MTL - Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare-Chapter 32 Perfectly solved the problem

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The cat is indeed awake.

She was a little dizzy, and it was inevitable that she made some movements. Before she could react, she saw a figure rushing out of the room inside, so fast that she couldn't see what it was.

The next moment, the other party was standing behind her.

A gloomy cold penetrated from behind, as if the whole person fell into the ice cave all at once.

It was a little confused at first, but this time, the cat immediately woke up.

There is something behind!

The cat's first reaction was to look back.

But she immediately thought of one thing.

Lin Mo told her some taboos in the nightmare world before, one of which is that if you find a pale ghost standing behind you, you must not look back.

Because as long as you turn back, the taboo of mortal death is triggered.

The neck will be snapped instantly.

Thinking of this, the cat held back.

She soon discovered that if she didn't look back, she would be fine.

It's just that this feeling is too torturous. There is a terrifying ghost standing behind you, but you have to hold back and not look back under any circumstances.

At this time, Mao Mao admired Lin Mo a little.

"I knew the rules of the Pale Ghost Shadow's killing in advance, so I couldn't bear it and didn't look back. He faced an unknown evil ghost at the beginning, but he survived. Lin Shen is worthy of being Lin Shen."

Mao Mao let out a breath, he could feel the ghost blowing on the back of her neck, and sometimes the other party would twirl her hair.

Although he was extremely scared, Mao Mao kept Lin Mo's warning in mind.

No matter what, you can't go back.

At this time, Lin Mo came out of the inner room, just in time to see the cat standing shivering in the cold, with the pale ghost standing behind her, trying to lure her back.

However, it seems that the cat can still withstand the 'temptation'.

"Maomao, who am I?"

"Lin Shen, let's stop joking, okay..." Maomao was about to cry.

Lin Mo sat down on the sofa to rest.

not worried.

This trip didn't stop since the cat put on the mask, and went all the way to the eighth floor. In a short period of time, I came into contact with a lot of nightmares.

But overall, the gains are great.

Mao Mao was rescued, and it seems that there should be no problem with her brain, because she can still answer her own questions and recognize herself.

Lin Mo was really worried before, after all, it took more than five or six minutes for the cat to put on the mask.

Wait a minute, there's something wrong with this.

Lin Mo reacted immediately.

Even he himself can't put on the mask for more than a minute.

Otherwise, it is possible to be completely controlled by the mask, shattered by negative emotions, and become a murderer who only knows how to kill.

But why is the cat okay?

There must be something wrong.

Lin Mo felt that it was necessary for him to clarify this matter. After all, the white bone mask was really useful at critical moments. It was simply incomparable to improving his physique in a short period of time.

"Come here, cat."

Lin Mo waved his hand.

The cat walked over quickly in small steps.

Although Lin Mo had already told her that the pale ghost behind him would be fine as long as he didn't look back.

But to tell the truth, no matter who it is, there is an evil ghost behind him, and it is impossible to act as if it were all right.

"Lin Shen, it, is it really okay?" Mao Mao was still a little worried.

Lin Mo frowned: "Aren't you living a good life?"

"That's true." Mao Mao cheered himself up in his heart. He had already learned from a teacher, so he had to perform well. Besides, there was no reason why he couldn't do what the master could do.

After all, my cat is the No. 2 boss in the horror game area.

Thinking about it this way, Mao Mao was relieved a lot, and with Lin Mo by her side, she felt confident.

"That's right, just get used to it in the future. Originally, this good thing was not your turn today, but I don't know what happened, Lao Bai won't follow me anymore."

Lin Mo was very sorry, and then he started talking about the business.

He asked the cat to carefully talk about what happened after putting on the mask.

"I, at that time, I only felt like I was a different person..."

After she put on the mask, she did not lose consciousness, but it seemed that another consciousness was forcibly merged with her, and she couldn't resist it at all.

As the cat said, she became another person.

Lin Mo has never experienced this state, so he can't make a judgment for a while.

"Then, is there any other feeling, anything unusual can be said." Lin Mo asked again.

The cat recalled.

"At that time, I just felt that there was a monstrous killing intent in my heart, and I wanted to vent it. At that time, I wanted to kill anyone who was in front of me."

"Then why did you come to the eighth floor?"

"Look for a weapon!" Catmao explained: "In that state, I seem to have a natural sense of weapons. I know there are knives here, so I came here, and then waited at the door to ambush you. All tactics are one and the same. It happened in an instant, it seemed, at that time I was like a trained killer."

In this case, Lin Mo actually guessed right.

The cat wearing the mask can indeed detect the existence of the weapon.

There is no doubt that this is a very good 'skill'. To know Lin Mo's understanding of the nightmare world, it is very difficult to find some handy weapons here.

After all, not everyone's nightmare will have knives and daggers.

Otherwise, Lin Mo wouldn't have taken a brick before.

To be honest, it would be better if the ashes from the afterglow could be placed on a bone cutter or a slicing knife.

And just like the cat said.

With her mask on, her combat power has increased too much.

If it wasn't for Xiaoyu's help at that time, and Lin Mo was not the opponent of Mask Mao Mao, he would have been planted at that time. UU Reading

Cat Mao walked over at this time and picked up the smashed bone mask on the ground.

She looked up and down, and then said to Lin Mo: "Lin Shen, you said that after I put on the whole white bone mask, I will be controlled by it, so there is only a little more than half of it left, can it maintain a balance and not be controlled by it? Control, you can also gain the power on the mask."

Lin Mo was stunned.

He hadn't thought of it before.

Mao Mao continued: "It's like taking medicine. If the medicine is too strong, you can break the tablet in half and take half of it at a time."

The two looked at each other.


"I can see it!"

Lin Mo also thinks this idea is feasible.

The cat's example of taking medicine is very convincing.

But this time, I have to be careful not to make the same mistake last time. Lin Mo thought for a while, then directly found a sheet from inside, and tied the cat to a chair.

This restrains her, if something goes wrong and the cat can't move, Lin Mo can take off her mask as soon as possible.

All the preparations were done, Lin Mo took the broken bone mask with only half of it left, and pressed it on Cat Cat's face.

Next, Lin Mo's hand didn't move at all.

If something went wrong, he would rip the mask off immediately.

The moment the mask was put on, the cat's left eye that was exposed was immediately covered with a layer of blood. The pupil first enlarged and then tightened. During the whole process, the cat's temperament changed.

It's really like a changed person.

Lin Mo could feel the 'nightmare' aura on the cat, and he planned to take off the mask immediately.

But this time, the cat spoke.

"Lin Shen, don't pick it, I'm fine."