MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 58 Trick

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PS: Send the second more, please recommend, there is a third chapter before twelve.

However, Zhao Dingguo was a little early to be happy.

The trick of attacking tactics lies in bluffing, which makes the opponent unpredictable. Once the effect is achieved, retreat quickly. After all, our own strength is not as good as others, and once we really fight, we will suffer. But shortly after Zhao Dingguo first arrived in the middle, a large basket emerged from the battlefield where the lower lane had been deadlocked.

Shockingly, the God Bull was inadvertently standing in the pretense, and accidentally hit the blood demon's magic banning skills!

一旦 Once this big control field is silent, without the gully skills that can divide the battlefield, the Scourge will no longer be able to stop the counterattack of the guards!

Seeing the opportunity, the four heroes who felt aggrieved, rushed up, and fought with the Scourge heroes. Panda Brewmaster directly launched a big move, becoming three little pandas, disrupting the battlefield. In the chaos, although the Night Demon fought bravely against the Dark Ranger, but after being attacked by the Blood Demon, he was afraid to move in place. Although the Crypt Assassin also aimed at the Dark Ranger, how could he have beaten Ice Girl and Xiao Hei on the front?

With the first death of the Crypt Assassin, the Night Demon was killed.

Although the double-headed dragon fully released a round of skills, the heroes of the guard were generally hit to half blood, but suffering from no one else to keep up, he was quite weak. As for the God Bull who was banned by the **** fury, when he can release his skills again, the overall situation on the battlefield is set. Even if he threw a big hit echo before he died, he only took away the ice girl who made a mistake!

几 Several other guard heroes, although they do n’t have much blood, but none of them died!

Twenty-four to four, in the case of shaking the God Bull is always targeted, the guards once again win, they hit the natural disaster once a small group at the cost of a supporting hero.

The original attack, after being accidentally seized by the opponent, became the initiative to come home!

近 The guard, who seized the opportunity, went forward and drove straight ahead, blasting the second tower of the natural disaster, and he could enter the high ground at any time!

"Go home and resupply, then go to their high ground!"

The Dark Ranger knows that opportunities are rare now, and if dragged back later, Dragon Rider's ability will be stronger, so he decides to take advantage of his strength to break through the highlands of natural disasters.

At that time, they will be able to advance, retreat and defend, and take the initiative completely in their own hands! As for Zhao Dingguo's problem of pushing them in the middle, the Dark Ranger did not take it seriously. The second tower in the middle of the guard is still intact, and the Dragon Knight will not be able to take it off for a while. And they will rescue the enemy, and immediately enter the highlands of natural disasters, not afraid that the dragon will not come back!

Her calculations are quite savvy.

The time when the Dark Ranger chose to attack the Highlands was when the Guards were most powerful. She is now 11th level, has a second-level big move, and has increased agility by 30 points, which has greatly improved her output. Coupled with the small disaster that had just hit the natural disaster, the morale of the guards was high. If they can break the natural high ground in one fell swoop, then they can almost say that the victory is set!

Thought of this, the Dark Ranger's heart is a little proud.

"Get off the road, come speed!"

吆 Drinked by Xiao Hei's 吆, the guard heroes who have replenished the state began the most powerful wave of advancement, ready to directly destroy the high disaster area!

"Dragon Rider, they are going to push us off the road, ready to return to defense!"

Seeing the powerful advancement of the guard, the two-headed dragon prompts in the voice channel and sends signals on the small map one after another. He knew very well that this wave would be very difficult to fight without the dragon riding. Even if they have the advantage of high ground, they are unlikely to block!

"Be right back!"

定 Zhao Dingguo responded while pushing down a tower on the middle of Weiwei while not forgetting a breath of flames and taking out two Shuren soldiers.

When he saw the gold coin in his hand, he decisively clicked on the teleportation scroll.

The development of this meeting just now made him more than a thousand gold coins. With the experience of the last soldier, he was even able to rise to level 11!

With the second-level big move, Zhao Dingguo can transform into a red dragon. Although there was no poisonous damage from the green dragon when attacked, the red dragon had the effect of adding 100% splash damage to the dragon's breath, which is equivalent to every attack of Zhao Dingguo becoming a small AOE damage. If the enemy is close together, he can hurt two or three of them by hitting one!

This is the output of the increased Dragon Knight in disguise!

With the second-level move, Zhao Dingguo also had a little more confidence in the advance of the guard. Before the defender had pushed to the high ground, he quickly bought himself an ogre axe!

Ogre Axe is one of the accessories needed to synthesize the Black King Bar, which can increase 10 power!

For the dragon knight of strength attribute, this thing not only increases the life and the attack power, it is also very cost-effective.

"They are coming!"

的 The middle-aged man who manipulated the shocking cow was reminded aloud, and signaled a few people to stand back a little.

Seeing the momentum of the guard five heroes, Zhao Dingguo did not dare to carelessly, and immediately came to his own high ground after buying the equipment. Seeing him appear, the Scourge side, which was a little bit popular, settled down a little.

At this time, the guard side also rushed to the high underground slope.

Probably because of careful consideration, they didn't force directly at once, but put any wave of Shuren soldiers as cannon fodder, and consumed the firepower of natural disaster.

The double-headed dragon who has made secret shoes is naturally not afraid. After an ice and fire, these Shuren soldiers are mostly disabled. Later, he immediately used the magic skills of mystic shoes. With a light blue magic wave flashing, the blue consumed by the skill just now is full!

This is just a small temptation before the war.

Seeing that some of his teammates were somewhat bottomless, Zhao Dingguo took advantage of the gap between the battles to communicate with his teammates and try to coordinate the actions of the crowd: "Dark Ranger has a high output, pay attention to control skills. God Bull, you will be insignificant when you fight Point, try not to be banned by the Gorefiend. We ca n’t win without your control. Crypt Assassin, your mana burning skills are mainly lost to the panda. He has few blues, so it ’s best to draw him There is no blue move. In that case, we will basically win! "

"I understand!"

"Don't worry!"

"I try my best!"

定 Zhao Dingguo's words are impeccable, and the named heroes are also clear, so they have to accept them.

No doubt, if his teammates can do everything he says ~ ~ Keeping this wave of highland wars is not a problem at all. It is even possible to fight back in situ. However, the reason why a plan is a plan is because the actual implementation is full of variables. Zhao Dingguo can only hope that his teammates can give him some help, and follow the plan he formulated as perfect as possible!

The second wave of treeman soldiers is coming soon!

The atmosphere of natural disasters suddenly became tense, and they knew that the guards were likely to get on!

The fact is that as they guessed, with the attack of the Shuren soldiers, five guard heroes scattered and gradually pressed down. They are not stupid, knowing that there are heroes such as two-headed dragons and shocking cows in natural disasters. If dispersed in this way, it would be impossible to have five heroes in all skills.


I saw that the middle guard was under pressure, and the middle-aged man who manipulated and shook the bulls was a little uneasy. Although he can usually be calm, but in the previous few battles, he was always silenced by the blood-devil's magic-stopping skill, which made it very difficult for him to exert his strength. This time, it was found that the blood demon had the intention to come towards him, and the shocking God Niu shot directly, and sealed their way with a gully!

的 The Gorefiend and the Panda Brewmaster who were walking in front were fainted!

The dark ranger at the core of Weifang is a master. She glanced quickly and carefully at the battlefield. Suddenly she had a clever idea and shouted in joy: "Withdraw, let me withdraw!"

Although he did not understand what was going on, but after seeing his own late words, the hero of the guard stopped his attack on the high ground and turned back to a relatively safe distance.

Facing some unexpected actions of the guard side, the natural disaster side is also quite confused. But Zhao Dingguo thought about it for a while, his face changed immediately, and he said smoothly, "Well!"