MTL - Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)-Chapter 3282 Demon Call

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But calling the devil is quite professional.

Can summon three or five demons, summoning dozens of hundreds of times, that is not a professional.

Chen Zhao is a professional, and devil of any level has been summoned.

How many sacrifices are needed for each type of demon, and what conditions need to be called.

Chen Zhao is basically a treasurer.

Chen Zhao's time in the spirit world is really not long.

In terms of common sense, Chen Zhao's attempts are almost counted backwards in the spiritual world.

But when it comes to summoning the devil, Chen Zhao wants to say second, no one dares to say first.

Although the earth is the main plane world, the world is just that big.

The territory of a demon lord is so big.

Take the territory of Beelzebu Zofi, not to mention that he has annexed the territory of six or seven demon lord of the same level.

Just talk about his original territory, which is almost the size of a world.

So to summon a demon of this level, the cost required is already astronomical.

It is meaningless to sacrifice a few tens of millions of people.

So in theory, it is impossible to summon the high lord at this level.

It was impossible in the past, and it is even more impossible now.

Even if we talk about the relationship between Chen Zhao and Beelzebu Zofi.

He doesn't want his own sacrifice.

The materials I have to prepare for the summoning ceremony are still astronomical.

Summoning demons is not a unilateral employment contract.

Starting the summon itself requires very harsh conditions.

Magic, magic, sacrifices, and contracts are equally indispensable.

So summon demons above the demon lord.

It is not as simple as a simple sacrifice.

If the Demon Lord appears in this world, his strength will be suppressed by at least half because of the world barriers and the suppression of the power of the world.

If it is a sub-devil, the strength may not even exist at one percent.

The earth is not a small world, but a large world with complete rules.

If the world power of this world exerts full suppression on Chen Zhao, Chen Zhao may explode in minutes.

But Chen Zhao is a native creature, and Chen Zhao himself is part of the will of the world.

So Chen Zhao himself will not be suppressed by the power of the world.

But if Chen Zhao went to other worlds, he would be suppressed by the power of the world.

Of course, apart from hell, Chen Zhao has not been to a world with complete rules.

All I went to was a small world with incomplete rules.

Although the power of the small world would suppress Chen Zhao.

But Chen Zhao didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

Because Chen Zhao himself has a small world, and the inner world is the small world.

Therefore, for Chen Zhao, the power of the small world does not pose any threat, or the threat is relatively small.

In a world with complete rules, the stronger the outsiders, the stronger the suppression.

Even the big demon king several times is not immune.

Sameer is the most typical.

Even he can't fight the power of the world under the complete rules.

So he appeared in this world, let alone power.

It doesn't even have a complete form, it can only exist as a little milk cat.

So what Chen Zhao said to the girl in white was to summon the Lord of Hell, the Great Devil.

It's not that I don't believe it, it's just that it is ridiculous.

"Your boss, Antoine T. Erke, where can I find him?"

"I can't find him. He will contact me every time he arranges tasks." The girl in white looked at Chen Zhao in fear.

"Then do you know the specific steps of this summoning ceremony?"

"I know...but I'm not sure if I can do it..." the girl in white replied hurriedly.

"Tell me."

"First, we must gather thirteen kinds of demons, the king of fear, the king of power, the king of death, the fallen king, the destruction king, the destruction king, the dark king, the blood king, the nightmare king, the winter king, The descendants of the Fire King, the Withered King, and the Nirvana King, and then use their blood to open the ancient magic circle, you can summon the Lord of Hell.

"What are you talking about the ancient magic circle?"

"It was the magic circle in a ruin discovered by our boss Antoine."


"I do not know."

"How often will Antoine Cork contact you?"

"It's usually two to three days."

Chen Zhao brought the girl in white directly back to Los Angeles.

The girl in white does not know what identity Chen Zhao is.

But she was carried all the way back to Los Angeles by Chen Zhao.

The whole journey took less than three minutes, and this ability was enough to make her tremble with fear.

She felt that Chen Zhao was much more terrifying than her own boss, Antoine.

The girl in white is called Tem Isabella.

She is not a senior psychic.

She entered and came into contact with the spiritual world in only half a year.

Then it was noticed by that Antoni T. Erke.

Her abilities are quite powerful.

She can make a lot of water out of thin air.

And control the water in a certain area.

If it is in a place with a lot of water, such as the environment of rivers, lakes and seas.

Her combat effectiveness will soar.

Especially at sea level, she can even create a small tsunami.

Of course, now that he fell into Chen Zhao's hands, he didn't have to think about anything.

She also didn't have the courage to try to challenge Chen Zhao.

After all, those companions who were not weaker than her.

No one can hold two rounds in Chen Zhao's hands.

Chen Zhao after throwing Tem Isabella into the dungeon.

He dialed the phone of the little handsome guy.

"Little handsome guy."

"The mount you promised me last time is not good yet?"

"Nothing, I'm rushing to work." Chen Zhao said: "Have you heard of a summoning technique that uses the blood of the descendants of thirteen lesser demon kings to summon your seven original sins."

"How is it possible, let alone thirteen, even one hundred thirty, the blood of one thousand three hundred lesser demon kings’ descendants cannot summon one ten thousandth of any of our seven original sins, even if it’s the second The blood of the first-level demon is impossible, and there are only ninety-nine lower-level demon kings."

"So based on your estimation, if this kind of magic circle can be completed, and the blood of the descendants of the lesser devil is gathered, what level of demons can be summoned? Is it possible for the lesser devil?"

"No, the difference is a little bit worse. If it is 1% of the power of the Lesser Demon King, it is possible, but the time of existence is too short, and it may not even have a breath time. The Lesser Demon King is called to the past consciousness and power. It will be destroyed by the power of the world in an instant, and the remaining power of the demon king will cause great damage."

Chen Zhao couldn't help feeling nervous: "How much damage will it cause?"

"With your current strength, it will not pose a threat to you, it should cause climate change for several years, and then the world power of the main plane world will gradually repair the disturbed climate."

"It won't cause the end of mankind, will it?"

"will not."

"That is not bad."

"But if someone wants to activate this kind of summoning magic, the greatest possibility is to summon a lord-level or lord-level demon."