MTL - Demon Sect Cultivation: I Can Disable Debuffs-Chapter 31 hunting monsters

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Explosive blood!

Zhang Chen took two steps and came to the mouse demon.

However, the Rat Demon temporarily lost his vision and sense of smell because of the smoke, so he didn't even notice that the enemy had come to his side, and continued to circle around in place.

Zhang Chen slashed at the mouse monster's claws, intending to make the mouse monster lose its ability to move first.

He wanted to capture the monster back into captivity to draw blood, so he could only injure it but not kill it.



One of the mouse demon's hind paws was cut off, and it let out a shrill scream.

Zhang Chen kept moving, and slashed out again.

This time it is the front paw on the same side.



Losing one front paw and one back paw, the Rat Demon couldn't keep his balance and stood, rolled over on his side, screaming continuously.

A perfect hunt.

Looking at the rat demon who lost his ability to move, Zhang Chen smiled and took out the animal bag.

Open the animal pouch to the Rat Demon and inject spiritual power.

The animal pouch produced a suction force, sucking the rat demon into it.

Consciousness entered the animal bag, Zhang Chen found that the black mist in the animal bag had the effect of making the monster unconscious, and the rat demon passed out in just a moment.

But this is also normal, if the monster is not stunned, the animal bag will not be able to withstand the toss of the monster.

"The mission of the Zongmen is considered complete. Continue to look for monsters. It is best to fill up the two breeding bags."

Zhang Chen, who was just about to leave, suddenly stopped and became vigilant, because there were three figures approaching here in the distance.

As the distance got closer, Zhang Chen could see the appearance of the person clearly.

A young man who practiced the seventh level of Qi, a strong middle-aged man who trained the eighth level of Qi, and an old man who also trained the eighth level of Qi.

Judging by their clothes, they should be three casual cultivators.

The three of them stopped not far away, glanced at the bloodstains and broken claws on the ground, realized that the battle was over, and then set their eyes on Zhang Chen.

They were attracted by the thick smoke and wanted to see if they could get a bargain.

They would also rob and kill other monks if they could.

Seeing Zhang Chen alone before, the three of them were a little ready to move.

But after getting closer, he found that Zhang Chen was wearing the clothes of the Blood God Sect, so he didn't do anything.

Zhang Chen guarded against the three with a vigilant face, holding a blood knife in his hand, ready to strike at any time.

"How is it? Do you want to do it?" The young man asked the other two through sound transmission using his mind.

The burly man shook his head, and replied with his mind: "Forget it, this disciple of the Blood God Sect is not injured, and it will be troublesome for us to take him down."

Killing a disciple of the Blood God Sect will be marked with a blood curse, but it doesn't mean there is no way to solve it.

The most common method is to use monsters to kill the disciples of the Blood God Sect.

For example, first seriously injuring the disciples of the Blood God Sect, and then attracting monsters to kill the disciples of the Blood God Sect.

In this way, it was monsters who killed the disciples of the Blood God Sect, so the blood curse would naturally not fall on them.

The old man among the three showed a benevolent smile: "It turned out to be a fellow Taoist of the Blood God Sect. The three of us saw the thick smoke billowing here, so we came to check. Since the fellow Taoist is fine, we will leave."

Zhang Chen didn't speak, still staring at the three vigilantly.

The three of them didn't care, turned and left.

Come fast, go fast.

After the three of them walked away, Zhang Chen's tense nerves relaxed a little.

He knew that meeting other monks was often more dangerous than meeting monsters.

"Thick smoke attracted these three people, and it may also attract other people. I'd better get out of here as soon as possible."

Zhang Chen glanced at the direction in which the three left, and walked in the opposite direction.

Zhang Chen was very careful along the way, guarding against monsters and other monks.

From the map, the area of ​​the Monster Beast Mountain Range is at least several hundred miles, and the deeper you go, the more powerful the Monster Beast you will encounter.

For the sake of safety, Zhang Chen didn't go too deep into the Monster Beast Mountain Range, and kept searching within a range of fifty miles outside.

After all, it was his first time to hunt monsters, safety was the first priority, it didn't matter how many monsters he could catch, it was just for gaining experience.

At the same time, it is also to avoid encountering powerful monsters and falling into a hard fight, and being caught by others.

At night, Zhang Chen meditated on a big tree to rest.

Except for the mouse demon today, he did not meet another monster.



"Puff puff......"

The monster mountain range at night is very lively, with wild beasts screaming and screaming one after another.

In the darkness, pairs of dark green eyes, like will-o'-the-wisps, are densely packed, floating around.

If ordinary people were in it, they would probably be scared to death.

On the second day, Zhang Chen continued to search for monsters, but did not encounter any monsters.

On the third day, there was still no monster.

After getting nothing for two consecutive days, Zhang Chen couldn't help thinking, should he go deep into the Monster Mountain?

"No, I don't lack training resources, so I don't need to work so hard. Others travel together, and I can easily be targeted by myself."

Zhang Chen frowned, continued to think, and then thought of a possibility.

Beasts have a keen sense of smell, let alone monsters.

Could it be the smell?

The monsters smelled him, so they avoided him.

The more Zhang Chen thought about it, the more likely it was. He lived in the Blood God Sect that was filled with blood mist, and he often drank demon blood, and his body exuded a special **** smell.

Since he has been living in a sect with a strong smell of blood, he has long been accustomed to it. UU Reading didn't think there was anything wrong with the smell of blood on his body, and even thought it smelled good.

But in the nose of a monster, it is like a bright light in the dark.

"Give it a try."

Zhang Chen smeared his body with mud to cover up his smell.

After smearing the mud all over his body, Zhang Chen began to look for monsters in the mountains.

Not knowing whether it was luck, or whether covering with mud really worked, he finally encountered a monster.

This is a deer demon on the second level of Qi training, drinking water by the stream.

Relying on the speed added by the blood burst technique, Zhang Chen suddenly approached, and before the frightened deer demon could react, he cut off its two hooves and put them in the breeding bag.

"Yes, the second one, continue."

Zhang Chen continued to search for monsters with the joy he had gained.

Maybe it was really effective to cover up the smell, and he found another monster at night.

To be more precise, it was this monster hunting its prey and passing by the big tree where he was resting.

How could Zhang Chen let go of the monster that came to his door.

With Zhang Chen's strength, monsters below the eighth level of Qi training can easily be dealt with as long as they don't have special abilities.

With ten times the speed increase of the Blood Explosion Technique, most of the monsters couldn't run away at all.

There are downsides to mud masking odors, though.

Due to body temperature, the mud on the body will soon dry and harden, which is not only uncomfortable but also restricts movement.

He had to keep watering or reapplying mud until he found other ways to mask the smell.

It has been five days since Zhang Chen entered the Monster Beast Mountain Range and captured three monsters.

Today, as usual, he was looking for traces of monsters.

"What a strong smell of blood!"

Zhang Chen paused and looked in the direction of the smell.