MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 21 dome descends

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   Yang Xiaoqian's figure lifted off in place, and the living corpse flew into the air, just about to gnaw at the next target - a doctor in a white coat, the whistling bullet passed through his head, and the living corpse fell weakly.

   And Yang Xiaoqian quickly flew to his father Yang Yan's side in mid-air, and then Yang Yan's body also flew backwards slightly.

  Yang Yan opened his mouth wide, just as he was about to speak, his eyes flashed, and the surrounding scenery receded like a car, Yu Qian and Wang Li appeared beside him—no, it was him and Yang Xiaoqian who appeared beside Yu Qian and Wang Li.

   Weird ability, should not be weak. Yu Qian was delighted, but also slightly worried, the capable Yang Xiaoqian was no longer a **** under his control.

   "Xiaoqian!" Yang Yan finally made a sound, Yang Xiaoqian smiled reluctantly at him, wanted to say something, but was unable to soften, and two nosebleeds continued.

Before    lost consciousness, Yang Xiaoqian stared in front of him and vaguely saw the outline of a giant, while others could not see the huge figure of this giant.

  They, can't you see? Is this my ability? I'm so sleepy, I'm going to sleep...

   Yang Xiaoqian closed his eyes, tilted his head and fell asleep.

   "What happened to him?!" Yang Yan was frightened.

   "It's not a big problem. I just woke up and opened the chain and used it continuously. It's normal to collapse. Just rest and rest." Yu Qian comforted.

   "Help me!" Doctor Bai Da coat came to the front at some point, and he was in a hurry. He wanted to understand the value of his use, and also knew that if he followed, he would be more likely to survive.

   glanced at the armed police detachment that was still struggling to support, Yu Qian carefully considered the various possibilities and dangers of participating in the battle, and finally chose to give up.

"Everyone got in the car, we can't hold it over there anymore, let's retreat to the base and make plans for the next step when Yang Xiaoqian wakes up." Yu Qian took back the flying knife and pulled the doctor into the car, while Wang Li helped Yang Yan take Yang Xiaoqian When he got into the car, the iron-like facts in front of him impacted his brain. He had to believe what he heard before and weigh the pros and cons. Obviously, he should follow Yu Qian and his party closely. It has risen significantly, and it is not too late to wait until the government has stabilized the situation before looking for opportunities.

   "You drive!" Yu Qian shouted at Wang Li, he can't drive himself, Yang Yan's thoughts are all on his son, obviously he can't drive, only Wang Li can drive.

  Wang Li turned around and was about to get into the driver's seat, but his arm was pulled.

   "Take me! Take me!" Wang Li turned his head and saw that a young girl who was crying so hard was holding his arm and begging, there was still room for the seven-seat commercial van.

   "Take me! Help me! Please!" The woman in OL professional attire cried with light makeup on her face, but her face was still beautiful.


  Wang Li wanted to say something, but Yu Qian's reaction was faster and more decisive than him. The flying knife slashed the woman's wrist, and the severe pain made her have to let go.

   "Get in the car and go." Yu Qian ordered without question.

  Wang Li didn't hesitate, stepped into the commercial car that had never been turned off, closed the door and turned to accelerate, without even looking at the crying woman under the car.

   "We should take her." Wang Li, who was driving, whispered.

   "Huh?" Yu Qian was very dissatisfied.

"No one knows what will happen in the future, how long we will flee." Wang Li's face was slightly hot, and he said, "It may be good to bring a beautiful woman. There are very few accompanying gamblers and senior technicians on Paradise Island. At this level, you can ask her to accompany you."

  Yu Qian understood, and turned to sneer: "I look like the kind of thing where sperms put color words on their faces?"

   Wang Li was sweating coldly and didn't dare to answer. Come on, flattery is on the horse's legs, so I can't blame him. Mayor Liu doesn't like this trick, and he's been the boss for too long. The skill of flattery has long been unfamiliar.

"Hmph, do you like women? No problem. Next time you see what you are satisfied with, just accept it, but I will only give you your own portion of the rations. You can weigh it yourself. As long as you don't do anything stupid, I won't kill you. You." Yu Qian knew that the way he used both kindness and power was a bit naive, but it didn't matter, he had absolute strength.


  At the gate of the first courtyard, the soldiers of the Armed Police Detachment held the line of defense with the awareness that they would not get off the line of fire if they were not killed in battle. Even Commander Geng Zhiping himself stood on the first front line. Even though the casualties were heavy, they still did not retreat.

Geng Zhiping raised the automatic rifle in his hand and kept pulling the trigger, breaking the hands and feet of the zombies. Except for a small amount of incendiary bombs and high-explosive bombs that can effectively kill zombies in a large area, it is difficult for other weapons to kill these monsters. If they can't hit the head, they can only interrupt their limbs to limit their mobility. In the battle between the two sides, the armed police officers and soldiers have stood at an extremely unfair disadvantage from the beginning, and the defense line has begun to collapse.

   "Team Geng, it's time to withdraw, we can't wait for support!" The deputy captain approached Geng Zhiping and spoke with difficulty.

   "What to withdraw? We withdraw, what will happen to the people in Yuanjiang? Your wife and children don't live in the city or what?" Geng Zhiping pushed him away impatiently.

   The deputy captain was so anxious that his face flushed red, and after all, he continued to gather the remaining soldiers to form a defense line without saying a word.

   After thinking about it, I felt that I should cheer up the team. Geng Zhiping raised his horn and shouted: "Although our armed police do not belong to the People's Guard in terms of organization, we are all soldiers! We are all soldiers of the people! Behind us are the unarmed citizens of Yuanjiang, our brothers and sisters. Our duty is to defend the country and the people! No matter how difficult it is, we must grit our teeth to meet them! Do you want your parents and children to face these man-eating monsters?"

   "Without my order, don't take a step back! If we can't wait for support, let our corpses be our last line of defense for the people of Yuanjiang!"

   As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud noise cheering for him, the explosion of a tactical grenade.

Fifty meters away, a soldier was thrown to the ground by several zombies and lost his ability to resist. The severe pain of being bitten by his body made him want to shout, but he held back all his life. He crushed his back molars. His left arm had been gnawed to the bone, and with his only right hand, he managed to put the tactical grenade to his mouth to bite the ring.

   But unlike in the movie, this pull ring was so stubborn that it couldn't bite down, so he had to turn around, bite the grenade with his mouth, and pull the pull ring with his hand.

   He opened his **** mouth and tried to shout a slogan, but his throat was full of blood, and no sound came out.


   A loud bang blew up several zombies, blew up the determination of every remaining soldier to fight to the end, and blew the throats of all of them.

   "Defend the family and the country, and fight to the death!" Several soldiers hiding behind the cover of the ambulance launched a suicidal counter-charge, trying to block the advance of the zombie group in front and create a buffer time for the comrades in the rear to replenish ammunition.

   "Defend the family and the country, fight to the death!" The deputy captain shouted and pulled up the machine gun that had just used urine to cool the barrel of the machine gun, which was running out of cooling water.

   "Defend the family and the country, and fight to the death!" The smiling guards removed the clips of empty bullets and pulled out tactical daggers to prepare for hand-to-hand combat - although the opponent was a zombie that was difficult to kill with a dagger.

   Their bullets couldn't stop the monster's advance, but the horror of the zombies couldn't destroy their will either. Dozens of voices gathered together, repeating the eight-character slogan, and playing a great battle song.

   Death is approaching, no one is afraid.

   "You have to be so hot-blooded to look good." Geng Zhiping, who was born in the military, had a tense expression on his face, ready to meet a glorious sacrifice, but saw a strange picture in the distance.

   "Huh, what is that?"

   A familiar figure is approaching.

   The second-in-command of the security department, the mayor's nephew, Liu Yuanzhou.

   He was wearing plain white sick clothes, with a glittering tattoo on his forehead, a gun he picked up in his hand, and a pair of sneakers that obviously did not belong to him, walking slowly step by step.

   Not a single zombie could bite him, not a single bullet would accidentally injure him.

   And every bullet he fired would blow up one or even several zombies' heads.

   He just moved forward in such a weird way, taking one step to the left, one step to the right, and sometimes taking a small step back, raising his hand at will and firing, never aiming without missing a shot. It's like a high-level player who cheats with the full picture in the maze, easily walking in the hail of zombies and bullets, unscathed.

   "Captain Geng, listen to me." Liu Yuanzhou walked all the way to Geng Zhiping's side, easily dodging the guards' capture, and said indifferently.


"Look! What is that!" Outside the city of Yuanjiang, vehicles were blocked in a long line in front of the blockade. The front could not pass, and the rear was blocked. This century's traffic jam has lasted for a long time since the blockade of the whole city of Yuanjiang. If not for the blockade The soldiers outside the line brought a lot of food and water to everyone, and Zhang Hao, who had low blood sugar, was already in shock.

   At first, everyone would get out of the car to chat and play poker, but after a few patients who vomited blood and fell to the ground, everyone retreated into their car. The patients who vomited blood and fell to the ground were dragged into military camps outside the blockade for forced isolation.

   When the vision above the sky happened, Zhang Hao, who was bored, was the first to notice.

   With his reminder, more people looked up to the sky.

  A pale yellow circle appeared in the clouds, descending rapidly.

   "Is it a UFO?" Zhang Hao said in surprise, "This size is so big!"

   Taking clouds as a reference, the circle almost covers a city.

   The light yellow circle is still accelerating and sinking. At this moment, people can see its whole picture, not a circle, but a hemisphere.

  The people started to riot, the army started martial law, but the hemisphere fell faster than expected, and it landed before everyone could react.


   A loud bang.

  The dome is coming!

   After several experiments, this pale yellow hemisphere composed of unknown substances cannot be explained by experts with the existing scientific system.

  In addition to light, no matter, sound, or radio wave can pass through it. Guns cannot be broken, cannons cannot be broken, and missiles cannot be broken.

The    underground passage was also blocked by invisible forces, the troops outside the blockade could not enter, and the people inside the blockade could not get out.

The    air defense siren sounded again, announcing that Yuanjiang City was completely isolated from the world.

   (The command post of the air-raid shelter is also in the dome. The dome covers the entire Yuanjiang River, including air-raid shelters that are not in the urban area, Jiangxin Island and other places.

   Asking for a recommendation ticket is actually an abbreviation, the full text is: "Hey, please ask for various recommendations and various tickets!" Please~)