MTL - Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare-Chapter 21 Your parents asked me to bring you a message

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The night is getting darker.

The car is on its way back to the migratory bird base.

The driver drove the car quietly, while Lin Mo looked out the window.

"A man's intuition may sometimes be stronger than a woman's." Lin Mo muttered to himself at this time.

Before, he just looked at Dad Chu, and the other party could see from his eyes that he was lying.

In the same way, when he suddenly got up and asked when he was leaving, the other party could clearly see the change in his eyes after listening to it. Although he didn't say anything at the end, it could be seen that the other party was greatly shocked.

In fact, Lin Mo and the driver were kicked out by Mother Chu.

Because from the perspective of a normal person, Lin Mo is obviously going to make trouble.

Not only lies and deceives people, but also the kind that rubs salt on other people's wounds, who can stand it otherwise.

It was impossible for Lin Mo to tell them clearly.

I can't tell them that I have seen their daughter in the nightmare world, and their originally beautiful and kind daughter has turned into a terrifying evil spirit.

That way, they might go crazy.

When Lin Mo left, he left his phone number to them, but he felt that it was unlikely that Father Chu and Mother Chu would call him.

it's getting dark.

Lin Mo intends to help Mao Mao get rid of the hide-and-seek evil spirit tonight.

Try it.

Just practice.

After this day's events, Lin Mo is very clear that becoming a member of the security bureau's expert group is far more beneficial to the current self than the disadvantages.

In this case, it is necessary to take the initiative to improve their business capabilities in this area.

Entering the nightmare world this time, he may not encounter pale ghosts again. Lin Mo needs other means to protect himself.

So tonight's top priority is to convince Bi Xian Chu Yu.

Let her help herself.

As far as what he has mastered at present, Lin Mo is sure. Although it is not guaranteed, it is more than 50%.

Back at the migratory bird base, Lin Mo went to Mao Mao first.

The latter has begun to accept the reality and behaved much calmer than before.

She also painted several paintings specifically.

It was the appearance of the room she was in in the nightmare world.

Including the crackhead.

"Are you studying art?" Lin Mo was a little surprised when he looked at a few wonderful sketches.

"Yes, academic, professional." Mao Mao said again: "My original dream was to become an excellent original painting designer in China, but now, I may not be able to live to that time."

Mao Mao already has a clear understanding of the fate he will face next.

She can accept the reality relatively calmly, and her mentality is considered strong. In fact, many of the residents who were brought here have collapsed.

After all, they were told that as long as they fell asleep next, they would enter the nightmare world, and they had to find a way to survive on their own. It would be difficult for anyone to accept it.

Gone are the days of peace and comfort.

Lin Mo carefully wrote down the contents of Mao Mao's paintings.

As for the sketch of the split-headed ghost, Cat Mao drew it very carefully, just like her previous description, this is a fragmented ghost whose head was hit.

Blood, brain pulp and bone fragments form the main framework of this picture.

Lin Mo felt that this ghost should have no fighting power.

Apart from the split-headed ghost, the most valuable thing here is a picture of a window. Looking out of the window, you can see the phantom outline of a building.

Although it is only an outline, Lin Mo looks very similar to the building where he is.

If it is the same, it means that the place where the cat is located is the position facing Lin Mo's building, which greatly reduces the scope.

At this time, the cat rubbed his eyes and couldn't help but let out a breath.

Yesterday she couldn't help falling asleep for a while, and then she was found to be woken up, probably having slept for less than an hour.

In this case, the cat is physically and mentally exhausted.

Lin Mo had to hurry up.

"If you hold on for another night, whether it works or not, I will wake up before three in the morning, and we will discuss the countermeasures at that time."

Mao Mao nodded, she could only choose to trust Lin Mo at this time.

And Lin Mo's plan is also very simple. This time, he has to find a way to get 'Chu Yu' first, and no matter whether it is successful or not, he has to meet the crack-headed ghost who is playing hide and seek.

The first choice is to kill the other party; the next best thing is to lead this thing away; if it doesn't work, try to figure out the law of this crack-headed ghost, and then tell the cat.

This is only a preliminary plan, and there will definitely be variables in the implementation process, but for now, Lin Mo can only take a step by step.

After setting the alarm clock, Lin Mo lay directly on the bed.

The cat next to him was a little nervous, the two hands were tightly clasped together, and there were words in his mouth, as if he was praying to Lin Mo.

At this moment, Lin Mo's cell phone suddenly rang.

Picking it up and looking at it, it was an unknown number. Lin Mo thought of a possibility and immediately connected the call.

A low male voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Is it... Lin Mo?"

Lin Mo smiled: "It's me, Uncle Chu."

It was Chu Yu's father who called.

Obviously it was Lin Mo's words before he left, which brought a huge shock to the other party, like a seed that would blossom and bear fruit sooner or later.

There was a moment of silence on the phone.

Lin Mo is not in a hurry.

Quietly waiting for each other.

After a while, Papa Chu's voice came over the phone: "What did you mean by the last sentence you said?"

"It means literally." Lin Mo replied calmly, with a hint of hints.

"What is the literal meaning, tell me clearly, what exactly are you going to do?" Father Chu is in a state of intense excitement now, and he can even vaguely hear Mother Chu's consolation on the other end of the phone.

Lin Mo can't stimulate him any more.

But can't say more.

He has said enough. Chen Bing told him that everything about the nightmare world at this stage is an absolute secret and must not be leaked to the public.

Violating the rules, even the official members of the expert group will be held responsible, let alone Lin Mo, the alternate.

Another moment of silence.

Just when Lin Mo thought that the other party had hung up the phone, a trembling voice sounded, and he could tell that Father Chu was crying.

The next words, he said with a cry.

"If you can hear Xiaoyu, Dad wants to say, don't worry about me and your mother, we have a good time. The green knight you left is more than a foot tall, and it bloomed before, very beautiful. ; Marshmallow has grown up too, but it misses you so much that it stays at home and doesn't eat anything, so it can only be fostered at your uncle's house; by the way, my dad can play games too... but it's not very good. "

"I'm sorry, Xiaoyu, it's my father's fault for not protecting you well..."

I can't hear the latter words clearly.

Hearing these words, Lin Mo was also quite touched. Perhaps, the father held back for too long, and at this moment, he expressed the thoughts in his heart.

After speaking, Father Chu's mood was obviously calmer.

"I'm so obsessed, I actually believe you, and I really think Xiaoyu can hear it."

Lin Mo showed a smile: "There are no absolutes in the world, Uncle Chu, it's late at night, rest early."

After speaking, Lin Mo hung up the phone.

I didn't expect to get a big harvest this time.

Lin Mo felt that with Uncle Chu's confession, he would be more confident in persuading Bi Xian Chu Yu.

He has a good memory, and he wrote down almost word for word what the other party said just now.

After lying down, Lin Mo said to the cat next to him: "At three in the morning, if the alarm clock goes off and I still don't wake up, I will try to wake me up. If there is any other accident, I will go to Team Leader Liu and Doctor Song. come over."

The cat nodded hurriedly.

Everything was ready, Lin Mo closed his eyes.

After being stamped by Nightmare World, Lin Mo discovered something.

That is, there will be no such thing as insomnia anymore.

As long as he wants to sleep, he can fall asleep anytime.

In less than a minute, Lin Mo had already fallen asleep.

When I opened my eyes again, I had already entered the nightmare world.

Still in the community, I looked at the building not far away, the open flame had been extinguished, the entire building had been burned to the ground, and some places had collapsed, making it a mess.

Under the gray mist, there was still some thick smoke coming out of the ruins, and there was a suffocating silence.

Lin Mo didn't intend to approach.

Who knows what ghosts haven't burned to death, at least those terrifying charred corpses must still be alive.

Last time, if Lin Mo hadn't had that knife in his hand, he might have been killed by the charred corpse.

If he were to rank the various nightmares he had already encountered, the horror and danger of those burnt corpses might even be higher than that of Zhou Li, a murderer.

Lin Mo knew the purpose of his trip, so he first looked down behind him.

The pale ghost was gone.

Just like the last time, as long as Lin Mo wakes up in the real world, he will disappear from the nightmare world, and the pale ghost will leave on his own if he cannot possess it.

To be honest, without the pale ghost, Lin Mo was not used to it.

And if there is a pale ghost, convincing the pen fairy 'Chu Yu' will not be afraid of her suddenly turning her face and making a move, more insurance.

At this moment, Lin Mo heard footsteps in the darkness around him.

Indistinctly, some whispers and roars could be heard.

Lin Mo knew that this was a nightmare wandering outside. According to Chen Bing, the source of pollution will trigger nightmare events, and everyone who enters the nightmare world will bring a nightmare formed by their fears.

It is said that this time, more than 100 people have been involved in the nightmare world, and correspondingly, there will be an equal number of nightmares.

Lin Mo knew that his current situation was very dangerous.

He was able to move freely before, largely thanks to the pale ghost.

Now that the pale ghost is not there, Lin Mo can only rely on himself.

The sound of footsteps around him was getting closer, and the darkness that followed was gradually swallowing up the surrounding space, like a reef eroded by sea water, Lin Mo's safe space was constantly being compressed.

Lin Mo calmly took out the lighter he had snatched from the charred corpse, and then used his fingers to ignite a little flame.

The light instantly tore through the darkness.

At that moment, Lin Mo saw more than a dozen terrifying monsters around him. Some had more than a dozen eyes and bared sharp teeth; some looked like a mollusk walking on top of a human skull; some held sharp knives and wore pale bone masks.

They are already close at hand.

However, under the light of the flames, these nightmares were immediately frightened and retreated.

But they didn't go either, but wandered a few meters away, peeping and waiting for an opportunity.

In addition to igniting fire, the lighter is also used to dispel the darkness and to a certain extent deter nightmares.

But the deterrent power is obviously not as good as the pale ghost.

Normal people were already panicking in this situation, but Lin Mo calmly took out the pencil and the blood-stained diary, especially the diary, which carried a strong resentment, which also had the power to deter nightmares.

Lin Mo planned to summon the pen immortal Chu Yu immediately.

If she had to write herself to death, she could only flip the table, but Lin Mo felt that there was still a high possibility that she and the other party could negotiate.

If you don't have a table, sit on the ground, put the diary on the ground, grab the pencil, straighten your arm, and place the tip of the pen on the paper.

Lin Mo was still holding the lighter in his other hand. UU reading www.

The fire cannot be extinguished, and the surrounding nightmares may rush up.

Close your eyes and start calling.

"Pixian, Bixian, are you there?"

Just after asking this time, Lin Mo felt that his hand was tightly grasped by a small hand.

Biting cold.

It came quickly this time. The problem is that this hand seems to be sticking out from behind him.

Lin Mo opened his eyes and saw that it was true.

The pen fairy was actually behind him, one hand stretched out to grab his own, and the other hand grabbed Lin Mo's other hand holding the lighter.

Two legs, crossed his waist.

Her whole body lay on Lin Mo's body.

A huge force was transmitted from the wrist, and Lin Mo broke out in a cold sweat in pain.

The lighter fell to the ground and the flame went out.

"Why don't you play cards according to the routine?"

Lin Mo did not expect that the pen fairy would appear in this way this time.

Are you afraid of running away?

Now she is completely against Lin Mo's back, that gloomy and coldness is not much better than the pale ghost.

The long black hair stained with blood fell down and fell on Lin Mo's head and face. It is estimated that now Lin Mo can look at her cordially as long as he raises his head.

Lin Mo looked up curiously.

As expected, there was a face full of blood, which was close to Lin Mo's face. The other party's eyes were pale, and he stared at Lin Mo with suffocating malice.

Now the aura on Pen Immortal's body is very wrong, the resentment and malice on his body are even stronger, and the **** smell is even more pungent.

Can't delay any longer.

Lin Mo stared at the other party's eyes, and immediately said, "Xiaoyu, your parents asked me to give you a message."