MTL - Daily Life In Qin Dynasty-Chapter 135 The righteousness of the world, kidnapping?

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  Chapter 135 The world is righteous, kidnapping?

  Tian Guang had just spoken.

  The atmosphere in the entire lobby suddenly became quiet for an instant.

  Mr. Mo squinted his eyes slightly, and glanced at the rough-looking peasant hero in front of him, but occasionally revealed a few traces of strange brilliance in his eyes, and did not respond immediately.

   Today, the relationship between the seven countries in the Central Plains is very delicate.

  Although in fact, the Seven Kingdoms now wish to show each other's Xiang, but on the bright side, the Seven Kingdoms still have to follow the corresponding etiquette.

  Because it was pushed back five hundred years, the seven kingdoms today all had the same origin during the Zhou Dynasty.

  Everyone used to be the minister of Zhou Tianzi.

  The Li people in the entire Central Plains were once the people of the Zhou Dynasty. That is to say, if the people of the Seven Kingdoms counted for dozens of generations, they might still be a family.


  The farm hero who is currently in the state of Chu, openly asked Mo Jun, a minister of the state of Qin, for [the first generation of improved rice seeds] to save their Chu state and even the people of the other five countries.

  In terms of etiquette and morality alone, there is really no problem at all.

  Because the people of the world were once a 'family', it is normal to have something good to share.

   But there is one thing.

  It would be normal for people from other schools of thought to say these words.

   But it happened that these words came from the farm hero "Tian Guang" in front of him, so there was a little bit of a problem.

   After all, others may not know it yet, but Mr. Mo is very clear that the farm family in this period has already hooked up with Lord Changping. The reason why the farm family has developed so rapidly in these years is largely due to the handwriting of Lord Changping and the Chu royal family.

  So if the six-fingered black man of the Mohist school came to ask Mo Jun for [the first generation of improved rice seeds], Mo Jun might think that he was really for the sake of the common people.

   But since these words came from Tian Guang, how much of this sentence is for the world, and how much is for the state of Chu.

   is about to be marked with a question mark.

   "Mr. Tian's matter is really difficult for me!" After a while, Mo Jun said with a embarrassed face.

"Why? Now the 'new grain seeds' created by Mr. Shengping have been harvested in all parts of Qin State. Even if only a part of them is used as rice seeds, it is enough to supply the people of the world. This is an act of immeasurable merit. Please also ask Mr. Shengping Advise the King of Qin, donate generously, and save the people of the world from the fire and water. The people of the six countries will be grateful to the King of Qin and Lord Shengping."

   After finishing speaking, Tian Guang bowed deeply to Jun Mo, pleading with his whole face.

  Seeing Tian Guang's move, Mo Jun sitting in the main seat was expressionless, while the six-fingered black man and Fu Nian couldn't help frowning.

  Although the two of them came here today, they also had some ideas of asking for 'new grain seeds', but they only thought of asking for some persuasion, and did not think of leading Mo Jun.

  But now Tian Guang's behavior is a little too much.

  Tian Guang's actions now seem to be pleading, but in fact, there is a bit of "threat" intentionally or unintentionally in his words.

   After all, open your mouth to the common people, but shut your mouth to the common people.

  If Mr. Mo agrees, it will be an immeasurable merit. But if Mr. Mo refuses to agree, is it possible that he is the chief culprit who framed the people of the world?

   Compared with Fu Nian.

  The six-fingered black man who was born in the Mohist school has a more 'chivalrous' spirit.

  So when he saw that Tian Guang, a dignified peasant hero, wanted to use the righteousness of the world to do this persecution, he was about to open his mouth to complain.

However, at this moment, I saw Mo Jun on the main seat taking a sip of tea, looked at Tian Guang and said slowly: "Xia Kui, don't misunderstand, the reason why I said this matter is a bit difficult is not the same as the current king of Qin." How much does it matter."

  Tian Guang heard the words, immediately raised his head and said: "Then I don't know what difficulties Shengping Jun has?"

  Mr. Mo glanced at him lightly, and then paused every word: "The reason why I don't want to give away the 'new grain' is entirely because I don't want to do this, that's all."

   As soon as the words came out.

  Tian Guang's originally sincere expression suddenly froze.

   Fu Nian and Six Fingers Heixia were also stunned.

But at this moment, I only heard Mo Jun continue: "I am afraid that Xia Kui doesn't know something, so when I created this [first-generation improved rice seed] from the beginning, my purpose was just to protect the people of our Qin Kingdom." , As for the life and death of the common people in other countries, I don't have so much free time to take care of it."

   "As for such a major event as saving the world and the common people, Mo Jun doesn't even have that ability, so if Xia Kui wants to save the world, he should find another master!"

  After Mo Jun finished speaking, the air in the entire lobby became visibly quiet for several seconds.

  Fu Nian and Liuzhi Heixia on the side widened their eyes, staring at Mo Jun in a daze, feeling as if they had reacquainted with the 'Sheng Ping Jun' in front of them.

   After all, they have traveled all the way before, and Mo Jun's image in the eyes of Hanzhong people is almost on par with a saint.

  You can see it with your own eyes now.

  The halo of 'saint' that Mo Jun had built up in the hearts of the two of them before fell to pieces.

  Tian Guang was obviously confused.

  This... This script is wrong!

   Logically speaking, people like Mo Jun who are willing to promote the "new grain" for free, shouldn't they be benevolent people who are compassionate and don't see the suffering in the world?

  Why is this Mr. Shengping's character so 'down-to-earth'?

   After a while.

  I saw a bit of sadness, and said: "Could it be that Mr. Shengping really has the heart to see the world in trouble, the people in war, and the people in famine, and remain indifferent?"

   Jun Mo nodded, and calmly replied: "I can bear it! Anyway, I am not a citizen of Qin, why can't I bear it?"

After finishing speaking, Mo Jun looked at Tian Guang with a look of 'you are very strange', and continued: "And the people of the other six countries are in a dilemma, shouldn't they be handed over to the kings and officials of their countries to solve it? Otherwise, they will rely on What enjoys the support of the people of the country."

   Tian Guang was immediately stunned by these words.

   On the other hand, Fu Nian and Six Fingers Heixia heard Mo Jun's words, and their eyes were slightly pensive.

  Because they also felt that there was nothing wrong with what Mo Jun said.

  Nowadays, the upper-class nobles of all countries enjoy the support of the people at the bottom. If they can't even provide the most basic protection, then what is the meaning of existence for the upper-class nobles of all countries?

   Damn it!

  Mr. Mo's words are fine if he doesn't think about them carefully, but once he thinks about them deeply, Fu Nian and Six Fingers Heixia broke out in a cold sweat instantly. Can't help looking at Mo Jun in surprise.

  After all, most of the kings of the current seven kingdoms believe that the king gave the people a chance to survive, so the people should be grateful and respect the kingship.

   This is top-down rule.

  However, what Jun Mo said today has completely subverted the concept of governance in this era.

   "Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it. The words of this Lord Shengping are so similar to those of my uncle."

  Fu Nian suddenly remembered the teachings of his teacher Xunzi, and combined with what Jun Mo said now, he suddenly found that the concepts of his uncle and Mr. Shengping were somewhat similar.

  Mr. Mo naturally didn't know that what he said casually made Fu Nian and Liuzhi Heixia think of so many things.

  Now he is looking at Tian Guang with a slightly playful look, wanting to see what else this peasant hero can do.

   Moral kidnapping.

   It may be very useful for many people in the current era.

  However, for Mo Jun, a person who traveled from the era of information explosion in later generations, morality is worthless at all, and it even makes people lose money.

  So as long as he has no morals, no one can kidnap him.

Tian Guang came back to his senses, gritted his teeth and said, "Could it be that Mr. Shengping forgot that the seven countries in the Central Plains were all the people of the Zhou Dynasty five hundred years ago. In other words, the people of all countries were once a family. Could it be that Mr. Shengping wants to see death for his 'family'?"

  Hearing this, Mo Jun couldn't help being startled for a moment, then thought for a moment, and nodded slowly.

   "Xia Kui's words do have some truth."

  Tian Guang looked happy, and quickly said: "In that case, please..."

"Since everyone was once a family, please go to the other six countries and persuade the kings of each country to let them submit to Qin! In this way, the people of the 'divided' countries can not only return to their families, but Jun can also save the common people in the world without violating his original agreement."

  Before Tian Guang finished speaking, he heard Mo Jun interrupted suddenly: "After all, when the time comes, everyone will be from the Qin Kingdom. Is it logical for me to protect the people of the Qin Kingdom?"

  Tian Guang: "······"

"Why, does Xia Kui think it's too difficult to lobby the kings of the six countries? It doesn't matter, Xia Kui can also go to the other six countries to lobby the people and let them migrate into the territory of our Qin country. At that time, they will also be the people of our Qin country. I will protect them as well."

  Seeing that Tian Guang remained silent, Mo Jun immediately gave him another knife.

   This knife goes down.

  Not to mention Tian Guang, even Fu Nian and Six Fingers Heixia could not hold back anymore.

  The mouth of Mr. Shengping is really bad enough!

  At this time, Tian Guang's face was almost as dark as the bottom of the pot, and after a long while, he clasped his fists at Mo Jun and saluted.

  "Before today, I thought that the person who created [the first generation of improved rice seeds], a fetish that can save the world, would be a person of noble character, but I saw you today..."

   "I really didn't expect Mr. Shengping's concept of one family and one country to be so important that he didn't even pay attention to the lives of the common people. To be honest, I was very disappointed during this trip."

   "I came to the door suddenly today. It was Tian Guang who disturbed me. Let me leave."

   After saying these words, Tian Guang wanted to get up and leave.

  But at this moment, Mo Jun suddenly yelled: "Xia Kui, don't be angry, after all... there are many things in this world that you didn't expect!"

  When he first heard Mo Jun calling his name, Tian Guang paused, thinking that Mo Jun had repented.

   The result was unexpected.

  Mr. Mo suddenly uttered such a sentence in the second half of the sentence, and Tian Guang, who was immediately angry, almost couldn't hold back.

  However, the moment the thought of "do it" just came up in his mind, a terrifying and domineering sword intent suddenly locked on his body.

  Tian Guang calmed down as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head.

But just as Tian Guang's anger subsided, I heard Mo Jun remind me again kindly: "Besides, Xia Kui's 'disappointment' is also worthless to me, so next time, Xia Kui will say this." Needless to say."

   As soon as this sentence came out.

  Tian Guang's hands trembled with anger, and the next moment, he waved his sleeves in anger, and walked out of the door angrily...


  (end of this chapter)