It's better to delay some time and wait for them to fly before continuing. After all, Zhao Dingguo didn't worry much about time. Although the Scourge's counterattack will not last long, it will never be able to retreat in just a few hours. With the strength and determination of the Presbyterian mobilization team this time, it is likely that they will spend a day in the Outland with the Burning Burning Legion, not even advancing with the trend, and pushing their advancing bases together on the floating island!

So, Zhao Dingguo can take it slowly.

After crossing hundreds of heroic graves all the way, Zhao Dingguo seized hegemony from the first great legion war between the natural disaster and the guards, came to the battle of the mage later, to the lost chant, and then to the rise of the third group, as if Sting in the long river of history. It was not until the end that Zhao Dingguo saw the heroes who had died in recent centuries. From its special energy and breath lingering near the burial ground of the Sailing House S, Zhao Dingguo easily determined their identity and bloodline.

Here it is!

定 Zhao Dingguo randomly selected a demon wizard's grave, and then began to set up a magic array here, drawing his energy to charge the mottled sword.

Is different from the chaotic energy possessed by the elite monsters of the Burning Legion Legion ~ ~ The heroes here have the purest energy and will not cause any mutation of the Holy Relic. Moreover, such a large cemetery! Earlier, I had to kill so many monsters in the mysterious area of ​​Calovinch before I could find several heroes buried. There are no dangers except for the timed bone dragon patrol here. Zhao Dingguo can take it freely.

This convenient way, compared to those desperately working for the two major legions, I do not know how much it will cost to get the saint's relics, it is going to make Zhao Dingguo refreshing!

Under the operation of the magic circle, the energy of the hero's corpse is extracted and transformed steadily and quickly.

However, Zhao Dingguo quickly discovered a new problem. This demon wizard Lane hasn't died long, and the energy that hasn't dissipated on his body is too great. For a short while, this small-scale magic formation could not be drawn at all. If it is outside, Zhao Dingguo need not worry, just wait a few minutes. But at the moment, the bone dragon may pass over his head at any time. Once found, it is okay to escape successfully. In case he didn't pay attention to revealing his identity, Zhao Dingguo knew very well that the tragedy of being blacklisted by N natural disaster heroes came to an end.

The cheekbones must come later ~

Zhao Dingguo looked at the magic array runes that were uncertain, and prayed with some worry (to be continued) Sometimes the nerves are springing and melancholy @ 小 S 屋 provide with @ 矜持 的 大 蕾】 If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.