MTL - Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare-Chapter 16 Chen Bing

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Lin Mo was very impressed with this middle-aged man.

Most of the neighbors he met in the nightmare world had long since turned into corpses, or, like Liu Ying, had been frightened and had a nervous breakdown, and then died in fear.

And this middle-aged man looked very calm at the time.

Come to think of it, this is not normal.

Next, Lin Mo discovered that the identity of this middle-aged man was indeed not simple.

Because the police officers present stood at attention and saluted after seeing each other, and even the very cold Doctor Song was extremely respectful in front of the other party.

The next moment, the middle-aged man looked at Lin Mo and raised his hand to say hello.

Lin Mo responded.

The two were like old friends, and the people next to them were stunned.

After that, the middle-aged man turned around and left, while Doctor Song walked over with a strange face.

"Lin Mo, come here."

Lin Mo nodded.

Dr. Song was obviously just spreading the word, and it was the middle-aged man who really wanted to see him.

"Maomao, wait for me."

Lin Mo patted Mao Mao's head, probably to express his most feared nightmare. The latter's mood was obviously stabilized, and he nodded at this moment.

"You come back soon."

Lin Mo responded, got up and followed Doctor Song out.

Outside, the middle-aged man was leaning against the wall smoking a cigarette. He didn't know if it was Lin Mo's illusion. He felt that this person was lonely and not very gregarious.

"Expert Chen, someone is here."

"Doctor Song has worked hard."

Dr. Song nodded, then turned and left. Before leaving, he glanced at Lin Mo a few times with a strange look in his eyes.

It is estimated that he does not understand why Expert Chen wants to see this Lin Mo alone.

Only the expert Chen and Lin Mo were left in the corridor.

The former took out a cigarette and gestured, Lin Mo waved his hand.

Because of the nature of work, I often have to stay up late. If I smoke again, my body will not be needed.

"Good habit." Expert Chen smiled, stuffed the cigarette back into the cigarette case, and then said, "We met in the nightmare world."

"I remember." Lin Mo nodded.

"Introduce myself, Chen Bing, a member of the Special Security Bureau's expert team." Chen Bing glanced at Lin Mo after speaking: "I know you have a lot of questions. Fortunately, I can answer these questions for you today."

Lin Mo did have a lot of doubts. He followed Chen Bing to a separate office.

"I'll get straight to the point." After the middle-aged man sat down, he continued: "About a year ago, the first nightmare event broke out in a small country in Continent M. It is said that it happened after nightfall without any warning. . It started out in a 120-year-old church, and then radiated to the surroundings, spreading out in an area the size of four standard football fields."

Chen Bing suddenly started talking.

It's a bit vague, but Lin Mo can understand it.

"At that time, more than 1,000 people died. The small country's response strategy was to build a high wall to seal off the polluted area. Until now, it is a no-man's-land. But it turns out that this is useless at all..."

Chen Bing continued: "Nightmare incidents occurred all over the world after that. Our country was nine months ago, in a village in the north. At that time, a village lost contact with the outside world overnight. Two days later, the police and cadres from the surrounding villages went in. Only then did I find out that none of the 120 people in the village were spared."

Although Lin Mo was not afraid, he frowned when he heard it.

"Every month after that, there are similar incidents. So far, not to mention foreign countries, there have been 22 nightmare incidents in China."

Lin Mo wanted to ask a question, but Chen Bing waved his hand, indicating that he had not finished speaking.

"The country has set up a special security bureau, which is specially responsible for such incidents. What is currently known, and what I can tell you within my authority, is that nightmares are transmitted through viruses; the power of virus transmission is related to the level of pollution sources, which is now known The pollution source is divided into three levels. The first-level pollution source has the weakest threat and transmission ability, and normal protective equipment can isolate the transmission; the second-level pollution source is more troublesome, similar to radiation and magnetic fields, and cannot be blocked by isolation means. Level pollution source... I don't know either, I haven't seen it before."

"And this nightmare incident in Lvyuan Community was caused by a secondary pollution source."

"Okay, I'm done, you can ask any questions."

Chen Bing sat down and took a sip of tea.

Lin Mo listened very carefully just now, so Chen Bing said a lot of information, and most people must have no clue when listening, but Lin Mo kept it in his heart, and he refined it.

What the other party said was about the nightmare world.

Lin Mo concluded.

The first point is that the nightmare incident in the Green Garden Community is not the first. Similar incidents have happened all over the world within a year.

The second point is that the country has set up a special security bureau specifically for this kind of time. The person in front of him is a member of the security bureau's expert group.

The third point, nightmares, can spread, and they are also graded.

Lin Mo began to summarize his own questions.

With this expert, there is no need to ask the pen fairy again.

After that, I can find the pen fairy to prove the answer.

Lin Mo asked.

"What are those monsters and ghosts?"

"Nightmare." Chen Bing thought for a while, and then added: "It can be understood that the most fearful thing in a person's heart, after this person sleeps, he will enter the world of nightmares, and at the same time, his nightmares will also be in that world. was born."

Lin Mo nodded. He had already guessed this point. Chen Bing's answer confirmed his guess.

"How did the nightmare world come about?" Lin Mo asked the second question.

Chen Bing shook his head: "I don't know this."

"How big is that world?"

Still shaking his head.

It turns out that experts don't know about it.

"Then, why did you tell me this?" Lin Mo asked the fourth question.

He could naturally see that he was treated differently. In addition to Lvyuan Community, there are more than 20 people who survived a nightmare. Why didn't the other party look for others, but only for themselves?

"You are different from others." Expert Chen stared at Lin Mo: "You are the person I have seen, who knows how to use the power of nightmares without training. I have seen your description of the nightmare world, and you are different from others. . In short, you are very talented. I intend to introduce you to work in the Security Bureau, and even directly absorb you into the expert team."

It feels good to be praised, but Lin Mo lacks interest in this job.

"I know you are the boss of a game boosting studio, but you have to know that if you can really join the Security Bureau, or even become a member of the expert group, your status will be completely different, and you will get things that you never even thought about in the past. s things."

At this time, Chen Bing's voice was tempting.

Lin Mo was still not very interested.

He did not doubt Chen Bing's words, but everything in this world was relative.

The more you get, the more you give.

He prefers a more leisurely, more free life.

Presumably seeing Lin Mo's attitude, Chen Bing did not continue to talk about this matter, he thought about it, and said, "Although I have read your description of the nightmare, I want to listen to you personally, that what happened in the building."

Lin Mo nodded.

He repeated what he said to Group Leader Liu before.

Chen Bing listened very carefully, especially about the thin man 'Zhou Li', he asked very carefully, and after hearing Lin Mo tell about the strange corpse that was completely dismembered in Room 404, Chen Bing's eyes shrank obviously. .

"That corpse is a secondary pollution source. It turned out that it was transferred to the next neighborhood by a nightmare. That's right. No wonder I didn't find it in the Green Garden neighborhood."

Chen Bing muttered to himself.

Obviously, Lin Mo's remarks helped him answer a lot of doubts.

After hearing that Lin Mo accidentally triggered the charred corpse and caused a fire, his expression was very exciting.

"Unexpectedly, the terrifying secondary pollution source was actually wiped out by you in this way."