MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 558 Plan boldly

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   Xiao Feng is very confident in his physique, and his strength is absolutely inhuman. Even if he was in a coma for a day due to mental overdraft, he still had no effort to single out one hundred and eighty mature men.

   However, with such a high-strength physique, Xiao Feng felt extremely exhausted and weak today.

  At this moment, Xiao Feng is sitting in the lounge of an international brand store, holding a bottle of energy drink in his hand, looking at the cheerful Liu Qiangwei and the others across the glass, with puzzled eyes.

   That's right, he was tortured like this by these women, and he went shopping for an entire hour! He didn't even stop his breath. His high-strength physique seemed to be ineffective at this moment. He was sitting in the lounge with panting and paralyzed. On the other hand, a few women, not only did not show the slightest fatigue, but they were still full of energy, even if they were small. Zero and rather the two little girls, also blushing, are equally excited.

   This made Xiao Feng ponder, which link went wrong, or is this the rumored nature of a woman?

   "Xiao Feng, come and try this set."

   Liu Qiangwei, holding a blue suit in her hand, greeted Xiao Feng outside.

   "I have tried multiple sets, and I have selected a set, don't you need to try it?" Xiao Feng's mouth trembled and said.

   "But this one is also very good." Liu Qiangwei looked at the suit style in her hand.

   "We have tried for so long, we have already ordered, and we will miss lunch time if we don't go back again, don't forget that the crown prince will pick up the wind for us." Xiao Feng found a fair reason.

   "Have you been so long? Hurry up, sisters don't look at it. If you don't have enough shopping, we will come back in the afternoon. We will go back." Zhanhun Ziyi was also beside Liu Qiangwei. Hearing this, he looked at the time and immediately greeted him.

A few women are neat, and they just leave, but the problem is that they are all empty-handed. Not only did Xiao Feng have both hands full of shopping bags, he even hung a few around his neck, following behind like a personal shopping cart, depressed. Poker face.

   "God of milk, you are... I just knocked on the door and you didn't agree. I was about to call you."

Coincidentally, when I returned to the entrance of the suite, I ran into a large group of people. It was the crown prince and the others. Looking at Xiao Feng’s exaggerated appearance, and then at Liu Qiangwei and the other women, they voted for one. Sympathetic eyes.

   "Let's have dinner first, I can't hold it anymore."

Xiao Feng opened the suite, threw a bunch of shopping bags on the sofa, and said quickly, this is not a joke. Xiao Feng really felt that his physical strength was almost exhausted. He didn't get to the base after swimming all day and night. Tired.

   "Everything is arranged, just wait for you to come back, let's go!" The crown prince also greeted immediately, and had already called the elevator up.

   "Let's go, let's go, milk **** please."

   "Hello, President Qiangwei, it is indeed well-deserved, the No. 1 goddess in China really deserves its name!"

   "Kill the emperor, I am your fan..."

   "President Qian, can you get a discount on the last batch of equipment?"

   "Ziyi, is the milk **** okay with you?"

   A group of people politely got out of the elevator at the hotel, and then went straight to a spacious luxurious private room. The food was already being served inside, which seemed to have been notified by the crown prince before he got down.

   each took their seats, until then did Xiao Feng have the energy to look at the group of people who were seated and seated, and then found that there were really many acquaintances.

Looking at the past in a circle, Xiao Feng's own female side naturally does not need to mention. From the first one, they are the crown prince, the iron-blood saber of the president of the Jagged Alliance, the president of the immortal dynasty, the soul of immortality, and the hall of war souls. Long Fighting Soul Knife, Doomsday League President Doom Tianzun, and there are several Xiao Feng who are very familiar but have forgotten which guild leader they are. Anyway, the people on this table are all acquaintances, in the words of the crown prince. .

At the same time, the power of the people on this table is enough to shake half of the Huaxia District. Not to mention, it is the overlord-level power alone, plus Liu Qiangwei. You must know that the Huaxia District is a big overlord. Close to half, not to mention the first overlord and the second overlord.

   Xiao Feng originally thought Tyranny would be there. He had been suspicious of Tyranny's identity before, and wanted to test it out when he was meeting, but Tyranny did not show up, which also frustrated Xiao Feng's plan.

There are big people who have seen a lot of scenes, and the dining room is not rigid. They are all open. From time to time, they talk about the jokes in the game. It is very enjoyable to push the cup and change the cup. If you are not thinking about the evening party, so all Slightly restrained the amount of alcohol, otherwise the atmosphere would be more warm.

She would rather not let go. Her petite body has been tense and tensed, and she did not dare to look up at people. She still looked soft and timid, but as a little girl, no one cared about anything. Take care of her.

   Xiao Ling was completely unafraid of this kind of scene, and was grabbing lobsters with Qian Duoduo, and seeing that the crown prince quickly ordered two more dishes.

   The one who was toasted the most was Xiao Feng, and Xiao Feng was always willing to come, so that the atmosphere at the dinner was always high.

   "Haha, don't call me for drinking, come uninvited, won't you be unwelcome?"

   While talking and laughing, with a burst of hearty laughter, another figure appeared at the door of the private room. Xiao Feng looked sideways, and it turned out that Huangfu came here alone, and he did not bring anyone else.

"Guild Leader Huang is here, how can you not welcome him, he is not an outsider, please feel free to sit in, I will tell the waiter to add another pair of tableware." The crown prince smiled, got up and left, still can see that he is a bit like Huangfu. Not deal with.

   "Sorry guys, I just arrived in the capital at this moment, and I rushed over at the first time, but if I am late, I am late. I will fine myself three cups first!"

   Huangfu Donglai didn't have much air, and was very refreshing. He casually found an empty seat to sit down and drank three cups.

   "President Huangfu has a good drink, come, I will toast you a glass."

   "Chairman of Blood is polite, come on, do it!"

   Pushing the cup and changing the cup, Huangfu Donglai also quickly blended in, mainly because he had a good drinking capacity, and he was not afraid of taking turns in response.

   "East, did you arrive in the capital?" The crown prince came back after the waiter and asked.

   "Yes, my home is in a remote mountainous area and the transportation is not convenient. It takes too much time to travel far away." Huangfu Donglai sighed.

   "President Huangfu, aren't you kidding us? Your dignified president, living in the mountains?"

   Many people were skeptical and looked over strangely, but the next sentence of the crown prince immediately let them know that Huangfu Donglai was not joking.

   "The mountains are good, raise people." The crown prince said casually.

   "The city is still good and developed." Huangfu Donglai also casually replied.

   The seemingly random dialogue, but made Xiao Feng's eyes move towards Huangfu

   Donglai and see the crown prince.

   Huangfu came to the east fortunately, still eating and drinking, but the crown prince was silent for two minutes and stopped talking.

   "Long Teng, you have a party specially at noon. Isn't it just a simple meal?"

   Towards the end, Huang Fu Donglai wiped his mouth with a napkin and suddenly asked, and Long Teng was the crown prince’s name, the same surname as the highest head of China, and his identity was self-evident.

   Hearing what he said, the other people who thought it was just an ordinary party were also taken aback, and then looked at the crown prince thoughtfully.

   "This meal is to receive the dust for the milk **** and President Qiangwei, there is no other purpose." The crown prince did not accept the move.

   "Come on, I don't know you yet, so I can say it if I have something to say. I'm just like a lady, I'm afraid I will take advantage or something?" Huangfu Donglai wondered if he drank too much and had a big tongue.

   "Yes, the crown prince, no one is outsider." This also aroused the curiosity of many people, and agreed.

   The crown prince heard the words and glanced at each other with the Iron-Blooded Sabre, and then reluctantly said, "Since you are interested, I will not hide it from you. It is actually about the next game activity."

   "Game activities? The national war activities are not just over? New activities are about to start? Crown Prince, you really have inside information!" Immediately, many people's spirits were shocked.

   "It's not a new event. The game world is an event every month. The national war has just ended. How can there be new events so fast." The crown prince shook his head.

   "What kind of inside information is that?" Someone asked strangely.

   "It's not so much inside information as it is a new plan for the game world." The crown prince explained.

   "What plan?" Everyone was curious.

   "At this stage, mainstream players have all passed three ranks, right, there is no shortage of elite members above the level in our respective unions, right?" the crown prince asked.

   "Yes, the second echelon is all up, and the first echelon is also fast. Like the milk gods, the great gods are about to turn four times, but what does this have to do with the new plan?" Some people are still puzzled.

   Not to mention them, even Xiao Feng is at a loss. He can still understand the creation of gods, and he doesn't know what medicine the crown prince is selling when it comes to the average player level.

   "Let me ask a question, who knows how high the guard level of the three-tier main city is?" The crown prince still did not directly explain, but continued to ask.

   "The third-level main city? The guard is the highest level, some small cities are even the first-level guards... Wait! Do you want to move the system main city?"

   Someone replied, but they reacted as soon as the words were spoken. They were shocked and everyone looked at the crown prince.

   "The idea for the main city of the system! Is this okay?"

  , all the bigwigs on the scene, instantly reflected what the crown prince said, but still felt unbelievable.

"Why not? There is no official official title in "Mythology". We are the masters of the game world. As long as we have this strength, it is up to us to decide how to develop." The crown prince's tone was very domineering, full of superiors. Aura.

   "This...that's what it says. After the third round, our players do have the power to fight against the main city of the system, but attacking the main city of the system...this must be a serious consequence?" Some people still worry.
