MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 33 last companion

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   Sparkling on the water bank, reflecting a cluster of bonfires. Sitting by the bonfire was a young man, his skin pale from the blood loss.

"Is it warmer?" Yang Xiaoqian asked with concern while adding firewood and paper to the bonfire. A few minutes ago, Liang Jinyuan began to feel a biting chill. No matter how many clothes he added, he was shivering from the cold. .

   "Well, thank you." Liang Jinyuan hugged his shoulders with both hands, Mother Liang snuggled beside him, tears had dried up, and she was already in a drowsiness.

After all, everyone still did not abandon Liang Jinyuan. Liang's father and Liang's mother would rather die than leave. Originally, Yu Qian meant to be stunned and dragged away, but then he thought that after a big battle, it is better to rest and wait for his ability to recover before heading to Paradise Island. , after all, no one knows what the situation on Paradise Island is now, what if He Yu rebels or kills Cheng Yaojin halfway?

   "Thank you." Yang Xiaoqian took out the cigarette case, a pack of Hongjiang had already been smoked, and beckoned to Wang Li to quickly hand over the cigarette and set it on fire.

   "Thank you for accompany me on the last journey." Liang Jinyuan watched the bonfire shaking in front of him, and there was a slight sound of "beep beep beep" from time to time.

   "Well." Yang Xiaoqian really didn't know how to respond.

   "The scenery is beautiful, you can see the waves rippling under this misty sky, we are guarding a hand of warm flames on the shore, the artistic conception is like poetry." Liang Jinyuan casually talked about the topic.

   In a different environment, Yang Xiaoqian may be more literary and artistic than him, but right now Yang Xiaoqian can't see poetry, only pickled chicken feet, spicy strips, potato chips, canned beer and faces like mourning Kaoru.

   "Well, when the float is a big white." Yang Xiaoqian replied, unscrewed a can of Qingjin beer, suffocated half of the can, and then handed it to Liang Jinyuan.

   "Don't drink, it's cold."

   "Do you want to drink the white one? It warms the stomach and throat." Yang Xiaoqian pulled out another bottle of Xiaohongxing Erguotou.

   "The first time you drank baijiu, you gave me this?"

   "What other good wine can be found on the grocery cart?"

"Falling, bad." Liang Jinyuan finally took the bottle and sipped it. After drinking for a while, he picked up the controller to play the game. The PSP has run out of power, and now he is playing the single-player: Road to Survival on his laptop. .

   All kinds of zombies swarming on the screen fell on the charging road one by one due to Liang Jinyuan's precise shooting and rhythmic pushing and pulling. No zombie could cause damage to Liang Jinyuan's game characters.

"You said it would be great if the abilities in the game could be brought into reality, then give me a gun like the one just now and I can shoot ten, and they can't touch me." Liang Jinyuan said, the screen border suddenly flashed Hong Guang, his game character was injured, Yang Xiaoqian looked down, Liang Jinyuan's hands were shaking uncontrollably.

   "My head hurts a bit, as if something is moving in my head." Liang Jinyuan put down the handle and covered his head in pain.

   may be in the long brain nucleus. Yang Xiaoqian sighed, what should come is still here.

   "It's almost night." Yang Xiaoqian said, "At night, the visibility is greatly reduced, and it may be dangerous. We have to get on the boat and go to Paradise Island. I will try my best to ensure the safety of your parents."

  Liang Jinyuan heard the words of the voice beyond the line, and grinned with a miserable smile: "Thank you, you go. Yang Xiaoqian, our three-year classmate, it's not a loss to the brothers, thank you."

  Yang Xiaoqian was speechless, slowly raised the pistol with the safety on in his right hand, and aimed the black muzzle at Liang Jinyuan's forehead.

"Can you give me this one? Maybe I can really become a zombie? Maybe I won't be infected and transformed into a zombie?" Liang Jinyuan raised his bloodless face that was not human-like, and tried his best to keep his bloodshot eyes open. eyes, but the gradually dilated pupils are still unable to obtain a clear picture.

"One more zombie is more dangerous. Maybe someone will come in the future. You don't want to be a walking dead that eats human flesh and drinks human blood, do you?" Yang Xiaoqian tried his best to stabilize his trembling voice and maintain his ruthless voice. appearance.

"Can't you just leave and leave me alone?" No matter how calm he was before, the few hours he waited for death had seriously worn down Liang Jinyuan's will, and the pain in his head had begun to affect his consciousness, and he was lucky. Gradually come to the upper hand, looking forward to doing the impossible.


"Okay, okay, come on." Liang Jinyuan took a deep breath and said his final request, "Tell me a joke and let me have a good time, distract yourself and then shoot suddenly, I will Hearing people on the internet say it won't be painful."

  Can you trust the things on the Internet? Yang Xiaoqian didn't believe it, but he still complied with Liang Jinyuan's request: "One day, Yang Xiaoqian was walking on the street with tomatoes, watermelons, and apples. When they came to the first corner, the tomato was hit and killed by a car. Yang Xiaoqian laughed and said, "Ketchup!" When he came to the second corner, the watermelon was hit by a car, and Yang Xiaoqian laughed and said watermelon juice! When he came to the third corner, Yang Xiaoqian was hit by a car and died. At this time, Apple laughed and said, "Scum!"



  The gunshots sounded without warning, and the laughter stopped abruptly.

   "Good way, brother." Yang Xiaoqian squatted down and closed Liang Jinyuan's eyes, his heart was numb.

   "Ah—" Mother Liang, who was awakened by the awakening, shouted heart-breakingly, and Wang Hai, a retired special soldier who had approached, slapped her on the back of the neck, and Mother Liang fainted softly.

  Looking at Liang Helin, who was numb like a stone pile, Yang Xiaoqian nodded to Wang Hai: "Let Dr. Liang rest as well, and then we'll take him with us. Can you drive this boat?"

   "It will be open." Wang Hai understood, and after three or two steps approached, a palm knife stunned Liang and Lin, and together with Wang Li, they put Dr. Liang and his wife on a ferry on the shore.

   Yang Yan patted Yang Xiaoqian on the shoulder, then followed him onto the ferry without saying a word.

   "Let's go." Yu Qian approached and looked down at Yang Xiaoqian who was half-squatting.

   Yang Xiaoqian did not move.

"I also had a friend before - how should I put it, maybe it's not a friend relationship, it should be said that it is the same disease, he is also an experimental subject, and his suffering is worse than me. One day, he finally lost the courage to live and tried to commit suicide, but It didn't work, seeing that the experimenter was about to come to rescue him, he begged me to kill him."

"and then?"

"Originally, I didn't want to kill him. In those days when it's getting worse day by day, it's not bad to see someone worse than me. But when I saw his begging eyes, my heart softened and I started. That's it." Yu Qian didn't finish speaking, in fact, when he looked at the relieved eyes of the other party and the angry eyes of the recycler, he immediately regretted it.

  Yang Xiaoqian felt that most of Yu Qian couldn't understand his feelings at the moment, but he didn't say anything, just nodded and followed Yu Qian to the ferry.

   There was a low sound of starting the engine, and the ferry loaded with two trucks of cargo gradually left the shore and set sail in the direction of Paradise Island.

   At the port, the young man's body twitched suddenly.