MTL - Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare-Chapter 42 This is your fault

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Hearing this voice, Jiang Ming had a feeling of encountering the sound of heaven.

The restraint brought by the gloomy cold on his body was loosened at this time, and Jiang Ming's instinct to survive made Jiang Ming bite his tongue fiercely.

Pain dispels fear in an instant.

He can move.

Jiang Ming immediately rushed out of the bedroom and opened the security door.

Lin Mo dodged and walked in, he was still supporting someone.

He went back and forth because he was lucky to find another police officer.

The other party was slumped behind the water dispenser in the corner of the corridor.

It is estimated that he was frightened by something, and he was a little confused, and he refused to answer the call. Lin Mo had no choice but to pick up the policeman and send it to Jiang Ming.

It's too dangerous to stay outside.

As a result, when he entered the house, he realized that something was wrong.

Jiang Ming's face was pale, his face was covered in cold sweat, and he was shaking all over.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Mo put the policeman in his arms on the sofa and looked around. At this moment, the security door banged and closed by himself.

Then from the bedroom, a person came out.

This is a woman in pajamas, with bare feet and blood all over her body, leaving a **** footprint on the ground with every step she takes.

She tilted her head, the wound on her neck after the sharp object had penetrated was clearly visible, the flesh and blood were everted, and the blood might have been drained, so the woman looked pale and terrifying.

With the appearance of this woman, the living room suddenly became extremely cold.

"Why didn't you save me?"

The woman's voice was filled with resentment and hatred.

Jiang Ming was so frightened that he couldn't speak. The other policeman was lucky and had already lost consciousness in advance. Otherwise, even if he was awake at this time, he would still faint from fright when he saw this terrifying scene.

Naturally, Lin Mo would not be frightened by her.

He pulled the bricks out of his waist, held the pencil in his palm with the other hand, and smiled: "Tell me, how can we save you?"


The female ghost spit out a vicious word.

The next moment, the room felt like an earthquake, the tea cups on the table, the pictures on the walls, and the lamps above all began to shake.

With a snap, the lamp tube fell off and shattered.

Blood seeped out from the crack in the roof, more and more.

The surrounding walls have been stained red with blood, and the entire room looks like a ghost realm at this moment.

Lin Mo took a step back, and a drop of blood dripped from the ceiling above his head.

It is better not to touch the blood.

But things backfired, a drop of blood fell from behind and dripped onto Lin Mo.

The next moment, a blood spot appeared on the blood-stained skin, and it began to spread on Lin Mo, like a rapidly expanding skin disease.

Half of Lin Mo's body could not move.

"What kind of power is this?" Lin Mo was taken aback.

He had never seen such a nightmare.

Lin Mo has self-knowledge.

He is not the opponent of this female ghost, but it doesn't matter, he still has a backer.

"Light rain!"

Lin Mo called softly.

The temperature in the room dropped a few degrees out of thin air.

At this time, the female ghost on the opposite side had already approached Lin Mo step by step. She stretched out her hand towards Lin Mo's heart. Her fingers were wrapped in blood. It was definitely not a good thing to be caught.

Lin Mo watched the other party grab him, but said in his mouth: "We have no grievances or enmity, you will kill you when you come up. It's unreasonable, this is your fault."

As soon as the words fell, a small pale hand stretched out beside Lin Mo and directly grabbed the female ghost's wrist.


The people in the room, including Lin Mo and Jiang Ming, had their ears buzzing at this moment and their tinnitus was dizzying.

The female ghost's hand couldn't go any further.

Xiaoyu appeared and grabbed her.

The grievances of the two evil spirits began to collide, and the room was filled with malicious ghost blood, like poisonous snakes, swimming towards Xiaoyu.

"Be careful."

Lin Mo reminded.

At this time, Xiaoyu was already his last trump card. If even Xiaoyu couldn't handle this female ghost, then Bureau Xu and the others could eat outside.

At this time, Lin Mo felt a coldness in the wrist of his left hand. Looking down, the blood spots formed by ghost blood on his body were actually slowly swallowed by a black handprint on his wrist.

This black handprint was left by the little red dress on the eighth floor of the Green Garden Community.

Unexpectedly, this thing has this ability.

As the blood spots were gradually swallowed, the numbness on Lin Mo's body also subsided.

It's just that his left hand is colder.

Now, when I touch it, there is almost no temperature at all. Strangely, Lin Mo doesn't feel any discomfort.

I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Being able to move, Lin Mo's first thing was not to escape, but to slap the brick on the head of the female ghost.

What happened to the ghost?

If people don't offend me, I don't offend others, and the same goes for ghosts. If you follow the rules, you can have a good talk. If you come up, you will make more moves. Lin Mo is not used to her.

Originally, Xiaoyu and the female ghost were at a stalemate, and Xiaoyu seemed to be at a disadvantage.

Xiaoyu's resentment and malice are not comparable to the female ghosts in this room.

But so smashed by a brick.

A flame directly ignited the female ghost's body.

She started screaming in pain.

Vicious curses kept coming out of his mouth.

The ghost blood that was already entangled in Xiaoyu began to flow back crazily, trying to put out the flames on the female ghost. In addition to this, more blood dripped down from the ceiling, as if there was a rain of blood in the house.

Lin Mo and others, as well as Xiao Yu, were all drenched in blood.

Each one looks more like a ghost than a ghost.

In the end, a lot of ghost blood was consumed, but the flame on the female ghost was also much smaller.

But it wasn't completely extinguished.

The room was filled with the stench of something burning.

The malevolence on the female ghost is even stronger.

Her expression was grim, her body began to grow bigger, her limbs grew like spiders, her facial features began to twist, and her mouth showed fangs.


Lin Mo took a few steps back, then picked up the unconscious policeman and beckoned Jiang Ming to go out.

Can't stay here anymore.

Go while you can.

Jiang Ming didn't move slowly, he cooperated with Lin Mo to open the door, but soon he found out that the security door could not be opened at all, it was obviously not locked, but it just couldn't be pushed open.

It was as if an invisible force sealed the door.

Next to him, Lin Mo had an idea and pushed the door with his left hand with a black handprint.

With a click, it was really pushed away.

It seems that the black handprint left by the little red dress can suppress the resentment and malice of other nightmares.

"You hold him." Lin Mo handed the unconscious police officer to Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming was taken aback.

"Expert Lin, won't you go out with us?"

Lin Mo shook his head.

"This is a nightmare world. There is nowhere to hide. Instead of hiding and escaping, it is better to face it."

After speaking, Lin Mo handsomely closed the security door from the inside.

In fact, there were some things that Lin Mo didn't say.

It has been more than half an hour since the accident happened. It stands to reason that the colleagues of the Security Bureau should have arrived, but they did not wake them up.

This shows that there is an accident. At least this time, the previous experience cannot be used to deal with it. In this case, Lin Mo has to make all preparations.

Another point.

In terms of love and reason, Lin Mo couldn't leave a light rain behind.

Seeing Lin Mo turning back, both the mutated female ghost and Xiao Yu were a little surprised.

Lin Mo stared at the female ghost.

"Let's discuss it again. There's no need to fight to the death. In this way, you apologize and this matter is over."

What responded to Lin Mo was a ghost claw.

The female ghost's arm is twice as long as a normal person, and her fingers are mutated and sharp, and if she is caught, she will die or be disabled.

Lin Mo didn't talk nonsense anymore, he sullenly shook the brick in his hand.

A raging fire erupted.