MTL - Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension-Chapter 112 Fury curse cat demon (below)

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Chapter 112, the violent curse of the cat demon (below)

(Seeking a recommendation ticket collection, thank you Han Xuan, blowing snow sword, wind butterfly weeping children's shoes reward)


After more than half an hour of fighting, Wu Lingfeng and Xiaoye and Galen finally wiped out this wave of cat demon group. For this reason, Wu Lingfeng also rose to level 19, almost 20th level. After all, more than 300 cats. Demon, the experience of a cat demon 300, enough Wu Lingfeng upgraded.

They rested for more than ten minutes, and then proceeded. After destroying another wave of the Goblin army, Wu Lingfeng finally rose to level 20, officially reaching the so-called third-order strength of the world, and added another skill "ice crystal pendant. "This is the skill of the blaster. The ice master's skill is more than a cold ice gun, but the ice master's skill is used to have punishment, so it can't be used when it is not necessary."

Then Wu Lingfeng continued to move forward. After more than three hours of fighting, they finally came to the final area of ​​Shoubo ss, more than 100 ordinary Goblin, cat demon, more than 50 elite monsters, elite monsters With a property, the attack comes with attribute attacks such as ice, fire, curse, sluggishness, acceleration, and the like.

The name of the last wave ss evolved from the previous cursed cat demon to a violent curse cat demon, and also with three auras, a cursing aura, a slow halo, a vampire aura, and when attacking, the enemy will be attached to the three. Kind of aura.

Trouble, Wu Lingfeng knows that it is very troublesome. The level of the violent curse of the cat demon is 29, and it is still the lord-level Warcraft. It is already the existence of the quasi-fourth order, and their real test is coming!

"Less master, I still hold the wave ss, then you kill the ordinary monster and I meet?" Galen said.

Wu Lingfeng shook his head and said: "No, this time we change the combat plan, letting you deal with it alone is actually letting you die. You have no way to contain it, but you will die under its claws. This time we Three attacks on ordinary monsters and elite monsters in three directions, regardless of the wave ss, try to avoid fighting with it, and finally we three people will deal with it..."

"Well, okay..." Galen and Xiaomu nodded at the same time.

Then Wu Lingfeng spread out in three directions, attacking ordinary monsters and elite monsters.

Let Wu Lingfeng they are strange that the violent curse cat demon has no action at all, as if watching the story, leisurely watching Wu Lingfeng their three people fighting.

In the case of the king-level wave ss, those ordinary monsters seem to attack more fierce, as if they are tempted to curse the cat demon, huh, huh, really smart, this is almost the same as the flattering, huh, the monster is also flattering. .

Since the king wave ss does not join the battle, then just right, Wu Lingfeng they started killing, and after those ordinary monsters are eliminated, it is it...

The prince Xuan was a teleport, leaving the encirclement of the monsters, and then the right hand condensed a lot of frosty gas, condensed a blue magic circle under the feet of the monster in front of him, a large number of ice crystal columns fell from the sky, the monster suddenly frozen On the ground, then Wu Lingfeng condensed forward four magic runes, frost, flame, dark moon, holy light, he chose the frost, ice properties of the ice can get more attack time for him.

"Ice crystal falling!!"

"Property changes - ice!"

After these two skills, Wu Lingfeng decisively took the key attack, specifically attacking the vital parts of the monsters, one hit will kill, huh, huh, it is unlikely, the monster's blood volume is not low, and they must be killed three or two The magic skills are on the same level, so it is only for them to temporarily lose their attack ability. This is a different world. It is necessary to fight flexibly.

A series of ice magic sphere attacks let the monsters freeze from time to time, the attack becomes stiff and slow, seize this opportunity, Wu Lingfeng hands together, a huge flame shield appeared in front of him, with his hands nudging, huge The scorching flame shield swayed toward the monsters.

At this time, a flame of Goblin's flame attack came, Wu Lingfeng quickly launched the retreat skills, avoiding this attack, then a series of magic ice hockey in the hand to crush the flame Goblin, and then teleport away from the monster's attack range I started the kite tactics. I couldn’t avoid it. I was directly and shamelessly lying down and squatting. The invincible mode was launched. Like the great leader of the Chinese people, the enemy’s retreat, the enemy retreated, the enemy stationed me, and the enemy I am tired of playing, there is no need to reason with the monsters, facing them, we have to carry out no-frills | **** battles.

Unlike Wu Lingfeng's kite tactics, Xiaosha directly used the melee attack, the body condensed the magic, and a circle of blue magical aura appeared at her feet, then a goblin appeared beside her, the contracted beast summoned Although most of the combat mage's skills are combat skills, there are also skills before the transfer, and Helder's call is like this.

Xiaodeng did not order Helder to fight directly, but to protect it by his side and to repel the monsters that she could hardly repel. After all, although her melee attacks were very powerful, the fighting smell was very outstanding, but with so many monsters, She can't help but care about it, so let the call protect myself. ,

Then a small open magic book flashed on the small dark head. The "Ancient Magic Book" increased intelligence, which is to increase the magic attack, and then a golden figure appeared on her head again. The "magic show" skill increased the casting speed. Reduce cooling time and reduce gas storage limit.

After doing all this cut, Xiaomu first used a magical attack, four magical runes around the body, frost, flame, dark moon, holy light, and then three huge blue magic **** also appeared in her Around the body, a series of magical attacks were shot from her hands. Huge flame balls, huge frost balls, huge holy balls, huge shadow balls, a series of quick blows on the enemy's body, knocking out all the nearby monsters. Open, "Elemental Ignition" can alternately use the magical skills of various attributes to attack, while enhancing the magic effect and increasing intelligence, plus the rapid casting of the previous magic show, the small dark is like a magic cannon, a series of magical launches come out……

After a series of magic attacks, there are already five or six monsters. Compared to Wu Lingfeng, the small dark level is high and the attack is high, so the attack is naturally sharp. Of course, the battle mage will not always have magic. Their magic is just a round of attack. After that, Xiaoyue picked up the bronze spears around him and slammed them into the monsters. When the bronze spears came out, Wu Lingfeng bought her a good weapon, and the war mage did not need anything. Magic wands, they need spears and sticks!

"Dragon tooth!!"

Xiao Ge Jiao sighed, the spear in his hand flashed a dark purple light, sprinted forward, and the monster she hit hit suddenly fell into a paralyzed state, this time the dark darkness will be a perfect half moon in the hands of the bronze spear. Dance, suddenly hit a few monsters, then the small dark body jumped, jumped into the air, the spear and the body turned into a sharp arrow, shocked against a frosty Goblin, the spear suddenly put it The body runs through and wipes it out in a flash!

The violent curse of the cat demon looked at the Wulingfeng three people's battle can not help but reveal a sneer, yes, it is sneer, feet on the ground, suddenly a lot of dark purple magic aura emerges on the ground, an ordinary cat demon emerges from it ! !

Seeing here, Wu Lingfeng’s heart suddenly became cold, your sister’s, too shameless, and there is no knot in the game. Actually, you can summon monsters, so that they can kill a day! ! !

Ps: It will be more than one day before the shelves. After the shelves, the lambs will guarantee that they will break out. If possible, the words will be updated every day, so please wait patiently now, hey, snow Feihong, pirate heart children's shoes, sorry, hehe... ...

Ps: Mainly Xingyao is also updated together. The two books are updated with some tiredness. After the shelves, I broke out, and the days are even more, so everyone should wait patiently.