MTL - Doomsday: I Have One More Keyword Than Others-Chapter 70 Counter-measure

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  Chapter 70 Countermeasures

  You are a celestial demon, and you keep on eradicating the celestial demon; he is a human being, but you keep on protecting the celestial demon.

   Calculated, both of you are traitors of the ethnic group, but one of you is more just than the other...

   Sure enough.

  A thick face and a dark heart are the never outdated way of survival in this world.



  Who is right and who is wrong is no longer important, how to solve the problems faced by the peacekeeping gang is the key.

Zonggui looked at the head teacher of the Emei School, and said, "Master Zuoqiu, we are now grasshoppers on the same rope, so the masters of the Emei School should stop hiding and call her out to deal with the Qiao family together." Bar!"

  "A master?" Zuoqiu Shitai looked puzzled, "What did the head of the sect say, the poor nun is the person with the highest martial arts in the Emei sect."

   "Don't pretend, Bai Xiaosheng said it earlier, the Emei faction discovered a thousand-year-old ginseng that can increase the power of a hundred years." Qin Wenzheng of the Taishan faction said, "Increasing the power of a hundred years, Qiao He, who came out of the grave, is no match..."

   "What millennium ginseng?" Master Zuoqiu frowned and said, "That guy Bai Xiaosheng is just talking nonsense..."

Qin Wenzheng frowned suddenly, and looked at Zonggui: "Master Zong, I have never had the nerve to ask you, whether the "Returning Bird Sword Art" left by the nameless ancestor of the Taishan School on Huashan Mountain was picked up by your eldest disciple? "

   "Do you believe in the nameless ancestor? You are not stupid..." Zonggui sneered, and his face changed immediately, "The sword mound of the senior sword demon of the Huashan School fell on Kunlun Mountain... Fuck!"

"And my Yitian Sword of the Emei Sect is living in the Beggar Clan." Master Zuoqiu's complexion also changed. She looked at Zonggui and the two, shaking her head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. It's ridiculous to be confused and believe such nonsense."

   "Tune the tiger away from the mountain." Zonggui murmured, subconsciously looking at Duge.

   "Master Zong, Bai Xiaosheng spread the rumors, what are you looking at me for?" Duge never forgot to protect his own interests, "Do I seem like someone who can do such boring things?"

  Bai Xiaosheng didn't show up early, didn't show up late, but when you came to Huashan, he suddenly appeared and transferred many masters in my sect.

  Zonggui was speechless. The most ridiculous thing is that he sent someone to verify such a simple rumor without hesitation?

  Recalling Tong Shihong's inexplicable question about Wang Baquan, Zonggui's gaze turned to Feng Zhong.

  The so-called Bai Xiaosheng should be him.

  I thought he was only powerful with his hands, so he still has such supernatural powers. The Heavenly Demon is too scary, and he is playing around with all kinds of sects invisibly. Feng Qi is right, the Heavenly Demon really shouldn’t exist in this world...

  The Qiao family has summoned so many cunning demons, they are simply playing with fire and setting themselves on fire.

  Feng Zhong fiddled with his little toy intently, as if he had nothing to do with himself.

  Qin Wenzheng and Master Zuoqiu also guessed Bai Xiaosheng's true identity. Qin Wenzheng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he seemed to see a glimmer of hope to break the situation, and asked, "Master Feng, can you ask Bai Xiaosheng to write a letter to trick the demons gathered at Qiao's house to come out and kill them?"

"Master Qin, can safeguarding justice in the world be called cheating?" Duge looked at Qin Wenzheng, frowned and said, "The Qiao family is whitewashing for the demons, fooling the world, and smearing my peacekeeping gang. That is called cheating. Not only cheating, but also the biggest one." Evil, we must denounce and combat his behavior."

  The corner of Qin Wenzheng's mouth twitched, and he changed his words: "Guangzhu, can you protect and kill the demons of the Qiao family?"

"Don't worry, give Qiao's family a few more days, and wait for him to gather more celestial demons. If we make a move in advance and scare the celestial demons from going to Qiao's house, it will not be beautiful." Duge said, "Besides, we You can't just look at the surface of the problem, maybe the Qiao family endured the humiliation and used this reason to gather all the heavenly demons, and then kill them! You must think of people in a good place."

   "..." Zonggui looked at Duge in surprise.

   "Impossible." Qin Wenzheng said, "You just said that the Qiao family is selfish, how could it be so great."

"Master Qin, such weird things as the demon descending into the world have happened, what else is impossible." Duge smiled and looked at Feng Zhong, "Feng Zhong, since the Qiao family has declared war, we Can’t be without a response. You also write a response essay, tell the Qiao family a short story about a farmer and a snake, and persuade the Qiao family to turn their backs on the shore, and stupid kindness will only harm others and themselves. Tell him that as long as he gives up helping the demon, peacekeeping Gang's arms are always open to him."

   "What farmer and snake?" Feng Zhong asked.

"One cold winter, a kind-hearted farmer found a frozen snake on the side of the road. He felt sorry for the snake, so he took the snake into his arms and warmed it with his body temperature. As a result, when the snake woke up, it showed cruelty. He bit the farmer back without hesitation. Before he died, the last words the farmer said were, "I pity a poisonous snake, and I deserve this kind of retribution!" Doug looked around at the crowd and looked at the little snake. The fable was told.

  Feng Zhong was taken aback for a moment, and gave Duge a thumbs up.

  Qin Wenzheng and others were thoughtful.

  Feng Zhong picked up the pen to write, and in the middle of writing, he suddenly stopped writing: "Seventh brother, isn't it too gentle for us to do this?"

   "Are you gentle?" Duge glanced at him, shook his head, and said, "Send this first. Five days later, the letter Qiao Pingjiang wrote to me is about to be leaked."

   "What letter?" Qin Wenzheng asked.

"A letter in which I played a bad face and the Qiao family played a red face, tricking the demon into killing me." Duge said lightly, "Didn't you just say that the Qiao family endured the humiliation, and the peacekeeping gang was responsible for being beaten and wronged. In the name of the Qiao family Protecting the Heavenly Demon, the Qiao Family’s call for peacekeeping gangs, and the responses of our farmers and snakes are all strategies we discussed in advance.”

   Say it out.

  The room suddenly fell into silence.

  Wang San's hand stopped rubbing the skull, Feng Zhong's pen also stopped, Qin Wenzheng and others looked at each other, unable to say a word.

  It seemed that the temperature dropped suddenly, freezing everything.

  Qin Wenzheng was terrified. At this moment, he suddenly felt that surrendering to the Peacekeeping Gang might be a good choice.

   Not to mention whether there is Bai Xiaosheng's supernatural power, Shan Duge's strategy of wiping and hitting is enough to make the Qiao family and the demon he took care of drink a pot.

  In just a few days, how could the heavenly demon with a very different personality who was taken in by the Qiao family fully trust the Qiao family?

  Compared with Feng Qi, he, the leader of the faction, seems a bit too simple.

  What kind of education did these demons receive before they seized their homes!


  Feng Zhong and Wang San also seemed shocked.

  Feng Qi's teacher should be better than theirs, no wonder he can stand out in just a few days and lay down such a large territory...


   Luyang City is Duge's territory.

  After the publication of the Qiao family's campaign to defend the Heavenly Demon, it caused an uproar among the people.

  The common people do not agree with his point of view, and are quite disgusted with his behavior. After all, the Qiao family blamed Master Qingtian who brought them peace.

  The people who have inherited Duge's benefits spontaneously maintain Duge's reputation.

  Many educated intellectuals even publicly wrote articles accusing the Qiao family of stealing concepts, accusing them of ignorance and ignorance, they are the real selfish people;


  As soon as the peacekeepers' response to the "farmer and snake" admonishing Qiao's family came out, it immediately aroused everyone's sympathy.

  The Farmer and the Snake are simple and easy to understand. After the people entered it, they felt that the Qiao family was more and more ignorant, thinking that they would definitely suffer from it in the future as Gang Leader Feng said. Letters were even sent to Qiao's family, urging them to kill the heavenly demons they took in as soon as possible, join the peacekeeping alliance, expel the heavenly demons, and not harm others or themselves.

  The Qiao family was naturally unmoved, and instead issued another announcement, scolding Feng Qi for being hypocritical, scolding Feng Qi for not daring to come to Qiao's house to kill demons and demons, but only daring to bully the weak little demon who is alone...


  The peacekeeping gang and the Qiao family come and go, scolding very much.

  The war seems to be on the verge of breaking out...

  The folks even set up a gamble on both sides.


  A letter from Qiao Pingjiang to Feng Qi about "bitter tricks" was quietly circulated from the peacekeeping gang.

  All voices against the Qiao family disappeared overnight.

  (end of this chapter)