MTL - Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension-Chapter 667 Can the special feature be normal?

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[Thanks to Xia Chuan's initial children's shoes for rewards]

The behavior of an origami trousers was directly thrown into Wu Lingfeng's body. Charlotte looked at Wu Lingfeng with anger, this guy really is Loli control...

"Charlotte, you listen to me, this is her own embarrassment, and I have nothing to do with..." Wu Lingfeng quickly made a solution for himself.

"No, it is the owner who wants to see what color is under my underwear. Then let me take the initiative to pick up the skirt. It is because he forced me to do this. It’s good..." I said with a calm paper, there is no face on it. The expression is as if it is a normal thing.

"Wu Lingfeng!! Whose room you are not allowed to enter recently, give me a good reflection on my own mania! I will tell the sisters, let them refuse you to enter the house, who will let you into the house, I will drive her out of the royal family "Charlotte suddenly slammed the door and went out.


Wu Lingfeng’s sudden bitter face, bastard, the recent life is really too happy, if you don’t let the house enter, the happiness is there, hey, you can’t take it anymore, and you have a close time with the beautiful people, actually don’t let it Entering the house, it’s really...

"Are you satisfied with this?" Wu Lingfeng said, looking at the origami.

I am very frank with a piece of origami: "Well, I am satisfied, very relieved..."

I am falling...

Wu Lingfeng waved his hand at the origami and said, "Okay, play with yourself, I will continue to summon other people, and there is another person who does not call..."

"I don't have a home to go back..." Yi Yizhi said to Wu Lingfeng, "Although I don't want to admit it, I was really kidnapped. Then I imposed a contract, although I hate this place. But I decided to accept it and decided." You will take care of me in the future... Anyway, I don’t want to go back..."

There was a sorrow in the eyes of an origami. In order to pursue the killing of the parents, the origami found the time when the madness and finally persuaded her to send herself back to the five years before the five-year bomb, met and questioned why phantom Killing both parents, but the origami parents were killed by the elf-like origami in the process. I learned that the origami spirit collapsed by my parents, and returned to the world in a state of spiritual reversal.

The stage where Wu Lingfeng summoned a piece of origami was the stage in which she awakened and destroyed the angel. At this time, it was just clear that her parents were actually killed by her. In this case, she was collapsed, and the system would be a little bit of paper. The memory of all male characters is erased. Originally her sorrow was comforted by the male lead in "Dating Battle", but now it needs to be handed over to Wu Lingfeng.

Wu Lingfeng noticed the sadness in the eyes of the origami. He immediately hugged her in his arms and comforted and said: "That is not your intention. You have accidentally injured your parents, it is just an accident..."

"Occasionally, but that is also my fault, I am the murderer, don't you understand?" One of the origami papers is almost collapsed.

"There is a way for them to forgive you..." Wu Lingfeng said.

"What method. Tell me quickly! How can they forgive me?" He said, holding a piece of paper tightly and grasping Wu Lingfeng's clothes.

"That is better to live, you are their favorite daughter, your happiness is their happiness, don't you know? They are pinning their happiness on you. They are always watching you by your side." Ah, they are guarding you, close your eyes and you can see them standing in front of you and smiling at you.

They don't want you to blame yourself for this. They want you to be happy and happy. Being able to go on, you are their pride. They have been praying for happiness for you, and their wish is to hope that their children will live happily in an origami, find someone who loves you for them, and live a happy life...

Although I have some self-talk, but origami, do you understand that my mother died because of me, my birth has let my mother die, it is difficult to produce bleeding, I have been hating myself, However, I know that my mother gave me my life, so I have to work harder because my mother has been guarding me...

Origami, you are the same, your mom and dad are definitely by your side, they pin their happiness on you, your happiness is their happiness, so work hard to live, even for them Live, let them live forever in your heart, if you can have something to make them happy, then it is your happiness.

Origami, I summoned you to the world, may not ask for your opinion, it is my selfish behavior, but I understand one thing, that is, I have to take care of you, because you are recruited by me, so I have to take care of You, for me, now that you are my family, I will treat you the same way as my loved ones, because this is the obligation that I cannot give up.

In this world, I am also alone, you are the same, and those who are summoned by me are also, so we are a family, we want to create a new world that belongs to us, knowing, our goal is to create a new one. The perfect world, then we will have true happiness, not only the happiness of one or two of us, but the happiness of all, and the transmission of happiness to all people. If all are happy, it is true happiness.

For the new world, for the sake of happiness, to save those who are still suffering, origami, are you willing to help me, become my family, fight with me? ”

Wu Lingfeng said earnestly, yes, this is his whole heart, although there are some far-fetched, but this is the only thing he can do, heal the pain in the heart of the origami, and then let her understand the true life of happiness. .

Every girl who is summoned by Wu Lingfeng is looking forward to having a guardian of their existence. These anime girls, they all have a pure and innocent heart. When this heart has cracks, he needs him to be sincere. And guardian to fix this crack.

I heard the words of Wu Lingfeng, and the heart gradually calmed down. She felt really good now, and her heart was relieved. She came out of that sad situation, although Wu Lingfeng’s persuasion was not too good. The place is fluent, but his heart is true for himself. A person can lie on his mouth, but his heart can't lie. Wu Lingfeng's heart is sincere, so she is very moved.

"Well, accept you, okay, I allow you to slap my skirts casually..." The origami said calmly, very formal.


Wu Lingfeng was a little dizzy, and the good atmosphere destroyed the words of a piece of origami.

"I said, can you not say this kind of too explicit words? Don't be too special? Really, a good warm atmosphere makes you destroy..." Wu Lingfeng said helplessly, and talked with an origami, total There is a feeling that the exercise is being killed.

"Oh, can you not satisfy your pants? Then let you enjoy a little more, allowing you to take off your underwear..." The origami said calmly, as if these conversations were very common.

"Who wants to take off your underwear!!" Wu Lingfeng said silently, feeling that there is no way to talk to this guy normally.

"So, do you want to go further? Well, I will allow you to be strong x..." I said the paper again calmly.


"Whoever wants to be strong, you give me a normal, origami sauce!"

Wu Lingfeng feels that his face is not enough to bear, sister, this is definitely a problem girl, he feels that the next life must be very interesting (only strange)?

"I am normal. Are you going to push me down now? I am ready..." said an origami calmly.

"Normal your sister, I don't want to push you down, you sit down for me!!!"

Wu Lingfeng immediately pressed a piece of origami on the chair.

"You have already begun to push down. I suggest that you should press me on the table..." I said with a suggestion.

Lost to you...

Wu Lingfeng feels that he can't continue to say it with a piece of origami. There is absolutely no string in the head of this guy, and it is still the most important one. It is special, why is the girl he summoned is not normal, excellent and small? It’s normal to have nothing to do with darkness, maybe he has this special kind of hobby?

No, certainly not, Wu Lingfeng definitely has no symptoms of shaking m. He just wants to summon some powerful sisters, but these powerful sisters are all very special, and an origami is a representative of 'outstanding'. Characters, okay, for the time being, the girls are all personal, the more powerful the sister, the more special hobbies.

"You don't do it? I am ready..." | I looked at Wu Lingfeng with a puzzled origami.

"Do not do, resolutely do not!!" Wu Lingfeng suddenly said helplessly.

"I know, there must be something wrong with you..." I said with a piece of paper origami. "Nothing, I don't discriminate against you. There is no way. I will sympathize with you..."

"Whoever has a problem there!!" Wu Lingfeng said loudly, "I am normal there, absolutely no problem!"

I folded my head and said, "I don't believe, you have absolutely problems there. Ok, I won't discriminate against you, no..."

How could Wu Lingfeng be able to endure, suddenly put his origami on the table and said: "Well, I will let you experience it for yourself. I have a problem..."


At this moment, Charlotte once again pushed the door and came in... (to be continued.)