MTL - Do You Know How to Capture a Villain?-Chapter 46 46%

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Ji Qingzhuo took a deep breath before calming herself down. She looked up at the medicine refining hall. Qiu Mingxue had already been taken down to heal her wounds. After she left, there was only Ying Ying in the middle of the big medicine hall. sleeve.

She stared wide-eyed, with a hint of astonishment on her clear and beautiful face, she did not expect Ye Duanhong to appear suddenly.

Ye Duanhong's cultivation base is high and his strength is strong. If he were not present today, no one would be able to subdue this strange flame.

——Ye Duanhong had concealed her figure when she came to watch the disciples participate in the assessment. If she hadn't sat next to him, no one would have noticed him.

Yingxiu remained silent, and only took out the elixir from the medicine cauldron with trembling hands. What she refined was an above-average ordinary elixir, just enough to surpass the rest of the disciples present, but she also gave it to Qiu Mingxue. Outshine her space.

Ye Duanhong had a cold face, and his complexion was not good-looking. He watched someone take the injured Qiu Mingxue down and send him to the doctor, his brows were tightly furrowed.

He is a straightforward person, and he will not hide his emotions—with his status in Xuanyunzong, he does not need to greet anyone with a smile.

Ye Duanhong could not hide his disgust towards Qiu Mingxue, he opened his lips and said coldly, "Damn it."

It was his duty as the elder of the Xuanyun Sect to save her, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that Qiu Mingxue deserved what he deserved.

Relying on her status as a beloved princess, she unscrupulously demanded from her own country and oppressed the mortals of Ze Country. No one would sympathize with her end like this.

"Senior brother Xiaoyu... what is that flame?" Ji Qingzhuo calmed down, she looked at the black air struggling and writhing on the ground - it had been cut into two by Ye Duanhong, but it was still struggling stubbornly.

This thing seems to have to be burnt to give up, it is very evil.

"It's the product of the earth vein ghost energy." Shen Rongyu opened his lips, and when he uttered the first word, his tone paused.

Ji Qingzhuo keenly grasped the four words "earth vein ghost energy", and the system seemed to say...Shen Rongyu had something to do with earth vein ghost energy, but she didn't ask about the specific relationship, and the system didn't make it clear.

She froze for a moment, then asked, "Earth vein ghost energy, what is it?"

"It's a by-product of the explosion of spiritual energy in this world." Shen Rongyu recounted the contents of the book to Ji Qingzhuo, "After the spiritual energy exploded, human beings began to practice, and the turbid energy produced after the spiritual energy was absorbed and used sank into the earth veins , because a large amount of turbid air can no longer be converted naturally, so it is deposited into ghost air of earth veins, and demons will be bred in it."

"Is that so..." Ji Qingzhuo responded, she was thinking, how could such a thing have any connection with Shen Rongyu, he was dressed in white, floating like a banished fairy, no matter how she thought about it, it was impossible to have anything to do with this evil earth vein ghost relationship.

When she was thinking, her expression was dull, so Shen Rongyu leaned over and asked her in a low voice: "What is Zhuo Zhuo thinking about?"

His smile has a kind of detached gentleness, which is easy to be addicted to, he is like a vortex that attracts everything around him.

Ji Qingzhuo will not be attracted to him, because she is too heavy a piece of wood.

She said, "I'm thinking about this earth vein ghost energy."

"Don't think about it anymore." Shen Rongyu said to her with a smile, "Even if you use a little mana for thousands of years, you won't be able to accumulate the ghost energy of the earth veins."

While they were chatting, Ye Duanhong had already captured the demon on the ground. His long knife drew a demon-sealing formation, covering the evil purple-black flames in it, and the flames were like snakes in the formation. Writhing like crazy, and then a wisp of green smoke was stripped from the flame.

Ye Duanhong diverted water to extinguish the remaining flames, looked at the thing formed by the condensed green smoke, it changed into its original appearance, it was a rolling stone grass, but this rolling stone grass was black, not Qiuming Xuegang Shallot green when you take it out.

"The resentful souls of mortals combined with the ghost energy of the earth veins are called mandrills." Ye Duanhong stared at the rolling stone grass, and said in a deep voice the origin of the evil thing, "The rolling stone grass is under the cliff, dead Too many people, it was nourished by blood, the mandrill along its root system merged with this plant, their only appeal is vengeance."

"Qiu Mingxue put the curly stone grass into the medicine cauldron, activated the mandrill, and it combined with the flame under the medicine cauldron, and began to attack her." After Ye Duanhong confirmed the existence of the mandrill, she deduced the ins and outs of the incident.

"She was injured by Mandrill, and she deserved it, but if Mandrill absorbs her blood and soul and turns to attack other disciples, this matter will be difficult to deal with." Ye Duanhong raised his hand and lifted Mandrill from the Demon Sealing Formation When he got up, he squeezed the evil thing to death with one hand, and the picture contained in the phantom also dissipated like bubbles.

All the horrific sounds and images disappeared, Ji Qingzhuo suddenly saw the roll of stone grass fall.

The sights and sounds, the struggling hands, the family and death that had just merged into this volume of stone grass, all disappeared, and disappeared in Ye Duanhong's hands...

"No..." Ji Qingzhuo said softly, and she took a step forward.

Shen Rongyu stopped her, and he grabbed her wrist suddenly: "Are you pitying that mandrill?"

"They collected medicine... fell off the cliff..." Ji Qingzhuo said softly, "They also have their own lives, but..."

She was incoherent and couldn't express what she thought in her heart, but she felt that Ye Duanhong was too arbitrary, destroying all the traces of these souls that once existed.

"The moment they combined with the ghost energy of the earth veins and became mandrills, they can no longer be called human beings. Facing their former family and friends, they will mercilessly hurt and devour them." Shen Rongyu said to Ji Qingzhuo Said.

Ji Qingzhuo's lips parted, but she didn't speak anymore, because she found that the monks around her were looking at the dead Mandrill with expressions of fear and disgust, only she said "no", so funny.

She shut her mouth tactfully, that was Qiu Mingxue's country of Ze, so what could she do.

Ji Qingzhuo's hand hanging by her side trembled slightly, she turned around and looked behind Shen Rongyu.

"Senior Brother Xiaoyu, I want to go back." Ji Qingzhuo whispered.

"Okay." Shen Rongyu answered her.

At this time, the elders of the alchemy class had already announced the handling method for today's assessment. The disciples who could refine the elixir today would hand in the elixir first, and then after Qiu Mingxue recovered from his injury, he would refine the elixir again and draw the elixir. final grade.

It is rare for an evil thing like mandrill to appear in Xuanyunzong, but Qiu Mingxue brought this curly stone grass back from Zeguo himself, and the mandrill hid it very well, and did not appear until the curly stone grass was aroused, so everyone They all took this incident as an accident, and were still discussing about Qiu Mingxue's identity when they left.

Ji Qingzhuo stepped on Shen Rongyu's Snow Burial Sword, and the dull sounds of bodies falling to the ground kept appearing in her mind.

She closed her eyes and frowned slightly. The reason why she has always been reluctant to deal with people is very simple, because she knows that she is easily influenced by external objects. In this kind of thing, her psychological defense is very fragile.

Since she didn't dare to contact her, she wouldn't be optimistic about it, but she didn't expect to see such a cruel thing in the medicine hall today.

"Zhuo Zhuo?" Shen Rongyu called her, he held her wrist, his palm was warm, and seemed to have a different sense of security.

"En." Ji Qingzhuo replied in a low voice.

"Are you afraid?" He asked, because after returning from the medicine hall, she had been absent-minded and her eyes were dodging.

The rotten wood is indeed rotten wood, fragile and sensitive, easily broken when touched lightly.

Ji Qingzhuo let out a long sigh of relief, she nodded, "Yes."

"It seems that I should leave the letter today and not take you to see the refining examination." Shen Rongyu coaxed her in a low voice, it was already a piece of wood, and it became more and more boring like this.

"En." Ji Qingzhuo still responded.

Her brows were still slightly furrowed, which gave her beautiful cheeks a special sense of fragility.

Shen Rongyu raised his hand, saw her frowning brows smoothed out, he lowered his head, looked into Ji Qingzhuo's clear eyes and asked her: "How can Zhuzhuo be happy?"

He was unusually patient today, and he didn't know why.

Ji Qingzhuo opened her lips, but the lips only moved slightly, she didn't know what to say, she felt that she was a bit on the edge of a corner.

Everyone has become a mandrill, and there is no room for redemption. This will only make everyone who sees this scene lament and sad, and she can't do anything.

Shen Rongyu looked down at her, she was always so easy to empathize with the outside world, the donkey is like this, the mandrill is also like this, in this point, she is really not like a log.

A very strange… person.

He stood by Ji Qingzhuo's side and did not speak.

In the afternoon, she began to practice as usual. When Ji Qingzhuo was held by his wrist, she still hadn't recovered from her senses. Her eyelashes drooped slightly. Looking at the two hands touching each other, it took a long time for her consciousness to let go and enter the cultivation space. middle.

In the red space, the red air flow belonging to Shen Rongyu has been waiting here for a long time. When it saw Ji Qingzhuo, it rushed over enthusiastically until the meandering air flow hovered in front of her cheek.

Ji Qingzhuo closed her eyes, and when she arrived in the space of spiritual consciousness, she was still depressed and frowning.

The air current caressed her brow, stretched her eyebrows, and then pecked her cheek again and again.

Ji Qingzhuo turned around and hugged the red airflow, like hugging a big dog. Of course, the airflow quickly wrapped her up and swept her into the sea of ​​blood.

"Xiaoyu." Ji Qingzhuo called out the red airflow, because she knew he couldn't hear him, so she started talking recklessly.

Ji Qingzhuo's ability to talk to herself is very strong, her fingers were kissed passionately by the air current, and her fingertips couldn't help trembling.

"The resentful spirits contained in Mandrill want to take revenge. It is only right and proper. As a princess of a country, Qiu Mingxue regards the lives of the people as worthless. If she does not cultivate immortality, she will die at the hands of the people one day." Ji Qingzhuo bowed his head and His head got into the arms of the red airflow.

Anyway, Shen Rongyu couldn't hear him here, so she treated him as a tree hole and said all the things she dared not say.

"But...but...the resentful spirit has become a mandrill. After they take revenge, they have to kill more innocent people indiscriminately. This is beyond the scope of revenge, so Elder Ye wants to kill it." Ji Qingzhuo The order was surprisingly clear, and she straightened out the matter word by word.

"It is the ghost energy of the earth veins that makes the dead souls mutate—this ghost energy is a by-product of the use of spiritual energy by humans." Ji Qingzhuo hugged the red air flow tightly, and her cheeks rubbed against the cold breath Rubbing—anyway, she rubbed too much, and she became cheeky, "Xiaoyu, this is a contradiction that will never find its source."

Shen Rongyu's breath could not hear Ji Qingzhuo's words at all, he could only guess that she was talking by rubbing Ji Qingzhuo's lips, but... what was she talking about?

The red airflow didn't understand, he just stuck out his tongue, licked her lips lightly, and kissed her tenderly.

Gradually, Ji Qingzhuo's pent-up emotions were healed by one kiss after another. When the red air flow was close to her, he was still calling: "Zhuo Zhuo."

Ji Qingzhuo lowered her head and touched his lips lightly. She asked in a low voice, "Xiaoyu, what is your relationship with the earth vein ghost energy?"

When she woke up, she was already leaning on Shen Rongyu's arms, it was already late at night - it was very late when they practiced.

Shen Rongyu looked down at Ji Qingzhuo in his arms, he didn't let go of her, his eyes fell on her wet hair at the temples.

"Sleepy?" he asked.

"Hmm." Ji Qingzhuo wanted to sleep very much, because she couldn't sleep in the cultivation space, and the red air was always haunting her, how could she ignore such a passionate sea of ​​blood.

"If you're afraid, I'll be with you tonight." Shen Rongyu hugged her, and Ji Qingzhuo's chin rested on his shoulder—just like Shen Rongyu saved her from Jiang Qianke that night.

Ji Qingzhuo was too sleepy, her body was heavy, and her eyelids were also heavy, so she could only lean on Shen Rongyu without breaking free.

She squinted her eyes halfway, looking at the crescent moon hanging in the sky, shining brightly.

Shen Rongyu carried her back, and after stepping on the Snow Burying Sword for a long time, Ji Qingzhuo tilted her head and leaned against his neck—she was so sleepy that she couldn't even tell the difference between Shen Rongyu in the training space and Shen Rongyu outside.

Normally, she would have been stiff, not daring to lean over.

When Ji Qingzhuo approached, Shen Rongyu was slightly stunned, her hairy head rubbed against his neck, a little itchy, but very cute.

Her body was very light, and he hugged her like he was hugging a toy puppet that belonged to him alone.

"Xiaoyu...was very patient with me today." Ji Qingzhuo really forgot that she was still outside. She was so sleepy that she couldn't distinguish between the illusory training space and reality. She called him without adding "senior brother" "Two words.

"Because you made me happy." Shen Rongyu's words were true, because after Na Mandrill was killed, among all the monks in the medicine hall, only Ji Qingzhuo took a step forward, trying to stop Ye Duanhong .

"Happy." Ji Qingzhuo repeated his words, she yawned, her eyelids drooped, and she closed her eyes.

She didn't speak for a long time, Shen Rongyu who was holding her patted her shoulder: "Zhuo Zhuo?"

Ji Qingzhuo didn't answer him while he was half asleep and half awake.

He called again: "Zhuo Zhuo?"

After shouting twice, Ji Qingzhuo closed his eyes and raised his head.

It's not her fault, it's almost a conditioned reflex, she raised her hand, gently wrapping around Shen Rongyu's neck as if in the training space.

With her eyes closed, she could follow his voice in the dark, following the vibration of his vocal cords, she moved her head closer.

Shen Rongyu never thought that she...would do such a thing. When her cold hands pressed against his neck, his body froze.

Under her fingertips was a black line extending from the back of his head. His skin was flawless to the touch, but the black scars could not be covered up no matter what.

With such an important part of his body being held by her, his whole body inevitably released a cold and evil killing intent—but Ji Qingzhuo had long been used to his aggressive aura in the training space.

Ji Qingzhuo didn't dodge, she held his hand slightly harder, raised her head, her jaw and neck drew a graceful arc, and kissed Shen Rongyu's lips.

Even in the cultivation space, her kiss was restrained and cautious, like a flower petal falling.

Under the cool autumn moonlight, the silver glow was like snow, the Burial Snow Sword wielded by Shen Rongyu fell rapidly, and his sanity also fell rapidly.

The thin ice at the bottom of Shen Rongyu's eyes was shattered by the waves deep in his eyes, he leaned over and hugged Ji Qingzhuo in his arms.

He held the back of her head, turned his head sideways, and precisely captured her parted lips.

Shen Rongyu kissed her back, this kiss was fierce and green, clumsily curling her lips and tongue, making her breathless.

Ji Qingzhuo raised her neck, her eyes were still closed, and she hadn't even fully woken up yet.

For such Shen Rongyu, she has long been used to it.