MTL - Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises-Chapter 529 go hand in hand

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  The location of the secret realm is still a long way from the real open sea.

  Thus, the sea monsters that haunt here are strong and weak, and most of them are only at the second level. In terms of the power of the secret realm guardian, they can generally hold on.

   What really made them ask for help was the occasional third-order siren aura. A sea monster of this strength cannot be dealt with if it is not in the Aperture Realm.

  On a sea island tens of miles away from the entrance of the secret realm, Chen Fei's figure slowly appeared.

  Chen Fei landed on the island, moved his right foot forward a little, and swam with Yuanli, a formation formed in the blink of an eye.

  A medicine bottle appeared in Chen Fei's hand, Chen Fei opened the bottle, and a strange fishy smell wafted out.

  Chen Fei poured the liquid in the bottle into the battle formation. The fishy smell, which was only faint at first, suddenly became strong, and then spread in all directions.

  Chen Fei crossed his legs to the side, closed his eyes, and slowly waited for the result.

   The liquid in this medicine bottle is made from the blood of a monster combined with spirit grass, which is extremely attractive to other monsters.

  However, most warriors would not choose this liquid medicine when they were out hunting sea monsters. It's not that the medicinal solution is not effective, but that it is too effective and attracts too many sea monsters.

  In the sea area, the ones who are truly blessed by nature are actually those sea monsters. It is also difficult for you to tell clearly how many sea monsters are hidden in this deep sea.

  If the use of liquid medicine causes the sea monsters to swarm, I am afraid that in the end it will not be the warriors hunting the sea monsters, but the warriors will be eaten by a group of sea monsters.

  But that is the idea of ​​ordinary warriors. For Chen Fei today, if he wants to solve the sea monsters around the secret realm, using this liquid medicine is the easiest and most labor-saving.

   Not to mention solving the troubles around the secret realm once and for all, as long as the sea monsters continue to pour in from the open sea, this trouble will not stop.

   But at least after such a purge, in a short period of time, there is no need to worry about the intrusion of sea monsters around the secret realm.

   In less than a quarter of an hour, a Tier 2 Kraken slowly approached.

   It is a monster in the shape of a sea turtle. The turtle shell on its back is huge, the edges are full of sharp sawtooth, and there are fierce lights in its two eyes.

   This Tier 2 Sea-Monster was extremely cautious. Although he was extremely eager for the wafting smell, he did not rush to the island.

Four thick feet were paddling in the sea water, the turtle demon was just thinking about whether to test it, when suddenly he felt a shock in his heart, before he understood it, a force so powerful that it could not be stopped hit it .

  In the past, the tortoise shell, which was able to protect its whole body, didn't even have a decent resistance, and it shattered directly, and its entire body was also shattered.

  On the island, Chen Fei's eyes were closed from the beginning to the end. It was just a second-order monster, and it could be easily killed with a single sword element.

  The gap between the second-level monsters and the Aperture Realm is too large. As long as they are targeted, there is no chance of luck.

  The scarlet blood dyed the surrounding sea red, combined with the taste in the liquid medicine, it blended into a more attractive fragrance, which floated in all directions.

  This liquid medicine is like this, the more it kills, the more attractive it is.

   This is also one of the reasons why many warriors dare not use it, because sometimes they can't control it, or make a slight operation error, which may cause huge trouble.

   It's better to find them one by one. Although it's a bit troublesome, it's better than being safe.

   Hunting monsters in the sea is a very risky thing. If you are not careful, whether you can go back in the end is a problem.

  Perhaps it was because the stimulation of the fragrance became stronger, or there was a siren beside him. It was not enough time for tea, but in Chen Fei's perception, three sea monsters wandered over.

  It is still a second-order monster, but its strength is much stronger than the previous turtle monster.

  The realm of these three sea monsters has all reached the level of the second-order late stage, and they should act together on weekdays.

  If a warrior encounters monsters of this quantity and strength, if they are not at the peak of the Aperture Realm, they can only leave obediently. Otherwise, even in the late stage of four or five Aperture Realm, it will be difficult to eat these three sea monsters.


   There was a slight sound of breaking through the air, and the three sea monsters didn't understand what happened, their bodies froze, and they followed the back path of the turtle monster just now.

  Chen Fei sat cross-legged on the island like this, whether it was a siren or a group, Chen Fei's response was always a sword.

  The power of this sword element is too strong for these second-order sea monsters. Even if there are a large number, they cannot resist it at all, and they are not even qualified to weaken the sword element slightly.

   In the face of truly powerful forces, quantity has become meaningless.

   This is why a mountain and sea realm can rule over a territory as large as the Thousand Feathers League, while a large number of Heqiao realms dare not have the slightest thought of resistance.

  Because the two sides are not at the same level at all, if the Mountain Sea Realm wants to kill the Acupoint Realm, it is as easy as Chen Fei killing these second-level sea monsters at the moment.

   In the blink of an eye, an hour has passed. During this hour, Chen Fei killed nearly a hundred second-order sea monsters.

  However, the surrounding sea water was not dyed red. At the back, Chen Fei directly captured these sea monsters and threw them into the formation in front of him, maximizing the effectiveness of the medicinal liquid in the formation.

  The second-order sea monster has not appeared for a while, and those who should be around have been attracted, but the third-order sea monster has not come for a long time.

   Just when Chen Fei thought that the third-level sea monster was wandering somewhere else, a vague aura rose in the distance, but soon, the aura disappeared.

  Third-level monsters already have extremely extraordinary spiritual wisdom. Compared with ordinary humans, it can be said that it is not inferior in the slightest, and in some respects, it is even stronger.

   Obviously, after wandering around for a while, this third-order sea monster sensed something was wrong, so it turned around and left at this moment.

  Chen Fei opened his eyes at once, and smashed the formation in front of him with a sword. All the things in it were turned into powder, and at the same time, a spirit essence was drawn out from it and entered into the Qianyuan sword.

  Although it is only a second-order sea-monster, but there are not enough of them, it is somewhat wasteful to let it go here, so it is better to feed it to Qianyuan sword.

  Although the Qianyuan sword is currently at the level of a middle-grade magic weapon, these spirit essences alone are useless, but it is better than nothing.

  Chen Fei swayed and disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he was already miles away.

  If this sea monster doesn't show up, Chen Fei might have to spend a lot of time trying to find it.

   But now that it has appeared, even if it just disappears in a flash, it cannot escape Chen Fei's pursuit.

  Chen Fei's figure crossed the sky without a trace, and after breaking through to the middle stage of the Aperture Realm, the speed of Chen Fei's agility increased even further. Correspondingly, however, the bonus given to the figure has also become lower and lower.

  Chen Fei's current speed still occupies a considerable advantage compared with the average mid-term Heqiao state.

  But if you compare with those who specialize in physical skills, or those who are top forces, the advantage is extremely insignificant.

  The later the cultivation base is, the more obvious the advantages of the exercises will be.

Fortunately, the exercises that Chen Fei is currently majoring in have already reached the Dzogchen state. Among the top forces in the middle stage of the Heqiao state, even if the exercises they practice are extraordinary, it is impossible for them to comprehend such a profound knowledge like Chen Fei. degree.

   This Kraken was extremely fast underwater, but within a short while, Chen Fei overtook him.

  Chen Fei overlooked the sea, and could already clearly see a black shadow.

  At the beginning of the third stage, it is comparable to the sea monsters that Chen Fei killed in the past. It is possible to jump over the defense line and break into various sea areas. Most of them are sea monsters of this level.

   No matter how strong they are, they have already been killed on the defense line. Otherwise, they will be rampaged in various sea areas by sea monsters above the middle stage of Tier 3, and there are not many forces in the sea areas that can support them.

  Chen Fei stepped on the void with his right foot, and the sole of his foot touched the air, causing faint ripples. The next moment, a hole was knocked out of the sea surface, and Chen Fei appeared in front of the sea monster.

  Chen Fei was about to make a move when he suddenly frowned slightly and moved his body. In an instant, his whole body turned into a stream of light, appearing a few meters ahead as if teleporting.


  Where Chen Fei was standing before, a figure slowly appeared, reaching forward, but he didn't catch Chen Fei, which was a bit surprising.

  The sea monster below was frightened, and a huge tentacle slapped towards the figure, but before it really got close, it was swept out by the figure at will.

  Accompanied by the sea monster's shrill scream, the tentacles broke off. The sea monster panicked and swam desperately toward the depths of the seabed.

  Chen Fei didn't stop it, and the figure who appeared suddenly didn't even look at the siren.

   "Your Excellency and I have never met before, why did you do this!" Chen Fei looked at the person coming, and said coldly.

  In the middle stage of the Aperture Realm, they even used a sneak attack to capture Chen Fei.

  Kou Yuanheng withdrew his hand, and looked up and down at Chen Fei with great interest. Kou Yuanheng was somewhat surprised that he would miss the catch that he was sure of just now.

   Judging from the information obtained, Chen Fei has only broken through to the Heqiao state for a few years. Although he is very talented, he forcibly suppressed several other sects in the Haifeng domain.

   But no matter how strong it is, it is only in the early stage of the Heqiao state.

   In the capture just now, Kou Yuanheng was sure to injure him if he was a little careless in the middle of the Aperture Realm, and Kou Yuanheng has been doing this for so many years.

   As a result, I didn't expect that it would fail on a warrior who was in the early stage of the Acupoint Realm today.

   "Duanmu Xiao, is he dead?"

   Kou Yuanheng stared at Chen Fei with both eyes, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "The person who killed the Shadow Sect dared to pretend to be his identity, how brave you are!"

   "I don't understand what your Excellency said!"

  Hearing Sangyingzong, Chen Fei frowned slightly, his figure flickered, and he came to mid-air and glanced around.

   On the opposite side, Kou Yuanheng followed like a shadow, tens of meters away from Chen Fei. When Kou Yuanheng saw Chen Fei looking around, the smile on his face became wider and wider.

   "You won't find anyone else here!"

   "Yes, but always confirm!" Chen Fei turned to look at Kou Yuanheng.