MTL - Do You Know How to Capture a Villain?-Chapter 24 24%

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Ji Qingzhuo's feet stepped on the cold ground, her toes curled up in the cold.

It was late at night, and although it was already summer, the night was still cold.

Ji Qingzhuo didn't care much, she just rushed to the courtyard, the system's alarm was still ringing sharply, signaling her that danger was approaching.

Even if she was running for her life, she didn't forget her companion who accompanied her all the way. Ji Qingzhuo patted Mao Mao's neck and whispered, "Maomao, let's go."

The system was so anxious that it even forgot to call the police: "Host, you are running for your life, what are you doing with the donkey?"

"If that person can't find me, he will definitely attack Maomao." Ji Qingzhuo took Maomao and ran away. The speed was not too fast, mainly because she couldn't get up fast.

Ji Qingzhuo ran out from the back door and into the woods. She ran forward several tens of feet, and the system reminded her that the danger level was lowered from level one to level two. It should be that the person who came to kill her entered her residence .

The man seemed to have stopped there for a while, as if he was looking for something, Ji Qingzhuo guessed that he was looking for Maomao.

Fortunately, she had brought Mao Mao out, and Ji Qingzhuo continued to run with it, but he didn't know where to go.

The flywheel lost its energy and could no longer be used. For her, Baishui Island was an isolated island. She couldn't swim, and her magic power was not enough to allow her to fly over the wide Baishui Lake with the Royal Sky Technique.

She seemed to have to find a place to hide.

Ji Qingzhuo was out of breath after running for a while, her physical strength was really not very good.

Mao Mao is also getting old, and her pace is getting slower and slower.

And the alert that had been lowered to a third-level alert began to escalate again. It should be that someone did not find Maomao in her residence, so they searched for her traces on Baishui Island again.

"Host, go find Shen Rongyu." The system reminded her.

Ji Qingzhuo didn't listen to the system. She even only knew the general location of Shen Rongyu's residence, but not where he lived. How would she find him?

Moreover, regardless of whether Shen Rongyu is in Baishui Island because of something tonight, even if she rushes to find him, can Shen Rongyu really protect her?

The speed of the arrival was extremely fast, it could not be the new disciple who just joined the Xuanyun Sect in this Ascension to Immortals Conference, it should be someone like an elder...

Shen Rongyu is only at the Golden Core level now, if she went to look for him, wouldn't she drag him down?

Ji Qingzhuo was hiding in the woods. Since the visitor didn't know her location, the system called the police from far and near. She rejected the system's proposal.

"System, although he is the big villain in the future, he is now a Jindan cultivator. Do you want him to save me, or do you want him to be buried with me?" Ji Qingzhuo asked.

The system began to try to communicate with Ji Qingzhuo again: "It is such a host, since I have absorbed enough energy, I can now plan your escape route."

Ji Qingzhuo ran in a hurry. She felt that the system was finally reliable. She ran along the route planned by the system, and thanked it out of breath: "System, thank you, you finally It could be of some use."

"Okay, host, stop praising me." The system commanded Ji Qingzhuo to escape, "Turn another corner to the east..."

Ji Qingzhuo obediently turned a corner, but she didn't know that her whereabouts had been exposed, and walking in the forest would leave some traces.

Suddenly, the system's alarm sound was upgraded from level three to level two, and the danger level increased extremely quickly, indicating that the other party was coming straight towards her.

Ji Qingzhuo was in a hurry, a stream of air suddenly rose from under her feet, and even supported Mao Mao, the wind was strong on a moonlit night, and the air defense technique she had just mastered came in handy.

Her mana is limited and must be used at critical moments. Now she just needs to walk in the air and head towards the escape route planned for her by the system.

The situation in the dense forest is complicated, there are overgrown branches blocking the front, Baishui Island is Yu Sukong's place, and no one dares to make a big show of it.

The airflow under Ji Qingzhuo's feet is light and precise, and he avoids the obstacles in front of him accurately time and time again. This is more like intuition than rigorous calculation.

Her speed was very fast, even faster than when she was taking the spell test, she was really rushed.

Moreover, I have been observing Ji Qingzhuo's system and noticed one thing, that is, the last time Ji Qingzhuo performed the Yukong technique, she had to write and draw calculations on paper. This time, she didn't even need to use paper and pen to calculate. , and directly came up with the best plan for flying in the sky.

Ji Qingzhuo felt the oncoming wind, their ups and downs howling helped her quickly judge the obstacles in front of her, every time she almost flew past the dangerous branches.

She heard her rapid heartbeat and her weaker breathing, she was flying with a breath of air, the little mana she had left was constantly draining, and sweat was dripping from her forehead.

The danger level has been kept at level two, which means that the opponent is not letting go, and she can't get rid of the opponent even if she casts the air defense technique.

You must know that with such a disparity in strength between the two sides, it is already a miracle that Ji Qingzhuo can escape from the opponent's pursuit in a complicated environment with the newly acquired air defense technique.

Even if the opponent is an elder-level figure, he can only restrain his hands and feet on Baishui Island and deal with Ji Qingzhuo secretly.

"Is it almost there?" Ji Qingzhuo couldn't hold on any longer, there was only a thin layer of airflow left under her feet.

"That's the building in front!" The system also actively guided Ji Qingzhuo in the direction.

"You are such a reliable system." Ji Qingzhuo thanked it sincerely, "Thank you for planning the route for me and saving my life."

She flew to the building and noticed that it was a house on Baishui Island, and the so-called escape route was nearby?

"Host, have you seen that door? Boldly push it open. There is a secret passage inside that can leave Baishui Island."

Ji Qingzhuo was really easy to deceive.

"Okay." Ji Qingzhuo hurried up, she heard the siren still echoing in her mind.

She trusted the system, so she took a deep breath, pushed the courtyard door open, and lowered her head, ready to rush in and continue to escape.

As a result, in the quiet moonlit night, only a short "squeak" was heard, and the door was easily opened by Ji Qingzhuo.

The pattern behind the gate of the courtyard here is unique. The water drawn from Baishui Lake forms a small pool here. There is a bamboo corridor like a bridge and a road, leading directly to the buildings in the courtyard.

The bamboo house in the courtyard has a moon-shaped arch, and the bamboo floor is still soaked with water behind the door, presenting smooth light and shadow like a mirror in the courtyard.

Ji Qingzhuo didn't expect that the system would lie to her.

Yes, there are people in the courtyard.

She looked at Shen Rongyu in front of her and was stunned.

She seemed to see something extraordinary.

Shen Rongyu stood on the side of the water surface, behind him was the mirror-like water surface, and the night wind blew circles of ripples, reflecting the moonlight.

His upper body was uncovered, and all the layers of clothes that had been neatly organized were taken off, revealing his perfect figure. His complexion was healthy and white, and under the moonlight, he felt somewhat divine.

The smooth and thin lines outline the mass of muscles, and at the narrow waist, there are two extremely alluring arcs submerged under the fabric.

The clothes that Shen Rongyu just took off were casually hung on the trusses by the water, and the sleeves were blown by the wind, blowing bursts of mysterious bone-penetrating fragrance to Ji Qingzhuo.

Ji Qingzhuo was stunned for a long time, her eyes seemed to be focused only on Shen Rongyu, and she also noticed Shen Rongyu's reflection on the water behind him.

The water surface reflects the moonlight, which has a mirror-like effect, and this clear mirror surface can clearly see Shen Rongyu's back that is not facing her.

If Shen Rongyu facing her is bright and seductive, a perfect work of art, then his back reflected on the water is terrifying and miserable.

There is a strange **** scar starting from the back of his head and going straight into the cover of his clothes. It seems that someone is holding a sharp knife, starting from the top of his head, and slowly cutting down, deliberately Peel off his beautiful skin. Or... this layer of skin was covered by him later.

Ji Qingzhuo didn't dare to look at him in the water for too long, so he quickly looked away, then covered his eyes with one hand, and covered Mao Mao's eyes with the other.

The alert level stayed at level two, and those who wanted to kill her saw that she had arrived at Shen Rongyu's place, so they observed from a distance and did not directly attack.

After seeing Ji Qingzhuo push open the door, Shen Rongyu was also taken aback for a moment, but fortunately he didn't realize that the reflection on the water behind him betrayed his real appearance.

Then, he walked up from the water's edge slowly, put on his robe, but he was not fully dressed, the neckline was slanted open, revealing the beautiful muscle lines of his chest.

"What?" He walked slowly, approaching Ji Qingzhuo.

As soon as Ji Qingzhuo covered her eyes, she thought of him in the water she saw, and she involuntarily took Mao Mao back two steps, exiting his yard.

"I... I didn't mean to watch..." Ji Qingzhuo tightened his grip on the rope holding Maomao.

The system's killing intent alarm is illusory, she can't just say that someone is going to kill her, is there any evidence?

When she speaks out, others will only think she is talking nonsense.

Ji Qingzhuo stammered for a long time, but the hand covering his eyes trembled uncontrollably, and his voice was terrified.

Her mana was exhausted, and she had no strength to run here, and she was out of breath when she spoke.

Shen Rongyu raised his hand and held her wrist covering her eyes. His big palm was gentle, and the trembling of Ji Qingzhuo's fingertips stopped.

"Zhuo Zhuo, you look like you are running for your life." He lowered his eyes slightly and said softly to Ji Qingzhuo.

"'s..." Ji Qingzhuo nodded abruptly, and admitted that since she was trapped here by the system, she could only tell the truth.

"Someone is going to kill you, and you escaped?" Shen Rongyu asked, he raised his eyes, and suddenly looked towards the direction of the forest. Among the vegetation, there seemed to be a vague figure.

"Hmm." Ji Qingzhuo whispered.

"Escape for your life, are you bringing the donkey with you?" Shen Rongyu turned his eyes back from the direction of the woods, and he glanced at Mao Mao.

This donkey looks very stupid and old, and its gray fur is also ugly, but Ji Qingzhuo just hugged it that night and went looking for medicine overnight.

"En." Ji Qingzhuo replied again.

Shen Rongyu took two steps back, his attention was focused on the woods, and he started teasing Ji Qingzhuo again.

"My yard is small, I'm afraid you and the donkey can only hide in one." Shen Rongyu said slowly to Ji Qingzhuo.

He lowered his head and rolled up his wide sleeve robe a little, exposing his thin forearm.

Ji Qingzhuo thought for a while, and pushed Maomao forward, as if entrusting his child to the kindergarten teacher when he was in kindergarten.

"Hey, let's go." Ji Qingzhuo pushed **** Mao Mao's butt, the donkey was stubborn, not moving.

Shen Rongyu tilted his head to look at her, against the moonlight, his expression was unclear, and his eyes were dim.

"Aren't you coming in?" he asked again.

Ji Qingzhuo had his own considerations. Now that Shen Rongyu appeared, he could deter that person from stopping temporarily, but the person hadn't left yet.

It's fine to kill her... Shen Rongyu is only a golden core cultivation base, he is not capable of protecting her.

So, Ji Qingzhuo took two steps back, and she waved to Shen Rongyu.

She still didn't dare to look him in the eye, her eyebrows drooped slightly, and she didn't seem to have any expression of fear, but her feet on the ground were already stained with mud, and there were even marks of cuts by blades of grass.

Ji Qingzhuo felt a little cold, probably because the sweat from running just now was dried by the wind. She felt her nose itchy, and a sneeze scratched her, but she couldn't get it out.

Shen Rongyu didn't call her again, he was waiting for her to come by himself.

Ji Qingzhuo held the rope to tie Maomao in his hand, and handed it to Shen Rongyu, she said in a low voice: "Senior brother Xiaoyu, it may be my own illusion, you help me look after Maomao first, and I will go back by myself."

Shen Rongyu didn't take the rope, he thought it should be tied to Ji Qingzhuo now.

No wonder she raised a donkey, this girl is more stubborn than a donkey.

"You can come in with it." Shen Rongyu finally gave in.

Ji Qingzhuo shook her head, the system's sharp alarm continued to sound in her mind, and her feet were nailed in place.

She only hoped that Shen Rongyu would close the door quickly, and pretended that she had never been here.

The two were silent, and seemed to be in a strange stalemate.

Until the man waiting in the woods couldn't hold back anymore, killing Ji Qingzhuo was as easy as drinking water. She had no family and no influence behind her, so killing her was easy to explain.

But she went to find Shen Rongyu, Shen Rongyu had a special status and a detached position in Xuanyunzong - although he didn't think so.

Left and right, Shen Rongyu was also killed, and the man in the forest showed crazy emotions in his eyes.

So, he made a move.

"Whoosh—" Three sharp weapons pierced through the air, and they flew towards here over a distance of fifty feet.

Although this unknown hidden weapon was ordinary, it was infused with 100% of the magic power of the elder Xuanyunzong.

When Shen Rongyu saw the hidden weapon flying towards him, his pupils shrank suddenly. He took a step forward, and directly embraced Ji Qingzhuo who was stunned where he was.

His movements were swift, Ji Qingzhuo's nose bumped into his exposed chest, he hugged her and turned around, her skirt fluttered, and a flower bloomed in mid-air.

Maomao broke free from the rope and rushed to Shen Rongyu's yard to hide. She was also very scared, okay?

"Ka—" Those three nail-like hidden weapons sank into Shen Rongyu's courtyard door, and then exploded secretly, smashing the door to pieces and sending sawdust flying.

Shen Rongyu hugged Ji Qingzhuo with one hand, and then drew out the Burial Snow Sword hanging from his waist. The three black nails on the door failed to hit, and flew up again, turned around, and shot towards Ji Qingzhuo.

The Burial Snow Sword is in front of him, the body of the sword is like a mirror, reflecting Shen Rongyu's indifferent eyes, but at the moment when the sword is released, there is excitement in the eyes, and the three black nails are called "soul chasing nails", a total of three You must drink blood and return.

The soul-chasing nail hit the Buried Snow Sword, but it couldn't do any damage to the sword. It only made three "ding ding ding" sounds. The collision was so powerful that Shen Rongyu took three steps back.

Ji Qingzhuo was held in his arms, only heard the sound of sharp weapons clashing, and her nervous wet breath fell on his chest, and she still didn't dare to raise her head.

However, when Shen Rongyu backed away, she clenched his half-open robe tightly, and Shen Rongyu... seemed to be unable to hold on.

At this time, he really only has a golden core cultivation base, and the big villain who will destroy the world in the future can't support the sky with one hand now.

And this brought by her...

Ji Qingzhuo put her hands on his shoulders, she clenched his arms, and raised her head suddenly.

The Soul Chasing Nail was blocked by the Burial Snow Sword and locked onto her again, with the sharp end facing her eyes.

Ji Qingzhuo opened her lips and let out a silent scream. She suppressed the scream forcefully. In an instant, she had already calculated the next move of the soul chasing nail.

"Senior brother Xiaoyu, shift to the right by three inches." Ji Qingzhuo's words became clear at this time, "Then you can use your sword to stop it. After turning the direction, its power is the weakest, and you can bounce it away..."

"Bounce away?" Shen Rongyu avoided the wound on her waist with his hands, and only opened his lips and said coolly, with a murderous intent in his words.

He turned sideways, shifted three inches to the right, and then turned his head. The Buried Snow Sword collided with the Soul Chasing Nail again, and the thin blade trembled uncontrollably.

Shen Rongyu's lips were pressed against Ji Qingzhuo's ears, under the sound of such a tense sword strike, he asked as if seductive: "Zhuozhuo, tell me where the soul chasing nail is the weakest."

Ji Qingzhuo felt that one side of her ear was extremely itchy. She stared at the knocked down soul chasing nails. The three soul chasing nails regrouped and came towards them.

"One inch and two minutes above the tip, leaning to the left from the ground." Ji Qingzhuo narrowed her eyes and looked, even though her eyesight was not very good, she could still calculate its weakness based on the amplitude of the Soul Chasing Nail's vibration in mid-air , after being hit many times by the Burial Snow Sword, the soul chasing nail is already very fragile.

Shen Rongyu actually trusted her judgment, a cold light flashed on the Burying Snow Sword, where the sword edge passed, it cut off the moonlight, and the sharp point of the sword pierced straight into the weak spot on the main nail.

There must be a fulcrum inside the soul-chasing nail connected to the cultivator who controls it, and if this fulcrum is destroyed, the consequence of the soul-chasing nail will be a backlash out of control.

This is the magic weapon to drink blood, but it can only go towards... its original owner if it gets out of control.

Shen Rongyu's sword edge destroyed the connection between the soul-chasing nail and its owner. Originally, the soul-chasing nail was extremely hard, and it was difficult to find an angle to penetrate it with the Burial Snow Sword, but the place Ji Qingzhuo mentioned was really tricky.

The soul chasing nail made a crisp sound, as if something inside had been destroyed, and then left here with a strange flying arc.

Shen Rongyu looked at the soul chasing nail far away from the buried snow sword, and planned to put Ji Qingzhuo down before chasing after him.

But Ji Qingzhuo was obviously frightened by the soul chasing nail, she clutched Shen Rongyu's sleeve, her body trembling slightly.

Once the battle was over, the image of the soul-seeking nail flying towards her could not help appearing in her mind, the vicious tip seemed to be about to stab her blind.

Even after the soul-chasing nails turned back and the system's warning of killing intent disappeared, she still lowered her head, still in shock.

Shen Rongyu failed to take Ji Qingzhuo off him, so he chased after him with his sword in hand. After searching in the forest for a long time without any results, he heard movement on the shore of Baishui Island.

He sheathed his sword and walked towards the shore.

On the shore of Baishui Island, stood a familiar figure, tall and solemn, like a statue by the lake.

Ye Duanhong clutched his right arm, faint blood oozing from the clothes, he looked at Shen Rongyu and Ji Qingzhuo.

"It's so late at night, how can you behave like this?" Ye Duanhong actually directly said that the words and deeds of the two of them were inappropriate.

"She was haunted by something like a nightmare in the middle of the night, and she was afraid." Shen Rongyu stared closely at Ye Duanhong's eyes, and began to lie again.

Ye Duanhong looked at Shen Rongyu, he didn't ask anything, but said slowly: "Your Baishui Island is not safe."

"What does it mean to be unsafe?" Shen Rongyu asked, his slightly raised smile was still calm, even a little pure and ignorant.

—As if not long ago, he wasn't the one who made the soul-chasing nail bite back.

He can face Ye Duanhong calmly, because logically speaking, a Jindan stage disciple is not capable of dealing with such a dangerous magic weapon. Even if he can protect himself under this magic weapon, he should not break through its defense and let it The ability to backlash.

"Someone put the soul-chasing nail on the island just now." Ye Duanhong actually said the matter bluntly, as if he didn't know about it, "I don't know who put it, the person who put the soul-chasing nail has profound skills , not an idler."

Shen Rongyu gently stroked the hilt of the Xuebu sword at his waist, he opened his lips, and said slowly: "In the Xuanyun sect, who else can use such an evil magic weapon?"

"The soul-chasing nail is neither good nor evil, it's just on the way of killing people, it has a magical effect." Ye Duanhong shook her head and said, "I will send someone to strengthen the defense formation of Baishui Island tomorrow, Sukong is too lazy, this Baishui There are no restrictions anywhere on the island."

"I will report to the head of the chasing nail for investigation, Rong Yu, take Ji Qingzhuo back." Ye Duanhong said to herself.

Ji Qingzhuo felt a strange relationship being exposed, especially with Ye Duanhong, who was always serious. Her head was buried in Shen Rongyu's neck, and she didn't dare to lift it up.

As for the conversation between Ye Duanhong and Shen Rongyu, she didn't hear any twists and turns, and Ye Duanhong didn't sound like he was coming to kill her, but why did the soul chasing nail hurt him?

She really didn't want to understand the ins and outs, she simply didn't want to, she just begged that person not to come and kill her again.

Killing her, besides making Xuan Yunzong lose a mouth to eat, what good is there?

Ji Qingzhuo rested her chin on Shen Rongyu's shoulder, thinking so, after thinking about it for a long time, she finally remembered whose shoulder she was resting on.

Shen Rongyu! She raised her head abruptly, keeping her body some distance away from him, fixed her eyes on Shen Rongyu's earlobes, and whispered thanks: "Senior Brother Xiaoyu, it's too dangerous tonight, thank you."

"En." Shen Rongyu responded, and he was also thinking about who caused the accident tonight. He thought it was another elder, but why did Ye Duanhong also appear here and was tortured by the soul chasing nail? hurt?

"Senior brother Xiaoyu, I can go by myself." Ji Qingzhuo said to him, she is not used to being hugged, nor used to being so close to people, even Shen Rongyu, she still resisted a little.

"Can you walk by yourself?" Shen Rongyu lowered his head, looked at her scarred feet from running, and asked seriously.

Ji Qingzhuo moved her toes, and only then did she feel the burning pain. The ground in the forest was rough, and her feet were scratched in several places.

But she insisted on saying, "I can try."

"Zhuozhuo, if you don't want to be with me so much, then don't come to me in the first place." Shen Rongyu was suddenly annoyed.

He remembered that when Ji Qingzhuo pushed the door open, her eyes were flustered, she was obviously terrified, but she still didn't have any intention of asking for help, there was even a trace of surprise in her eyes, he was sure that when she pushed away, Before the door, she didn't know he was inside.

When Ji Qingzhuo heard his cool words, she parted her lips, not knowing what to say.

She didn't think about looking for him at the beginning, she blamed the system for giving directions indiscriminately, and lied to her that there was some secret passage in the yard, but when she opened the door, she saw the half-naked Shen Rongyu, and she was directly fooled.

Ji Qingzhuo still told the truth: "I didn't..."

"I'm with you on Baishui Island, you didn't want to find me, did you?" Shen Rongyu even had a built-in function to help Ji Qingzhuo expand his sentences.

"Yes." Ji Qingzhuo admitted honestly again.

Shen Rongyu let go, and she slipped from him, she didn't hold his shoulder tightly, now when he let go, she fell to the ground.

The injured foot touched the fine gravel on the path in front of the courtyard again, and it hurt so badly. Ji Qingzhuo stood in front of him and didn't speak any more.

Shen Rongyu turned his back and was about to enter his yard, but Ji Qingzhuo didn't dare to raise his head until he heard the rubbing of his clothes as he turned around.

She looked at his back, her loose blue hair fell on her shoulders, covering up the weird scar on his back.

Ji Qingzhuo has a very strange empathy, she felt sorry for Mao Mao at first, because Mao Mao was imprisoned next to the stone mill and worked all her life, and when she saw the scars on Shen Rongyu's body, she felt sorry for him Looking up, although she didn't know his experience, she could imagine some miserable pictures by herself.

At this time, Shen Rongyu's back was facing her, but Ji Qingzhuo could feel a hint of loneliness.

He probably felt that she didn't want to be near him.

Ji Qingzhuo felt a little wronged, because she wasn't targeting him, and Dudu didn't want to get close to him. She just doesn't want to be close to everyone, even Shen Rongyu is better, he makes her feel comfortable and not very repulsive.

There was only one reason why she didn't want to find Shen Rongyu from the beginning to the end—

Ji Qingzhuo's feet moved on the ground, and the sand and gravel rubbed against each other, making a crackling sound.

For the first time, she took the initiative to reach out to him and grabbed the hem of his clothes.

Shen Rongyu's figure stopped, and he didn't turn his head. For the first time, he felt that a piece of wood could anger people.

A piece of wood, just put there, even if it never makes a sound and is quiet, it is enough to make people feel helpless.

"I don't know who it is." Ji Qingzhuo said, she cleverly concealed the existence of the system, "I only know that someone is going to kill me, it's a very strange intuition."

"He's here, I started to run, he's very fast, he should be a big man like the elder in the door." Ji Qingzhuo spoke very slowly, still lazily, but his enunciation was very clear, "Senior Brother Xiaoyu, Of the three soul chasing nails just now, one of them is also coming towards you."

"The other party is still restrained. If we face each other head-on, Brother Xiaoyu, what chance do you have of winning? I won't go to find you to be buried with me." Ji Qingzhuo moistened her lips, she felt that her throat was a little dry, Only the pain in the foot was real.

Shen Rongyu's figure stopped, his hand resting on the courtyard door frame paused, his bony hand slightly bent.

It's really ridiculous, he killed countless monks like Ye Duanhong—or other elders.

It was a novel experience that someone actually cared about his life and death now.

Shen Rongyu didn't turn around, but Ji Qingzhuo let go of his clothes.

She felt that it was almost done after she finished explaining. After all, I really bothered him tonight. If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't be able to survive.

"Senior brother Xiaoyu, I'll take Maomao back tomorrow, and I'll be going back tonight first." Ji Qingzhuo said to him.

She was going to walk back by herself, and she had to go to class tomorrow. Speaking of which, the life of cultivating immortals was really in dire straits.

But before she turned around, Shen Rongyu turned around and picked her up again.

"You still want to walk back with your feet hurt like this?" Shen Rongyu carried her into the courtyard and said in a very low tone.