MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 52 Vital battle 1

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"Very good, just accept it!"

Seeing Zhao Dingguo accept these two hundred points of victory, Lao Li smiled and joked: "Actually, I thought about one half of the five hundred points of victory. But it seems that two hundred and fifty is not very good, count Then I have to deduct you 50 points! "

"Two hundred is already a lot!"

In this regard, Zhao Dingguo has nothing to say, but can only thank him repeatedly.

Although these winning points are related to him, the director of the Illuminati is for Lao Li after all. To him, that is the man who is kind and respectful; if it is not to him, there is nothing to blame.

Zhao Dingguo knows this, so he is very grateful to Lao Li, and this is what Lao Li hopes to see!

"Don't be so polite, I'm not as good as you think!" Lao Li waved and said, "Although you got two hundred wins, did I lose? I didn't do anything, so I took three Yum! And your gratitude! Although I wo n’t do it all, but it will leave hidden dangers. Maybe you do n’t have any ideas now, but when you think of it here, there will be dissatisfaction. I do n’t take it all, I just know things It ca n’t be full. "

Of course, his words cannot be all sincere, but also let Zhao Dingguo see Lao Li's mind and wisdom.

I do n’t understand the benefits of scoring and sharing, but also willing to come up with the winning points to attract others. Such a person, the pace of progress is definitely more than the dawn of the tavern!

"Okay, after such a trouble, the people of the Austrian Party should be honest for the time being. The Illuminati are taking the opportunity to find their troubles. If they are busy for a while, they will certainly have no time to take care of you." Leaving, but just as he was about to leave the house, he thought of something again and turned around: "Yes, can I ask you a question?"

Zhao Dingguo quickly said, "Of course."

Lao Li hesitated for a moment, and said, "I'm curious, what exactly did you do when you killed Di Feiping's real name key? Of course, this question was originally a privacy issue, and I just asked it casually. It's up to you if you don't answer back , I won't mind either! "

Obviously, the boss of the Austrian Party would send someone to irritate the Illuminati, which made Lao curious about the prop that caused the dispute in the rumor!

Would you like to say ...

定 Zhao Dingguo hesitated for a moment and decided to keep it secret for a while. Because the importance of that card seemed to be beyond his imagination. It's not too late to tell him after he has become increasingly acquainted with Li and is certain that this person is really reliable.

Thinking like this, he said to Lao Li, "I opened a piece of equipment and already put it on!"

I heard that there was a silver light on the nameplate of Lao Li ’s chest, and then it flashed away: “It turned out to be dual-speed boots! It ’s also good, the probability of driving out the equipment is about 50%. Although you did n’t drive higher-level ones, Equipment, but anyway, it didn't fail. For you, this boot is very useful. Unfortunately, the prop, I do n’t know if it is Di Feiping that you missed or you missed. In short, it disappeared from this world! such a pity!"

He did not expect that Zhao Dingguo actually chose the option of extracting props from the nameplate space. As a result, luck was good, and both chances were missed!

Anyway, this storm has temporarily come to an end.

Although the Illuminati is actively expanding the situation and intends to get some benefits from the Austrian Party, this has nothing to do with Zhao Dingguo. He gradually regained his mind and was ready for the new regular season. And this battle is about whether he can get the Dawning Tavern-level nameplate, so Zhao Dingguo is going all out!

As the combat mission was issued in the third week of October, Zhao Dingguo landed on the platform as scheduled and began automatic matching.

This is the fourth regular season of Zhao Dingguo. It should reasonably be used to the rhythm. However, Zhao Dingguo was still nervous about the nameplate of Shuguang Tavern. He clenched his mouse and waited for the battle to begin.

"Detected Super God user with ID 037205 joins the regular season and automatically enters regular games!"

"Super God platform Libra system is on, and strength evaluation is underway ..."

"Automatic match has been completed, the regular game E06592 innings will start the battle!"

"This field mode: random shuffle mode for the entire lineup!"

"Because it is an ordinary battle, the reward of supernatural victory points in the next battle after failure will be reduced by 10%, and certain **** points will be deducted. After victory, you will get 100 basic supernatural victory points (based on the current nameplate level).

Everything is the same as before!

Maybe there is no pub-level nameplate, only random shuffle mode can be experienced, anyway, the hero of Zhao Dingguo is still random, and the faction belongs to the Scourge. However, when all of his heroes appeared, Zhao Dingguo discovered something unexpectedly. The hero he got was actually the only late stage of the Scourge side-Dragon Knight!

Generally speaking, the late powerful heroes are mostly agile heroes. But the knight is a rare late hero among melee-powered heroes. He doesn't need much equipment to participate in the game, and he is strong and resistant. Especially at the 16th level, having a very powerful three-level big move can defeat the opponent in a wave and then directly break the high ground!

Zhao Dingguo has played Dragon Knight before and is no stranger to this hero. But this is the first time he has played a late hero in the regular season of Super God platform, and he has a great sense of responsibility, which is quite stressful for a while.

After taking a deep breath, Xu looked at his teammate's lineup.

Twenty-three youths similar to him arrived at the Crypt Assassin, the Night Stalker, and the Two-Headed Dragon at random. In addition, there is actually a middle-aged person who is about forty years old, which is relatively rare. The hero he used is more domineering. He is a terrifying hero, a very powerful field-control hero!

I should say that this lineup is still good, with control and meat shield. However, the only flaw is that there is only one long-range hero, and it may be more disadvantageous when being aligned with the Guards and easily suppressed.

As for the guard's lineup, it is quite good.

On the puppet control, there are wandering swordsmen, the meat shield has the panda wine god, and the later is the dark ranger. In addition, they also have the Crystal Maiden (Ice Maid) to play assists, and the goblins with rhythm in the middle!

It is not easy to win this battle.

After reading the lineup comparison between the enemy and us, Zhao Dingguo probably had a few in mind. In the later period, it is natural to see who is better with the Dark Ranger. In the first and middle stages, it depends on who is stronger in the night demon (night demon) and blood demon. If the Night Devils can successfully bring up the rhythm, the winning face of this battle will be great. In addition, it is the key to winning the game that the God Bull can make a jumper in time!

Here are some points that determine the outcome of the battle!

沟通 After communicating with four teammates in the built-in chat channel ~ ~ Zhao Dingguo quickly purchased the initial equipment, and then came to the road, which is also the advantage of the natural disaster team.

"I'm here to protect Longqi and help Longqi suppress each other!"

The only long-distance veteran, the two-headed dragon, took the initiative to come behind Zhao Dingguo.

This pure French hero does not have high requirements for equipment. A pair of secret French shoes can be used from beginning to end. Therefore, he decided to sacrifice himself in the early stage and give up all the tree guard soldiers to the dragon rider. Responsible for suppressing each other, and have some experience at the same time. To make it easier for Zhao Dingguo to ship things from the spring shop, he also bought an animal messenger and opened a share.

"Well, I'll go down with the Crypt Assassin!"

Shockingly, God Bull wanted to come on the road, saw the two-headed dragon opening, and took the initiative to buy a chicken, so he did not fight again.

After the road division was determined, Zhao Dingguo's dragon knight and two-headed dragon came to the Scourge High Road to stand, waiting for the Scourge Ghoul troops to send troops.

Seeing the twin-headed dragon on his screen flapping his wings, Zhao Dingguo, who had hardly played with this hero, could not help thinking of his skills. This hero, like the ogre wizard he uses, has two heads, and his strength is okay. One of his heads mastered the ice magic, and the other one mastered the fire magic. With him, Zhao Dingguo realized that the pressure on the line would not be too great.

So, Zhao Dingguo's first skill was to learn the dragon's tail.

This is a pure control skill with extremely low damage but a long stun. Even at the first level, there is 2.5 stun times!

If the other party cares, his vertigo is matched with the fire and ice of the two-headed dragon, and it is not impossible to take the first drop of blood from the enemy.