MTL - Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension-Chapter 659 The fear of the Marl bus

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Mare Bus is carrying out official duties in his own room. He has already invested in the establishment of the Dragon Kingdom. He has recently been appreciated by the above people and has to be promoted. If he is promoted, he will be able to approach the Royal Palace.

The birth of the Eighth Devil King began the darkness of the whole world. Mart Bus suddenly realized that his guess was correct. The Eighth Devil, the real Devil was born, but this made him very happy. As long as he continued his efforts, he could become the Little Devil. The teacher is taught, when the children of Wu Lingfeng need to teach, if he can choose, it will be easy to get close to the little devil.

As a guy who has lived for more than 10,000 years, the Martial Bus has accumulated almost a huge library, and he is an aristocrat who knows art and appreciation, astronomy, geography, politics, literature, music. , magic, herbs, alchemy, martial arts, etc., almost everything, and who can find the true image, what he has learned, is the orthodox and correct knowledge, it can be said that he is a wise man, as long as the little devil is Under my own training, I will be able to become a peerless demon king...


The bus that was quiet in his own fantasy suddenly looked shocked at his body. A girl with long blond hair stood there. Ruby's eyes blinked like a dead man. He didn't even find this girl. When I entered his room.

But in a blink of an eye, the blond girl disappeared, and the bus suddenly got her eyes closed. No one? how is this possible! ! ! I didn't even find the breath of her movement, it was impossible. It is absolutely impossible to see it in front of me, but it disappeared in an instant. How could it be, and he couldn’t perceive a touch of breath. Too unusual...


Just as the Marquen bus turned over, I found that the blonde girl was sitting on the window sill and eating a fish-shaped snack, swaying the soft white feet, as if it were natural and calm.


Malt bus suddenly fell back, accidentally fell the bench, but this did not make him care, what shocked him was that he could not feel any darkness, even if she was in front of her. He couldn't feel any breath of her. Yes, I couldn't feel it. It seems that she didn't exist there. This kind of thing is too scary. He is a demon god. Can't even capture the enemy's breath?

"Don't be kidding!!" Maltese bus suddenly appeared in the hands of a huge magic gun attacking the blonde girl...


The figure of the blonde girl disappeared again in front of the bus of Yemal, and it disappeared silently. It was too strange. How is this possible? Impossible, yes, impossible, didn't even notice her movement?

"Hey. You take a trip with me, don't resist, otherwise. I won't be so calm again, I will give you full consideration of time. Is life or death?"

The blonde girl said calmly, after eating a fish-shaped snack. I took out a fish-shaped snack again and ate it.

This blonde girl is a little dark, Eve, today she rarely said so many words to an enemy, she rarely said anything, not to mention strangers, but she is practicing a ability, yes, not She likes to talk, but tries to use a kind of ability to learn from the good spirits. She is also trying the power of the curse of death. The power of death is the power of a branch, the power of curse, the death The Lord's reason, the little dark is not affected by any cursing power, and can release a more powerful curse to the enemy.

Apply spells through language, let the power of the curse blend into the power of the curse, and use the secret warning to form the power of the curse. For example, Xiaodang just said to the Malt bus, linguistically support the will of the Mar Bus, and then curse With the power of language, the force breaks through the fragile defense of Marlborough, and buryes the curse in his heart, giving him the feeling that he can not fight the enemy anyway...

Life and death...

Perhaps because the power of the small darkness is not mature, the Malt bus has not been greatly disturbed because of its strong physical strength, but a sense of consciousness has always implied that he can't do it himself. He can't beat it, he must surrender to her, high-order. The gods still have the ability to resist this kind of suggestive power, but the suggestive person is small and dark, and the power is not mature enough is an extremely powerful force.

No, no, no, she can only bow down, a little girl in the district, how can I bow to her?


But just in the heart of the Marl bus, this time was denied, and a blood suddenly spit out from his mouth...

The consequence of the suggestive curse is this. If you agree to the other's conditions, then you will be alive, but this time you will lose in your heart forever, and then you will not be an opponent again, but if you refuse, then curse the power. It is a violent injury to the cursed person. Fortunately, the little dark hint that the curse is not mature enough, otherwise, one sentence can make him die!

Implied that the curse does not want to defend against defense, because it is not afraid of a strong defensive force, as long as you hear this curse suggestion, then it will be recruited, and finally life and death can not be in their own hands.

"Think about it?"

Xiaoyun still calmly asked, this time she did not use the hint curse, she has already studied it, then she does not need to experiment, and there is nothing to say to this kind of person, if he continues to insist, then Can only kill him.

For a moment, the Mart bus found himself in a dark, turbulent space, everything disappeared, and the will to die was oppressed by his will, and the Marsh bus did not dare to move a little thumb. Yes, I dare not have the slightest action, as if the next step will die...

The Malt bus, which has been bringing death to others, suddenly found out that it was so terrible when faced with death. Yes, terrible, he hates this feeling. This should be reversed. How could this be?

Xiaodi gently bite the squid in his hand and calmly look at the Marl bus, waiting for his reply, as if he had a feeling of indifference about what he chose, as long as he made a choice, it was Just make a choice.

The Marl bus feels a trembling feeling in the body, and every cell is shaking in fear! ! !

Who is this guy? ! ? Marl bus suddenly asked himself, he did not understand, he was a high-level god, actually faced with this blond hair without any resistance, no, not, but not fear, not afraid, as if the whole body is entangled in death... ...

The blonde girl gave the Marl bus a feeling that Barr was not strong, but the danger was much higher than that of Bar. He didn’t dare to fight, but felt unable to fight, as if a sick sickle was placed under his neck, as long as he If there is any resistance, the brain will be separated from the body in an instant...

"Well, I am going with you, hey, in this case, it seems that my body flies are exposed. I didn't think that there is such a powerful guy besides the bright god, and the age is still so small. It really is to let Surprising, it’s not good to surrender...” Marr’s helplessly waved his hand and succumbed.


Little dark nodded, went outside, did not look backwards, did not worry about the horse bus to escape, as if she did not care about these general, confirmed that the Maltese bus would leave with him.

"Is it solved, hey, so fast, I thought I had to fight a lot..." Gigton, who was leaning against the wall, was bored and boring. It’s really meaningless. He still wants to see the little dark shot, but he didn’t think of it. This demon **** actually succumbed to it, it seems to feel the horror of that guy?

In Jig’s view, although Xiao Xiao is not the strongest in Wu Lingfeng’s camp, or is not the strongest, she is the opponent she likes most, because this guy can’t measure her strength. Although the appearance is a girl, but if her power is broken, it is absolutely ruinous. Even the undead, the force of contact with the darkness of death will be fearful...

The Lord of death is also the source of fear, the fearful existence of all things. This is not a kind of power, but a kind of destiny and soul. It seems that the soul and destiny are held in the hands of the little ones, which dominate the most essential. Horror, there may be a lot of horror in this world, but Xiaoyin is definitely the most incarnation of terror.


The Marl bus was shocked again. I didn't expect another person to be in the room. Jig's body was wrapped in a ghost. This ghost made his figure unable to be captured, and there was no trace of breath and fluctuation. It is not as good as the perfect atmosphere of the small dark, but it is also very powerful.

"The devils are really bold. Do you think that no one is your opponent? There are at least five people in the city and I don’t want to go up and down. You want to lurk here. It’s really stupid, and you are very Unlucky, if you are normal, no one can find your true identity. After all, you are very 'normal', but recently there has been a powerful guy, you are active under her eyes and want to escape her. Capture it? Hehe..." Jig smiled and went out...

"Cocilia? Her? Mistakes, the woman's political mind is simply a godly existence, forget this swearing, oh, too proud of forgetting?" Marr bus instantly thought of a female figure ... (to be continued..)