MTL - Crimson Comes-Chapter 260 Loyal believer (5000 words)

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Latest website: Hanging up the phone, Wei Wei immediately stood up, took a few steps out, then came back, took a few buns in his hand, and went out while eating.

His attitude is very serious.

Sensen runs a red light, which is of course a big deal.

She is a loyal believer of the Church of Order, and she believes in order.

Obeying traffic rules, and not exposing her demonic abilities to ordinary people unless it is absolutely necessary, is also one of the orders she will follow)

Now, what happened so that she would not even hesitate to be seen by others on her savage flesh and blood motorcycle, not rushing through the market, and even rushing through the market twice?

And more importantly, Goddess Feifei saw this incident with her own eyes and informed herself, so what else?

While thinking about it, he walked out of the base, locked the door, and then boarded his own modified jeep, and quickly drove towards the gate that Ye Feifei had made an appointment with. How many rustling things suddenly disappeared and penetrated into the night sky, as if in some corners where the lights could not shine, many eyes like fungi grew to look at themselves.

Wei Wei turned a blind eye to these things and only cared about the things he thought were important.

The jeep was driving on the street, but found that today's scrap iron city is still peaceful, the people on the street are touching the porcelain, and the fights that should be fought are all full of sense of security.

It seems that although these totems cast a lot of eyes, they are still sensible and have not touched their own limits too much.

With that in mind, Wei Wei soon came to the intersection of the fourth block, and from a distance he saw Feifei squatting on the curb, looking tired and anxious.

"What are you doing?"

Wei Wei drove over, opened the door, and looked at Ye Feifei's dismal face in surprise.

"I don't know what's wrong..."

Ye Feifei climbed up to Wei Wei's co-pilot with a sad face and said, "I just went home, went out to do some errands, forgot to refuel, the road stopped, I had to let my father's driver drive over, I was in a hurry to come back , I called a hitchhiker, but the car was planted in the ditch halfway. My kind driver pushed the car for a long time, and my pants were covered with cocklebur, and I still haven't taken it off. Woolen cloth…"

"I was in a hurry to go back to the base, but here I saw Sensen rushing over with her motorcycle, knocking over two pancakes without stopping."

"I said hello to her, but she ignored me, but the owner of the stall saw that I knew her and asked me to pay for her..."


Wei Wei was stunned when he heard it: "You lost?"

Ye Feifei said: "It's a loss..."

"How much did you lose?"

"Five thousand!"


Wei Wei was stunned when he heard it: "What about the bullets rolled in the pancake, so many?"

"People want you five thousand yuan, so you give it directly?"


"I don't want to give it either..."

Ye Feifei was even more aggrieved: "But I didn't win the fight..."


Wei Wei didn't know what to say at once, but who was to blame for the quarrel, and the five thousand yuan was willing to bet and admit defeat.

"Yeah, I'm so annoying. I ran for a day and I haven't eaten yet. Just encountering this kind of thing..."


"Hey, the steamed buns just steamed by Brother Pig..."

Seeing such a humiliation, Wei Wei couldn't say anything. He took a bun from the convenience bag and gave it to her, saying, "Eat it while it's hot, I'll make it for you."

"But I'm in a hurry to go out, I forgot you brought garlic."


"Take me and don't eat, go ahead..."

Ye Fei took the steamed buns, and felt moved in his heart.

It's because Xiao Wei is so careful that he can bring himself dinner when he goes out to pick him up.

Usually when I am unlucky, my heart is also the most vulnerable. What does it feel like to see someone who is trustworthy when I am helpless? I have encountered such troubles in the past, and I will only call my father (this chapter is not over! )

Chapter 260: Loyal Believers Five Thousand Words

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electricity, but after my father picked him up a few times, he learned to be smart and sent his driver to pick him up. Now, his driver has also learned to be smart, and they all call the towing company directly...

...It's also Brother Xiaowei. You can find him when you are out of your own house, you can find him when you are repairing management, and you can find him when you are unlucky.

Especially now that he was supposed to be accompanied...

Suddenly he raised his head, looked around, and said, "Who is that?"


Wei Wei looked at her good appearance and said with a smile: "She is helping the captain and them treat the sick, and now she is not in the scrap iron city." "Huh?"

Ye Feifei was a little surprised and subconsciously said, "Aren't you with her?"

"Why do you want to be with me?"

Wei Wei started the car and said with a smile: "That's an ex-girlfriend, not a current friend."

"Bah, scumbag."

Ye Fei thought to himself, it turns out that Brother Xiaowei is this person who turned his face and didn't recognize anyone, but why did he suddenly feel a lot of footsteps in his heart?"

"What do you care about her doing?"

Wei Wei turned to look at Ye Feifei with a smile, and said, "Shouldn't you be more concerned about Captain Ouyang and the others?"

"Of course I care."

Feifei's voice suddenly became much louder, but he lacked confidence, and said, "I called them first, and you didn't get through before you called."

"It turns out that my status in Feifei's heart is so low..."

Wei Wei was stunned for a moment, then looked out of the car window and said, "Which direction is Sen Sen going?"

In his field of vision, this street that has been restored to calm still has faint traces of blood residues. The flesh-and-blood chariots are originally related to the orangutans, and belong to the little remnants of the former scarlet sect. Now, although she has passed for a while, Wei can still see some marks left on the road, which can judge the time and route she passed.


Ye Feifei reminded and said: "She drove very fast, she was carrying Wu, and she didn't know what to do, but she looked anxious."

"Then we'll have to follow along."

Wei Wei heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Bi, she has always been a non-staff member of our Scrap Iron City security team. She is rushing to do all kinds of work, and she is also paid less than us."

Ye Feifei listened, nodded hurriedly, and suddenly thought of something: "Have you received your salary?"


In one sentence, Wei Wei asked was speechless: "If you think about it like this, it seems that we are really not much different from her..."

More like his own, Wei Wei also stepped on the accelerator subconsciously.

According to Ye Feifei, Sensen rode his chariot through here five minutes ago, and caused a little panic. If it wasn't for the fact that the guard hall was affected by many strange events now, he would have called the base a long time ago. . And according to her speed, where she had gone in five minutes, no one can tell, she can only follow her traces and look forward as much as possible)

Wei Wei didn't drive too fast, but kept an eye on it all the way.

Ye Feifei, who was holding the steamed buns with both hands next to him, also looked at the car window worriedly.

I don't know if it's because I'm too anxious, I always feel that this city is not the same as before.

Her sunlight swept across the surrounding streets and residents in the city, and her eyes flashed strangely.

There is a strange figure with a big head but slender limbs, standing quietly in the corner of the intersection where the lights can't shine, and looking at it with mutated eyes, and there is a certain floor covered by a billboard. He crawled past a weird woman whose limbs were turned upside down, and occasionally saw a woman with two bags growing behind a window, and quickly pulled the curtains up.

All kinds of strange figures just flashed by, when they saw it, they were horrified, and when they looked closely, it seemed that there was nothing.

Fantasy or real?

Ye Feifei was a little uncertain, and he forgot to eat the buns in his hand.

"A lot of monsters."

And Wei Wei noticed that Ye Feifei's body tightened for a while, and his brows could not help but wrinkle.

Those weird shadows Ye Feifei saw (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter 260: Loyal Believers Five Thousand Words

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Son, he has also seen it, but he has long known that these things will breed under the gaze of the totem, and he ignored it.

Of course, normal people don't seem to encounter so many strange guys. They just wander by instinct. Of course, Feifei is on the co-pilot, which makes sense.

Although I really believe that Xi Dong is not capable of doing things in the scrap iron city, it is not a problem to be so laissez-faire.

I'm not sure where to go to find Sensen, and Ru's scrap iron city is indeed an empty city, and it would be irresponsible not to make arrangements.

So Wei Wei thought about it, and bloodshot suddenly appeared in his eyes.

At this time, in the fifteenth block, in the rented house full of family interest, the head pendant hung on the wall hook, and the tiredness of cleaning the room that was almost clean to the point of no dust, still not working. The ghost lady who stopped blowing to and fro heard Wei's voice at the same time. It is to use the power of scarlet to convey Wei Wei's will within a certain range.

"There's a lot of dirty stuff in the city right now, and I have other things to do, so..."

He seemed to smile, right in front of him: "You know what to do, right?"

The head pendant couldn't believe his ears, and after a while, he was sure that Wei Wei was talking to him.

How could it be possible to hide the weirdness in this city and the ghosts and ghosts, but he didn't pay attention to it anyway, and he knew how to pay attention.

At this time, it even forgot that it had no heart, and it moved so much that it heard the pounding sound of its own heart, and nodded again and again:

"Know that."


"That's good."

Wei Wei nodded with satisfaction, and his will followed the bloodshot to stay away, leaving only a light command: "Handle it well."

"It will..."

The head pendant was ecstatic inside, almost shouting loudly.

This is the will, this is the will that I have been waiting for for a long time...

Is this making myself manage things on his behalf?

It was very excited, opened its eyes wide, and looked at the night sky of the mysterious power of the scrap iron city.

You will definitely do well...

"It's quite nice..."

And in the auspicious car, Wei Wei also withdrew his will and nodded with satisfaction,

In fact, for these things in the city, even now, I don't know how to deal with it.

After all, they are things that breed unconsciously and don't know what to do. They exist because of the intertwining and staring of mysterious eyes, and they can't be cleaned up even if they want to be cleaned up.

But since the human pendant said it knows what to do, let it be.

Anyway, he didn't say anything, and if something really happened, he could shirk the blame.

Leaders are like this, such as Captain Ouyang, Wei Wei has never forgotten to learn their advantages from different people.

"What are you laughing at, looking so happy?"

Ye Feifei was turning his head, saw Wei Wei's smile, and said subconsciously.


Wei Wei quickly put away his smile and looked out the car window seriously: "Where did she go?"

I do have some weird ideas in my mind)

Sensen is a very...a girl who is brave and has long legs. She can rush to the front line when she has something to say, not only herself, but anyone who has something.

As long as you can fight.

But she also has strong principles, so Wei Wei knows that this girl, Sen Sen, shouldn't suddenly do strange things.

After all, she is a war demon, and their brains do not allow them to do too complicated things...

After her grandfather passed away, the people she trusted most should be Captain Ouyang and herself.

Of course, trusting Captain Ouyang makes people feel a little sympathetic to her, but there is still oneself...

Is there anything you don't discuss with yourself first, but do it yourself recklessly?

With suspicion in his heart, Wei Wei drove a jeep and had already arrived at the place where the east of the city left the city. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 260: Loyal Believers Five Thousand Words

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I still saw a faint bloodshot, extending all the way.

His brows could not help wrinkling, he sniffed his nose, and suddenly his face was a little strange.

Stepping up the accelerator, he rushed forward quickly, then made a sharp U-turn and drove the jeep to the isolation belt on the edge of the scrap iron city. His face became more and more gloomy. Ye Feifei, who was on the co-pilot next to him, also noticed that he was right, but he tried to look outside, but only saw the black hole waist-deep grass, and could see nothing.

"What's wrong?"

She didn't even notice that she lowered her voice subconsciously.

Wei Wei was silent for a while, without speaking, and suddenly turned on the high beam.

The surrounding black grass suddenly lit up, and immediately red bloodstains and ferocious stump fragments fell into her curtain.

Ye Feifei almost vomited, and his face turned pale instantly.

What appeared in front of them was an area like an Asura field. In the open space in front of them, there were rice men standing one after another, shadowy, no less, forming a vague circle.

The most important thing is that these scarecrows are actually made of living people.

Or, someone who just died)

Their bodies were cut, dismembered, and their arms and heads were inserted into the scarecrows, and even black straw hats were put on their heads.

And some abandoned parts were piled up in blood, like a horrific sacrifice.

Under the illumination of the high beam, the dim eyes are reflecting even dull light.

They held their arms, and their mouths pulled out exaggerated smiles with iron wires, as if they were happily following Wei Wei and Ye Feifei.

The traces of flesh and blood rubbed against each other, and it was exactly that extended into the area surrounded by these scarecrows and disappeared.

Imagine, Sensen riding a flesh and blood motorcycle, entering into it when greeted by this grass man, as if walking towards a mysterious altar.

"What the **** is this?"

Ye Feifei is no longer pure, she has also experienced a lot, and her heart has become stronger.

But after watching this weird scene, and being washed by the strong **** smell, it was almost disgusting to the stomach.

"Whatever it is, they're out of bounds."

It took a while for Wei Wei to answer, a strange smile appeared on his face, the corners of his mouth were slightly pursed, and his sleeping hole was narrowed. It was clearly there, but it made people feel his strong dissatisfaction:

"Maybe it's my problem too..."

"I thought they wouldn't dare to do such a thing in Scrap Iron City..."

"Now it seems that I overestimated myself..."



"She should have been picked up, and Scarlet will soon find out."

At the same time, in the manor in the west of Scrap Iron City, the Order Sect seemed to be sitting quietly in the hall, but his eyes looked at the clock from time to time.

"I still imagine that she accepted the task we gave her so easily..."

Shinichi's knight of order, a woman who is obviously very handsome, but always gives people an uncomfortable feeling, also sighed, "And her grandfather, who was originally the most loyal to Scarlet."

"They really are."

Bishop Order whispered: "I have no doubt that she is willing to give her life for Scarlet."

"But she is both the most loyal and arguably the most disloyal, because neither she nor her grandfather is actually Scarlet herself."

"She's not loyal to the Church of Order either, she's loyal to that philosophy."

"So, as long as it is for that philosophy, no matter what she is asked to do, she will agree without hesitation."


"But the result of what happened..."

The woman hesitated for a moment, then whispered, "How sure are you?"

"I'm afraid this will anger Scarlet."


"Of course he will be offended, he will be very angry."

Bishop Order said lightly: "But we must adhere to (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter 260: Loyal Believers Five Thousand Words

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To carry out this plan, only if our conjecture is confirmed, will he be eligible to receive the scepter we offer. "

"You don't have to worry either."

As if seeing the worry in the woman's heart, he smiled lightly, "He will understand, we are the ones who are truly loyal to him."

"We did this just to make him accept the rod better."

"Now you can treat him as a child. There will always be some unrealistic self-confidence, but if you want to truly grow up, you need to recognize yourself."

"This is something we have to help him see clearly before we return to missionary status."

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Chapter 260: Loyal Believers Five Thousand Words