MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 20 Adversity Paradise

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It is very difficult to go retrograde in the crowd of fleeing people. Yang Xiaoqian almost got knocked down several times at a distance of tens of meters. He even passed the living corpse chasing the crowd several times. The stench of blood choked his nose and throat. In a daze, he finally arrived in front of the doctor in a white coat.

   "Don't run around!" Yang Xiaoqian shouted to the doctor.

  The doctor who only wore one shoe ignored it and ran forward, seeing Yang Xiaoqian blocking the road, he pushed his hands so hard that Yang Xiaoqian staggered and nearly fell.

   "I told you not to run around!" Yang Xiaoqian exploded his lungs, slapped the doctor's face with a slap, fired a shot in the sky from the loaded pistol, and pointed at the doctor's face, "Do you want to live!"

   "Think, think! Think!" The doctor nodded again and again as if pounding garlic.

   "Then don't run around, just follow me." Yang Xiaoqian grabbed the doctor and turned to retreat, but saw a scene that made his heart palpitate.

Father Yang Yan also rushed into the crowd at some point. When Yang Xiaoqian turned around, he happened to see Yang Yan being knocked to the ground by a few survivors and trampled by, but Yang Yan showed no pain at all. He waved his hand and shouted desperately, "Right! Right!"

   Right? Yang Xiaoqian turned to look to the right, empty.


   Yang Yan's right is Yang Xiaoqian's left.

  Yang Xiaoqian turned his head in horror, a living corpse covered in a mess with tiny pieces of meat left in his mouth flew towards him, his abominable face rapidly expanding in his field of vision.

   Yu Qian in the distance is ready for rescue. With Yu Qian's ability, it is not difficult to kill a living corpse with a headshot at this distance, but Yang Xiaoqian doesn't know.

Everyone is shaped by their own experiences. Except for the murder that was planned but failed for revenge, Yang Xiaoqian's experience has always been very ordinary. He has never seen gunpowder, corpses, or even blood. Will hesitate to start.

Although he had already shot and killed four shooters under Yu Qian's coercion, it was the death of others, and he had been in absolute safety. Conscious ordinary people.

   Ordinary people will lose their calmness and judgment in the hellish killing field at this moment, no more cleverness, only fear.

   At this moment, Yang Xiaoqian did not know that Yu Qian had been secretly observing and preparing to protect him, he only knew that he was about to be eaten by zombies.

   Am I going to die?

   Yang Xiaoqian is very afraid of death, he believes that survival is the most primitive instinct of human beings.

  I don't want to die, I don't want to die!

  I have been studying diligently since I was a child, I seldom sleep late, I rarely play games, I like to be in the limelight but I don’t have many opportunities.

   I'm still so young, and I still have a long way to go. Maybe I can live a wonderful future with my bright mind.

  There are so many delicious foods waiting for me to taste; so many scenery waiting for me to witness; so many dreams waiting for me to realize…

  Once I die, the brilliance that I have longed for, imagined, and hoped for will be broken like a bubble and return to darkness...

  No, I cannot die.

  I want to live!

  I want to live!

   "Om" as if there was a buzzing sound in the ear.

  The surrounding air became heavy, and it froze and glued like water running through sand.

   The flow of time was slowed down, the perception of space was amplified, and Yang Xiaoqian felt that his consciousness was losing weight.

This is…?

   Yang Xiaoqian's eyes widened, the stench of the zombie's mouth was slowly approaching, too slow.

  Everything is like a close-up slow motion movie, so slow that it seems that you can easily dodge bullets by tilting your head.

   But, can't move.

   Obviously can dodge easily, but he can't move. The body does not obey the command, as if bound by chains, unable to move at all.

   Do you want to just watch that mouth bite down, and let yourself feel the pain of tearing your teeth apart, tearing your skin and tearing your muscles away?

   What a joke!

   Move, move, move!

Yang Xiaoqian's consciousness desperately struggled to break through the shackles, but this struggle made him feel like he was being pierced by thousands of long needles and bitten by thousands of ants and insects. Move, dodge it", there is absolutely no energy left to generate other thoughts.

   Time does not stand still, space does not change, zombies are still approaching, the speed is very slow, but the distance is indeed shrinking.

  Yang Xiaoqian was still unable to move, and the unimaginable pain tore his nerves.

  's will has begun to blur, and Yang Xiaoqian is about to give up.

   I am, am I going to die?

  Death, what does it feel like?

  What is death? Yang Xiaoqian has never thought about this issue. He grew up in a peaceful environment, and he has always been honest. It was not until the accidental death of his friend Yu Qian that he felt the weight of life.

   He no longer uttered the emotion of "Life is really fragile, no one knows when death will come", he began to fear death and cherish life.

   Who knew that death would come to him so quickly.

   After death, what is it like?

   Can't see, can't hear, can't feel anything? Turned into a handful of black ash in the high-temperature flames of the crematorium, or a lump of digested residue in the belly of a zombie? From now on, I can only prove the existence of Yang Xiaoqian in the tears of my parents, in the chats of relatives, and in the documents that lost their meaning and became waste after death?

   What a shame, I didn’t get anything done…

   The scene in front of me has gradually dimmed, and another picture spreads out:

   In the noisy vegetable market, eight-year-old Yang Xiaoqian waved the toy gun in his hand and shouted, "Catch the thief!" Then, holding the toy gun happily, he ran after the thief who fled in a hurry before throwing it away.

   The legs are too short to keep up.

   was quickly stopped by his mother, who reprimanded in panic: "What are you shouting!"

   "I'll catch the thief!" Yang Xiaoqian held up the toy gun with a heroic expression.

   Mom can't help laughing: "Why do you like being a hero so much! Bad guys will beat you!"

   "I'm not afraid of pain!" Yang Xiaoqian patted his chest with his left hand, a magnanimous little man.

   "The bad guy will kill you! Heroes don't end well!" Mom tapped him on the head, "Don't be rude in the future, don't you hear me!"

   Xiaobudian Yang Xiaoqian lowered his head and said to himself: Heroes are not afraid of death.


   If I knew this earlier, I wouldn’t be able to be a hero. What kind of awakened person should I look for, and what doctor should I save? If you don't want to form a team to save the world and become a hero, you will stay in the basement of the casino, and you won't die.

   Tears flowed down unsatisfactorily.

  I don't want to die, I'm not a hero anymore, I don't want to die!

  Please don't let me die like this!

  Yang Xiaoqian gritted his teeth, his eyes were dark from the pain, and the pain was so painful that his liver and intestines were broken.

   When his consciousness is blurred, he sees in a daze: the far river has become a ruin, the sky is dark, and the earth is broken. The breath of death and despair pervades the heavens and the earth. There is no life, no sound, only eternal loneliness.

   Is this the world after death? Eternal darkness and loneliness.


   There seems to be something in the body that shatters.

   In the next instant, Yang Xiaoqian's figure rose into the air.

  Yang Xiaoqian, wake up!