MTL - Crimson Comes-Chapter 258 Ultimate Conjecture (5000 words)

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"for how long?"

When Wei Wei walked out of the abandoned campus, there was still a strong smell of blood on his body.

The moment he stepped out of the campus gate, Captain Ouyang and others who were guarding outside the gate also saw a corner of the folding space.

The dark campus, the shadows of shivering children, the dancing scarlet wire fences, and the pale white walls that were oozing blood in front of them, were deeply reflected in my mind.

Wei Wei walked out of this terrifying place quietly, with a gentle smile on his face and the calmness of being a master.

This caused them to be a little lost for a moment, and the thought that came up in their hearts was to step back instead of answering Wei Wei's question.

On the other hand, the Spider Queen had been waiting quietly, and when she saw Wei Wei walking out of the campus, a strong sense of excitement and excitement flashed across her face.

Then he smiled sweetly, raised his watch and glanced at it, and said, "Four minutes and thirty seconds."

He looked up at Wei Wei, his expression seemed to be praised, and said, "I can feel that you are indeed more capable than before..."

"Have it?"

Wei Wei smiled modestly: "This efficiency is still far from what we were before, isn't it?"

"That's different."

The Spider Queen shook her head and said with a smile: "Before we acted collectively, and we had the greatest authority and resources that the Foundation could give, but now we mainly rely on our personal abilities."


Wei Wei strongly agrees: "When you step into society, you have to rely on yourself."


Listening to the two of them talking like old schoolmates talking about the past, the members of the White Ghost Knights looked at each other, always feeling that the atmosphere of this topic was not right.

Captain Ouyang couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "What kind of training camp are you guys?"

Wei Wei and the Spider Queen turned their heads and glanced at him at the same time, their expressions were very uniform.

"It's just a normal training camp!"

Wei Wei explained with a smile: "Learn to control and develop your own abilities, understand the structure and attributes of demon power, and also handle some special events as a practice."

"Captain, haven't you also experienced such secret training?"


"We do go through training like this..."

Captain Ouyang's face became a little weird: "In that kind of ghost place, it's like raising a gu, and you have to go through countless fights and tests every day, and every day is to let yourself learn how to take some of the human nature. Taking things out is also euphemistically claiming that it will make us stronger, not only often performing tasks with extremely high mortality rates, but even deliberately accepting those painful tortures..."


Wei Wei and the Spider Queen were a little stunned: "Why is your training so perverted?"


Captain Ouyang was stunned.

That memory is indeed an experience they never think about again, and it is indeed like a nightmare that always makes people wake up in the middle of the night.

But, is it still up to the two of you to say this?

Whose training is more perverted, do you two lunatics have no idea?

To be honest, get in touch with people from your training camp and see how abnormal they are. Our psychological wounds are almost healed...

Captain Ouyang couldn't help but think again, should he find some reason to fire Wei Wei... scary.

At first, he really thought that Wei Wei was only selected for training in the Foundation's training camp because he had discovered special abilities.

We all know the four major training camps of the Foundation.

The backbone of the foundation in the first and second city defense lines are all talents provided by these four training camps.

At most, Wei Wei and the others just received more intense training and more secrets. Those who have undergone hell-style training are not unfamiliar with such things, nor are they interested.

But until now, he felt really naive.

He came from the old fox (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter 258 The ultimate conjecture five thousand words

He didn't talk too much about the past with Wei Wei, but Wei Wei had been in the team for so long, and he had met several of Wei Wei's classmates.

The first black cat I saw was okay, a young man who looked sunny, but it gave the impression that the promotion was a little faster.

Not long after graduating from the training camp, he has already entered the reserve of Xingtian Squad. It is obvious to the naked eye that the future will be promising.

But when they saw the second one, the guy who could transform into a black raven, they already had some surprises in their hearts.

Brother Piggy is the death demon system, and they are all knowledgeable.

Knowing how terrifying the strength of such a guy who can transform into a dead creature and even fight the totem monsters summoned by the Life Religion of the Wandering Church as an individual.

Until now, they have seen the spider queen who can directly use the deep-level power of spiritual barriers and is no stranger to the high-level abilities of knowledge demons, and their hearts are even more shocked.

Wei Wei has some secrets, they can accept it.

After all, Wei Wei is the only superhuman of the scarlet system in the world today.

If he has one or two classmates who are so powerful, that's fine. The most in need in this world is young powerhouses.

After all, the devil also likes small fresh meat.

However, if every one of his classmates, including Wei Wei, is so terrifying, what kind of existence does this training camp have?

A foundation is a foundation, no matter how powerful a mysterious organization is, it can't compare...



"Come in and see if it meets your requirements."

Wei Wei sighed and invited the Spider Queen to the abandoned campus.

It's important to get down to business, and I'll go back to eat when I'm done!

As for Captain Ouyang's feelings just now, Wei Wei also expressed his understanding, and he had long known that the White Ghost Knights had an unbearable experience.

My heart is very sympathetic to Captain Ouyang. These irregular trainings are easy to leave deep memories.

Unlike the formal training camps that I participated in, all I have left in my memory is...!


The spider queen happily agreed, stepped forward to take Wei Wei's arm, and walked into the abandoned campus intimately.

The people of the White Ghost Knights were equally nervous, and just wanted to keep up, but when they saw her in this posture, they suddenly stopped their feet, and felt that they were a little redundant in their hearts.

Especially Sister Lky, who was already looking at the back of the Spider Queen with some dissatisfaction, feeling a little angry in her heart.

It's just that there is something to ask for in front of him, and he can't say anything, so he turned his head angrily to look at Brother Xiaolin, who was excited, and said, "Don't tell Feifei about this when you go back, do you know?"

"how is this possible?"

Brother Xiaolin glanced at Sister Lky in surprise, and said, "I'm the strictest, so it's not like you don't know.

"Okay, very good."

The spider queen followed Wei Wei into this demon paradise. She saw the shivering shadows hiding in the corners. She also saw the teaching buildings and windows that seemed to have their own will and were trying to shrink their bodies. Spiritual tentacles were here. Layers of demon power shuttled between, watching this huge individual full of strange power, struggling to shrink his body in the shadows, nodded with satisfaction.

He sighed softly: "Every Devil Paradise is like a whole life."

"There is the most core will, and there are different logics emanating from this core will."

"Usually speaking, the removal of the core will represents the collapse of the entire logical level and the disappearance of the demon realm."

"And you can really preserve the integrity of the entire logical level while clearing the core will, which is really amazing."



Hearing her serious analysis and praise, Wei Wei's mood also became very good.

Although they graduated, everyone has a good future.

I don't have such a strong relationship and a good job, but I have never forgotten to learn, such as the ability to accurately clean up (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter 258 The ultimate conjecture five thousand words

Strength is the result of self-taught surgical anatomy.


Listening to Wei Wei's proud words, the Spider Queen suddenly smiled and said, "Is it reasonable to say that scarlet can cover and fill in other logics?

Seeing her sly smile, Wei Wei smiled and said, "You have to see it yourself."

"very good."

The Spider Queen changed the topic without a trace, expressing her satisfaction with this demon paradise, and said, "It is very suitable for me to transform, and I will be able to help that little girl soon."

Wei Wei looked relaxed: "That's good, it can be seen that Captain Ouyang and the others are really worried about this issue.

"It's inevitable."

The Spider Queen glanced at it and saw that because of her intimate action, the members of the White Ghost Knights were very sensible and did not follow, so she gently released Wei Wei's arm.

Looking into Wei Wei's eyes, with a half-smile, he said: "I know some secrets of the White Ghost Knights, and I know that they are related to the crazy recovery plan planned by the wandering church, but the radical wandering church archbishop was arrested. The Xingtian Squad was beheaded, which led to the miscarriage of the plan, and the current White Ghost Knights came into being. However, since they had such a past, the Wandering Church would not let them go so easily.

"Now they are eager to rescue the girl because they want to cut off their past and get real freedom."


Having said that, she bit her lip lightly and said, "I am more concerned, how about you?"

"Do you want to cut with the past too?"


Wei Wei glanced at her in surprise, as if he didn't understand why she asked that.

The Spider Queen looked up at Wei Wei with a serious look in her eyes, and said softly, "You are showing me your abilities on purpose, for fear that I can't see clearly?"

Wei Wei didn't expect her to say it directly, so he was stunned and smiled, "Isn't this the purpose of your visit?"

"It is indeed the purpose of my visit, but you may not really let me see..."

The spider queen seemed a little unhappy, and the little girl moved her mouth and said, "If you don't let me see it, I won't force you."

Wei Wei was surprised and said, "I know you too well. When you want to know something, if you don't let you know, you will be angry."


"Is not it?"

"I do get angry because you don't let me see it, it means you are hiding it from me..."

Wei Wei almost went crazy: "So I'll show you..."


The spider queen almost bit red marks on her lips, and said in a low voice: "You let me see, and I will report to the foundation truthfully."

Wei Wei looked at her in a bad mood, and couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

It seems that she really shouldn't be allowed to come over these days.

Although meeting her at this time can protect her innocence from being affected, she has indeed made people feel a little confused in these few days.

Report it, report it, and don't get angry...

"I don't know if you're pretending to be confused on purpose or if you're so arrogant that you don't take the Foundation seriously..."

The Spider Queen also sighed softly after a while and said, "You must understand that the Foundation has three founders and three mentors after all, and their opinions and attitudes are not uniform."

"Among them, Dr. Pi is the most radical, and he also hates Scarlet the most. As far as I know, before the Noah incident, he had already sent the old crow over to take you back, but the direction of things later went beyond him. Unexpectedly, the attitude of the Foundation has changed a lot. Now, his faction does not have enough reason to use high-level power, and ordinary power is not sure to deal with you, so he is waiting and watching."

"And when I came, it was indeed Xu Jiaoyang who knew about it and assigned the task. Now I can do business."

"Xu Jiaoyang also hates you the most. There's nothing you can do about it. Who made you so that he couldn't get a wife..."


(This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 258 The ultimate conjecture five thousand words


Wei Wei couldn't help but interrupt: "I really can't talk about this, I have to explain it when I see him back..."

"Don't explain it, it's useless."

Spider Queen said: "You said you didn't green him, I said I was green, guess whose flower he believes?"

Wei Wei was dumbfounded: "I really can't wash myself?"

"It does not matter."

The Spider Queen sighed and said, "The important thing is that although Xu Jiaoyang hates you, he actually represents Miss Pei, who is also a moderate in the foundation.

"He did let me observe your current state and understand some of your attitudes, but the purpose was actually to convince the foundation to continue to maintain a cooperative relationship with you."

"At least, not to the most drastic step..."


Seeing her serious look, Wei Wei was a little surprised, and after a while, he said, "Actually, you don't need to explain this to me.

The spider queen's eyes seemed to light up slightly: "You trust me so much?

Wei Wei was startled for a moment, thinking that he just didn't care...

But looking at the excited expression of the Spider Queen, she nodded seriously, expressing her special trust.

The Spider Queen's face flushed slightly, and under the dim lights in Devil's Paradise, her eyes seemed to light up slightly.

Wei Wei was a little embarrassed by this look, and he hurriedly opened the topic and said, "What about the principal?"

Hearing Wei Wei mention this name, the spider queen also became a little tangled, and it took a while before she said, "You know, he only cares about the secret battlefield.

"Although he is the teacher in name for all of us, it stands to reason that we all belong to his faction, but he never cares about these things, but the instructors come out to scold people in his name every day, but unfortunately, no matter how bad the instructor is, the It's just that the wind is loud and the rain is small. Those people know Principal Feng's character and are always aggressive in doing things. The instructors have no real power, and they can't help in these matters."


Wei Wei nodded, thinking of the snake, which was so arrogant.

I usually ask it for bullets or something, but I can't supply it.

...Speaking of bullets, it's time to tell the old crow what he owes him.

No matter how good the relationship with classmates is, you can't owe your debts and not pay them back, especially when he owes him so many bullets at one time!

"I came here because I understood Xu Jiaoyang's group's ideas."

The spider queen shook her head and continued to say what she knew: "Of course, come here to understand your current state, and your current ability is only one aspect."

"And the most important thing is your answer to another question."


When she said these words, she looked up at Wei Wei very seriously, and after watching for a long time, she suddenly smiled:

"To be honest, I still don't quite believe that you are so-called..."

She didn't say the last word, but shook her head and asked directly: "But if it's really up to you to decide, then, you want the final result..."

"One or zero?"


Wei Wei fell into silence after listening to the question she asked.

He remembered a question that had been discussed by everyone during his training at the training camp. It was a conjecture.

The twelve demons have brought twelve different surreal logics to the world, each of which can bypass the constraints of reality and achieve a magical result.

It seems that the various demonic forces do not interfere with each other, and each has its own belief and logical basis.

But at that time, the instructor said that someone had proposed that the twelve demon powers might be unified and integrated.

Of course, that involves countless complications and calculations.

However, after the twelve demonic forces were integrated, there were only two possible outcomes.

One is that all the powers *** form an ultimate, deepest level of power.

One that can change everything (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter 258 The ultimate conjecture five thousand words

, the final logic.

That can be understood as a power that is omnipotent, beyond everyone's imagination.

A will that can twist and change everything.

The other is that different demonic forces interfere with each other and cancel each other out. In the end, all surreal logic disappears.

One, or zero.


Facing the question asked by the spider queen, Wei Wei did not answer.

He still just had a gentle expression, facing the Spider Queen with a smile that could even make people feel a kind of pampering.

"Now, too many people are waiting for this answer."

The Spider Queen sighed softly and said, "This world has never been stable since the mysterious explosion.

"And now I even believe that this answer will trigger a third secret war!"

"And I need to remind you that..."


She paused before saying softly, "The answer to this question will affect the attitudes and decisions of many people."

"But what's even scarier is that some people are willing to wait for you to give the answer to this question, and some people, or monsters, will do anything to force you to give the answer they want!"


Wei Wei suddenly pursed the corner of his mouth, leaned close to Spider Queen's ear, and said softly, "Then let them come!"

"All I know is that they are part of the answer too!"

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Chapter 258 The ultimate conjecture five thousand words