MTL - Do You Know How to Capture a Villain?-Chapter 43 43%

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When Ji Qingzhuo reached the finish line, she lowered her head and looked at the ice and snow under her feet.

Even though she knew the final result from the beginning, she still felt her chest constricted, she tapped her toes on the ground, and brushed away the snow accumulated on the ice.

After all, it was over, Ji Qingzhuo sighed softly.

Not long after, there was another person beside her, Meng Yaolan stood next to Ji Qingzhuo, and she also completed the four assessments, the speed is not too slow.

However, under Ji Qingzhuo's amazing performance, her cooperation with the spirit beast seemed mediocre.

For this, Meng Yaolan didn't feel too upset, she nodded to Ji Qingzhuo, and praised: "Miss Ji, your performance is really good."

"En." Ji Qingzhuo answered her. When she answered, her voice was muffled, and she didn't sound very happy.

After Meng Yaolan separated from her Xuanshuang beast, she didn't have much emotional fluctuations, because the way she got along with her Xuanshuang beast at the beginning was the relationship between superiors and subordinates, and there was no more emotion, so when she left That's why it's so crisp.

But because of such estrangement, her cooperation with Xuanshuang Beast could not be perfected, and Ji Qingzhuo surpassed her.

Of course, only Meng Yaolan knew that after Yu Taoyuan was overtaken by Ji Qingzhuo, since she couldn't get the first place, her speed slowed down. She could vaguely guess that Ji Qingzhuo's goal was to be the top three in the door assessment, and she wanted to see why Ji Qingzhuo wanted the top three.

After hearing Ji Qingzhuo's muffled answer, Meng Yaolan was a little surprised. She also saw Ji Qingzhuo hugging the Xuanshuang Beast before leaving.

"You can't bear it?" Meng Yaolan's tone was a little puzzled, as if it was unimaginable that this happened to her.

"En." Ji Qingzhuo replied again, she raised her head and looked into the distance.

There was a touch of melancholy in her eyes, her eyes widened slightly, she looked a little at a loss, her emotions were light, but this little emotional fluctuation was so obvious on her face.

"Sorry." Meng Yaolan said to her.

"Nothing." Ji Qingzhuo waited for Elder Qu Ting to announce the results.

The rest of the disciples who participated in the assessment arrived at the finish line one after another. Because of Ji Qingzhuo's outstanding performance, she got full marks, and Meng Yaolan, who was second only to her, only got 80 points because of the huge time gap.

Ji Qingzhuo's annual test ranking has risen rapidly among the disciples, but it is still not as good as the monks in the front row, especially Meng Yaolan. Although she only scored 80 points in the beast control class, she is still far ahead.

This was already the best result of the beast control class, but Ji Qingzhuo didn't feel much excitement. After everyone dispersed and left, she was still standing alone on the snow lake.

"Qing Zhuo, aren't you going back?" Elder Qu Ting asked her.

The monks who came to watch were talking about her, Ji Qingzhuo even noticed Qiu Mingxue staring at her in the crowd, she seemed unable to accept such a result.

Ji Qingzhuo didn't want to leave here right away to meet those monks, so she waited for a long time in the snow lake, waiting for the crowd to disperse, until her stomach growled with hunger.

"Okay, they have all left." Elder Qu Ting said to her with a smile, "Your brother is still waiting for you outside."

"Senior brother Xiaoyu?" Ji Qingzhuo was a little surprised, she didn't expect Shen Rongyu to wait for her outside.

"You call him Xiaoyu? That's a strange name." Elder Qu Ting nodded, "I just saw him outside the Beast Spirit Valley."

Ji Qingzhuo bid farewell to Elder Qu Ting, and trotted out of the Beast Spirit Valley.

Sure enough, Shen Rongyu was waiting outside the cave. He was leaning against a tree outside the valley, with maple leaves dyed red by autumn colors above his head. There was no wind during the day, and these dead leaves hung leisurely above his head.

Holding the sword in his arms, he looked at the autumn sunlight leaking from the forest, his eyes were as calm as a lake, and a layer of ice was condensed on the surface of the lake.

Hearing Ji Qingzhuo's footsteps, he turned his head to look at her. The epiphyllum jade pendant around his waist was still conspicuous, but it was complemented by his superior temperament with a different sense of art.

"Senior brother Xiaoyu." Ji Qingzhuo stepped forward, she didn't know what Shen Rongyu was waiting for her, didn't he wait for her to come with him today?

As soon as she finished saying this, her stomach growled, and when the monks who were onlookers left, she missed her meal and consumed too much physical and mana in the morning, and she was too hungry.

Shen Rongyu held her wrist, the corners of his lips curled up, and his tone was with a smile: "The clockwork is unwinding again."

With a steady stream of spiritual energy passing into her body through him, Ji Qingzhuo quickly replenished the mana he had consumed in the assessment of the beast control class.

After recovering her mana, Ji Qingzhuo retracted her hand, bent her fingers, and retracted them into her sleeves.

"Take you to dinner." Shen Rongyu led her up to the Burial Snow Sword.

Ji Qingzhuo lowered his head, feeling depressed, but Shen Rongyu couldn't understand her current mood.

Since they are spirit beasts, they have their own masters, so there is no need for him to worry about them. If they are separated, the memory of those spirit beasts will slowly melt under the sun like the ice sculptures on the snowy lake.

So Shen Rongyu asked her: "I like it very much?"

"What do you like?" Ji Qingzhuo answered him with a puzzled tone.

"Xuan Frost Beast." Shen Rongyu said to her, he didn't know why Ji Qingzhuo wanted to hug Bingshuang again in the end, which delayed her from breaking his previous record.

Shen Rongyu didn't do his best in the assessment of the animal control class back then, so he didn't mind his record being broken by Ji Qingzhuo.

"I like it." Ji Qingzhuo replied honestly, "But it's not mine."

"Since it's not yours, it's fine to ask for it." Facing this kind of thing, Shen Rongyu's thinking was simpler than Ji Qingzhuo's.

"It is Elder Qu's spirit beast." Ji Qingzhuo remembered this from beginning to end.

She knew that she and Shen Rongyu couldn't match up on this topic, so she changed the topic.

"Senior Brother Xiaoyu, I'm hungry." She stood on tiptoe and said, looking at Mingxin Lake in the distance.

"I'll take you there." Shen Rongyu sighed softly.

He didn't want to wait for Ji Qingzhuo today, there was no other reason, he just didn't want to, just like last night his sword edge only vaguely traced her outline.

But Ji Qingzhuo stood alone in the middle of the snow lake, looking very lonely. She was afraid of the crowd, so she waited until the crowd left before she recovered.

It was already afternoon, Elder Qiao Shu only left some buns in the kitchen, stuffed with vegetable vermicelli, he was busy tending his own flowers and plants, so he asked Ji Qingzhuo to heat up the buns and eat them.

Ji Qingzhuo walked into the kitchen, and Shen Rongyu unexpectedly followed.

"Brother Xiaoyu, do you want to eat too?" Ji Qingzhuo asked him with his back turned.

Of course Shen Rongyu didn't eat it, he just wanted to watch Ji Qingzhuo, she was much more interesting than Elder Qiao Shu's mimosa.

He shook his head.

So Ji Qingzhuo took out two from the plate, opened them and prepared to put them in his mouth. She doesn't know how to cook or light a fire, so she can just make do with the cold buns.

In the end, Shen Rongyu stopped her hand: "Do you eat cold food?"

Ji Qingzhuo nodded: "Too hungry."

Shen Rongyu also doesn't know how to cook, he has never been in contact with these worldly things, but he still brought over a plate of buns and said to Ji Qingzhuo, "I'll heat it up for you."

"Okay." Ji Qingzhuo put the vegetable buns he broke off back on the plate.

Shen Rongyu performed a simple fire-igniting formula under the stove, which Ji Qingzhuo also learned in magic class.

The flame was blazing under the stove, and the water in the pot was gradually heating up. Shen Rongyu put the buns into the pot.

Ji Qingzhuo was curious about what Shen Rongyu could do, so she put her hands on her knees and obediently sat at the table waiting for him to heat up the buns.

Wherever Shen Rongyu's hand stretched out, her gaze shifted there. Shen Rongyu had time to look at her sideways, and Ji Qingzhuo hurriedly looked away.

"Very hungry?" Shen Rongyu asked.

"No." Ji Qingzhuo denied, she felt that if her stomach didn't growl now, it means she wasn't hungry.

But as soon as she finished speaking, her stomach growled.

Ji Qingzhuo quickly covered his stomach.

Shen Rongyu didn't speak, because he knew that if he teased Ji Qingzhuo again, the wood would run out in embarrassment.

Seeing that Shen Rongyu didn't respond, Ji Qingzhuo was still controlling the size of the flame in the stove normally, she felt lucky that he didn't hear her stomach growling just now.

Shen Rongyu had seen Elder Qiao Shu's hot dishes before, and he imitated the example, but he didn't fail. Soon, hot steam came out, and the cold buns in the pot began to become soft and delicious.

He took the buns out of the pot, and there was an invisible airflow between his hands and the plate. Working in the kitchen would inevitably get some soot, but his whole body was not stained with dust, even such mundane things as heating buns, He also does it smoothly, easily and freely.

Shen Rongyu put a plate of buns in front of Ji Qingzhuo: "Zhuozhuo, eat."

Ji Qingzhuo couldn't bear it anymore, she was so hungry that she was dizzy, so she raised her hand and was about to grab one, but she forgot that the steamed buns were very hot.

When her fingertips touched the soft bun skin, her hand was scalded and retracted.

Ji Qingzhuo put her burnt fingers in her mouth to relieve it, and turned around to get the chopsticks. She had done such stupid things a lot, and she didn't think there was any problem.

Of course, in Shen Rongyu's view, that would be too problematic.

He stared at Ji Qingzhuo, she rubbed her reddened fingertips vigorously, looking a little embarrassed.

Ji Qingzhuo brought chopsticks, picked up a vegetable bun, puffed up his cheeks and blew on it.

Just about to put it in the mouth, Shen Rongyu looked at her puffed cheeks and said, "Zhuozhuo, I want to eat too."

Although Ji Qingzhuo was already very hungry, she still brought the steamed stuffed bun in her hand to him.

Shen Rongyu took a bite out of her hand and took the whole bun.

So the two of them got together in the kitchen and started to eat the steamed buns. Elder Qiao Shu's cooking wasn't top-notch, but the taste was right, and the skin of the steamed buns was soft. When they were put into the mouth, there was always steam coming out, making their cheeks flushed red. .

Elder Qiao Shu, who had finally finished tending the flowers and plants outside the house, just wanted to come back to see if Ji Qingzhuo was full, when he walked to the kitchen door, he saw two people inside eating buns.

Elder Qiao Shu felt that there was something wrong with this scene, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. In short, he had never seen Shen Rongyu like this. Can a person who is like an exile be dragged down from the mortal world?

Ji Qingzhuo waited too long for this meal, and she finally got full, so she slowed down. When she returned to Baishui Island with Shen Rongyu, she felt in her purse. Fortunately, it was on an empty lake. Shen Rongyu didn't feel too strong the power of the moonlight when she opened her purse, otherwise he would be annoyed again. up.

Ji Qingzhuo took out the three green peaches he picked in the Taoyuan, and handed one to Shen Rongyu: "Brother Xiaoyu, do you want to eat?"

This green peach is naturally edible, and it is a spiritual fruit planted by Elder Qu Ting himself. There is abundant spiritual energy in it, which is very helpful for cultivation. This is a reward for the disciples who participated in the assessment.

Shen Rongyu took one and found that Ji Qingzhuo really thought about him in everything, and even gave him half of the green peaches he got in the assessment.

Although Ji Qingzhuo knew that this green peach was a good thing, she couldn't taste the aura rich in it, and while chewing, she distributed the whereabouts of the remaining green peach: "The rest, give half to another, half to Fluffy."

When she spoke, the aura contained in the green peach could not be absorbed by her, so it all ran out.

Shen Rongyu looked at the spiritual energy that was about to dissipate, her eyes were calm, and her tone of voice was also calm.

"Zhuo Zhuo." He called her, "Don't move."

At this time, the two of them had arrived on Baishui Island and were walking in the forest. Ji Qingzhuo listened to his words and stood still, she didn't know what happened.

Shen Rongyu stretched out his hand, the air flow brought by the big sleeves startled the dead leaves from the treetops, and a maple leaf happened to land on top of Ji Qingzhuo's head.

His hand pressed her lips, without any other meaning, he was just helping Ji Qingzhuo gather back the aura in the green peach.

Shen Rongyu's fingertips were pressed against her lips, just now when the wind blew on the Burial Snow Sword, her lips felt a little cool, but Shen Rongyu's fingertips were hot.

Ji Qingzhuo's lips trembled slightly, Shen Rongyu's movements were very light, so it made her feel itchy, and she read Shen Rongyu's explanation just now "Don't move", so she didn't dare to move.

Some spiritual energy came in from his fingertips against her lips, with the slightly sour and sweet green peach, flowing through her meridians.

Ji Qingzhuo's eyelashes drooped slightly, and she looked at Shen Rongyu's fingers, which were as white as cold jade, perfect and delicate, and now...he just pressed her lips like this.

It was only after she realized it that she felt ashamed, and her face was full of red clouds.

Although Shen Rongyu had already injected Qingtao's aura into Ji Qingzhuo's meridians through himself, he did not move his hand away.

The fingertips moved slightly, tracing the outline of her lips, the soft lips were slightly sunken.

Shen Rongyu's fingers froze suddenly, and he found every line on Ji Qingzhuo's lips, he seemed to have a sense of familiarity.

It seems to have been traced and rubbed countless times.

Of course he did this before, in the cultivation space, but he didn't know it.

Shen Rongyu stared at Ji Qingzhuo, but Ji Qingzhuo was extremely ashamed at this moment, and she didn't dare to move or look at him, so she could only look elsewhere.

He withdrew his hand abruptly, Ji Qingzhuo quickly lowered his head, the red maple leaf on top of his head fell down, even the red maple leaf was ashamed for her.

Ji Qingzhuo understood what Shen Rongyu was doing, she felt embarrassed by her sudden embarrassment just now, Shen Rongyu was helping her practice, and she was not in the cultivation space, why was she blushing?

So she took a deep breath, suppressed her nervousness, and asked Shen Rongyu a question in a low voice.

"Senior brother Xiaoyu, can I practice here?" she asked.

Ji Qingzhuo wanted to ask Shen Rongyu to answer her own question, but when she raised her head and her eyes fell on Shen Rongyu's side face, she felt that this sentence was a bit wrong.

She found that the big villain's cheeks also had a faint crimson color - now it is daytime, and she can see it more clearly than last night when the moon was under the moon.