MTL - Doomsday: I Have One More Keyword Than Others-Chapter 128 i touch fish i am happy

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  Chapter 128 I touch fish and I am happy

  The pirate ship is called the Flying Giant Bird, a three-masted sailing ship.

  The helmsman is at the helm, some crew members are adjusting the direction of the sails, some crew members are drunk, lying on the deck and sleeping soundly...

  The captain and the first mate each held an amber wine bottle to drink. Their appetizer was a plate of colorless jerky.

  Because of sailing at sea all year round, exposed to the wind and the sun, the skin of the two is rough and dark, and the clothes on their bodies are torn and dirty.

  The captain wore a black three-cornered hat, a slender pirate machete slanted across his waist, and a flintlock gun with an oak handle was casually thrown on the wooden box next to him.

   Not far behind them, the second mate was leaning on the mast, teasing a white parrot.

  From the structure of the sailboats, their diet and their weapons, Doug roughly deduced that the world background should not be modern.

There are a total of twelve people on board, and the best person to seize is of course the most powerful captain. Duge has his own judgment, so he will not seize an ordinary sailor doing handyman on a boat with only a dozen people .

  But Doug's seizing house has no memory of the host.

  So, he decided to get acquainted with the composition of the crew in the state of the soul body, at least their names first.


"...Paul, are you really determined to find the so-called Poseidon scepter?" The first mate had a bearded face, his age could not be seen, his face was full of flesh, and there was a huge scar on the left cheek. Make him look extra vicious.

"Of course. Barry, it's my dream to become the king of pirates." The captain is relatively young, probably in his twenties, but his vicissitudes of face also look like those in his thirties. The bottle of rum in his hand said, "The Royal Navy didn't even put a bounty on me. This is a pirate's failure, but with the Poseidon Scepter, I can dominate the entire ocean. What is the Watcher, what is the Phoenix?" Tail Snail, you must submit to my feet..."

"Paul, you're going to kill everyone." Barry, the first mate, took a sip of his wine and gasped, "I don't agree with your idea. Paul, the Poseidon Scepter is just a distant dream. I hope you can find your way back..."

"Barry, this is my ship, you don't have to do it." Captain Paul looked at his first mate contemptuously, "You are old, maybe you should find a town where you can get drunk in a tavern every day, and then, hug Sleeping with a dirty **** all night. That's a better life for you."


  Scepter of Sea God?

  Mythological background?

  Dug stayed by their side for a while, hearing the two drunks taunting and arguing with each other, he left their side and flew to other crew members.

  Passing by the second officer, the white parrot suddenly blew its hair and fluttered back and forth in panic: "Horn, ghost, Horn, ghost, powerful ghost..."

"Wendy, don't talk nonsense. How can there be ghosts in broad daylight." Horn, the second officer, grabbed the parrot's body, stroked its blown feathers, and mocked with a smile, "I'll tell you a common sense, the sun will Doing irreparable damage to ghosts, those nasty things only come out at night."

   "Ghost, ghost, right behind you." The parrot kept staring at Doug. If Horn hadn't grabbed its wings, it might have stretched out its wings and pointed at him.

  I wipe!

  Can the parrot see me?

  Duge's face was a bit strange. He entered two simulation fields. This was the first time he was discovered before he took the house, even though the opponent was just a bird.

  He tried to reach out and pinch the parrot's neck.

  The parrot struggled violently again, desperately pecking at Horn's finger.

  Horn was in pain, and let go of the parrot: "You **** stupid bird, you are as hateful as that **** who cheated me of money, I will pluck your hair sooner or later, and throw you into the pot..."

   "Horn, help, the ghost is going to kill the bird." The parrot, which broke free from the bondage, fluttered to the sail, still staring at Doug.

  Dug laughed secretly, and caught up with the parrot again. He made a motion of pinching the bird's beak with his fingers, and then made a motion of twisting the bird's neck.

  In the state of his soul, he can't speak at all, and can only scare a bird with his movements.

  The parrot stared at Duge, shivering, but closed its mouth tightly, not daring to speak again.

   "Wendy, come back." Horn greeted the parrot, but the parrot didn't move, just looked at Doug, as if asking for his permission.

  Dug nodded.

  The parrot was relieved, flapped its wings and flew back, stood on Horn's shoulder, and buried its head under the wings.

  Dug ignored the parrot, flew around the ship, and got the names of two more crew members.

  The helmsman is Piero, the cook is William, and the rest of the crew did not speak. It is difficult to know their names, but it is enough to know these people at the beginning.


   Flying around the ship again, after confirming that the captain is indeed his best target, Doug didn't hesitate anymore, and directly crashed into his body.

The captain's soul strength is not much higher than Qi Feihu's. Last time, he had 160 mental power, and he could still feel a little hindrance. This time, with a spiritual power of more than 1,000, even if Paul was awake, Duge went in. It is also very easy at times.

  Slippery as if blending into your own body.

  The personal panel is still unfolded, and Duge scanned all the information at a glance:

  Name: Doug;

  Number: 48699527;

  Spirit power: 1100;

  Current ranking: 980\1130;

  Session keywords: happy;

  Session keywords; Fishing;

  Advanced skills: None;

  Derivatives: None;




  What the hell!

  It’s even more outrageous than the trade and kindness last time. At least trade can still be used for business. What the **** is happiness?

  He is secretly having fun alone, can he affect the general situation of the world?

  At this moment, Duge finally realized the despair of those key players who were assigned to Cixiang and the scumbags.

   There is also fishing.

   No matter how good you are at fishing, what can you do?

  He is a dignified pirate captain, what he wants is to work hard, what does it mean to keep fishing?

   Not right.

  Dug's mind flashed the explanation of fishing:

  Moyu: Refers to catching fish in water, also refers to groping in troubled waters, which means taking advantage of chaos to gain benefits;

   Lazy paddling at work is a later explanation.

   Fishing in troubled waters?

   is his strong point!

  Dug's eyes lit up again.

   Sure enough.

  The two key words are beneficial, and I can always find something useful. I fish, so I am happy. From now on, I will be a sunny and happy super pirate.

   But just waited for him to figure out the meaning of the two keywords.


   There was a cramping pain in the abdomen.

  He subconsciously covered his stomach.

   Immediately afterwards, there was another sharp pain, and a machete pierced his chest.

  Dug looked at the first officer who attacked him: "You..."

"Paul, I gave you a chance to repent, but you are stubborn, and you are no longer suitable to be a captain. You can go at ease, from now on, I am the captain of the Flying Giant Bird." Barry, the first mate, smiled grimly. He pulled back his scimitar, "Don't blame me, this is the decision of all the crew..."

  The boat glides slowly on the sea.

  The helmsman had let go of the rudder, pulled out his scimitar, and looked at Doug with a gloomy expression.

   Over there.

  The second officer, Horn, who was leaning on the mast to play with the birds, also came over. He shook his head and looked at Doug with pity: "Captain, we only want money. No one wants to look for that shit's Poseidon scepter."

  The parrot on his shoulder flapped its wings happily, as if it had been reborn: "The ghost is dead, the ghost is dead, the bird is fine, the bird is fine."

  (end of this chapter)

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