MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 369 Soldiers on the spot

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Chapter 369: Riots on the spot

 After killing the sheep with one shot, the soldiers of the Light Chasing Army next to him all looked calm.

 Whether they disagree with the result or not, the general's approach is always right.

 Guard company commander Ning Yuwei asked people to collect her body while pulling the bolt of the gun to prepare for the next battle.

During this free period, she asked Tang Zheng: "General, your acting skills are really good. Seeing how many conversations you have, I thought you were going to let her go."

At this time, the gunfire from the ship had alerted the people on the shore, and Tang Zheng was already preparing to fight.

While he was busy, he replied to Ning Yuwei, "She is not worth letting go. Regardless of whether she is really ready to repent or not, it is a fact that she wanted to harm us. This is an unforgivable sin."

"As for why I talked so much to her, it's because she thought she could use words to fool me, so the ship didn't drive and moved slower. I have to fight for this little time to get our reinforcements over as soon as possible."

On the radar map, other soldiers from the guard company have already driven helicopters to this side, and they will be there in about three minutes.

He Xue smiled beside her and said, "General, she is a beauty after all. You really don't care at all."

Tang Zheng smiled: "In my eyes, she is not a beauty."

He Xue continued: "Yes, Yuwei and I are also good-looking. What's more, the general has an even more beautiful fiancée, Her Highness the Princess. Of course, he doesn't like such vulgar fans."

Tang Zheng did not answer, but two stunning beauties appeared in his mind.

 A princess of the Moon Pearl of Han Dynasty, a zombie with unparalleled beauty.

 The gunshots on the ship have aroused the vigilance of people on the shore.

Many mercenaries began to gather around the shore. They shouted loudly, holding automatic rifles in their hands, and prepared to fire at the ships.

From their point of view, the current ship has not docked, and no matter how capable the people inside are, it is impossible to withstand their firepower siege.

 But just when the boat was still ten meters away from the shore, a figure suddenly jumped out of the boat!

 This person's feet seem to have springs installed, not jumping out, but popping out!

The bullet was extremely fast, almost coming over in a swish.

What's even more terrifying is that this man's hands are actually holding two Gatling guns!

Before the person even landed, the gun fired first.

 Dang Dang Dang Dang~~~~!

Countless golden light points rushed towards the face, instantly sieving a large group of people on the shore.

Those mercenaries were shot in the body and fell down with blood spurting out from their bodies, piece by piece!

With their nerve reaction speed, they had no time to resist this man's attack. They originally raised their guns to aim, but the next second the man was at their side. They didn't even have the chance to turn the gun, and they were killed directly by this man.

 This man is Tang Zheng!

 After becoming a second-level peak double mutant, Tang Zheng's current individual strength can almost be said to be the best in the world.

 The two heavy Gatlings were as light as two toy guns in his hands, and the bullet chains hanging all over his body were automatically loaded as they fired.

More than half of the hundreds of battle-hardened mercenaries on the shore fell under his fierce fire.

The mercenaries behind wanted to fight back, so Tang Zheng immediately started running and shooting mode.

 The whole person turned into an afterimage, running around the group of soldiers, and the machine guns continued to fire continuously.

 Have you ever seen one person surrounded by a hundred people?

  Just like the current situation, as Tang Zheng ran, the firepower of those people could only be fired by empty guns behind his butt, hitting the air.


Puff puff puff puff~~~!

 The bullets even had the effect of piercing sugar-coated haws. A hail of bullets roared past. People fell to the ground like convulsions and died, and blood sprayed everywhere.

As Tang Zheng came ashore, his sudden attack completely disrupted the enemy's position.

 A row of soldiers from the ship's guard company jumped out of the ship one after another.

Although they did not jump ten meters, these five-star special forces soldiers were extremely powerful. They all jumped seven or eight meters and landed one after another from the ship.

They did not attack the group of prey that Tang Zheng was interested in. These special forces dispersed quickly, raising their guns and shooting in all directions.

  There was almost no bullet fired. No matter whether the enemy was hiding on the roof, hiding in the watchtower, or hiding on the city wall, they could not stop the life-threatening bullets of the special forces.

Every time a bullet flies out, a person is killed. Many enemies you can't even imagine are killed from all directions and corners.

Occasionally, an enemy will hit the special forces with a shot. Wearing a bulletproof vest on their strong bodies can only make their bodies shake a little, nothing more!

There were about seven to eight hundred people in this mercenary group here, and they were overwhelmed in an instant by more than thirty people like Tang Zheng.

 There was no way to display firepower. The special forces were running and firing, quickly suppressing the fire, and the enemy would die when they showed up. Those who used heavy machine guns and rocket launchers could not find a chance to fight back for a while.

 This situation made the people trapped in the cage cheer crazily.

The despairing hearts found nourishment for survival at this moment, and they cheered for Tang Zheng and the others at the top of their lungs.

Hush, tug, tug, tug~~~~!

The drone of helicopters sounded in the sky.

 The Apaches of the Light Chaser Army have arrived.

As soon as these armed helicopters appeared, deadly missiles were launched. Each missile carries a long tail, or bombs the enemy's barracks, or bombs their machine gun bunkers, or bombs their guard towers, or bombs the armored vehicles they want to move.

 Boom, boom, boom~~~~!

 With bursts of explosions rising into the sky, the entire inland river base was engulfed in a sea of ​​fire.

 “Holy shit! Where the **** did these planes come from?”

 “Faq! Who did we provoke?”

“Hanyue people, these Hanyue people must be traitors, they are spies of the Plateau Empire!”

“Be careful, come on, don’t be intimidated by them, take advantage of the interval between missiles, concentrate your firepower and kill the helicopter!”

“Bullshit concentrated firepower! That’s an Apache. The armor is very thick. If you use a rocket launcher to hit the flanks, you might still have a chance!”

These fierce mercenaries did not sit still and tried to fight back.

 However, when they have the upper hand, almost no one can get away from the light-chasing army.

The Apache helicopter's missiles also have almost no pause.

Ten Apaches hovered over the inland river base, and missiles, rockets, and machine guns were launched almost simultaneously.

 The rumbling explosions continued, and missiles fell from the sky one after another as if they were free.

Occasionally, some fish slip through the net. Under the guidance of radar and thermal imagers, the machine guns on the aircraft can always find those fish that slip through the net, and smash them to pieces with a hail of bullets!

Even if the enemy is hiding in the house, the machine gun will lock the enemy's position and go directly through the wall!

The people captured by the mercenaries were all imprisoned in the open space inside the base. Are there any other survivors here? Some of them are all mercenaries. They just open fire and no one is killed unjustly.

five minutes!

 In just five minutes, these seven or eight hundred people completely collapsed.

The number of people who died under Tang Zheng's attack has exceeded 500, and more than 100 people died almost every minute.

 The remaining people could no longer organize effective resistance and began to flee.

But in the eyes of Tang Zheng and his group of special forces and the Sky Cross Apache, these people couldn't escape at all.

 Wherever they hide, they will be killed by a volley of bullets, or sent straight to God by a rocket.

The combat experience they are proud of cannot be used in front of the crazy light-seeking army, and they do not even have the ability to resist.

 Finally some people surrendered.

 The remaining dozens of people threw down their weapons and surrendered in desperation, kneeling down to beg for mercy.

But Tang Zheng's face was cold and he waved his hand unceremoniously.

  Cutting the knot with a sharp knife, these people have committed heinous crimes and are not worthy of being reformed through labor.

After receiving the general's order, it was even more impossible for the Light Chasing Army to hold back. After waves of metal torrents passed by, the entire inland river base finally returned to calm.

More than 800 mercenaries, whose combat effectiveness was not inferior to that of regular troops, disappeared into thin air within a few minutes of attack by the Light Chaser Army. They were so dead that they could not die anymore.

Tang Zheng walked out of the smoke. This time he killed a hundred people by himself, and this was in a head-on gun battle.

 He came to the cages where the survivors were imprisoned. He raised his hand and squeezed, and the metal locks were crushed.

The people inside came out cheering and kowtowed to thank Tang Zheng.

Some people even called out Tang Zheng's name, because those captured here were all Hanyue people who were captured from the Plateau Empire.

Some people have seen Tang Zheng in the news, and they are filled with gratitude towards Tang Zheng at this moment.

But Tang Zheng didn't care about these survivors at all, and just waved his hand: "It's just a matter of convenience for me to save you, but you can't stay here next. Have you seen the ships at the inland river base on the shore? Now drive those ships Leave here, I don’t care where you are hiding, but don’t come here again in the next few days. Until you hear the news of our complete victory, you can consider returning home.”

These survivors barely escaped death and did not dare to disobey Tang Zheng's words at all. The disaster of life and death made them learn to obey the strong, and they immediately left obediently and sailed away to find a place to survive.

These survivors left, and Tang Zheng immediately ordered the battlefield to be cleaned.

 Once the body was burned, the ground was immediately leveled.

 This inland river base temporarily served as Tang Zheng's base.

 At the edge of the inland river base, there is a plain area.

Tang Zheng directly built a wall and enclosed a large area of ​​open space.

 In the middle of the open space, place the airport directly!

Tang Zheng now has a small number of soldiers at his disposal, and can only produce more than 4,000 at most.

With such a small number of people, it is of course impossible to launch a large-scale mobilization of troops.

 Hence, Tang Zheng wanted to deploy some advanced units to prepare for the possible war that would follow.

Since Nahan cannot get the population sent, he will definitely send troops. If Tang Zheng wants to confront him head-on, he can only use high-level troops.

 Fighter group!

 Tank group!

 No infantry, only air force and armor!

 (End of this chapter)