MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 59 How to solve the problem

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  From the first day of graduating from the police academy, Liu Yuanzhou has kept a principle in mind: don't measure or ask others by your own standards.

   Everyone has their own view of right and wrong, good and evil, and values, which are different from each other. If you think it is good, he may not like it, if he thinks it is good, you may not like it.

   Therefore, do not do to others what you do not want, and do not do to others what you want.

   Therefore, even though Liu Yuanzhou had already made up his mind to sacrifice himself for the people of Yuanjiang, he never asked others to make selfless sacrifices.

   Therefore, when Liu Yuanzhou saw Yang Xiaoqian again, he was surprised and proud of the boy's performance, and he never thought about asking "Why don't you join the army to fight to defend the people?"

   But when Yang Xiaoqian proposed to cooperate, Liu Yuanzhou put on a disgusting and aggressive posture because he wanted to see Yang Xiaoqian's response.

   A person who suddenly gains power but lacks the mentality of a strong man can easily go astray and degenerate into indulgence when the surrounding bad environment is gradually collapsing.

   A person who feels angry and loses his senses in the face of making troubles and grievances can't provoke a leading role in such a situation.

  Liu Yuanzhou wanted to know what kind of person Yang Xiaoqian was, so he had this blatant and crude test.

  If Yang Xiaoqian is still just an immature child, if he is not sophisticated and smooth, if he cannot hear the connotation of his words and cannot guess the true intention, Liu Yuanzhou will not consider equal cooperation between the two parties, even if there is an urgent need for manpower.

   When Yang Xiaoqian was angry and refuted, Liu Yuanzhou was slightly disappointed, but he did not give up, but further persecuted him. When Yang Xiaoqian finally calmed down and thought, Liu Yuanzhou, who had been observing, also showed a relieved smile.

   took the pamphlet and bracelet thrown by Yang Xiaoqian, Liu Yuanzhou took them in his hand and glanced at them, then raised his hand and gestured to the command car.

   "It's not safe here, let your people point back to us first." Liu Yuanzhou glanced at the pitted ground that had just been devastated by a war, and put down his cold mask.

   Needless to say, the team immediately followed behind the team led by Liu Yuanzhou, bypassing the city center and heading towards the provincial road. With the **** of tanks and armored vehicles and armed helicopters, there is no need to worry about the safety of the journey. Most of the people in the convoy slept soundly during this short period of time - including Yu Qian, who was injected with a powerful sedative after fainting.

   "Where is this?" Yang Xiaoqian sat modestly in the big tent, looking around at the surrounding furnishings.

   An exquisite map hung on a movable stand caught Yang Xiaoqian's attention. "Is this the Yuanjiang map? The military ones are really different from the ones sold outside. Can you give me a copy?"

  Liu Yuanzhou sat at the table covered with pen and paper and photos, looking at the bracelet in his hand to and fro, ignoring it. After Yang Xiaoqian explained the function of the bracelet, he, like Yang Xiaoqian, became very interested in this novelty that could be replicated and studied.

   When Yang Xiaoqian asked again, Liu Yuanzhou answered: "This is the frontline headquarters of the corpse battle, referred to as the front finger. You can get a copy of the map if you like, but don't leak it."

  Yang Xiaoqian laughed and asked, "Frontline Command for Corpses? Who came up with this name?"

"Me." Liu Yuanzhou patted the documents on the table and said, "In fact, strictly speaking, Captain Geng and I have not been incorporated into the official establishment of the 258 Brigade. It's just that Brigadier Zhao looks up to it and lost so many things, let me come here. Set up a department to solve problems. Simply choose a name you like."

"Well, then I have to call you Commander Liu now." Yang Xiaoqian asked with a thumbs up, "Commander Liu, what would you do if I didn't calm down and passed your test just now? Arrest us and force us to be cannon fodder. Or should you stabilize me first and then find a way to recruit us to brainwash us?"

   Liu Yuanzhou put down the bracelet, shook his head and said, "I will let you go."

   "Why?" Yang Xiaoqian was quite surprised, "Does the army need Awakeners? Or do you think you don't value the power of Awakeners?"

   "How is that possible, drink tea?" Liu Yuanzhou poured a cup of tea for Yang Xiaoqian in a disposable paper cup, and a lot of broken tea leaves flowed into the cup along with the light brown tea.

   "Then you said let us go?" Yang Xiaoqian took a sip from the paper cup. It was hard to drink. It seemed that Commander Liu lived a simple life.

"What's the point of staying in Cao Ying for people who are in the Han Dynasty? Maybe they will lay a mine in the back. Superpowers like you who are uncontrollable and willing to save people with no crime - um, according to your words Well, the Awakened—it's better to let it go than to force it to stay." Liu Yuanzhou saw Yang Xiaoqian's raised eyebrows after drinking tea, and sighed, "I'm sorry for the poor reception."

   "Commander Liu is very polite." Of course Yang Xiaoqian would not be overjoyed because of the quality of a cup of tea, he just read the worrying potential information from Liu Yuanzhou's words, "Is the situation so bad now?"

  Because this is not the first time to recognize Yang Xiaoqian's keenness, Liu Yuanzhou is not surprised at all, nodding generously and admitting: "It's worse than any uninformed person imagines."

   "Otherwise I would not consider discussing cooperation with you." Liu Yuanzhou began to ask: "Do you know where our problems are?"

   It's time to start negotiations. Yang Xiaoqian raised his eyelids and sat upright, thought for a while and replied, "Insufficient supplies and inconvenient management."

   Liu Yuanzhou nodded and said, "If it was just an ordinary corpse tide, the 258 Brigade could easily suppress it, but now the problem we are facing is a complex problem of diversification."

"First of all, the troops are insufficient, the logistics supply is insufficient, and the ammunition is insufficient. It is far from enough to rely on the remaining reserves to annihilate the corpse tide in the entire Yuanjiang River. There are no military factories in the Yuanjiang area that can be supplemented, and there are only a few The ammunition depots are far from us - even if you count them, there's still a shortage of ammunition."

   Yang Xiaoqian nodded in agreement. After all, when the 258 brigade entered the city and stationed in the city, no one expected that the epidemic would turn into a war.

"Secondly, the number of rescued victims cannot be controlled. This is the bottom line that cannot be crossed. Neither I nor Brigadier Zhao will be able to shut out the rescued or defected civilians. But the number of people is too large, and it is only possible to drain and discharge sewage. Some of these people lost close relatives, some lost contact with their families, and they were immersed in grief for a short time and could not go into production."

"Many departments in the refuge camp are set up temporarily, and various problems often arise under cross-management. And the more people in the refuge camp, the larger the front to protect them, and the 258th Brigade, which has lost satellites, is difficult to see in all directions. , we can only set up observation posts at fixed points, and dispatch the quick-response team to wherever the corpse groups come.”

After stopping to take a sip of tea to moisten his throat, Liu Yuanzhou held up the "Atlas of Mutations" drawn by Yang Xiaoqian, knocked on the table and said, "But you missed a point. Finally, the most troublesome and difficult problem to solve: mutation body. They're going to be our lingering nightmare in the near future, can you tell me why?"

"Near future?"

   Yang Xiaoqian, who has always engraved the eight words "people without far-sightedness must have near-term worries" in his heart as a motto, was slightly absent-minded, and began to seriously consider this neglected issue.

   After looking at the problem from a different angle, Yang Xiaoqian quickly thought about the answer.

"Unlike the corpse hordes that appear in piles, the mutants are scattered all over the place, and it is difficult to concentrate firepower to remove them at one time. Unlike ordinary zombies that appear alone, the mutants are powerful and cannot be dealt with by conventional means." Yang Xiaoqian said quite well A general reply, not in depth.

"Yes. Mutants already possess a certain level of intelligence. A squad of infantrymen with conventional weapons to destroy mutants would be killed, and an armored company will scare away mutants who know how to seek advantage and avoid harm, even if successful. Killing one or two is not worth the loss. Back-and-forth replenishment and logistical maintenance are difficult problems to solve." Liu Yuanzhou sighed, "But we can't let it go. Originally, the 258th Brigade had to deal with various matters in the refuge camp, and the speed of advancing outwards was already It is very slow, and if it is disturbed by mutants, trying to recover the entire city is nothing short of a dream."

   "One day we don't do anything, the situation will get worse and more people will die."

   "Not to mention that the mutants will further improve their combat power after eating a lot of human flesh." Yang Xiaoqian added Liu Yuanzhou, and guessed Liu Yuanzhou's thoughts in his heart.

"Therefore, I need you." Liu Yuanzhou put forward the terms of cooperation bluntly, "I need you to form a flexible and quick-response team, mainly composed of awakened people, supplemented by elite veterans equipped with such bracelets. And your main The task is to clear out the mutants in the path of the 258th Brigade."

   "Just a nearby variant?" Yang Xiaoqian asked.

"Yes, if there is an accident, the troops of the 258th Brigade will have time to rescue. If you enter a completely out of control epidemic area, no one knows what will happen. Any awakened person or veteran is a precious resource that should be cherished. If the dome exists for a long time, they are the important weights that will ultimately affect the balance of victory." Speaking of which, Liu Yuanzhou couldn't help but ask, "Do you know how long the dome will last?"

   Yang Xiaoqian shook his head and sighed. "I don't know, and neither does Yu Qian, but one thing is certain: sooner or later the dome will disappear, and sooner or later we will reintegrate into the outside world - if the outside world still exists."

   "So, after this incident is over, I would like to talk to you about another question: when the dome disappears, where do we awakened ones go?" Yang Xiaoqian stared at Liu Yuanzhou's eyes seriously.

   "Okay." Liu Yuanzhou nodded calmly and agreed without any fluctuations in his eyes.

   "Okay, now let's talk about remuneration and cooperation conditions."

  Two foxes, one big and one small, each showed sincere and sincere expressions, and buried their cunning thoughts to the bottom of their hearts.