MTL - Disassembling System: Begin With Scrapyard Alchemy-Chapter 265 got results

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The decomposition system begins with alchemy at the scrap station. Chapter 265 has yielded results.

Cheng Xu is just a bigger team, not to take them out of work, young man, why let him try more?

In the eyes of the leaders, the resources that Cheng Xu is currently consuming are nothing compared to the value he has created. They are now busy using this battery technology to fully strive for international status.

In the two days since the news was announced, the country has made hundreds of billions of dollars, and this does not include a large number of foreign high-quality assets acquired by this opportunity, and this is only earned through one news.

During this time, they don't know how many people they have met. They all negotiated cooperation with various conditions, and all resources seemed to be free of money.

And when the first batch of batteries on the assembly line comes down, it is time for the real money printing machine to start.

After spending two or three days initially sorting out the information in his mind, Cheng Xu finally started arranging tasks for the members of the project team.

"Chenggong...directly...just make materials according to this?"

The younger senior engineer stuttered in surprise as he watched the tasks Cheng Xu had assigned to their group.

Although his qualifications are not old, he has been in for ten years, and he has participated in many projects, so he has never seen such an arrangement.

Other project assignments are to put forward an expectation, and then leave it to the project team to play freely, but Cheng Xu directly gave the preparation plan of the material, just need them to make it, and the test can reach the original data. .

After being a student for so many years, this is the first time I heard that the teacher gave the answer directly and asked him to copy it.

"Yes, you can strictly follow the above. I already have a certain research progress in this regard."

Cheng Xu answered his question quite calmly, as if he had become accustomed to this kind of thing.

"Why is there a certain research progress? Isn't this research already finished?"

He complained silently in his heart, and didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, Cheng Xu arranged them to do well.

During this period, Cheng Xu rested for two or three hours almost every day, and finally broke down the tasks so that each group he divided had something to do.

In order to fear that they would not understand, and to improve efficiency, Cheng Xu almost wrote the manual.

Of course, these things are just a preliminary preparation, the real experiments, and the materials used in the formal nuclear fusion equipment cannot be manufactured with the relevant facilities currently owned by the Cheng Xu project team.

Therefore, the main purpose of this part of the work is to produce some results first, so that a large number of resources can be mobilized smoothly and the project can be fully developed.

By that time, Cheng Xu had almost fully grasped the entire technical solution, and he had the confidence to face the problem.

The busier the work, the faster the time. The project on this side has just entered the right track, and on the other side, the first batch of electric vehicles equipped with the new sulfur-silicon composite battery has already left the factory.

Even Cheng Xu took some time to come out and browse the relevant news.

These domestic electric vehicle companies almost all release new cars at the same time. In this case, if you want, you have to grab a spot.

"Invincible begins with the sacrifice of ancestors"

No way, the release price is really much lower than expected.

In addition to replacing the battery, the new car this time basically just adjusted some supporting facilities, and the whole vehicle has almost no changes.

Under this premise, the price is basically only 70%-80% of the original model. Who can't watch this lake?

For a time, people who were going to buy a car received rave reviews and shouted their conscience, but those who had already driven electric cars almost vomited blood.

Just ask a new car that cost 200,000 yuan a month or two ago. How long has it been since then? An enhanced version appeared immediately, and the price is only 150,000 yuan. Who can stand it?

Fortunately, the country also took this situation into consideration, and started a trade-in activity with car companies in time, which made them relieved.

During this period of time, new energy vehicle companies all over the country have been running at full capacity to produce cars, and now electric vehicles equipped with new batteries are not worried about not being able to sell them.

Cheng Xu also looked at the comments on the Internet. Foreign netizens are going crazy. Unfortunately, there are no export channels for such products, and they are destined to not enjoy it.

Mobile phones are the same as electric cars, and because of the price, this thing is much easier to replace than a car.

With these two driving forces, local government departments can wake up from their dreams just by looking at the consumption growth data.

Due to large-scale production requirements, the number of jobs in the factory has further increased, and at the same time, the wages of workers in the factory have also risen, which also allows them to have more income to consume, thus forming a virtuous circle of the economy.

"Chenggong, the battery that you led and developed is absolutely amazing. I just bought a new laptop, and it's fine to use it for a day without plugging in the power supply. This is called a real-laptop computer, it used to be unusable without the power supply. what."

This researcher has changed almost all the cars, mobile phones, and computers during this period of time, and also deeply realized the power of this new technology.

Cheng Xu also responded with a smile:

"It's good to use it. Technology is not meant to change life, by the How long will it take for your group to complete the three-stage task?"

"If there is no accident, the results will be produced tomorrow."

The engineers in the institute now feel that Cheng Xu has a magical power. There are almost no mistakes in the projects under his guidance. All experiments are done over and over again, and the data obtained are quite gratifying.

So they were like chicken blood during this period of time. They got into the laboratory one by one and didn't want to come out.

Under the high-intensity operation of the laboratory, various small results are also produced quickly.

Cheng Xu also had some confidence and found Minister Liu directly.

"Did the project encounter any difficulties?"

Minister Liu also heard that Cheng Xu's project team has the lights on almost 24 hours a day, and even he himself almost lives in it. Let's not say what the result is, but this attitude is worthy of recognition.

So even if Cheng Xu may need his help again, he has no other idea at all.

"It's barely a need for support, but I'm not asking for something empty-handed this time."

As Cheng Xu spoke, he took out a report from his bag and handed it to Liu Bu and continued:

"This is the result of our project team during this period of time. You can send it to the expert group for review later. I think we have taken a solid step on the road of controllable nuclear fusion."

Minister Liu also knew that Cheng Xu was not the kind of person to talk things out, but he still didn't think that Cheng Xu started to make merit after a long time.

After reading the report carefully, he said in a calm voice:

"I will have an expert review meeting tomorrow." +Bookmark+