MTL - Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension-Chapter 54 Goblin ruins

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Chapter 54—The Goblin Ruins

Under the leadership of the strongest female Emperor Brigitte, Wu Lingfeng and others came to the periphery of the Goblin ruins. It was said that the site was filled with magical elements, and the rule of magic elements made the terrain distorted.

Originally, there was a sparse jungle on the flat plain. The reason why there is magical power is that when your feet are on the grass and you leave again, the grass that has been stepped back will be restored to its original state. Damage!

"This is the rule power of magic, even if the **** of law can not interfere with the rules here, magical..." Charlotte said.

Wu Lingfeng nodded and said: "Well, it is really magical. If it is normal, it will not happen. It can be regenerated. Is it..."

"Well, indeed, the monsters here are not killing, the number is fixed, the monsters in the ruins will be fixed and refreshed. Today you kill a monster. This monster will be revived again tomorrow, and the periodicity is one day." Lott said.

"More importantly, whether it is a magician or a knight, if you cultivate here, the strength will increase much faster. The more powerful the remains, the faster the combat strength will increase, and the long-term life in the site. Can slowly increase the blood of the magician, so this place is very good." Shirley said.

Wu Lingfeng is somewhat interested. This place is like the inside of the game. The monsters in the map will be refreshed constantly. How to kill can not kill, and killing monsters can improve the strength. If it is true, it will be interesting. You can upgrade through Daguai, but they don't have their own system, and the quality and effect of the upgrade will be almost the same.

This is a major discovery. Wu Lingfeng vaguely feels that this alienation has a connection with DNF. It takes time to slowly uncover the connection.

There is also Goblin in the DNF, maybe there is a slight connection between the two.

After a long distance at the Goblin site, Brigitte turned and said: "I will soon encounter the monsters in the site. Everyone needs to be aware that after you cut it or knock it down, don't be happy, because everything is The monsters in the ruins can only kill them by destroying their heads or smashing their bodies, and it is worth noting that these monsters don't have pain, don't take it lightly..."

Wu Lingfeng said with amazement: "Is that really true?"

Brigitte nodded and said: "Well, so be careful, some people who have not entered the site should pay special attention, don't be too big, these enemies are different from what you have encountered before..."

Everyone nods, some adventurous teams should be aware of this, but there are also many newcomers who are not sure about such things. After all, most of the adventurers who gather here want to see the legendary Frost Dragon, and the site is not fully prepared. The average person will not enter, because not killing all the monsters, is unable to leave here!

All the sites have a generality. The refresh rate of the monsters inside is once a day. Once someone enters them, all the monsters inside must be destroyed within one day. Otherwise, the existence of regular forces, you can not leave here, and if One day you can't destroy all the monsters, all the monsters will refresh the next day, which means you have to fight again, the next day you can't kill all the monsters, the third day continues...

So here is the rule, you can only leave if you obey the rules.

Soon Wu Lingfeng met the monster in the first Goblin site, which is similar to Goblin in DNF. It has a green skin, a pointed nose and a pointed ear. It grows like a melon. It looks disgusting when you look at it.

"I come……"

A burly big man rushed over with a giant sword, and a sword flew it, but the Goblin still stood up like nothing, holding a barbed stick bigger than his body. The burly big man rushed over and the speed was very fast. All of a sudden the stick was hit by the burly man...

The wooden puncture on the wooden stick hit the body of the burly man, and suddenly he had several blood holes in the body.


Seeing that the big man is going to die, Wu Lingfeng immediately shot, the hand quickly condensed the magic ball, a light glimpse, the magic ball will hit the body of Goblin, shake it, then Wu Lingfeng quickly ran, and reached out to Goblin.



An irresistible force acts on Goblin's body. In an instant, it is inhaled into the hands of Wu Lingfeng, and then Wu Lingfeng throws it to the ground, and the huge impact force instantly smashes its body into four and a half!

"Thank you for the magician adults..." Dahan saw that he was saved quickly and thanked Wuling.

Wu Lingfeng nodded faintly. He saw the grade of Goblin just now, only level 5, how to try the experience, and he found that this five-level Goblin actually gave 20 experience points, which surprised Wu Lingfeng.

Because Wu Lingfeng had killed 5th-level fire wolf before, he gave 10 experiences. Only the 8th-level elite Yanwo will give him 20 experience. This makes Wu Lingfeng somewhat shocked. This so-called Goblin site does not say anything else. Here, his experience is doubled.

If you think like this, if he is leveling here, he must upgrade twice as fast as usual. Not only experience, but also double the drop in money. Generally speaking, it is a gold coin. Now Dropped two.

This is the lowest level of relics. If it is a high-level relic, it may add more experience points. This is good news for Wu Lingfeng, which can speed up the upgrade.

"Instant Magic??" Brigitte looked at Wu Lingfeng with amazement. This boy has not yet reached the level of the Magi. Even if he can release low-level magic at the intermediate magician, it is beyond common sense, even if It is her, now, it can only be instant low-level magic, if you want to instant mid-level magic, unless the level reaches the magician.

Wu Lingfeng nodded to the Loli doll, let her go forward to actively eliminate those Goblin, can take a little experience to get a little, and also drop money is not it?

Seeing that the Loli doll came out of the martial arts team, Brigitte noticed her. Before that, she vaguely felt a non-living magical fluctuation, not like human beings, but like the fluctuations of some magical figures. Now I noticed that the Lolita doll suddenly became stunned. It turned out to be her, but this Loli doll is too realistic. However, now she is embarrassed to take the initiative to ask Wu Lingfeng some things.