MTL - Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension-Chapter 111 Fury curse cat demon (middle)

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The eleventh chapter of the violent curse cat demon (middle)

(Recommended ticket collection, thanks to the cattle fork residents, small age ~ big love, the triumph of the Arc de Triomphe, the sky wind, the pirate heart children's shoes, the book will be on the shelves next month, I will be on the shelves Outbreak, every day, the word is updated, the pirate heart shoes are sorry, dipping sauce, seeking understanding)


Wu Lingfeng and Galen and Xiaoyue entered the cat demon's forest and started the adventure-level map.

"Hey, do you want to open the cat demon adventure map, enter the demand: 1 vanity magic stone fragment, 1 chaotic magic stone fragment, after the confirmation is turned on, automatically deduct from the storage space ..."


Wu Lingfeng chose to open the map and pass the adventure-level map. He will rise to the 20th level today, which is the so-called third-order in the world, and then you can apply for the second-class student.


A chaotic magic stone fragment and a hollow magic stone fragment disappeared from the storage space of Wu Lingfeng, and then the momentum of the cat demon's forest became stronger, and a whole wave of vibration occurred in the area where the entire cat demon's forest was located.

"Go, go in..." Wu Lingfeng and Galen, Xiaodi nodded and said, went inside.


Soon after Wu Lingfeng entered, Xueyue Mirror came to the vicinity of the cat demon's forest, poured the magical concentrate in his hand on the land of the cat demon, and then turned into a horrible face shadow. The underground of the cat demon's forest.

"Hey, Ling Feng Xuedi, don't blame me, I don't want you to hurt you. I hope you can come out alive. Hey, I want to make a deal with you. It seems that there is no chance, God's descendants... ...the task you shoulder is to save the world, but what you don't know is how powerful the power of the devil has developed. The battle between the ground and the abyss is just a small dish. This time it is really big. Explosion, 666 demon corps, the number of demons in each demon army is 6666, huh, huh, I don’t know how long the ground can last?” Snow Moon mirror sneered, and the body gradually cracked and disappeared in place, leaving only one sound. Shallow sneer.


When Wu Lingfeng entered the cat demon's forest, the first wave of monsters was easily eliminated by them. More than 30 ordinary Goblin, but there was a curse of the ten commander's elite, but was destroyed by Uncle Galen. Lost.

The small dark battle is even more sharp, the degree of the female mage's skill is perfect, and it is estimated that the past life is placed in the game, it must be the pk king, and the owner of Wu Lingfeng is somewhat self-satisfied.

However, when Wu Lingfeng was in their previous lives, suddenly the whole space fluctuated drastically, and the whole space became gray, and a purple magical spirit began to flourish.

"Hey, influenced by foreign factors, the current cat demon forest has evolved into a map of **** level, the highest difficulty hand challenge level, ordinary, adventure, warrior, king, **** is five levels, the number of monsters is increased five times, monster strength Doubled up, a lot of elite monsters appeared, a few monsters appeared, and the original lord monster evolved into a king-level monster!!"

"Please note that the magic gas invade a lot, temporarily began to resist the magic attribute, the current unified to 10, must be cleared within 10 hours, otherwise the magic invasion, the consequences are unpredictable!!"

“Hey, after the copy of the customs clearance, the system randomly rewards the Master’s skills, a special level of the doll’s drawings...”

"Oh, after the clearance of the level of hell, the system gives the bronze warrior badge, attributes: physical strength +2, strength +2, intelligence +2, spirit +2."

Suddenly the system prompts, suddenly let Wu Lingfeng stay chicken, your sister, which guy is calculating your grandfather, **** level copy, I am going to go, the number of monsters increased by five times, your sister's, the original ordinary count down There are about 300 monsters, five times is 1500, I went to him, but fortunately the strength did not improve five times, or your sister really has to hang.

And the most important thing is the unknown king monster, Wu Lingfeng can say that he is the first time to meet the king of Warcraft? Oh, it’s too ferocious.

Small and cautiously said: "There is a wave of monsters approaching, the number is more than 300..."

Wu Lingfeng nodded and said: "Now we may have a big trouble. While giving priority to eliminating remote monsters, we must focus on our own safety. But you can't be summoned by me. Don't die..."

Galen nodded silently and said: "Less master, rest assured, I will protect your safety. My Galen can die on the way forward, but you can't, you are our king, you have to fight, I am dead, there will be the next paladin to inherit my duties, the meaning of our existence is to become the spear and shield of my Lord, killing the enemy and blocking the enemy's footsteps!"

Xiaomu also said: "Do not worry, I will protect you, because you are my only relative, without you, my heart will go completely into the darkness, become a cold-blood weapon, so I will die in front of you!"

Wu Lingfeng was touched by some moments. He reached out and grabbed the two men’s hands and said, "Well, since this is the last moment of life, and we are not the end of death, Galen, your magic is the least of the three of us, so you Try to avoid using skills, because there is a real powerful monster to deal with, and your magic can also use the skills to return blood for us, so your magic is very important, then small dark, you are a mage, so don't blindly melee Fight, use your skills reasonably, well, I don't need to say that you know, because you are very smart, well, now we start fighting!!"


This time Wu Lingfeng encountered a group of cat demon, but there are many elites, such as the ice cat demon, the flame cat demon, the accelerated cat demon and many more, and there is also a powerful lord monster, also Called cursed cat demon, huh, ordinary wave ss to this **** copy, just a wavelet ss, the real **oss in the back.

"Gailon, you will lead the lord cat demon to the side, I will fight with you after the other dark guys solve the other guys. There are lords, the wisdom of these monsters will increase, and we will face disadvantages. The situation can only let you go, we are three people, you are close combat, and the defense is the highest, so..." Wu Lingfeng said to Galen.

Galen nodded, a sprint, the right hand flashed the color of cash, sprinted to the cat demon group, all the cat demon along the way was blocked by his body, a jump came to the lord cat demon, the right hand Jinguang flashed again, will it Grab a hand and throw it out!

"Straight punch!"

"Tiger attack!!"

Two skills were played to the perfect level by Galen, throwing the lord cat demon out of the cat demon group and fighting it.


The lord cat demon screamed, and the body made a shock wave to knock Galen down. At the same time, he was calling the younger brother to help fight.

Seeing here, Wu Lingfeng and Xiaoyun acted, how can I make it as expected, and the two quickly joined the battlefield, attracting a lot of monster hatred.

The small dark hands turned into a small doll still on the ground, forming a dark golden wave zone, and all the monsters were suddenly attracted, and the cat demons gathered wildly in the wave circle formed by the dolls.

"Provocative doll: Shu Lulu!!" Xiao Xiao Jiao shouted.

This is the skill of the female magician, which is specially used to provoke hatred, and in this dark golden wave, the magical defenses of the monsters will also be reduced, so the magic attack will hurt a lot.

Wu Lingfeng couldn't help but sigh that Xiaodang was a natural fighter. It took only a few days to fully grasp the use of all skills. It was really powerful.

Seeing a large number of cat demon sprinting, Wu Lingfeng's right hand flashed the magic of blue, a small tornado shot from his hand, rushed out a few front cats, and then appeared in front of four magic patterns, respectively, flame, cold Ice, Black Moon, Holy Light, Wu Lingfeng chose the Holy Light, and then a series of light attribute magic **** shot in the hands of the cat demon, resulting in a repelling effect, followed by a huge flame shield condensed in front of him, rotating Go forward and attack! ,

"Magic whirlwind!"

"Property changes - light!"

"The magic ball shoots!!"

"Fire Shield!"

Wu Lingfeng's series of skills will completely kill the monsters from the front. Because of the dark gold fluctuations, the cat demon's defenses are reduced, and the light attributes are just their nemesis. In a flash, three cats are turned into pieces!