MTL - Crimson Comes-Chapter 221 Recycle Noah

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"Will it be opened?"

When the ghost ship Noah was about to escape, Captain Ouyang and others outside also keenly discovered the changes in the village in front of him. Baidu-degree! Search! Search for my-healing game? @……@Starting

The overlapping space seems to be getting weaker and is about to return to reality.

This made them all startled, and hurriedly fixed their eyes on the village, and immediately took out the weapons in their hands.

But I didn't expect that the drastic change would only last for a while, and then dissipated immediately.

As if a big ship was about to sail away, it was inexplicably pulled by someone and was forcibly left on the spot.

Seeing that it was a false alarm, Captain Ouyang and the others breathed a sigh of relief, but they still didn't dare to relax.

On the contrary, the four great knights of the Church of Order next to him noticed the change in the expressions of Captain Ouyang and others.

Suddenly, he sneered and said, "Ouyang, I thought you had a lot of confidence. It seems that you are not very confident in the result of this trial..."

Captain Ouyang didn't return his mouth, but still frowned tightly, staring at the village in front of him.

Shen said: "Do you have confidence?"


The knight with a slightly old voice said indifferently: "There are many people who covet Noah's power this time, the Wandering Church, the Banshee Knights, and the Foundation..."

"But in vain!"

"Noah is originally owned by the Church of Order, and will only belong to the Church of Order. No matter what preparations you make, you can't change it."

"I said that the person you arranged to retire will stay if they meet him."


Facing the provocative words, Shu Yaqian, Ye Feifei and the others felt that they were not at all comfortable. They stared in my direction, but remained silent for a while.

The worry on Captain Ouyang's face was even milder.

I seemed to be very worried from the moment I spoke, which further contributed to the suspicion in my eyes that Captain Jiang Yuan had no confidence in the people outside.

But it wasn't until this moment that Captain Ouyang struggled several times and said loudly, "Speak up..."

I paused for a while and said, "You're just saying yes, that the people they sent back will have a way to survive, what will your Order Church do?"


Church of Order, the seven knights squinted at the same time. This game is too real @... The latest chapter @ sec Geng, masters remember for a second:! ...

As soon as we finished, we could see Ouyang Jian's worry and certainty, and thought I was confident.

Now that rhetorical question is exported, it suddenly makes us feel that it is not absurd:

"He actually thought that his people would kill this one prepared by your Church of Order..."

Yes Yes.

Captain Ouyang shook his head anxiously: "Are you worried about the one they sent back?"

I seemed to shake my head forcefully, and then said loudly:

"You're a contender who's worried that you haven't retreated into it, can you survive... come..."

Everyone's eyes were frozen at that moment, and for a while, he only felt that Jiang Yuanjian was telling a joke, but his heart was shivering because of that joke.

We were suddenly not sure: Did Ouyang have any other plans that you all know about?

"The ghost ship Noah's agent..."

At this time, in another place, in the dilapidated abandoned city, there was no group of people standing under the half-collapsed low-rise building.

We all wore uniform uniforms, with submachine guns and other weapons under our bodies.

Although there is no label under the body to prove our identity, but from our standing posture and temperament, it is obviously a group of people who have undergone professional training.

Today, we are in a state of rest and waiting, but there seems to be a faint sense of relief.

One of them held a submachine gun and swept across the empty wilderness from a distance, as if he wanted to sweep into his eyes the forces that were hidden in the wilderness and eager to try, and sighed: "It's crazy.

"Besides those people, there may not be a small number of them. They even know what an agent means, but they are about to speak. It's a pity that they have to take that name out of their hands."

"I also know how far the competition was outside the competition at that time. [email protected] inside the station Minke-No. 13, Street

"But there is no doubt that once the competition starts, this guy who is selected as the agent will face the least challenge..."

The other members of the team waited, all smiling lightly, as if they were interested in those.

"It doesn't matter who I am, you are only responsible for arresting people.

At that time, a woman in camouflage, a crooked blue beret, and heavy military boots, a sturdy woman with swarthy features, laughed hotly:

"What the **** is the agent, who is it?


"You were just ordered to come here on a mission.

"Whoever becomes this agent must be brought back, thrown out of the laboratory, and dissected!"


The team members around listened to my indignant look, their hearts sank, and they said loudly: "Captain, he thinks who will win that competition?"

"Who else could it be?"

The woman in the blue beret laughed hotly: "It's this lunatic who speaks!"

"You don't care that there are no people who came that time, and you also care about our rank and so on. As long as this lunatic retires, it will definitely be me as an agent.


"And you, that time you spoke to come over and arrest me!"


"It actually came out..."

All the players were shocked.

From the moment we received that mission, we found that the captain seemed to be out of anger all the time, a little bit less hated than hating these demons.

It's as if it's just to perform a mission, and it's just coming here to exhale.

We heard about it later, it seems that the guy who came from a humble background and went through **** in training camp

This kind of torture, and now the captain, who has a dark future, suffered losses in the training camp earlier.

Now I have to think about it, it has to be a small loss, so that I can remember it until now...

...Even, do you want to take revenge by taking advantage of the mission?

"They all cheered up..."

On the other hand, the captain, looking at the dazed expressions of the team members, suddenly reminded loudly:

"No matter who you look at, you can definitely look at this guy surnamed Wei, even if I looked like I should have a high rank at the time."


Listening to what I said solemnly, the team members also sank their hearts, and their expressions became serious.

"He just left?"

In another place, Father An hadn't put away the scarlet bible, ready to leave this place calmly.

But beside me, this old old phone was determined to hang up, and the voices outside seemed less sharp: "He can be so selfish, carefully leave a lunatic and walk away!"


Facing my fear, Father An smiled indifferently: "Perhaps outside my eyes, you are the lunatic?"

"But, but you agreed..."

The voice outside the phone shouted: "You help him promote Noah's trial, and he will promise to help you retreat from Noah's recovery..."

"It's not finished, is it?"

Father An looked at me with a smile: "Noah has no will of his own. After that competition, you don't think I understand the meaning of scarlet."

"If I can't rest assured and do my own duties, does that mean that Noah was successfully recovered?"


The voice shouted sharply: "It's like that, did he return Noah to the Church of Order..."

"When Noah was reclaimed by me, it was equivalent to being reclaimed by the Order Sect."

The smile on Father An's face disappeared, and he said seriously: "Noah is a scarlet traitor, but they are Order Sect, why are they?"

"Now that the prophecy has not been fulfilled, it is time for them to order the church to make a choice."


After I finished speaking my words seriously, I picked up the scarlet bible and walked to the deepest part of my destiny. The dark red door, deep in the spiritual world, slammed shut.

cack cack...

In the village, the blood-colored mist that pervades the village has not yet been shaken, and the whole world has almost collapsed.

The red knight of the Church of Order, at the moment just now, seemed to have seen something, which caused your heart to collapse suddenly, and you just sat on the ground stupidly.

And Noah, who wanted to escape slowly, exhausted all his strength and prepared to escape into the different space.

But this chain that was pulled has become the anchor that it is weakly fixed outside the real world, which actually makes it impossible to leave.

It is understanding.

Even if the person behind me hasn't spoken to "acknowledge" the world, I'm just a bunch of flames.

How could I not have that kind of power and leave my weak line behind?

Or, I stay on my own, what do I do?

Did you eat yourself?


And at that same moment, Wei Wei, who had grabbed Noah, suddenly felt less confused.

At that time, the outside of my heart was full of hatred and ridicule. I grabbed Noah and wanted to let it go, but what should I do if I let it go?

I can feel the activity and excitement of the scarlet power in my body, reaching a new breakthrough, but at the same time I feel the greatness of my rank, and I have a way to do something to Noah...

Now the appetite is still so small, eat it...

...then, what should I do?

The bones in my body were crackling, and I knew it was time for me to make a decision.

So, when my whole body was exhausted, I suddenly thought of a useless method.


After Noah tried his best to withdraw the chain he was hugging, and escaped from the different space, Wei Wei slowly touched something from his waist and fastened it firmly under the chain.

This is a pair of fluffy, pink Under the handcuffs, there are scarlet blood threads wrapped around them, turning into hideous and... kawaii.

It was firmly buckled under the chain.


At the moment when the handcuffs were handcuffed under the chains, the ghost ship Noah suddenly escaped into a different space, with the missing chains and this pair of pink handcuffs.

The blood mist that pervades the whole world, the secluded environment, and disappears at the same time.

At the same time, Captain Ouyang, who was waiting in the village, suddenly changed his face and faintly felt something terrible.

Baidu search for the other side of deep space@……Seconds, masters remember for a second:!

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Chapter 221 Recycling Noah is free to read. https://