MTL - Data Cultivation System-Chapter 778 : Zhuge Xiang VS Fox Emperor

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Emperor Lei Yan's attack actually surpassed Zhuge Xiang's and Demon Dragon Emperor's attack power in just a few gestures. It was so powerful that it was shocking. This burning lightning attack seemed to be much stronger than Zhuge Xiang's full blow. The thunder and lightning directly engulfed the Poison Emperor, and amidst the shrill screams, the entire Duzun Mountain was deeply shaken under this powerful attack.

"The battle of the top eight, the fourth match, Emperor Lei Yan fought against the Emperor of Poison, and Emperor Lei Yan won."

Even though the aftermath of the explosion had not dissipated, the emperor who presided over the holy war still announced it.

As the Great Emperor, his eyesight is naturally not comparable to that of others. Since he announced that Emperor Lei Yan had won, it is obvious that the Poison Emperor at least has no power to fight anymore. Therefore, as soon as he said this, the entire Duzun Mountain appeared. There was a moment of dead silence.

"Impossible, right? The Poison Emperor, at any rate, is a strong man close to the level of Emperor Shura, and he was defeated in one move?" Mo Lingna, who was beside Zhuge Xiang, couldn't help but whispered when she heard the ending. Exclaimed, unbelievable.

The mighty Poison Emperor was instantly killed by Emperor Lei Yan with just such a move. Even if he knew that Emperor Lei Yan was very powerful and was called the one of the five emperors, the strength of the Poison Emperor was there after all. Even if he lost, he should be able to entangle him. That's right, but it was far from his expectation that the battle ended so quickly, with one move, even the Poison Emperor didn't even have a chance to make a move, and was instantly killed by Emperor Lei Yan with one move.

Sure enough, the aftermath of the explosion slowly dissipated, revealing the situation inside. The corpse of the Poison Emperor was lying there, almost invisible. The distorted corpse had no breath. He was already killed by bombardment, so naturally, Emperor Lei Yan won.

Killing the Poison Emperor with one move, a smug look appeared on Lei Yandi's expression. Turning his gaze, he immediately landed on Zhuge Xiang's body. There was a sinister look in his eyes, without any concealment. The threatening eyes were also blatant, obviously. Taking advantage of killing the Poison Emperor's power in an instant with one move, Emperor Lei Yan challenged Zhuge Xiang.

"Although this guy's character makes people look down upon him, his strength is indeed ridiculously strong." He looked at Emperor Lei Yan's demonstrative eyes. Zhuge Xiang pretended not to see it, but Zhuge Xiang affirmed the strength displayed by Emperor Lei Yan. He killed the Poison Emperor with one move. It has to be said that although Zhuge Xiang had already highly estimated the strength of Emperor Lei Yan, he still Surprised by his strength.

"This guy. It's just some vanity, he takes it too seriously." He killed the Poison Emperor with one move, but Zidi looked at Emperor Lei Yan, although there was a hint of surprise, but immediately, he was still full of disdain It looks like Emperor Lei Yan's strength to kill the Poison Emperor in one move. Still not in his eyes.

Regardless of the strength displayed by Emperor Lei Yan, what kind of thoughts do the people on Duzun Mountain have? The holy war must continue, and the emperor announced that Emperor Lei Yan's battle was over. He opened his mouth immediately and gave everyone another hour to rest.

Although Zhuge Xiang's injury was not serious, but with his body as strong as a dragon and the help of elixir. Sure enough, the injuries from the battle with the Demon Dragon Emperor soon healed up to a point, and the rest of the powerhouses naturally seized this hour to adjust their state and put themselves at the peak .

The battle of the top eight is over, and there are only the top four left in this jihad, namely Emperor Lei Yan, Emperor Zi, Emperor Fox and Zhuge Xiang. In the next battle, the opponent will obviously be between these four Appear.

The jihad has finally reached the semi-final stage. Each of the four has a reputation that resounds throughout the entire Shura Dao, especially Zhuge Xiang, who has reached this step with the strength of the Shura King. There is no one before, and there will be no one after.

An hour passed in a flash, and soon, the emperor who presided over the jihad spoke, announcing the places for the semi-final match, Zhuge Xiang vs. Fox Emperor.

"Is he fighting the Fox Emperor? It seems that I will fight the Emperor Lei Yan next." Hearing the result of the battle announced by the Emperor, the Purple Emperor glanced at Emperor Lei Yan, and the corner of his mouth evoked a meaningful smile .

"Hmph, I hope you can survive under the Fox Emperor's hand, and let me kill you in public." Hearing that Zhuge Xiang's opponent was the Fox Emperor, not himself, Emperor Lei Yan felt a little disappointed, but immediately, he fought again. The spiritual secret passage.

Thinking of this, Emperor Lei Yan also thought that his opponent was Zidi, his eyes fell on Zidi, and he happened to see the meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth, which made Lei Yan very angry, hearing that the opponent was himself, unexpectedly How dare you show such a smile? This guy, do you want to find death?

"None of these guys are easy to deal with." Fox Emperor's gaze swept across Zhuge Xiang, Zidi and Lei Yandi, and he shook his head secretly.

Although Zhuge Xiang's cultivation is only at the level of King Shura, it is impossible for the Fox Emperor to be confused by Zhuge Xiang's appearance. Therefore, even in the face of Zhuge Xiang, the Fox Emperor has no intention of relaxing at all. The defeat of the Emperor and the Bone Emperor is a lesson from the past.

"I didn't expect that my opponent would be you who is the most famous in Shura Dao. The Wine Emperor was defeated without a fight, the Bone Emperor was beheaded by you, and the Demon Dragon Emperor was also defeated by you. You can really be regarded as the end of Emperor Shura. As for those who fight against me, you have to be merciful."

Wonderful eyes, UU reading www. The Fox Emperor came in front of Zhuge Xiang, and laughed sweetly, the whining sound made people's bones feel a lot crisper.

"Fox Emperor is being polite. Although you asked me to show mercy, if I really show mercy, I believe you will be angry instead." How dare Zhuge Xiang be complacent about Fox Emperor's flattery, and he also replied with a smile .

Zhuge Xiang knew very well that in Shura Dao, fighting is an incomparably sacred thing. Although the Fox Emperor said to let his subordinates show mercy, if he really showed mercy during the battle, it would be the greatest insult to Fox Emperor. Therefore, her merciful words are uncountable.

"Hehehe, I knew that you are also an idiot who doesn't understand style." Zhuge Xiang's words made the Fox Emperor laugh coquettishly, and at the same time gave Zhuge Xiang a coquettish look.

However, if you look closely, you can see that there is a look of appreciation in this white eye. Obviously, she appreciates Zhuge Xiang's firm belief in fighting.

"Since you said that I don't understand the style, don't blame me for being cruel." Zhuge Xiang was not ashamed of the fox emperor's white eyes, but proud of it. The sharp murderous aura gushed out from the hand.