MTL - Deep Love and Favor: Cold-blood CEO and His Young and Beautiful Wife-Chapter 18 Holding a knife to disguise her face

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"Dad, mom."

"uncle and auntie."

Gu Shaoze stood up and looked at the two politely and distantly. "I still have a meeting at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I go home to change clothes and go to the company."

The Chen family nodded slightly.

Gu Shaoze left the ward directly.

Mrs. Chen sat by the bed and touched Chen Yuan's face distressedly, "Yuan Yuan, tell me about you, why do you need to do this yourself? In your condition, you are not finding a man with Gu Shaoze, not to mention he still has Wife, you have been secretly talking about you being three, and mom is uncomfortable. "

"What's the matter, I have a way to get him to leave Tang Yao quickly. The man I think of Chen Yuan has no reason to let people do it. Dad, mom, daughter is so wronged this time, you guys But you must help me, and put pressure on the Gu family appropriately. I don't want to be a bride when my belly is burst, it's not good-looking. "

Chen Yuan said she was full of self-confidence. She scattered it a year ago, and it was so difficult for Gu Shaoze to be hooked, and she was also pregnant with his child, how could she let it go.

Mrs. Chen, looking at her like this, could only agree, "Relax, I will ask Mrs. Gu for a chat later, but after marrying, put away your playfulness, and do n’t spread the gossip on both sides for three days People like Gu's value their reputation. "

"Mom, don't worry, I'll pay attention."

Chen Yuan narrowed her eyes, her eyes flashing with imperative light.


Tang Yao threw the phone on the bed and poured himself a glass of water and groaned.

Because of family reasons, the environment from which she lives is very complicated, and she will always be bullied by other children. Therefore, Tang Yao has been trained to be calm and self-sufficient, but now she is really angry.

Chen Yuan had an accident yesterday after drinking alcohol. It was weird to see how this happened. Gu Shaoyun was also present at the time. It was concluded that she had prescribed medicine in it. Normally, she would not cast doubt on her. Unless, Gu Shaoyun knew that there was something in that glass of wine.

Tang Yao squinted his eyes, always feeling that some truth was about to emerge.

At noon, the servant knocked on the door.

She got up to open the door, the maid stood outside with food, and looked at her with a little cramp. "Madam, this is what the housekeeper asked me to prepare for you. Do n’t let your wife find out if you secretly eat. She said to you that day I'll prepare it for you. "

Tang Yao knew that Madam Gu would definitely do such a thing, and when Gu Shaoze came back, she would be able to reverse the black and white.

He took the meal from the maid, "Thank the housekeeper for me, I'll give it to him."

"Okay, ma'am, I'll come and collect the dishes later."

When the servant was gone, Tang Yao sat down holding the dish and looked at the delicate and delicious dishes on the plate. He was hungry, but he had no appetite.

She finished eating reluctantly, took it into the bathroom, washed it, and set it aside. She wanted to go out for a walk. She saw Gu Shaoyun go upstairs, and her eyes sank, staring at Gu Shaoyun.

"Gu Shaoyun," she called.

Gu Shaoyun apparently came to her too, and when she heard her cry, she came over aggressively.

Tang Yao took her hand, dragged her directly into the room, and pressed people to the wall, staring at her with a grim look.

"The wine in Chen Yuan's stomach last night was your hands and feet, wasn't it?"

Gu Shaoyun did not deny it, but instead looked at Tang Yao provocatively, "What about me? I just see that you are not pleasing to the eye. If you get out of Gu's house with interest, maybe I can still give you a divorce fee. If you No, I'm sure you won't get a dime in the future. "

Tang Yaoqi's neck was exposed.

"Shao Yun, I think I'm not bad for you, I've done my duty as a sister-in-law, and I bought you whatever you want."

"That kind of thing, you can't say enough."

Gu Shaoyun sneered, "What have you bought for me, my friend's sister-in-law is either a famous brand or a limited-edition sports car. What about you? I like a bag. You told my elder brother that I had a lot of bags and wasted money. I Fancy a sports car, but you stopped my elder brother to buy it for me, you don't know how tired I am. "

She got in front of Tang Yao. "At that time, you didn't know how much I hated you. Now Chen Yuan finally managed to get pregnant. Of course, I have to kick you out of Gu's house by this child. Chen Yuan is anyhow a big sister, more generous than you It ’s a lot. She and I just met recently, and she gave me a lot of precious things. What about you, a shabby picture all day long, which is worthy of my elder brother. "

Tang Yao raised his hand and gave her a straight slap.

Gu Shaoyun's hit face was sideways.

After a long time, she realized that she had been beaten.

She glared at Tang Yao with a vulgar glance and gritted her teeth. "How dare you hit me."

"Gu Shaoyun, I always thought you were just wayward, I never thought you were so vicious."

Tang Yao looked angrily at Gu Shaoyun. She repeatedly gave in. Why did this pair of mother and daughter still push each other over and over again, and really forced her to death? Are they just willing?

"Tang Yao, I will let your slap come and pay the price."

After speaking, Gu Shaoyun pushed Tang Yao away and ran out. Soon, Mrs. Gu and Gu Shaoyun ran into the door with several servants.

"Catch this woman for me." Madam Gu angrily.

Several maids rushed straight up, grabbed Tang Yao three times, five divided by two, and one of them kicked her hind foot. Tang Yao suffered from one pain and kneeled directly on the ground with one knee.

Mrs. Gu walked over, pinched Tang Yao's chin, and politely bowed left and right on her face.

The corners of Tang Yao's mouth were bleeding, and he stubbornly looked at Mrs. Gu.

"Mom, you are already intentionally hurting you like this. You must either let me go now or I will call the police directly. By then, I can't afford to lose anyone's face." Tang Yao said fiercely.

Mrs. Gu sneered and got in front of Tang Yao. "Tang Yao, I know the director of each district in Jincheng. Although you go to the police, I will let people down. Of course, if you want to make things bigger, I think In the end who is losing. "

Tang Yao stared at Mrs. Gu, her eyes stubbornly shining.

Mrs. Gu asked the servant to bring the prepared fruit-cutting knife. One of the servants was a little hesitant. She wanted to persuade her and was slapped by Gu Shaoyun.

"Eat something outside and get out."

The maid had to cover her face and rolled out.

Mrs. Gu took the fruit-cutting knife and patted it slowly on Tang Yao's face, "Tang Yao, you just use this face to confuse my son and turn his head. If it spends, I think Shaoze will still As always obsessed with you. "

After that, she raised her knife.

Tang Yao watched the knife getting closer and closer to her face, a flash of confusion flashed in her eyes, and there was only one thought in her mind, that is, Madam Gu was crazy.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!