MTL - Disassembling System: Begin With Scrapyard Alchemy-Chapter 191 Be a clown

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Huang Junjie really saw people this time. Although he was in a hurry, he was still polite and polite in his conversation. It can be found that he is a person who can control his emotions.

Moreover, an objective analysis of this matter will cause people to have a lot of negative emotions, but such emotions are actually limited. It is like you want to buy a lottery number today, but for various reasons, you did not buy it, and finally the first prize was awarded. It's the number you want.

You may feel uncomfortable for a long time, but normal people will not start giving up on themselves because of this matter, and directly start to take revenge on society.

What's more, although the house will not be demolished, but after all, the house is still there, and it must be owned by him sooner or later.

Moreover, Cheng Xu also left a little leeway in his final words, but said that there is no plan to requisition this land at present, and he did not say that it will never be requisitioned in the future.

To sum up, Liu Qiming just left a lonely back.

However, life is like that, and many things tend to go in unexpected directions.

Just like Liu Qiming after dark, he couldn't take his breath, he picked up a few stones on the ground and smashed several pieces of the windows of Zhao Xiaoqin's house.

Even when venting his emotions, he was rational. After entering this alley, there was no surveillance at all. In order to prevent fingerprints, he even put on gloves.

"Fuck **##, who the **** did it, you **##*#**."

The harsh swearing could even be heard by Huang Junjie, who was working overtime in the office.

He hurriedly opened the window, for fear that something big might happen, he listened carefully, but fortunately, he just smashed a few pieces of glass. "

Huang Junjie knew that he had just guessed right again, and those who could endure generally hold grudges.

Angrily, Zhao Xiaoqin took her husband to search around the house, but of course found nothing.

She was so angry that she didn't sleep much all night, for fear that someone would smash the glass of her house in the middle of the night.

Early the next morning, she began to inquire about the news, asking if there were any witnesses, and the result was the same. A person with poor popularity like her, presumably would not tell her even if someone saw it, and wished that she would come here twice.

But soon, she was no longer in the mood to care about the smashed windows of her house.

Regarding the cancellation of the demolition, Liu Qiming told his family that night. After all, this is not a secret.

The old couple just sighed for a while, but didn't say anything else. Originally, this part of the demolition funds was intended to be left to their sons and daughters. Now that they are gone, it would be good to leave the house to them.

Because of Zhao Xiaoqin's family's lion's big talk, things were messed up. They actually guessed something, and they received it very quickly at this time. After all, people

At their age, they actually don't care so much about how much money they have. The main thing is that their children are doing well. Now that Liu Qiming doesn't care so much, they all let it go.

This news spread even faster than the news that they started to demolish.

Originally, the surrounding neighbors were almost dying of jealousy, and after such a short distance, they would be demolished, and they would not have a share.

It's better now, everyone is gone, I'm happier to see that they didn't make money than they made money, and I want to talk about their affairs when I see people one by one.

"Let me just say, with that face of Lao Liu, there is no life to make a fortune at first glance. Sure enough, let me say it. There are some things that you really have to believe."

"Also, do you know why their demolition can't go on halfway?"

"I really don't know about this? I heard that the owner changed his mind again and went to occupy the land across the street."

"I'm just saying why the boss of the company changed his mind, it's all because of Zhao Xiaoqin."

"What's Zhao Xiaoqin doing again? But it's normal for her to be retribution for not doing human affairs day by day."

"What else could it be? If you want money, they will compensate him for the land occupation at the market price. If she refuses to do it, it will cost more than one million yuan to open her mouth. She feels that the boss will definitely bow to her.

How can the boss of other people stand this grievance? It’s a young man again, so quit it right away, and treat this house as a baby if you like it! "

"Then she really deserves it. It's not enough to pay her hundreds of thousands of dollars. I said why she plays such a big mahjong every day, and she shouldn't let this kind of woman manage the money."

"That's right, you said that his husband is actually a good person, but he's a bit useless. He listens to her in everything. He doesn't make up his mind about such big things. It's their fault that their family can't make a fortune."

The two aunties were chatting in the alley, and the posture was as if they were all there. Even Cheng Xu's mind could be guessed.

"What are you two talking about? Are you so happy?"

The window was smashed last night, and Zhao Xiaoqin was no longer in the mood to play mahjong today. He was just strolling by the side of the road. He happened to meet two acquaintances, so he came up and wanted to say a few words to ease his mood.

The two suddenly heard the voice of the master, and the expressions on their faces suddenly froze. The slightly chubby aunt quickly responded with a smile:

"I didn't talk about anything, just talking about buying a house in the county seat."

"What? Are you going to buy a house? Are you making a fortune? My sister Although she said that others were making a fortune, the look on her face meant she didn't believe it.

"No, how can she have the money to buy a house, she's talking about her aunt's house buying for the children."

Another thinner aunt immediately smoothed things out.

"Speaking of buying a house, I am also going to wait for the demolition funds to come down. I will get a pension in the county seat. Then I will be free to play mahjong and dance in the square at night, that day."

When it comes to buying a house, she seems to have come to her home ground. At this time, she can show off in front of two acquaintances, which greatly eases her mood.

"Okay, let's talk, I'll go there again."

When the two of them listened to her "retirement plan", they nodded and said envy on the surface, but in reality they almost died of laughter. It seemed that she still didn't understand the situation.

With the intention of watching her joke in his heart, he didn't break it, so he followed in the direction of her stroll.

Today, the demolition has become the headline news around here, so Zhao Xiaoqin finally met someone who was talking about it.

"No, what did you just do? What about the demolition?"

Obviously, the word "demolition" in their chat triggered her key words, and Zhao Xiaoqin immediately came over to hear what they were talking about.

"We are sorry for you. You said that the opportunity for demolition is good, but if you say it is gone, it will be gone."

She said it was a pity, but she couldn't control her expression to move with her mood, revealing a weird look.

Obviously she didn't know that Zhao Xiaoqin knew nothing about this matter, so she was going to comfort her a few words. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!