MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 60 autonomous variation

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  Yang Xiaoqian needs Liu Yuanzhou to provide intelligence, weapons and materials. By borrowing Liu Yuanzhou's helicopter, Yang Xiaoqian can recruit more potential Awakeners. This is also a good thing for Liu Yuanzhou. The more Awakeneds are found, the lesser the threat of mutants. Furthermore, cultivating and fostering a faction of the same faction can not only reduce the pressure on the 258 Brigade that is trapped around the first hospital, but also increase his own voice. Liu Yuanzhou will not be naive enough to think that he has no intention of fighting inwardly, and others will also not use means to fight for power and profit.

  Liu Yuanzhou needs Yang Xiaoqian to form a hunting team to eliminate the surrounding mutants. This is also a good thing for Yang Xiaoqian. Not only can you get rewards for this, but you can also use it to hone an iron-blooded team with outstanding combat power. Moreover, the brain core of the mutant can also be used to strengthen the black ghost, killing three birds with one stone.

From another point of view, Liu Yuanzhou could not refuse Yang Xiaoqian, because without Yang Xiaoqian's help, the remnants of the armed police detachment collected in the front finger could not effectively eradicate the mutants. Gradually expanding, in the long run, let alone rescuing compatriots, it is difficult to protect even oneself.

It is also impossible for Yang Xiaoqian not to agree to Liu Yuanzhou, because without Liu Yuanzhou's help, Yang Xiaoqian cannot satisfy Yu Qian's needs, cannot guarantee his status, and it is difficult to ensure his own safety. If Brigade 258 falls, where can the far river under the dome hide?

   Both sides of the negotiation are very clear that this matter will be mutually beneficial, and both parties will suffer.

   However, in the negotiation of cooperation conditions, the two did not give in easily because of this. Even though they both knew that this cooperation would inevitably be achieved, they still took the trouble to try their best to try and obtain them, and they would not let go of any benefits.

   A war of words came down, and the tongue was smoking.

   "Alright, alright, I can't tell you more." Yang Xiaoqian raised his hand as if to surrender, "Stop talking about those mandarin nonsense, I'll give you the bottom line, I want that helicopter."

"You want a helicopter? I can't promise you this." Liu Yuanzhou offered another cup of tea for the dry-mouthed Yang Xiaoqian, and explained in a hurry, "It's not that I don't want it, it's that I don't have the right to call the shots. Temporarily have the right to use a helicopter, pay attention, it is the right to use."

   "So it's fine to borrow it for a few days, but it must be returned on time."

  Yang Xiaoqian took the paper cup and smiled secretly in his heart, the goal was achieved. After a few seconds, Yang Xiaoqian spoke again: "In addition to the mutant hunting team, I also want a well-trained and well-equipped team, at least twenty people."

   "Our manpower is tight." Liu Yuanzhou directly shook his head and refused.

"No matter how nervous you are, it's impossible for 20 people to draw out. I didn't even ask for tanks and armored vehicles, just a team of infantry equipped with conventional weapons." Yang Xiaoqian tried hard to persuade, "If you want to foster a new force, you can't completely reject it. Get involved. Besides, sending a team of yours back with me can also serve as a supervisory role."

   "What do you want someone to do?" Liu Yuanzhou's tone was a little loose.

   Yang Xiaoqian lowered his eyelids, thinking about whether he should speak his mind.

"Forget it, I don't need to say it." Liu Yuanzhou waved his hand generously, "Twenty people are too many, ten. In exchange, I will give me ten of these rune bracelets. And the mutant catalog will be updated. All other information you know should be recorded and handed over to me, and there can be no omissions."

   "Ten is too many, let's say five." Yang Xiaoqian was in a bad mood and waved his hands like Liu Yuanzhou, "In exchange, please conceal our existence as much as possible. I don't want to contact the military prematurely."

   "Okay." Liu Yuanzhou nodded in agreement.

   "Then let's settle this first. You go to Captain Geng to ask for someone, and I will notify him in advance." Liu Yuanzhou had just finished speaking, when a strong man with a face full of flesh broke into the tent.

   "Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here." Yang Xiaoqian was sitting in the command car on the road when he came, and had a brief chat with Geng Zhiping, and he recognized it naturally.

   "Yuanzhou... Commander Liu." Geng Zhiping, who was full of cold sweat, walked into the tent panting and caught a glimpse of Yang Xiaoqian sitting opposite Liu Yuanzhou. He immediately changed his name and gave Liu Yuanzhou a vague look.

   Liu Yuanzhou nodded knowingly and said, "It's all my own, tell me, what's the matter?"

   Geng Zhiping then continued to speak: "That, the zombie corpse brought back."

When    brought Yang Xiaoqian and his party back to the front finger, Liu Yuanzhou also ordered Li Jinkui's headless body to be taken away for study.

   "Oh, what's the matter?" Liu Yuanzhou's face was solemn. He couldn't even complete routine tests in such a short period of time. If there were no major discoveries, what would have caused Geng Zhiping to be shocked?

   Geng Zhiping took out his camera and strode forward, showing a set of photos to Yang Xiaoqian and Liu Yuanzhou.

   "The corpse decomposes very quickly, and there is not much valid information available so far. The military doctors with the team don't know much about this. They only say that if you want to study a clear result, it is best to send the living body to the laboratory." Geng Zhiping shook his head and sighed.

   Liu Yuanzhou also flashed disappointment on his face, raised his hand to reject the cigarette handed by Yang Xiaoqian, and asked, "Then keep the data as much as possible, and then burn the body."

"Okay. Although we didn't get any information, the military doctor and I have some speculations." Geng Zhiping grabbed the cigarette Yang Xiaoqian was about to take back and put it in his mouth, his rough voice was slurred, "I felt something was wrong when I was lucky. Which of my soldiers is not as powerful as an ox? But it takes five or six together to move the corpse. It looks like a tall, thin body, and the weight is scary to death."

   "The density is high." Only then did Yang Xiaoqian understand why the black specter stepped on Li Jinkui's tar road with deep cracks, and also understood why Li Jinkui could move at super high speed with a human-shaped body.

   "No wonder he can soar in size. At that time, it completely subverted my three views." Yang Xiaoqian complained, "It seems that the evolution and mutation of mutants must follow the basic law, and cannot violate the laws of physics."

   "It seems that the mutant is a completely different species. How can the human skeleton and body structure support a body with such a large mass, and it collapses before it moves."

Geng Zhiping ignored Yang Xiaoqian, pointed his stubby fingers to a photo that was disgusting enough to induce vomiting, and said, "Look here, the structure of the thoracic cavity has obvious distortion, and a large piece of muscle tissue is newly grown. The protection of the basin structure, coupled with the density and hardness of the muscle tissue, made the shrapnel and shock waves generated by the explosion of the grenade not affect the brain. According to the description of the onlookers, the zombie hit his head like a cannonball, and his head And grow feet and wings to fly away."

   "He can evolve independently, mutate rapidly according to his own choice, and grow various organs he needs." Liu Yuanzhou made a conclusion for Geng Zhiping's analysis.

   This conclusion is like a skating knife, stabbed into the chest of the three people.

   Sigh and smoke suspended in mid-air, unable to disperse for a long time.