MTL - Devil’s Son-in-Law-Chapter 1188 He she and her new moon festival

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Silver Moon Fairy.

There is a festive atmosphere everywhere, from time to time you can hear the sound of music and laughter, bringing more vitality and vitality to the quiet forest.

The pattern of the new moon festival and the business will be similar. There are various venues for activities such as music, sword dance, item trading, and riding competitions. In addition to the core main sacrifice ceremony, there are special venues for archery and riding, and the rest of the area is spontaneously gathered. For example, elves who like music are surrounded by a big tree. Listening to an elf playing or singing, like listening to the local, do not like can go, even if there is no audience, the performance of the elf is still self-indulgent, such a small circle.

The elves who need to trade items put their own things on a table. The elves in the fancy can put on exchanged items or coins. As long as both sides nod, they can take away their favorite items. There is no dispute over the bargaining red face. If you are not satisfied, you can put it back again. If the transaction fails, you will leave silently.

The entire New Moon Festival is very lively, but it does not appear noisy.

Qi Lanya, one of the elders who presided over the New Moon Festival, walked in various gathering places and venues. From time to time, there were elves saliving along the way. It seems that Qi Lanya, who cares about each other casually, is actually looking around and looking for something.

After learning the news of a certain elf king returning to Xiandu from a hand-picked Askar mouth, Qi Lanya’s heartbeat began to accelerate, especially Aska also said that someone and Queen Liv During the conversation, it was mentioned that "Span of Span said that he wanted to see 'her'."

In this sentence, I have not waited for Aska to say other things, Qi Lanya has hurriedly walked out. Started the "patrol".

Although the man chose not to be her but another foreign woman, Qi Lanya always had the shadow of that person. Even if you turn your thoughts into practice and study, you can't completely throw it away.

at last. Qi Lanya found the man in the gathering area of ​​the exchange of goods. Like many elf strongmen, the years did not leave any trace on the handsome face, but the momentum between the eyebrows became more mature and condensed. The slightly melancholy eyes add a bit of masculine charm, which is the temperament of the hairy boy can not be installed.

Qi Lanya saw Span at first sight, but the eyes of the original joy and expectation turned into a gloomy moment, because there was a beautiful elf woman beside Span. He was holding his arm intimately and walking side by side.

Span also photographed the face of the female elf intimately. The female elf smiled happily. Qi Lanya looked at the score. The woman’s hand was holding a beautiful gem flower, surely Span and the stall. The elf exchanged the proceeds and gave it to the female elf.

Qi Lanya originally came to "experience" Span, but in fact does not expect anything to happen, just to see one side. Even if you just say a few words that are irrelevant, then pass by. But when she saw a female elf with such a close relationship beside Span, Qi Lanya’s nameless fire slammed up, and she refused to take any encounters and walked straight forward.

The angry and eager look scared the elves who were going to salute along the way. The secret is that the elf who does not have long eyes dares to blame in the new moon, causing the elders to be so angry.

Span has already sensed that someone on the side is rushing towards it and turning around. It was discovered that Qi Lanya could not help but see.

Qi Lanya is the daughter of Ai Lusier, the highest teacher of the Elves. It is also a partner who has experienced countless battles and adventures with him. The elves are very sensitive to their emotions. Qi Lanya, including Qi Lanya’s sister, the last elf queen, Bellismi’s mind, has always been very clear. They are all good sisters, good comrades, good friends, but they can't find the feeling of lover until they meet Melia.

Two thousand years ago, the elves encountered an abyss crisis. Span died and rescued the controlled Qilanya sisters from Yvrit. He also sealed the tree of nature at the expense of life. If it was not for Merial, it would be separated by secret techniques. Half of his life gave him, and he was no longer alive.

Berrismi had been seriously injured at the time and soon became depressed. Span knew that there were some reasons for him. He felt that there were negative sisters, so most of these years lived in Mt. Rarely return to the jade forest. Now that she is seeing Qi Lanya again, Span’s feelings are somewhat complicated, but more of it is the joy of reuniting with her old friend. However, to his surprise, Qi Lanya’s expression is unexpectedly gloomy.

"Adult, long time no see." Qi Lanya went to Span's face, slightly lowered his head, the etiquette and title of this birth do not know why Spartan's heart faint hair, had to pay a courtesy.

Qi Lanya looked at the "female elf" who was still holding Span's arm. In the eyes, the electric mang was passing by, especially the brow moved slightly, and Espan knew her, which means she was extremely angry. .

Qi Lanya took the murderous eyes and smashed the elves around. The kind of momentum is quite "axe to help, and the idlers quickly evade". The elder elder is not joking in the elves' family. Eyes, the elves in sight, including the stalls, are all beautiful.

After the idler retired, Qi Lanya only regained his gaze on Span, and an opening was a disaster.

"Who is she?"

This cold tone made Span finally react, it turned out to be this!

Without waiting for the Elf King to answer, the anger of the elders has erupted like a cannon.

"I didn't expect that you are such a person!"

"Don't you be able to hold a second person in your heart?"

"Are you worthy of Melia?"

"Are you worthy of my sister Belismi?"

Qi Lanya didn't come up with one of the most wanted words. "Are you worthy of me?" Span was shocked by this continuous bombing. The roller on the side has helped the old man to say: "What?"

This sentence almost completely ignited Qi Lanya. On the edge of the "explosion", Span said: "Don't make a noise, you should call Qi Lanya."

"Lola?" The burning Qi Lanya suddenly went out. Of course she knew who Rolla was. I was there for a while.

Seeing Qi Lanya's dumbfounded look, Span sighed with relief: "You should have seen it."

Qi Lanya had a fever on her face. She and Lola have seen each other, and there are still many intersections. This way, Rolla is clearly transformed into an elf, and he follows his father to attend the New Moon Festival.

No wonder, before Span was as intimate as the "female elf"! Is it true that the father is a filial piety?

Lola called out "Qi Lanya Auntie", the elf elders had no momentum before, but nodded in a panic, and even the neck was red.

Span shook her head and thought that she would get rid of her, and said to Lola: "I haven't seen Qi Lanya for a long time. Just chat here, go to La Laria, Alice."

"Chat?" Miss Fairy Dragon looked at her own old man and Qi Lanya with her gaze, but Qi Lanya was the first in the black list of Melia, and the old man actually had to get along alone?

Span could only report a bitter smile, and Lola thought about it and gave the old man a warning look and turned away.

On the other side of the archery site, Lalaria opened the bow and hit the target 50 meters away. Looking at the envious Alice, it looks smug. Just now Alice shot ten arrows and missed the target without exception, while La Laria's eyesight and control were much stronger than Alice. Although the first two arrows were off target, when the third arrow was shot and then shot, the edge of the target was already shot.

The distance of fifty meters is not close. For Laleria, who played archery for the first time, the three arrows can have this result. Really good.

La Laria was smug, and suddenly found a lot of elves gathered around. When Alice took off her target from the 10th arrow, there were not so many people. When La Laria shot, the elves were all around.

Lalaria also found that the elves had different visions, some contempt, some sighs, more pity, and Alice saw the atmosphere was not right, very wisely smothered the soles of the feet and whispered around. Arguing up.

"Which child is this, the archery is so bad!"

"It may be that the age is still small."

"I was already a big arrow when she was so big!"

“Did you lose your parents when you were young? No one taught?”


Lalaria didn't think that her proud work was strongly despised. When she was about to attack, she saw a female elf coming forward: "Little sister, it doesn't matter, my sister teaches you."

Little sister? Lalaria is furious, and this uncle is much older than your short-lived elves.

"Hey! You thought it..." When Lalalia’s gaze fell on the female elf, she couldn’t move. The female elf’s looks were very beautiful, even in the elves of the handsome men and women. It is particularly outstanding.

"Sister..." Lalaria quickly threw away the **** and hugged the female elf's waist.

The female elf was so held by Lalaria, instinctively maternity, gently stroking Lalaria's hair: "What is your name? Little sister."

"My name is Lalaria..." Laliya, who was easy to get married, happily buried her head in the pair of bulges in front of the female elf.

The female elf was only touched by the elf girl. I didn’t think it was a dragon female wolf wearing an elf skin: "My name is Altani, let's go there, my sister teaches you how to shoot arrows." ”

Altani? La Laria is awkward, a little familiar? Yes, it was the dark elf before...

Anyway, the dark elf has long since disappeared. Such a beautiful woman is cheaper than the uncle. Whoever robs and who is desperate, that human being is no exception, hehe...

On the other hand, Alice who managed to escape did not stay and wait for Lalaria - anyway, Lalaria's strength should not be too dangerous here, or go to find a brother.

Just deliberately separated from Lalalia and Span, Alice had this kind of premeditated, and her brother "dating" alone!

Looking for it, Alice was attracted by the performance.

Under the big tree, a male elf and a group of gold velvets are performing, which has attracted a lot of applause from the children. The golden cashmere is a kind of docile bird. It is about the size of a fist, the fat body, the whole body is a furry group, the wings are very small, and it is like a hair ball in the air, with the music command of the elves. A variety of embarrassing actions.

"Wow, it's so cute." Girls are the least immune to these Alice was immediately attracted.

"Yeah." An elf girl also agreed, this is a girl with the same size as Alice, pointed ears, green curly hair, beautiful facial features, big eyes staring at the golden cashmere: "I want to touch it!"

"Well!" Alice also wanted to touch the furry cute birds and nodded quickly.

"You want it too? Let's go together!" The elf girl's eyes lit up, but her face was bitter. "But that person must not allow us to touch."

Alice thought about it. She whispered a few words to the elf girl. The girl’s eyes were brighter. Two Loli looked at each other and showed a bad smile. (To be continued.)

Ps: There is some toss on the road, but I finally got home. I immediately finished uploading this chapter in the code. I participated in the activities outside these days. The time of the code words was squeezed out. Every day I sleep less than 4 hours. Come back well. Take a nap.

From tomorrow, I have resumed the rhythm of the past, work, grocery shopping, cooking, code words... But this glimpse has seen the wretchedness of many great gods, hehe, or maybe it will explode to everyone...