MTL - Divine Beasts And I Are Fated-Chapter 185 Defeat and surprise the audience

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Watching the water-spraying starfish with dense golden dragon scales on his body as he stepped on the waves in mid-air, he actually blocked the puncture of the steel thorns that erupted from the steel thorn bomb.

The audience in the entire auditorium was boiling.

"That is?!


"Dragon scales!


There are many knowledgeable people in the audience. With their extraordinary eyesight, they have already recognized that the scales on the water-spraying starfish at this time are the famous dragon scales!

Although it is a bit bizarre that a water-spraying starfish can use the dragon scale skill.

But facts speak louder than words.

The water-spraying starfish in front of him blocked the lord-level attack with his golden dragon scales, which was undoubtedly the best interpretation of the power of dragon scales.

At this point, all the spectators looked at the water-spraying starfish on the field. They were no longer interested and curious, but shocked and unbelievable.

After all, the weakest mixed-blood dragon race is also an upper-level extraordinary race, and it also randomly masters any one of the dragon's signature advanced skills, dragon breath, dragon scale, and dragon might.

Or other advanced skills such as dragon power, dragon tail, and dragon wings.

However, as an upper-ranking extraordinary race, he naturally only possesses one advanced skill.

There is no doubt that most of those who can master two or more advanced skills have been classified as lord-level races.

Of course, there are no exceptions.

Some high-ranking super-level talents with extraordinary talents, there are not exceptions, they have the potential of two advanced skills.

Just like Shanhai, the innate race is only a low-level superhuman. When Ji An first encountered it, it had the potential of the advanced skill Dragon Breath.

At this time, even after being beaten by the steel thorn tree, the potential of the dragon bloodline was further developed, and in one fell swoop he acquired the advanced skill dragon scale.

According to the judgment standard of ordinary lower lord level, Shanhai with two advanced skills is already regarded as a lower lord level race.

It's just that the so-called lower lord races are aimed at the normality of the race.

That is, an individual of a race has the innate potential of two or more advanced skills.

Only this can be rated as a true lower lord race.

There are special cases like Shanhai, although there are not many, but not without them.

It is impossible to judge an individual as a lord race just because an individual in Shanhai possesses two advanced skills.


Although it is impossible to classify the water spray starfish that Shanhai belongs to as a lower lord race.

But Shanhai has an innate combat power comparable to that of the lower lord race, but it is beyond doubt.

You know, the steel thorn tree itself only has two advanced skills.

It's just like the mountains and the sea.

And the two advanced skills of the steel thorn tree, the steel thorn bomb is the weaker item in the advanced skills.

As for the steel whip cage, although the power is not bad.

But compared with the top-notch existences in advanced skills such as dragon breath and dragon scale, it pales in comparison.

The howls of the audience in the auditorium came in waves like waves.

The shock and curiosity about Shanhai completely detonated the entire arena.

Not just the spectators present, other contestants, and even Ji An's opponent Bai Yuan.

At this moment, Ji An's red lips were slightly opened in shock by Ji An's performance against the sky.

Bai Yuan is the jewel of the Bai family among the most prominent families in the entire surrounding town.

Her performance is still like this, let alone others.


The battle does not stop with a shock and surprise.

Especially the steel thorn trees and mountains and seas that are fighting fiercely on the field.

Shanhai, who has mastered the dragon scale skills, made up the last shortcoming for his weakest defense.

In terms of attack, it has aggressive water chop, dragon breath, and water spray skills.

In terms of defense, dragon scales outperform most advanced defense skills.

The wave-riding skills of both movement skills and range skills also gave the mountains and seas, which were originally slow moving, good mobility.

In addition, the regeneration skills continue to repair the injuries of the mountains and seas.

Shanhai's current skill matching is already very comprehensive.

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At best, it is slightly weaker in melee combat.

But the mountains and seas are not the type of melee beasts.

Long-range attack, acting as a fort, constantly bombarding output, is what Shanhai should do.

Shanhai, who has mastered the defensive skill of dragon scales, is not afraid of the original oppressive steel thorn bomb of the steel thorn tree.

Even the monstrous waves gathered by the wave-riding skills could not stop the explosive damage of the steel thorn bombs.

But dragon scales can block most of those very annoying steel thorns.

In Ji'an's eyes, Shanhai's mastery of dragon scale skills is clear at a glance.

Dragon scales: 208/698.

The potential of the dragon scale skill is even higher than that of the dragon breath.

This was obviously beyond Ji An's expectations.

As for the dragon scale just mastered, it has more than 200 mastery degrees, and the mastery level reaches a small success.

This was not beyond Ji An's expectations.

Shanhai's current dragon bloodline strength is definitely not low.

Skills such as dragon scale and dragon might are originally linked to the strength of the dragon bloodline.

The stronger the dragon bloodline, the higher the defense of the condensed dragon scales, and the mastery of this skill will naturally rise.

And the dragon scale skill, which has been slightly successful, can defend against the advanced skill steel thorn bomb, which is already perfect, and Ji An has no surprises.

After all, the innate power of the dragon scale skill is much higher than that of the steel thorn bomb.

Even if the mastery is completely different by one level, the innate advantages of the two skills are enough to make up for this gap.

Even if there is an evolutionary level advantage of the steel thorn tree crushing the mountains and seas.

Don't forget, the dragon scales had an amazing defense against the extremely penetrating steel thorns produced by the explosion of the steel thorn bombs.

In this way, it is not unusual for the steel thorns to be unable to break the dragon scales on the surface of the mountains and seas.

On the contrary, the dragon breath of the mountains and seas slammed on the body of the steel thorn tree again and again.

Even if the steel thorn tree is constantly waving its branches to resist, it is rare for the dragon's breath to directly bombard the body of the steel thorn tree.

But even if these dragon breaths just bombard the dense canopy of the steel thorn tree, they can still cause a lot of damage to the steel thorn tree.

In particular, the dense canopy of the tree has become more and more completely bald after several battles.

It even made the steel thorn tree quite injured.

Therefore, attacking its mountains and seas is to spare no effort and go all out.

But the mountains and seas at this time are not what they used to be.

The appearance of a dragon scale skill has given Shanhai the opportunity to seize the initiative in this battle.


The super-level and the lord level are separated from the differences in energy level, skill mastery, and skill level.

There is also a gap, that is, the gap in physical strength, resilience, and endurance.

The difference between extraordinary creatures and ordinary creatures is the extraordinary body.

The extraordinary body endows extraordinary creatures with extremely powerful resilience, physical fitness, endurance and other attributes.

This also makes the strength between ordinary creatures and extraordinary creatures blocked by a gap.

And there is such a gap between extraordinary creatures and lord-level creatures.

Even, this gap is wider and bottomless than the gap between extraordinary creatures and ordinary creatures.

The extraordinary body of the extraordinary creature will also obtain the second transformation of the extraordinary body after it evolves to the lord level.

This time, the extraordinary body of the extraordinary creature will evolve towards the lord body of the lord-level creature.

The result of evolution is that the extraordinary body has already far surpassed the resilience, physical strength, endurance and other attributes of ordinary creatures, and has been greatly improved again.

This improvement is enough to make creatures that can cross this power gap rare.

Of course, Shanhai is one of these extremely rare creatures.

Being able to cross the chasm, fight back and forth with lord-level creatures, and have not lost the wind for so long, Shanhai has proved his super strength.

It is a pity that although Shanhai has a perverted injury recovery skill and regeneration skill.

But not fast

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The ability to quickly restore one's own physical fitness and energy.

Otherwise, if there is a super recovery skill like Ping An, Shanhai will no longer be subject to the defect of his own lack of physical fitness.

It's a pity that Shanhai's recovery skills are specially designed to restore injuries, and the recovery of physical fitness is even less.

This made Shanhai's experience even after a hard fight.

His physical energy was finally exhausted, and he was on the verge of falling into a state of exhaustion.

The consumption of steel thorn trees is not necessarily smaller than that of mountains and seas.

Even more or less.

But the resilience of the steel thorn tree is not comparable to the mountains and seas. The powerful resilience endowed by the body of the lord finally showed its own advantages in the deadlock of this protracted war.

In the end, even if Shan Hai was wearing dragon scales, he could already resist the opponent's attack head-on.

But in the predicament that is about to be exhausted, there is no room for turning over.

However, even if he was about to be exhausted, Shanhai's attack on his opponent did not stop at all.

Instead, the attack became more and more fierce.

The dragon breath spewed out one after another, and the dragon breath no longer resisted the mountains and seas of the opponent's steel thorn bomb, and the dragon breath all greeted the steel thorn tree.

This time, the steel thorn tree, which had been injured many times by the dragon's breath, was struggling for a while.

The steel thorn tree, which has been baptized many times by the dragon's breath, finally took a step forward after the frequency of the dragon's breath's attack gradually eased.

A large number of steel thorn bombs slammed into the mountains and seas with continuous loud noises.

In this case.

The dragon scales on the mountains and seas played a huge role.

The golden dragon scales still performed well in the face of the indiscriminate bombardment of the steel thorn bombs and the attacks of the steel thorns.

Neither people nor things were hurt, and it was said that they had never committed any crimes.

It's just that the dragon scales of the mountains and seas are not like the real dragons after all.

Not a real dragon scale, but a special energy body condensed through energy.

If it is a real dragon scale, I am afraid that even in the face of such a crazy bombardment, it will still stand.

The dragon scale defense condensed by the mountains and seas through special means will reduce the power according to the strength of the energy.

At this time, after the dragon scale defense of the steel thorn bombs indiscriminately bombarded, the golden light that was originally glittering has been darkened a lot at this time.

This indicates that the dragon scale defense layer of the mountains and seas is almost reaching its limit.

This kind of defense condensed based on energy.

It is destined to be a tree without a source of water.

Under the constant attack of the opponent, it will be exhausted sooner or later.


The dragon scale defense of the mountains and seas is a sign that it has reached its limit.


A crisp sound suddenly sounded.

This small sound, I am afraid that others still can't hear it clearly.

Ji An, who is familiar with the mountains and seas of his own beasts, has already heard the source of the sound.

This crisp sound is nothing else.

It was the almost invincible defense of the mountains and seas, which had been smashed to pieces by the steel thorn bomb at this time.

The dragon scales were smashed into pieces.

And the huge waves at the foot of the mountains and seas also lost their strength in defense at this moment.

A large number of huge waves suddenly collapsed.

After the huge wave disintegrated, Shan Hai's body fell from mid-air to the ground.

At this time, the mountains and seas were exhausted, and there was no response to the fall.

On the other hand, on the other side of the steel thorn tree, although it is also exhausted, there is still a little energy left.

Watching the mountains and seas fall from mid-air, the steel thorn tree has seen that the opponent has no strength to fight back.

The branches that had just been erected were suddenly put down with a little interest.

At the same time, Ji An had not waited for Ji An to shout the long-awaited confession.

The referees in charge of this game have already entered the field ahead of schedule.

The referee who played in advance first stopped the attack of the steel thorn tree.

Then caught the falling mountains and seas.

Looking around the still enthusiastic auditorium, the referee directly announced the well-known words of encouragement: "In the first round, the steel thorn tree wins, and the water spray starfish loses!"

Although won the battle.

Ke Baiyuan's face

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But not much joy.

It is really her third main force, the steel thorn tree, this battle is too painful to win.

Although it is not as exhausted as the mountains and seas, it has reached its limit.

Not only that, the injury on the steel thorn tree is also a big trouble.

Not to mention anything else, just look at the injury on the steel thorn tree, and I am afraid it will be difficult to recover within a few days.

Of course, concerns about the injury to the Steelthorn tree are secondary.

Bai Yuan's greater attention was still on Shan Hai, who had just been defeated.

This only released the extremely perverted regeneration skill, and then used the dragon breath skill to hurt the steel thorn tree again. Not only that, but the dragon scale skill that appeared at the end can directly be used as the attack of the steel thorn tree.

The mountains and seas formed by these skills are naturally impossible to be considered weak in terms of strength.

However, it was these skills that appeared on a water-spraying starfish that caught Bai Yuan's attention.

Ji An had no scruples, Bai Yuan, who stared at himself and the mountains and seas with wide eyes.

Directly return the mountains and seas to the spiritual realm to restore the injury and physical strength.

Mainly to restore physical This kind of non-fatal injury is simply a drizzle for Shanhai.

As long as you have sufficient physical strength and energy, you can recover in minutes.

But the problem that cannot be recovered now is that it no longer has any physical strength and energy. Ji An had no scruples, Bai Yuan, who stared at himself and the mountains and seas with wide eyes.

Directly return the mountains and seas to the spiritual realm to restore the injury and physical strength.

Mainly to restore stamina.

This kind of non-fatal injury is simply a drizzle to Shanhai.

As long as you have sufficient physical strength and energy, you can recover in minutes.

But the problem that cannot be recovered now is that it no longer has any physical strength and energy.

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