MTL - Demon Slayer: The Beginning of the Game Opens the Way of Reward for Diligence-Chapter 22

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"Has the winding appeared?"

"Well, it's Shang Xian San. It seems to be a ghost who is very good at fighting with fists and feet. The battle between the two was so fast that the crow couldn't describe it, only that the scene after the event was very tragic."

"If you want to describe it, it is to knock down a concrete high-rise building with more than ten floors, and then create an open space full of concrete powder in the ruins of the high-rise building. This should be caused by not dodging the whole process. The two people competed for strength. and physical fitness.”

"After the incident, it is estimated that Lin Jun received at least the five punches of the winding ghost, and all the parts that were hit were distorted and deformed."

When he said this, Yu Jun Tianyuan swallowed his throat. The lord faced him. He was not very good at saying some words. The word "pervert" could be spit out at any time when the word "pervert" was held in his mouth.

To keep up with the evil spirit on the string so head-to-head, even Beimingyu Xingming probably can't do it.

What's even more outrageous is that after suffering such a serious injury, he actually recovered in just two days.

"It has changed. I have a hunch that the pattern that has remained unchanged for hundreds of years will change in our generation. Regarding this child, don't publicize it for the time being, and try to make him follow his own wishes as much as possible."

"But... lord, according to the information on the scene at the time, it is very likely that the top-string ghost wanted to win over Lin Jun so he didn't kill the killer, and Lin Jun himself did not show any desire to join the ghost killing team..."

Yujun Tianyuan stopped talking.

Because Yoshiya, who was sitting in the maternity house, took out a letter.

The signature is the retired former Shuizhu Rin Taki Sakonji, who is Lin Yu's trainer.

This is an absolute letter. Rintaki Sakonji is willing to vouch for his reputation and Lin Yu's determination as a human being. If Lin Yu becomes a ghost one day, then Rintaki Sakonji, who is a master, will cut his belly.

And it was Rintaki Sakonji who questioned whether Lin Yu would enter the ghost killing team at the beginning.

"It seems that our warriors all have a good master."

Yoshiya Zaiyashiki smiled.

Yujun Tianyuan lowered his head and said, "Yes."

There's no need to worry anymore, how did the Ghost Slayer team survive until now? Relationship between superiors and subordinates, or hatred of ghosts?

No, it is redemption, mutual redemption for each other in a situation of nothing, if this is protection and selfishness, then the entire ghost killing team is like this.

This time, the Ghost Killing Team not only ushered in the new Yanzhu, but also obtained a switch that can turn the tide of the battle.

Butterfly House.

Two months passed quickly.

Lin Yu still trains in the dojo, but with little success.

After the battle with Yiwozuo, he found that what he felt after he started the breathing method was many times clearer than before. It seemed that he was about to touch the threshold, and he was only a foot away, but it was like a mirage.

Obviously still making progress, and his own strength is also growing, but it is still difficult to reach that level.

Chapter 41

It's midsummer.

The boulders hanging in the courtyard of the Butterfly House have also gradually increased from the original 200 jin to the current 1,000 jin.

Lin Yu pulled the rope horizontally with both hands, exercising day after day under the blazing sun. Sweat flowed from his strong muscles. After completely shrinking, his height of about 1.75 meters looked extremely tall.

"This kid, the road to building muscle is gone."

Aunt Keiko under the porch covered her face and wept.

"Obviously such a beautiful boy..."

Butterfly on the side twitched slightly with a dull face.

Aunt Keiko, are you kidding me, where does that guy belong to the category of beauty? Now his arms are as thick as my two thighs, maybe even thicker.

But just looking at that face, and not looking at those ridiculously exaggerated tight muscles, is really deceiving.

It was a face with broad eyebrows and a little grimness, and it did look like that kind of handsome guy, or the kind of high-cold type that strangers should not enter.

"Lin Jun seems to have grown a lot again?"

Mako showed a very natural smile.

Butterfly Ninja finally couldn't help but complain.

"Growing up, it's only been a few months? It's obviously abnormal! You have already given up! A child looks like his own child no matter what he grows up. Are you a mother?"

"This... I can't help it... Even though he has more and more muscles, he is also my junior brother. Boys grow up so fast all of a sudden. It's normal. It will definitely become more than two meters high..."

Mako showed a hopeless smile like a salted fish.

"Be sober! A little common sense in biology! He is the only one who is abnormal, admit it!"

Butterfly endured and covered her head. This woman is already dead in various senses. Because of her preference, she can't view her junior and junior brothers correctly.


While the two were chatting, they realized that Li Hualuochanai was wearing a bathrobe chasing butterflies in the courtyard, but unconsciously ran towards Lin Yu's exercise direction. Like the roof, it looks very dangerous.


Lin Yu's expression froze, and he put down the boulder behind him before Chanel came over.

Butterfly fluttered with frightened wings, and was about to fly out of the courtyard.

"Want to run?"

Lin Yu sneered, jumped up, like a lion, opened a thick palm that seemed to be able to grab the air, and with a slight wave, he caught the butterfly on the wall into his palm.

Then he jumped down firmly and spread his palms.

He showed a slightly apologetic smile, and just imagined the butterfly as the neck of Yi Wozu, as if he was using too much force.

"Sorry, it should have fainted, but when it rests a little, it should get better soon."

Chanel stared blankly at the butterfly in his hand with those godless eyes, twitched his wings a little, and then stopped moving.

"What a sweet and gentle boy."

Aunt Keiko was moved.

Makoto also nodded.

Only Butterfly Shinobu looked like he had seen a ghost, and the wind was messy.

So... where do you see tenderness?

At the same time, in the ward of the Butterfly House on the other side, a figure quietly hid behind the entrance, showing only half of its face, as if observing the figure under the tree with a bare upper body cultivating.

Butterfly Chana Hui, who was holding a watermelon fruit plate in her hand, passed by and smiled, "God, Miss Ganlu Temple, good afternoon."

The startled Ganlu Temple Mi Li said with a blushing smile: "Where is it... Mr. Huazhu, good afternoon."

Mako said with some doubts: "That child..."

Aunt Huizi said with a smile: "When Lin Jun was cultivating, that child would peek at the side. She is Mr. Purgatory's stepson. Now that Mr. Purgatory is cultivating in our butterfly house, she will naturally be here, which is very interesting. As for the little girl, she has a very good relationship with Xiao Ren."

The voice just fell.


Butterfly Ren waved his hand and ran over.

It seems that summer has just arrived, and it is impossible for the ghost killing team to catch ghosts every day. During this period of time, it has stopped for a while, and even Chana Hui has been idle at home for a few days. Some of the flowers and plants didn't look like the kind of ghost killing team pillars who waved their swords and fought monsters without hesitation.

And Purgatory Xingjulang was also transferred from the hospital in Tokyo to the Butterfly House. The Butterfly House is equipped with herbs specially designed for the rehabilitation of ghost hunters, which can quickly help restore physical fitness.

The current purgatory Xingjulang has been able to walk on the ground and do some basic exercises, but it is still not enough if it is too violent, it will involve the wound.

"By the way, it's a rare opportunity. Let's get together for dinner today. There just happens to be a watermelon."

Butterfly Chanahui decided with a smile.

It's rare to have such a leisurely day, but Aunt Keiko, who has always been in charge of everyone's meals, looked embarrassed and just smiled awkwardly.

"That, Chana Megumi, I'll prepare some more, maybe not enough."


Butterfly Chanel was a little puzzled.

"good to eat!"

Purgatory Xingshoulang's voice is like a bell.

The watermelon on the table, Chana Butterfly and the others have not started yet, but the one over there has already been eaten in one bite.

Butterfly Chana Hui saw Purgatory Kyojuro stopped moving after eating a piece, and her piercing eyes seemed to be looking at some unknown distance... Anyway, it seems that she has always been like this in front of Mr. Purgatory, and she feels that her existence is simply being People ignore the same.

"Don't mind, Mr. Purgatory, there are still a lot of watermelons planted in the yard this year."

On the other hand, Lin Yu only had a melon rind left in his hand, and Chana Hui also had a smile on his face. I had heard from Aunt Keiko before that the two of them seemed to have always eaten a lot, and Miss Ganlu Temple, the general manager. It looks like you are not full, are you losing weight?

But she is not worried at all, after all, there are hundreds of kilograms of watermelons planted this year.

"Lin Jun, don't mind, just enjoy it."

Exactly at this time.

"Mili, don't you want to eat?"

Xiao Ren looked at Ganlu Temple Mi Li facing the watermelon in his hand in a daze, as if he was facing a great enemy, he swallowed a little.

Ganlu Temple Mili smiled apologetically when she heard the words, then raised her head and glanced in Lin Yu's direction, Lin Yu smiled kindly at her.

Ganlu Temple Mi Li's face was a little red, and she lowered her head slightly.

"That... I can't control myself when I get up."

"It's alright, don't mind."

Butterfly Chanel Megumi smiled, the three were so polite.

"Then...I'm welcome."

The three of them glanced at Butterfly Chanahui and said in unison.

Chapter 42 Replacing Breathing

Soon, Butterfly Chana Hui knew why Aunt Keiko showed such an expression.

The ten-pound watermelon turned into a pile of melon skins in less than a few seconds, and the small piece that Butterfly Chanahui, Mako, Butterfly Ninja, and Chanahu were holding in their hands hadn't been eaten yet.

Aunt Keizi used a small wooden cart to push over a dozen watermelons, wiped the sweat from her forehead and smiled, "Let's eat these first, I'll go to the kitchen to prepare the food."

"These are a lot..."

How do you eat after eating?

Butterfly Chanahui looked puzzled, this didn't seem like something a prudent Aunt Keiko would do.

However, the next few minutes subverted her cognition, and even Butterfly Ninja and Mako stupidly forgot to eat watermelon.

The three big stomach kings gathered together, headed by Lin Yu.

Ten kilograms of large watermelons, one a minute after splitting, ate a full six, followed by Ganlu Temple Honey Li, ate five, and Purgatory Xingshoulang probably ate a little out of etiquette. Slow, only ate four.

After two or three hours, Aunt Keiko was finally busy. There were two large wooden buckets that could be used as bathtubs. It took a cart to pull them over, and dozens of kilograms of rice were fragrant.

The smile on Butterfly Chanel's face has completely frozen.

Night is approaching, and the full moon hangs high outside the house.

There was not a grain of rice left in the two large wooden barrels in the house.

Only then did Aunt Keiko confess the truth to Chanel Hui. In fact, the ingredients that Butterfly House purchased at one time were enough for 20 adults for half a month, but even so, it still lasted for less than four days.

In addition to being surprised, Butterfly Chanahui finally looked at Aunt Keiko and smiled. This at least means that everyone's physical condition is very healthy. Butterfly House has always put the physical and mental health of the team members in the first place.

Lin Yu, who was full of food and drink, was called out by Mako.

This is the first meeting between the two after the Tokyo trip, during which Mako went out on a mission.

It was only after I came back that I heard about Lin Yu's near-death from Chana Hui's mouth.

Zhen Kam said with lingering fear: "I can't be so reckless in the future."
