MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 3114 My strongest ability is to cultivate the way of chatting? Ask the big brother for help!

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"How do you treat others, one day, someone will treat you the same way ... I didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen to me." Song Shu Channel.

In the past, every time he beat up others with a group of pendant predecessors, he could feel it.

Now, he is also surrounded by the imprints of heaven.

He can't bear such grievances.


Taking advantage of the imprint of heaven, it is still being shaped by the "rules of heaven", before it is officially started ...

Song Shuhang stretched out his finger and snapped a picture of himself, his senior Bai, and the "Mark of the Heavens of Different Dynasties" stepping out in front of his eyes, and sent it to the circle of friends.

Modern people have a common problem. No matter what happens, even if they are seriously injured in a car accident, they must first take a selfie and send it to the circle of friends—but Song Shuhang will not do boring things at this time.

In particular, facing the moment when the imprints of heavenly ancestors were on the strong side, the reality did not allow him to have leisurely feelings.

He sent a circle of friends for his own purpose-to inspire his biggest function of cultivating longevity!

Before sending a circle of friends, he used the "repair chat system" to blur the "immortal message" on the photo. There is also Ms. Long Luo in the background to further handle this ‘friend circle’ information function.

[Ding ~ Ba Song released a new circle of friends information, the message is limited to some members of the rights to watch. 】

Song Shuhang has the authority to ‘full service announcement’, but his purpose is not to simply send a circle of friends, so he did n’t use this function, but set the friend permissions.

"Shocked, in the process of inheriting the Tao from Song and my predecessors, Tiandao has worn small shoes for me. At this time, I was being watched by the imprints of heaven and earth in the past. Waiting online, it's urgent. 》

Song Shuhang's news is only available to his seniors who are "pendant seniors" and seniors of the "Jiuzhou No. 1 Group", as well as a few good Taoists.

The main reason is to let a few "Jiuyou Masters" and "Fifth Day Dao Fairy" take a look and see if they can give him some suggestions.

——He is the most horrible place of Xiu Liao Avenue.

Do you think you are beating me over the crowd?

But you don't know, how many big guys are still standing behind me?

When I sent a message, a group of seniors gave me advice!

These seniors and big brothers are all my wings ~

As long as they are there, there will be no problems in the heavens and the world, and they can hold me back!


After the circle of friends news was released.

Dao Qi? Reincarnation Blade Fairy wondered: "What's the situation? I remember that I didn't have this situation when I was preaching on my own."

Senior Bai Bai speculated: "It's the reason why Shu Hang and the present-day Abai preached together, isn't the last stubbornness of the rules of heaven? This is not a surprise."

Then, the resurrection process is going on. At present, there is only a trail that is continuously dissipating the 'consciousness'. The speech introduced: "These should be the imprints of the heavens-they are the contacts of the ancient heavens and the immortality of the core of the heavens. Instantly, the mark left in the rules of heaven. "

It is the record of the moment when the heavens were born.

Possess the power of the Dao marks and rules.

With the realization of the power of the heavenly rules, it should be able to exert a portion of the power of heavenly dynasties.

But after all, the imprint is only an imprint, not the true heavenly presence, and there are many places where instincts can be used in battle.

In addition, the immortal power of heaven should be more immature.

——The resurrection process of Dao Zi's predecessor will take some time. Under normal circumstances, his retirement and resurrection as a heavenly man would take at least thousands of years to grind this process.

However, Daozi was worried about the situation of the "worlds and heavens", and wanted to know the current situation of the worlds. So before he resigned, he tried to leave a trace of consciousness attached to the "Confucianism" through the "passage" of the fat ball big man. Code.

This consciousness holds all the memories of Tiandao Daozi and can provide advice to Song Shuhang.

However, because he has resigned from the position of heaven, and without the support of heaven, this consciousness will gradually dissipate over time.

Tao did not think of making this strand of consciousness 'perpetual'.

He just wanted to see Song Shuhang and Bai Daoyou with his own eyes, and the testimony was immortal.

Then he can truly resurrect.

Before that, he could make the most of his waste heat and provide Song Shuhang with data and information support.

Daozi is the strongest tool person!

"Don't make it, Song Gou Dan, don't seduce him, kill the eyeball monster!" Gou Dad cried.

"Get it, kill that eyeball." The three-eyed predecessor this time stood in the same camp as the dog egg father.

Song Shuhang: "..."

I am not faced with a “Tiandao mark” by the predecessor of Three Eyes. If it was just a mark, I would have recklessly gone up—and not facing the true “Tiandao mark”. If he only aimed at a “Tiandao mark”, he could Recklessly.

But there are 8 such ‘marks of heaven’ on the opposite side!

"Speak about your weaknesses, this is what I and Shuhang need now." At this time, Bai Bai spoke.

He and Shu Hang are not trying to show a circle of friends now, the main purpose of sending this message is to get information!

"Wonderful, Senior Song You and Senior Bai have a very good idea, but unfortunately, I don't know the weakness of Tian Dao Qiu ... Should I go to Song Fat Qiu to ask?" Tiandizi replied.

"Although the hope is not great, you can ask. In addition, Song Youyou can also identify more content from the sleeping 'ball Youyou', and you can try it." Song Shuhang returned.

The sleeping ball is faint, and now it is Song faint's 'associative instrument'.

"Received ~" Tiandizi replied.

After that, Senior Bai two took the lead: "The imprint of Tiandaobai is handed over to the present Abai. The best way to deal with Tiandaobai is to use Abai."

"Leave it to me," Senior Bai replied.

Senior Bai Bai added: "In addition, the merit virgins on the side, you can also take a wave with him in this world, and pull him away. The position of heaven in merit is given by heaven, and in his imprint of heaven , There are still residual data. You can pull two of them, and you should be fine. "

"Well, let me try ... Anyway, rest assured to me." Senior Bai replied reliably.

In other words, in the imprint of heaven, Bai can take away two.

There are 6 left.

Dog Egg Dad regretted: "Unfortunately it is only a mark of heaven, otherwise ... you can lead my heaven to go with eye love together. Three eyes, what is your weakness of heaven?"

Three-eyed boy senior thought for a moment: "Shu Hang, use your" Holy Eye Jindan "plug-in system to cope with my heavenly path. Don't go all out, you must face him with" Holy Eye Jindan "... When planting precious eyes, my corresponding heavenly mark will definitely not work hard, and will try to avoid hurting the "Holy Eye Jindan". In this way, you can drag him on and wait for you and Bai Daoyou to solve the rest of the Tao After the mark, join hands to kill it. "

As long as they are not alive, they are able to use their instincts to provide some very useful suggestions and design their own imprint of heaven.

"Received, I will let the‘ Sacred Eye Jindan System ’play freely and drag the predecessors of Tiandao Sanyan.” Song Shuhang nodded.

The help that the Confucian sage gave him was too great. At the last moment, it could also have the effect of holding the mark of heaven.

"Dog and her dad, how about you?" The three-eyed senior said, I said it, and it's your turn.

"Shu Hang, try to summon 'Jiu Xiu Phoenix Knife' ... it is a Taoist device and bound to you. At this time, it should be able to appear in the heavenly dimension space. If it can be summoned, then I will respond God's way, there is no problem. "Dog egg father reminded.

In this ‘Heaven ’s Core Area’, the reason why even the destiny ca n’t be summoned is because the destiny ’s level is not enough to immediately accept the information shock of the ‘immortal level’.

But Jiu Xiu's Phoenix Knife itself is already a Taoist tool, and there is no concern in this regard.

4 marks of heaven left!

Daozi's consciousness: "Shu Hang, use the teacher's eyes to mark my heavenly mark before the start, and see if it can be calm. If not ... then you separate the two holy eyes Jindan, One to deal with the imprint of the second heaven, one to hold my imprint of heaven. Facing the teacher's eyes, my imprint of heaven must not dare to make a big move. "

The saint is also a master and a master for the Confucian thirteen thrones. The word master is very heavy.

"No problem, I'm good at this." Song Shuhang nodded back.

In this way, the eyes of the sage can also be dragged in two, dragging the mark of the Tao of Heaven.

Only the fifth imprint of the Taoist Fairy, the dark imprint of the Tiandao, and the fat ball big brother imprint.

At this time, the reincarnation fairy also finally proposed: "I have just communicated with the reincarnation seal, and her prompt is your 'avatar'. Your avatar has been nurtured in the 'reincarnation print' and released him. Can pull our imprint of heaven. If you are lucky, your clone can also pull her, helping you to intercept the imprint of the fourth heaven. In addition, the scabbard of Ahliu may be useful, but the effect is not guaranteed. "

[My avatar used to replace the scallion mother and spent some time in reincarnation, which is great. ] Song Shuhang said with emotion.

In this case, all he has to face is the ‘Tiandaoqiu’ big man!

As for the weak points of the ‘Tiandaoqiu’ gangster, Song Youyou and Tianzi Zi are collecting information.

Besides, the Tiandao Qiuqiang is also an old opponent.

The opponent's attack methods and the like, through the former fat ball boss, Song Shuhang is also familiar.

This is the best opponent.

Song Shuhang collided with both fists.

On the opposite side, 8 marks of the heavenly path, just under the action of the "rules of the heavenly path", completed the construction, and opened their eyes together.

For a moment, tremendous pressure came to Song Shuhang and Bai Bai.

Predecessor Bai took a step back ... Then, Tiandao Bai imprint and merit Taoist imprint, as if attracted by a magnet, took the initiative to follow Predecessor Bai to leave.

"Jiu Xiu Phoenix Knife, come!"

"Song two is coming, now!"

"Holy Eye Jindan System, open!"

Song Shuhang followed suit.

Song two's avatar was summoned-it had experienced the moisturization of the "reincarnation seal", and it was enough to exist in this "Tiandao dimension".

After appearing, he greeted the immortal mark of the fifth day as soon as possible, and the two sides resonated with each other.

Song two is responsible for seduce the "Fifth Day Taoist Immortal Mark", it is best to let him take the reincarnation fairy stamp and turn his head to aim at the fourth Tiandao.

If it fails ... then Song Shuhang will have to face both the fat ball big man and the dark big man.

Jiu Xiu's Phoenix Knife kissed Song Shuhang innocently, welcoming Tiandao Gou Dad.

"The Appraisal of the Strong!" Jin Dan, the Holy Eye of Confucianism, was activated, locking the three-eyed Heavenly Imprint and Taozi Imprint respectively.

The two mothers' love gaze fell on the mark of Tao Zi and the mark of three eyes, respectively, and dragged them.

At last.

Only the fat ball heaven and the dark giant who have not been dragged for the time being, attacked Song Shuhang!

Boom ~

The core area of ​​the heavenly rule is transformed into an endless starry sky to build a battlefield for heavenly fighting.

The mark of the fat ball heaven is directly transformed into a fortress of war, covering the sky, and the familiar gun tube locks the book navigation, which is large and large.

The dark giant's mark is even more exaggerated, its body spread apart and turned into thousands of stars.

Each star exudes an ancient and distant breath ... Then, these thousands of stars turned into meteors, dragging long tail flames and smashing Song Shuhang in a demise.

Although these stars are only the size of the moon, their burst of light is more dazzling than the sun.

But these are just appearances ... the most terrifying thing is the immortal power inside them.

For Shu Hang, who is still in the state of "Asian Immortality", these star attacks are enough to cause damage.

In the face of simultaneously approaching, aggressive fat balls, dark giants ...

Song Shuhang didn't panic.

After experiencing strong winds and waves, he will not be easily shocked.

In his eyes, calm and terrible.

Then he reached for a scabbard.

Sub-immortal hair turned into a thousand little hands, grabbed on the scabbard.

"Not long ago, I realized one thing ... there is still love in this world." Song Shuhang said inexplicably.

next moment.

A large amount of cheap love turned into a brighter light than the 'Stars', and at the same time, 100 million rounds of 'Knives' fell on the sheath.

The scabbard was almost going to be bald.

On the opposite side, the thousands of menacing stars attacked, and a sharp stop came to a standstill, stiffening for a few moments.

The fat ball mark that originally attacked with it simultaneously came first.

Thousands of artillery fire and attack brilliance blasted to Song Shuhang.

"In the sleeve!" Song Shuhang waved his hand.

His cuffs turned into huge cuffs, and all the fat ball big men attacked and loaded in one breath.

Boom ~

But as soon as it was loaded, Qiankun exploded in his sleeve, blasting Song Shuhang's right hand into a scorched black.

Each of Ya's immortal arms was blown out of hollows.

But soon, it regained its elasticity.

"The damage is almost the same as I estimated. The body of Ya Immortal can hold it." Song Shuhang whispered softly.

Just hold it.

As long as he can hold it, then in the next step, he can show his strongest ability to "Chang Liao Chang Sheng Dao" to the "Fat Ball Big Brother Tiandao Mark" enhanced version.

"Enhanced version of Causal Knife? Revised Chat." Song Shuhang held his right hand in an imaginary form, and a projection emerged from the scabbard.

It's the shadow of a knife.

Song Shuhang reached for his knife.

‘Xiu Liao Chang Sheng Dao’ runs at full power!

The heavens and earth all beings calyx causality, loading begins!

The meritorious snake beauty appeared, and while constructing a defense for Song Shuhang, she was responsible for enhancing the ‘merit network’ signal.

In the world.

Song Shuhang's good corpses, evil corpses, and self corpses broke through the ‘heavenly black house’ and stepped into this world.

Jiuyou World, Song Youyou opened her eyes and collected the cause and effect of Jiuyou World.

Ultimate Ba Song, at this moment, the power is full!