MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 688 Education reform starts today (Part 1)

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"You say."

   Pei Qingxian immediately took out a shorthand book and a signature pen. He never used a voice memo to record President Yang's instructions. This is an unspoken rule that the core executives of the Yuanjiao Society are aware of. A wise man has a lot of concerns, and he must make a mistake. Even when President Yang makes a mistake, if the voice memo records something that President Yang should not say, it may be taught.

"First of all, you come forward to gather those corpse hunters who have retired due to disability and help them set up a training institution. It is the kind of school that specializes in teaching combat skills and training students to become qualified hunters. The school should have a direct channel to the guild. Blood supply, because in the early stage, in order to rapidly expand and occupy the market, the guild needs to introduce a large number of mercenaries from other countries, and after the guild is formed, it still has its own blood-making ability."

"I will hold a meeting in the education reorganization in the future, and strive to legalize hunter training institutions and implement militarized management in the school. I will throw all the juvenile delinquents who have just been released and can't find a job, give them a good education, and realize the society. Unscrupulous idlers are re-employed, and find them a job to support themselves, so as not to get mixed up in society.”

Pei Qingxian completely agrees with President Yang's idea. Some children commit crimes when they are young, and they will always rehabilitate after being educated. However, some juvenile offenders have a bad nature and do not change after repeated teachings. Like these **** who steal, kidnap and deceive, they are all One of the main factors affecting social order is indeed that they should not be allowed to roam in society.

But this is easy to say, but difficult to achieve. Pei Qingxian expressed his concerns: "But President, firstly, such people are hard to find, and secondly, they have a tendency to become criminals again. , we also teach them how to use weapons and train them to be killing machines, isn't it too dangerous?"

"Old Pei, this kind of person is actually not difficult to find. Let the local police stations hand in a list of people to focus on, and then select them." Yang Xiaoqian gave Pei Qingxian a meaningful look and smiled, "As for those who teach them to kill Whether the skills will be very dangerous in the future depends on how well the ideological education work in the training school is done. If it is not possible, they will not be allowed to graduate and will be locked in the school until they pass the ideological and moral level.”


"Secondly, you can get rid of the inertial divergent thinking, instead of the western-style hunter guild that is common in movies and novels, and think of keeping up with the trend of the times and becoming a big data hunter's corner, which is very good, after the hunter's corner APP is launched, think about it Summarize the experience and see if it can be promoted.”

   Pei Qingxian wondered, "Promotion?"

"Hunter is a profession, and other industries are also professions. This model of selling professional skills and personal time as commodities is worth promoting. You just said that it is very convenient for your niece to learn English with an English corner? Then why can't you have a math corner? , chemistry angle, physics angle?"

"As long as we have experience, we can build another teaching APP. If one is not enough, we will have ten, if ten are not enough, we will have one hundred, one thousand, and include many courses from nine-year compulsory education to high schools and colleges. All those who are qualified and able to teach but who for various reasons have missed the teaching position have an opportunity to return to the education industry, so that a small number of teachers in remote areas with integrity and poverty can find a way to increase their income, and at the same time , and give all school-age children an opportunity to receive an education.”

Yang Xiaoqian never forgot the heavy burden of education reform on his shoulders, and his tone gradually became enthusiastic. He excitedly lit the second cigarette and said anxiously: "Education reform is not only about money and systems. Lao Pei, you are not in charge of education reform. So you don't see the dilemma we see, and the feedback the investigation team gave me was just astounding!"

"Do you know how many teachers in key prestigious schools in junior and senior high schools around the world do not do a good job in teaching and research, but instead carefully study various methods of making money? Some teachers even deliberately do not teach important content in the classroom, but put it in their own cram school. Speaking of which, students are forced to take supplementary courses, but how can those students from poor families afford supplementary courses? Now this evil spirit is even blowing into primary schools and preschools. If we do nothing like this, how many good seedlings will be swept away. This kind of **** who is not worthy of being a teacher is crooked?"

"Do you know how many teachers in non-key schools in second-tier and third-tier cities work on the basis of relationships and eat vegetarian meals? These teachers basically follow the textbooks and tutoring books. How can such teaching arouse the interest of students, and how can it be Those students in non-key schools with poor foundations continue to study? This phenomenon is not an exception, but how can we solve it? We can't let all these teachers be laid off, right?"

"Even if all unqualified teachers are arrested and retrained, it will not solve all kinds of problems fundamentally, not to mention that there are policies and countermeasures at the bottom, and the more an order is passed down, the easier it is to run into a network of intertwined forces. , don't underestimate the nets formed by these human forces, if one hundred new disciplines and new regulations are issued in the education reorganization, at least ninety-nine will be blocked by these nets."

"But we have to solve these problems. Adhering to the bottom line of education equity is the bottom line that cannot be compromised! Although it is impossible to fully realize education equity, we must always try our best. I used to be a headless fly, everywhere. I bumped around and didn’t dare to use too much force, but now I finally see a feasible direction.”

  Because there is a little niece at home, Pei Qingxian sometimes pays attention to education issues. After hearing these words, he immediately asked, "What direction?"

"To transform education from offline to online, and use convenient mobile devices to lower the threshold of education. I want to let the teaching reorganization also create some APPs, so that those teachers who are interested and really love teaching, and those who really have the ability. Teachers who want to make money all go to the online platform to record courses, not only to record the courses, but also to broadcast live. We used to say that teachers are insufficient, and a good teacher can only face dozens or hundreds of students at most, but now we It is fully capable of making good teachers face hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of students at the same time."

"Children who can't learn anything in class use their mobile phones to study online under the supervision or company of their parents. Even if the price of an online class is set at 10 or 20 cents, as long as the number increases, it can also allow qualified teachers to earn money. A lot of money! Economic benefits can drive the market, teachers can make money, students can learn low-cost courses, even children who choose to drop out of school due to family difficulties, as long as they can afford a smartphone, Can watch quality teaching courses.”