MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 663 Waiting is the timing

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I realized that the opportunity was once in a lifetime, Zhao Dingguo immediately used the relationship of the Illuminati and found Yan Yuelan.

"Is this ... really feasible? Isn't it dangerous?"

After listening to Zhao Dingguo's brief introduction, Yan Yuelan immediately tempted. If it really works, wouldn't their team be able to get a handful of saint relics right away? By that time, his own glory is also in sight. However, the danger of the natural disaster base camp also made her worry for Zhao Dingguo.

"Relax, there will be no problems."

Zhao Dingguo is already using the forces of the Illuminati to gather information over the Frozen Throne. On the other hand, some of the forces of the Independent Far East Gang during the natural disaster also operated at his request. When Zhao Dingguo sneaked into the natural disaster, Yakov would send his confidants to respond.

Yuguang's interpersonal preparations are not enough, props are also necessary.

Xiao Dingguo's small props were previously sold by Zhao Dingguo. He took 2500 win points from it, and bought a one-time fixed-point teleporting prop. As long as it is arranged in advance, even if there is any crisis in the heroic cemetery, Zhao Dingguo can calmly leave.

Instant teleport props have always been the most sought after by top experts.

Generally speaking, if you do n’t have four or five thousand winning points on hand, you do n’t need to think about it. The reason why Zhao Dingguo can get it at such a cheap price is because the item he bought is special. For other instant reel movements, you just need to tear it directly. If you do n’t use it, it will stay in the nameplate space for as long as you like. But Zhao Dingguo's this is different, you must set it before you want to use it. Once set, even if Zhao Dingguo is useless in the end, this item cannot be recovered.

In other words, don't care if you are in danger, these 2500 win points are all used up.

So, unless you have a hunch that you will definitely encounter a huge risk, ordinary Super God users will not choose this kind of props.

Although Zhao Dingguo has confidence in himself, the defense of the heroic cemetery is not only maintained by the strong plot and ordinary soldiers, but also by powerful undead creatures such as bone dragons flying back and forth to patrol. The plot of the saint was his relic, so he didn't mind spending 2500 win points to buy insurance for himself.

After learning about Zhao Dingguo's temporary but adequate preparations, Yan Yuelan was relieved.

After getting the mottled sword edge from her, Zhao Dingguo kept going and returned to the teleportation camp of the World Tree Base Camp. Here, the main group of the Illuminati headquarters sent the information that Zhao Dingguo wanted. After confirming the two-phase picture obtained there, Zhao Dingguo no longer hesitated. He set foot on the teleportation line and went to Qingxue City on the front line. From here, he will follow the road he had previously traveled, ride a flying mount, leap over the Stanas River, and rush to the Scourge!

Zhao Dingguo only knew that the Scourge would launch a counter-offensive, but it was not clear exactly when that timetable was in the hands of the Presbyterian Church of the Scourge.

In order to ensure that he does not miss the best opportunity, he can only accelerate desperately along the way.

As he has been to and fro several times from natural disasters, Zhao Dingguo is also familiar with light traffic. On the other hand, through the transfer of the real world, after receiving his request, the Independent Far East Gang quickly sent a competent officer to respond. On the one hand, someone has leaked information before, and on the other hand, Zhao Dingguo's identity is now different. As a director of the Illuminati, and with perfect bloodlines, Yakov naturally glanced up.

The standing executive is the core decision-maker with the fourth spot.

As soon as Zhao Dingguo flew over the Stanas River and arrived at the border town, the director of the Independent Far East Gang who had taken over him was already waiting at the scheduled place. With his help, Zhao Dingguo sneaked into the throne base camp all the way, and temporarily stopped at the independent Far East base.

Twenty-five junior members of the Far East Independent Gang were ordered to arrive and temporarily accept Zhao Dingguo's assignment.

Now the base camp of the Frozen Throne is in chaos, and the battle with the Burning Legion 100 kilometers away is in full swing. It was just that the counterattack had not been launched, and Zhao Dingguo was not good enough to go out rashly, for fear of premature exposure, or something unusual to be seen by people with care. Therefore, he needed these people to help errands. After thanking him, Zhao Dingguo began to give these members face-to-face opportunities and let them inquire about the information they wanted one by one.

Of course, Zhao Dingguo will not tell them their own purpose clearly, so the goals given to the five people are different.

Among them, there are special teleportation formations that probe the base camp's military headquarters; there are inquiries about the frontal battle with the Burning Legion; there are dynamics near the heroic cemetery; and there are fake targets that are purely used to mislead others. Even if there are really enemies of the Far East Independent Gang or others who are focusing on themselves, it is difficult to infer the true goal of Zhao Dingguo from the information collected by these people.

非常 At this very moment, things involve the special process of obtaining the relics of the saints. It is always good to be careful.

The newly-appointed permanent member of the Far East Gang is called Anthony. It is a very common name, but the strength is not weak. He has reached the top of the flawless wandering swordsman pedigree, and the strength of the senior twilight stage has won the trust of Yakov. Otherwise, they will not be forced to sit in this position at dusk. In a sense, Anthony is also a visionary and capable person. However, at the moment, he can't guess exactly what Zhao Dingguo wants to do.

I was puzzled and confused, but the task of receiving Zhao Dingguo was designated by Yakov personally. Even though Anthony was curious, he could only continue to command the base camp to chase around according to Zhao Dingguo's requirements.

After six hours in a row, his men ran back and forth three times.

Each time the information is different, but Zhao Dingguo seems to be sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, and does nothing. Anthony originally thought that Zhao Dingguo wanted to make a fortune in the war with the Burning Legion, but the battle was now in full swing and he never saw him intervene. Could it be said that this man is still waiting?

Anthony, although a supernatural user of the Scourge Legion, and is still on his own site, he does not necessarily know more than Zhao Dingguo. At the very least, Zhao Dingguo knew that the Scourge had deliberately indulged the Burning Legion and was preparing to use the passage to counterattack. Anthony knew nothing.

I don't know this, he naturally didn't know what Zhao Dingguo was waiting for.

Zhao Dingguo would not take the initiative to reveal the secret. He looked at the rising Russian gangsters by his own hands, but his face remained calm. After sending people out again, Zhao Dingguo leisurely drank the gas-filled Gowas while coming to the balcony on the top floor of the stronghold, and looked down from here.

Crossing the fence, fifty meters away is the street of the Frozen Throne. Nuisance

Although this area has been regarded as a relatively peripheral area of ​​the throne, in comparison, it is still prosperous. Although the greatest city of natural disasters has gathered a large number of undead and orcs, and various other strange races, it still looks very lively. However, today the streets are particularly chaotic due to the invasion of the Burning Legion. In particular, some super-god organizations coming from outside the base camp rushed through from time to time, leaving only a hustle and bustle.

Maybe it has already been affected by the counterattack of the assembled forces, and the contraction defense on the street has seen initial results. Except on the main roads, the patrol squads seen everywhere in the past seemed to disappear quietly.

At this point, 99 Scourge SuperGod users have not realized it yet. Or they found it, but it wasn't clear why, only if it was an accident.

In this confusion, Zhao Dingguo received news from Anthony's men once again.

The special large-scale teleportation base of the base camp has been completely martialized, and no one is allowed to approach. However, from a distance, you can still see a steady stream of legionnaire soldiers coming out from the inside to gather, and then they are orderly and out of the city. In addition, there have been more than ten story heroes outside the Presbyterian Church, and this number is still increasing. Almost all the troops stationed outside the heroic cemetery throughout the year have been transferred, leaving only a few symbolic patrol teams ...

Of course, the most critical thing is the front battlefield.

Twenty minutes ago, the Scourge's front against the Burning Burning Corps suddenly changed from defensive to offensive. The strong man who drove past the plot fully participated in the battle with the help of a large number of elite guards, and the original balance of power was instantly inclined towards the Scourge.

After seeing this news, Zhao Dingguo knew that the time he was waiting was coming.

After waiting patiently for another quarter of an hour, when he learned that the storytellers before the elders' party also set off together, Zhao Dingguo waved to Anthony and left alone.

"Cut ~"

Anthony didn't say anything at all ~ ~ I was a little disapproved. However, he still carried out Yakov's order firmly, and his opponent urged: "What you did just now is not allowed to say a word, did you hear it? If there is any news leak, President Yakov will be very Not happy. Someone is going to be unlucky, so take care of your mouth! "

Yakov's prestige is still very useful, and several low-level members suddenly turned pale.

However, honestly, Zhao Dingguo didn't particularly care about leaking news. Because of the current large-scale counterattack of the Scourge, the scale and intensity are beyond imagination, and the story heroes that were rare in the past have also gathered in large numbers, and must have attracted the attention of almost all super-god organizations. In order to borrow the power of the samurai class, the Presbyterian Church also specifically issued a large number of tasks to these super **** organizations. At this time, no organization still has the time to pay attention to a master's dusk master.

What's more, Zhao Dingguo's deceptive behavior was not done in vain. Who would have thought that his purpose was a hero cemetery?

After I revisited the process in my heart, Zhao Dingguo wore a black magic cloak, as if an aboriginal man had made a half circle in the Frozen Throne Base Camp. After confirming that there was no abnormality, he quickly slipped into a remote corner of the throne north area. For a long time, large areas here have been covered by gray fog, and there are a lot of guards outside. As everyone knows that it is the Heroes Cemetery, almost no one will come here.

Over the years, this place, together with the nearby Qibali land, has become a deserted forbidden area without much concern. (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. )