MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 42 Times make heroes

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   "I don't accept it, I don't accept it - I don't accept it! You said it, you said you gave me a chance to live! You don't say anything, you go back on your word! No one will believe you in the future!"

The young murderer who killed Zhang Xinyi's father was **** at dawn the next day and pushed to the casino lobby. The heavy chains forced him to kneel on the ground. Wang Hai, who was holding him, wanted to block his mouth, but at Yang Xiaoqian's signal Next, he took off the gag towel.

"This is your last word?" Yang Xiaoqian put his arms around his chest and looked at the young man as if he were watching a play. He was neatly dressed and his suit had a lot of cracks, but from the fabric and LOGO, it can be seen that although he is not a famous designer of top luxury Tailor-made suits are also a valuable luxury.

   Maybe he used to be a promising young man with a bright future, or maybe he used to be a wealthy boy who had no worries about food and clothing.

   But it doesn't matter, no matter who he was in the past, he is destined to be a dead man today.

   The people stranded in the casino were all attracted by the shouting, standing in a crowd sporadically. When the hateful eyes of hundreds of people focused on him, the young man in the suit felt an obvious scorching heat.

"You idiots! Are you still obediently listening to him? He's a villain who doesn't keep his word!" The young man in suit turned his head and yelled at his former companions, while his former "companions" moved away one after another. Eyes, dare not make a sound.

"Well, surviving compatriots in Yuanjiang, hello everyone." Yang Xiaoqian cleared his throat and said loudly, "I think Mr. Wang Liwang has already explained our identity and origin to you, I'm sorry we came late, we couldn't Stop these gangsters from doing evil in time."

"But please rest assured, this group of gangsters have done their best to fight the law, and the chief wicked Xiao Guang was executed yesterday. From now on, we will do our best to protect everyone's personal safety. And the person you see now killed at least three people with extremely cruel means. An innocent citizen, a heinous crime, unforgivable!"

  Yang Xiaoqian didn't try to incite the onlookers. It was unnecessary and could not incite them. These gamblers who could come to Paradise Island to have fun were not like poor peasants in the Middle Ages who didn't know big characters. Trying to easily incite their emotions with a few words is as difficult as skyrocketing - at least in this scene, Yang Xiaoqian thinks he can't do it.

   "You said that as long as I confessed, you would give me a chance to live. You don't trust me." The young man in the suit turned over and over again with such a sentence, his face was ashen, obviously he knew that he was going to die, and he was desperate, and he didn't even have the strength to be hysterical.

"A villain like this should pay for the victim's life!" A sinister and evil smile appeared on Yang Xiaoqian's face, "But I said that I would give him a chance to survive, so I'll keep my word, Wang Hai, let him go and give him a knife."

  The people onlookers screamed and dispersed.

   Wang Hai, who had seen Yang Xiaoqian's trick, didn't hesitate, and immediately unbuttoned the young man in the suit and stuffed a tactical dagger into his hand.

  The young man in the suit has not yet recovered from this huge and abrupt turning point, holding the dagger with a dull expression, not knowing what to do.

   "I think he will feel extreme regret and shame for what he has done. He can't bear his sins and has no courage to continue to live, so he chooses to kill himself." Yang Xiaoqian said loudly.

   The young man in the suit recalled what he saw last night, his face changed dramatically, and immediately before he could react, his right hand holding the dagger suddenly stabbed and plunged the dagger into his own throat.

   "His-hiss-" The young man in the suit wanted to say something, but his trachea was all damaged, and he could only make a strange hissing sound.

  Blood seeped and splattered from the crevices of his fingers covering his throat. After a few seconds, he collapsed feebly, his brain was deprived of oxygen due to suffocation, and it didn't take long for his twitching body to turn into a rigid corpse.

   "Well, he really can't stand his sins." Yang Xiaoqian nodded, winked at Wang Li, and pulled Zhang Xinyi, who was crying into tears again, and left the scene.

Watching Yang Xiaoqian leave the hall, Wang Li stood on the temporary high platform, raised the loudspeaker and said in a rich voice: "Everyone, please join me in thanking them for their timely rescue. Please rest assured, although the situation in Yuanjiang City is in jeopardy. Corruption, but neither zombies nor viruses can threaten us on Paradise Island."

"I know that everyone is enduring hunger now. Please stick to it for a while. After a comprehensive quarantine of all food, we will distribute the food according to the amount. Now please cooperate with my work, go to the front desk to fill out the form, record your name, Age and previous occupation, each person can receive a bottle of pure water after filling it out. There are many tents that have been set up outside. Each tent can accommodate two people. Men and women cannot be mixed. Family members or couples can submit an application. Allocate in the same or next to each other tents."

"After filling out the form and assigning tents, please go to the locker room to choose suitable spare work clothes according to your size. Ladies who wear jewelry, please put the jewelry on our front desk temporarily, and the front desk staff will keep it for you. All this It's all for your safety, and I hope everyone can cooperate."

   Looking at the dead young man in suit and the dozen or so casino thugs with guns behind Wang Li, hundreds of tourists, without any objection, quietly lined up and began to fill in the form.

  As Yang Xiaoqian said, there are almost no fools among these people—even if there were before, they were washed away by Xiao Guang with **** means.

"Boss, there are clearly enough rooms in the hotel inside the casino, why do you have to send them to live in tents?" An old man behind Wang Li who had been with Wang Li for many years asked softly, and the few thugs next to him who were not qualified to ask questions were all standing upright. Open your ears to listen.

“Perhaps in the future, food and drinking water will be in short supply, and cigarette alcohol will become a luxury item that can be considered as a reward. But until that day comes, before everyone’s perception of everyday items changes dramatically, we What can I use to reward those who perform well among them?" Wang Li showed an unfathomable smile and asked himself, "Of course it is a warm and comfortable house, they will only take it for granted if you give it to them directly. When their mental state is low and they don’t resist the idea of ​​rebellion, they take a tough stance to deprive them, and then reward those who perform well, so that they can be grateful.”

"Not only that, but there will be a class division between them, not just theirs and ours, but also between them: those who obey us and behave well, and those who don't obey us, and let them generate within themselves. Differences and differences guide the contradictions between them, and we will not become the target of public criticism. In the absence of absolute strength, separation of powers and checks and balances are the essence of maintaining power."

  The old man suddenly realized, and then asked: "But why let them change into the spare work clothes of our staff? Why take away those women's jewelry?"

"Let them wear gold and silver clothes every day, it will remind them from time to time of their previous status as a superior person, and they will resist the matter of following our orders. Moreover, the uniformity of clothing will make them feel more integrated. , to make them feel that they are in the same boat, it will more or less reduce their hostility towards us." Wang Li explained.

   "That's it, the boss is brilliant." Several thugs were full of admiration.

  Wang Li laughed, but he was thinking about the young man who made his heart palpitate with fear

   "It's not me who is smart, but he is smart." Wang Li thought to himself.

   "I'll supervise the order in the hall." Wang Hai took the twelve people who had been included yesterday and stood beside Wang Li, scanning the rows of people in the hall.

   "What kind of person do you think Yang Xiao... Mr. Yang is?" Wang Li suddenly took the courage to ask.

   Wang Hai glanced at him, thought about it, and said, "A terrible person."

   "Is this a high rating?" Wang Li didn't know Wang Hai, and he wasn't sure what he meant.

"He has a very smart mind. You must know this better than me. But there are millions of people in Yuanjiang, and there are not 10,000 or 8,000 smart people. This is not what is scary about him. What is scary about him is his growth rate and Ways of thinking." Wang Hai recalled several battles since the first time he saw Yang Xiaoqian in the community.

"The first time I fought after seeing him was when I met those two monsters at the ferry. He started to panic just when he sensed the danger, and his words trembled. He also asked me directly about the battle plan, and after solving the first monster, he started to panic. He quickly relaxed his vigilance, causing his own distress and the student's death."

   "Just a few hours later, when you landed on Paradise Island, you saw the reaction of those who were chasing the girl. I don't need to say more."

"Of course those people couldn't pose a threat in the first place, so his calmness is not surprising. But when we wanted to sneak attack on Xiao Guang and was discovered, in just two or three minutes, under great pressure and danger, he used the information I provided. Very little information makes for an ingenious battle plan."

"You may not know how difficult it is. We have seen Xiao Guang's ability, which can turn into metal, and Yu Qian can control metal. I think many people will immediately cheer when they see Xiao Guang's ability and think that they must There is no doubt that he will win, and then he will go out carelessly, without considering whether his ability is only as simple as the appearance, nor whether the other party has support."

"As for Yang Xiaoqian, he immediately began to consider whether the other party has only one awakened person, whether it is metal after the transformation, and began to consider the means of temptation. Not only that, he also analyzed the information I provided at the same time, and found Xiao Light's psychological weakness - it is not easy to find this weakness, and it is even more difficult to find an unobvious weakness when you clearly see the other party's obvious weakness."

   "But Yang Xiaoqian did it, not only that, he also planned for the worst before going out. If his speculation was completely wrong and the plan failed completely, he also arranged Yu Qian as a back-up."

   "Then he led me out in an extremely arrogant manner, scolded me when I opened my mouth, and attracted all the attention. On the one hand, it created an opportunity for Yu Qian, and on the other hand, he used Xiao Guang's psychological weakness to disturb his judgment."

"Then he disguised his ability - although he didn't know what his superpower was, but it was definitely not what he said - deliberately exposed it to Xiao Guang, making Xiao Guang suspicious and entangled, and letting Xiao Guang's smart mind become him His own burden, after restraining Xiao Guang, he used words to test and deduce that there are no other awakened people in the opponent's team, and finally used a magnet to test whether Xiao Guang's body had turned into metal."

   "After completely eliminating all variables and confirming the victory, he opened his trump card and made a lore. From start to finish, Xiao Guang followed the script he wrote, and he didn't make a move until he died."

"It seems that metal control versus metal transformation is a must-win situation, but that's what we see from the perspective of God after the fact. From the perspective of the parties, Yang Xiaoqian can not be dazzled by his own advantages, in such a short period of time. In time, he listed so many unexpected possibilities and prepared the means of testing and countermeasures one by one. And even if he had come to this point! He still assumed the possibility of miscalculation, and left his hole cards..."

   "In other words, even if Xiao Guang's ability is not to transform into metal, even if Xiao Guang has helpers, even if the information I provided is not true, even if his own analysis goes wrong, he is still invincible."

"And it's only been half a day since his last frantic battle. Don't you feel terrible about such an enemy?" After Wang Hai said a lot, he took a breath and his expression was much lighter than before. , It seems that he had a need to talk before, no wonder he said so much in one breath.

  Wang Li's mouth was dry, and cold sweat covered his back. He asked in a slightly hoarse voice, "A student, can he really achieve this level in such a short period of time?"

  Wang Hai shook his head and replied in frustration: "I don't know, maybe some people are born for the battlefield."

"If it wasn't for this catastrophe, maybe he would have just finished the college entrance examination and studied in college, playing games and reading books, chasing girls to sleep, and then graduating to find a job, working diligently until he grows old, and he may encounter opportunities. Soaring to the sky, you may also be mediocre and do nothing for a lifetime." Wang Li said with emotion, "But now... the times create heroes."

   "Such a person, do you think he may be mediocre?" Wang Hai asked with strong suspicion.

"Who knows, you are a special forces soldier. If you were born in troubled times, you may be promoted all the way. If you are lucky, you will not know how to become a general. But you who live in a peaceful and prosperous world, what did you do? Work as a security guard after retiring from the army? Farming? "

  Wang Hai did not refute any more, he was silent for a long time, and then said: "I would rather cultivate the fields in a peaceful and prosperous age, and watch the peace of the country and the people, rather than in a war-torn era, I would rather be heavy with soldiers and see the people struggling to make a living."

   "You are highly enlightened, but I am vulgar. Haha, no wonder you carry a gun and become a soldier, and I go to sea to do business." Wang Li sneered and took out his cigarette case, "Do you smoke?"

   "The whole one."

   "Speaking of which, we are all surnamed Wang and belong to the same family. Maybe five hundred years ago, we were brothers."

   "What a bunch of nonsense."
