MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 65 Take step 1

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Dawning tavern-level nameplate!

With more than 600 initial **** points, Zhao Dingguo experienced four regular season games, finally broke through eight hundred points, and officially entered the Dawn-level Super God user circle! For Zhao Dingguo, this is undoubtedly the first step on the road to becoming stronger!

I was excited for a while, then he calmed down from the news.

Judging from the report of Super God, this Zhao Dingguo only got 100 win points. He realized that he did a good job as a late stage, and indeed played a role in leading his teammates to victory. But in the end, I only got the basic reward, and I didn't get the MVP evaluation. It seems that those two critical deaths have a great impact on the evaluation of MVP!

However, in addition to these routine briefings, Zhao Dingguo also received additional rewards after entering the dawn.

"The detection of the nameplate upgrade of the Super God user with ID 037205 will give the following rewards: the nameplate function will be further improved; in the real world, the basic attributes of strength +5, agility +5, and intelligence +5 will be improved; You can also randomly select an additional bonus among the following six rewards: armor +1, movement speed + 1%, magic resistance + 1%, maximum health +50 points, and a 1% chance to add 50 points when attacking For additional damage, there is a half chance to reduce 5 damage when taken. "

"Please make your choice within ten seconds, otherwise the platform will draw randomly."

"If you are dissatisfied with the six optional rewards, you can pay 200 win points (based on the current nameplate level) in exchange for other alternative rewards (the alternative rewards appear randomly)."

"The countdown begins ..."

Choose one of the six bonus rewards!

These rewards involve various aspects, but they are not added much, and it is difficult to make any qualitative changes. It seemed good to add 50 additional damage to that attack, because Zhao Dingguo now lacks a powerful attack method, but the chance of additional damage is too low. On average, it's equivalent to hitting twice to get more damage. Although this kind of character can't be counted like this, Zhao Dingguo still feels that this one is not reliable!

Hesitated for a few seconds, seeing that the countdown was about to end, Zhao Dingguo still made a choice: the option to reduce the damage by 5 when there is a half chance!

In the long run, it may be better to increase options such as 1% magic resistance and 1% movement speed. Because the more late, the better those percentages are. In contrast, this damage reduction reward only reduces damage by 5 points, which is too small. What's more, this injury reduction is not 100%, only a half chance!

On the surface, a small buck worth 250 gold coins in DOTA is better than this, but Zhao Dingguo has his own consideration.

选项 ​​This option emphasizes being harmed, not how it is when attacked by a common shield like a shield!

If he is correct, the damage reduction attribute should be effective against any type of attack, regardless of whether it is a spell or a normal attack. Moreover, it is very likely that after deducting the damage reduction of armor and magic resistance, the 5 points are subtracted! This kind of injury reduction is very unusual!

As for whether his choice is right or not, he will know after asking Lao Li.

From the point of view, the additional candidate rewards should be more than these six. For other alternative rewards that did not appear, although Zhao Dingguo would like to look at them one by one, there may be better. But the price was really high, he wouldn't throw 200 wins for nothing!

通报 When he chooses extra rewards, the notification is over.

When Zhao Dingguo exited the platform, the silver ID on his chest nameplate lit up sharply. The large group of energy emerged from the nameplate, the body of the reformer Zhao Dingguo. The effect of increasing all three attributes by five points is not covered. Zhao Dingguo clearly felt that his body was undergoing qualitative changes and was full of strength. In addition, there seems to be something inexplicable on the surface of his skin, as if there is an invisible film attached to it!

At the same time, Zhao Dingguo's nameplate also changed slightly.

The original silver nameplate was blank and had only one row of digital ID. But now, it seems that there is an invisible golden silk thread painting on it. In an instant, a rising sun was added to the blank space of the nameplate, symbolizing the dawn. The silver nameplate is also a bit more golden!

After about two or three minutes, the nameplate fell silent again and fell into his chest.

Because the reinforcement of these rewards is done in reality, not on the Super God platform, so you can directly play in the real world without going through the death team battle!

Having witnessed all of this, Zhao Dingguo soon learned his new attributes.

ID: 037205

Experienced regular season games: 4 times

Participate in the battlefield of the death team: 1 time

Owning bloodline: ordinary human bloodline

Hero Badge: None

Super God victory point: 624 points

Divine Points: 838 points (authorized in Dawning District)

Current Equipment: Boots of Speed

Extra enhancement: Attributes are added (Strength +5, Dexterity +5, Intelligence +5), and there is a half chance to reduce 5 damage (special effects) when taking damage.

Properties in Nameplate Space: Garau's Legacy Oath Card * 1

定 Feeling the surging power in his body, Zhao Dingguo couldn't help but feel confident.

You know, the average physical fitness of ordinary humans is only 5 points on average. After obtaining the hero's constitution, this value has basically remained unchanged, but the super-god user can fully use his ability, which is equivalent to a warrior who has been practicing martial arts for many years and knows how to exert force. Now strengthened, Zhao Dingguo's full attributes increased to 10 points, and he has twice the physical constitution of a normal human!

This is not a pervert in itself, but it would be terrifying if you can fully play this attribute!

Moreover, he now has more than 600 winning points!

If you strengthen it again, make something like a bracer of strength and bring it to the real world, his attributes can still be increased. By then, the gap between Zhao Dingguo and normal Dawn users will be narrowed quickly. If you meet a character like Di Feiping again, you won't even have to run out of lights to win!

After a long while, Zhao Dingguo digested the joy in his heart.

He took a bath, then ate something casually, and found Lao Li.


Seeing Zhao Dingguo's spring breeze as he walked in, Lao Li knew the outcome of the battle without guessing. He stood up and said, "Congratulations, from now on into the dawn of the dawn! From now on, this is the first step for Super God users. Ah! I thought I played more than ten times ~ ~ You're better, this speed is really not slow! "

Although Zhao Dingguo was happy, he still had a modest expression in front of Lao Li, and said, "Where is it? I'm fast, but I can't keep up with it! Compared with you, although the same is the dawn, but I It ’s a far cry! ”

"Young man, don't be so humble!"

Although Lao Li said so, his heart must still be a little happy.

After a few chats like this, Zhao Dingguo talked to Lao Li briefly about the process of the regular season, and asked about the issue of additional rewards.

Obviously Li also experienced this choice of extra rewards. He recalled and asked, "What did you choose?"

定 Zhao Dingguo said a little bit: "Having a chance of damage reduces 5 points of damage!"

Li nodded and gave him a thumbs up, saying: "Good vision! I also encountered this option when I chose one of the six options. But I looked away and chose the option with a critical strike rate of + 1%. Although this property is very good, there are many people who want it, but it is not consistent with the direction of strengthening that I plan to go in the future. After communicating with a friend of the Illuminati, I only know that I have lost it! As for this one, the practical value It is a stable top three among all eighteen choices! "

Zhao Dingguo was a little surprised when he heard the words, and asked, "Are there a total of eighteen rewards?"

Lao Li smiled and said: "Eighteen articles, only a lot more! After hearing that the nameplate level is high, there are more options. However, the probability of your injury reduction option is not high, which is also the dream of many people. What about it. "

"Seek to explain!"

When I saw Lao Li knew something, Zhao Dingguo immediately took out the spirit of studying and advancing, and could know a little bit more.