MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 280 friends with benefits...

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"Xiaolong, why are you so damaged? Wei Wenwu knows it, and he must be **** off by you, and die again! Hehe." The red tide gradually receded, and Wang Limei lifted her thick jeans, wrapped in her white buttocks, round and round Yes, how does she look like a woman in her thirties or forties?

Holding the big stick, Long Gen squeezed out the last drop of viscous essence in the tube and dripped it into the bowl, then smiled and said: "This is all essence! Look at this bowl, there is nothing, how generous we are, Hundreds of millions of soldiers are given to him to drink, how righteous are you?"

  Ever since Xu Qing and Tian Cuifen'er got pregnant, Long Gen has been more careful, especially for a woman like Wang Limei, who is determined not to shoot in the hole! She got pregnant one after another, who will go when she returns to the village? Furthermore, some wives and mothers have only one person at home, and the man is not at home all year round, how can they have a baby? If you don't have a baby, you can do it any day. Once you get pregnant, you may cause some big troubles. Don't you want to cause trouble for your cousin?

  Being a person can’t be too shameless, cheating on other people’s mother-in-law, and letting someone help you raise your son?

  Wang Limei stared at her beautiful eyes, "It's cheap and good-looking. Xiaolong, tell my aunt, have you killed all the wives of the old Wei family? That house is not bad."

   "Guess what." Long Gen smiled and put on a trick, "It's you, aren't you afraid that Wei Wenwu will get up from below and take you away?"

  "Wei Wenwu died horribly, with a pale face, a long tongue hanging from his face, and his eyeballs staring like cow bells, blood red, don't you be afraid..."

"Ah! You, don't scare me...I...I'll go first..." After all, it was a woman, timid, once the initial burning energy passed, the cold wind blew, and then listened As soon as the little **** blew, his hairs stood on end, and Sa Yazi ran home.

  Long Gen smiled and disappeared before his eyes, looked back at Wei Wenwu's dilapidated grave, smiled softly, and walked into the woods.

On the edge of the source of the Qingshui River, there is a smooth grassland of about three acres of land. Climbing on the rocks and taking a look, the location and terrain are excellent. From the heights, you can see the whole Shanghe Village in your eyes. There are large orchards, Wangbachizi, and every household. ....

   "Good place, here it is!" Long Gen slapped his thigh, and the building of the house was finalized. "Red silk, red silk, you have helped me a lot, how can I thank you in the future?"

Going down the mountain and returning home, Long Genzuo called the three Huang brothers and warned them not to come to pay New Year's greetings. The Chinese New Year was not easy. The women and girls in the village gathered together, so whatever day they wanted, wouldn't it be a bad thing for the three brothers to come? ? Second, ask the construction team about it, you have to hurry up, if you drag it on, the day lily will be cold!

   "Huh? Doesn't Wei Wu have a small construction team, why don't you use it? It will be better for our son in the future." Long Gen hung up the phone suddenly, thinking about it.

  I made the woman’s belly bigger, so I have to ask someone to help raise the son. I can’t say it clearly, but I can’t help in the dark? Wei Wu earns money, shouldn't he spend it on our son?

   "Yes, this matter is settled! Let's talk about the three Huang brothers, there are too many things to make money, can a living person be suffocated by urine?"

Patted buttocks, went back to the commissary, my cousin's fire was also gone, busy with a few women for the evening New Year's Eve dinner, Shen Lihong looked at the commissary, Long Gengen wanted to go to Wu Guihua's house, I heard that Chen Ergou came back Suddenly, I lost interest, so I could only call home at night to come to Japan.

   "Auntie, I'll go to the city and buy some firecrackers. Let's have a good time tonight." Starting the car, Long Gen headed towards the city, wanting to visit Huang Cuihua in the city. Don't go to Xiaofang and Xu Qing's place, I'm afraid Xiaofang won't let her go again.

  After the day is over, Xiaofang has to help Xu Qing play tricks.

That woman is also quite pitiful. The man is useless, and he returns to the city to return to his old business. However, she is old and yellow, and her business is as light as water. She wants to do some small business. Mouth, humming and haha. Bed, what can I do?

"Xiao Hong, Xiao Qing, Mo Yan, Yuan Hong, Huang Juan, Yang Ting. Hey!" I don't know, but after thinking about it carefully, Long Gen himself was taken aback. There are so many **** friends, not counting He Jingwen, Xu Qing, and Xiaofang for the time being.

   "By the way, there is also red silk, and there are a whole lot of women in the nunnery!"

Long Gen thief smiled proudly, tapped the steering wheel with his fingers, and muttered: "Hey, why don't you make a phone call, open a suite, and call a few wives over? It's time to go back to dinner in time That's it? Take a few wives every day, and it will be a New Year's gift. Hahaha!"

  yin smiled and called one by one. Huang Cuihua was familiar with such things as opening a room. The best hotel in the town opened a room with four beds, enough to accommodate seven or eight people to sleep. During the Chinese New Year, there are not many customers, and the price is cheaper, and you are not afraid of being overheard when you shout, and you can just toss about it.

  The reason why it is not called Hongsi is because the identity of Hongsi is too special. I really want to find an excuse to go to Lingyun Mountain in the first and second grades of junior high school. There is no rush. Feed these sao wives enough, I'm afraid it will be dark, so I have to hold on tight.

"Good comrades, it's all up to you today, turn all the women into a mess, let those soft men feel buzz" step on the accelerator, and the white golf ball flies away like an arrow from the string out.

  Hongyun Hotel, Huang Cuihua was waiting here early, thinking of the big guy in Longgen's crotch, his heart was burning so badly, it was scalding hot, extremely hot. There are two pieces of black fungus in the seam of the leg, which are damp and itchy. In two minutes, it immediately softened, even tickling was not enough, but those customers who suffered a thousand dollars had to make themselves scream.

"Smelly men, wearing toothpicks all day long, pretending to be donkeys everywhere. After dawdling for a long time, squeeze out two drops of clear nose! Hmph, how can you compare with Xiaolong..." Huang Cuihua complained in a low voice Son, very unhappy.

   "Dong dong dong" at this moment, the door of the room rang.

  Huang Cuihua was stunned for a moment, and thought: "Are there so soon?"


  Opening the door, she saw a woman, about twenty-seven or eighteen years old, handsome, with two lumps on her chest, she looked bigger than herself, her white and tender skin was as tender as it could be.

Huang Cuihua looked at this woman up and down, feeling a bit smug, he wanted to be a few years younger, and it would be fine to compete, but now... "Hey, time is not forgiving!" I sighed in my heart , Huang Cuihua asked:

   "Excuse me, who are you looking for? Did you knock on the wrong door? I have already registered for this room."

  Yuan Hong also looked at Huang Cuihua very curiously. The woman in front of her was always a little old, but she was dressed in avant-garde clothes. When she spoke, her white **** trembled slightly, which was shocking to see.

   "I, I'm looking for Long Gen. He, is he there?" Yuan Hong thought for a while, then asked, looking into the room, but no one was there, and she frowned.

   That's right, Fortune Hotel, No. 5 on the third floor, this is the only room. Could it be that the little **** made a mistake?

   "You, are you looking for Xiaolong?" Huang Cuihua was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked in astonishment.

But I thought in my heart, yes, Xiaolong's crotch thing is too powerful, and I can't stop the majestic impact at all, "patta patta" like a pile driver drilling a hole, mustering all the strength Son, go deep into it with all your might. If it was a yellow-flowered girl, the two sticks would go down and kill her.

   "Uh, yes, I'm looking for Long Gen. May I ask who you are..." After speaking, Yuan Hong blushed, buried her head and didn't know what to say. I thought to myself:

   "Hey, why don't you think of a big guy, and you don't have a clue? I'm afraid this woman is probably Long Gen's friend. It's embarrassing to death."

   Huang Cuihua saw this posture and guessed it right. "Come on, come in and sit down, Xiaolong should be here in a while."

   The little bastard’s guests don’t dare to offend. To a certain extent, everyone will be sisters in the future. A good sister who has rolled on the kang naturally has to be treated well. Can people be stuck outside in the cold weather?

   "Oh, thank you, thank you." Yuan Hong hesitated and nodded, and walked into the room with her head down, but she was thinking of other things.

   Fucking with Long Gen, fighting in the field is nothing, the two of them are very close, and they do it with their pants off, but there are outsiders present, doing it in front of other wives, isn't it a bit of a thing?

   "Sister, what's your name?" Huang Cuihua greeted with a smile. After all, she is a prostitute with a thick skin, and said with a smile, "How long have you known Xiaolong? I haven't seen you before?"

  Yuan Hong opened her mouth, "Actually..."

   "Dong dong dong..." The door of the hotel rang again.

  Yuan Hong and Huang Cuihua looked at each other, and at the same time thought of a problem--Long Gen has dated more than one woman today, and when they called together, they might want to make a big deal out of it!

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" Huang Cuihua opened the door and saw another beautiful woman with **** and round and **** thighs two days ago. She couldn't help shaking her head secretly, the little **** is too capable. The man is envious, and I am a little jealous!

  Seeing that it was Huang Cuihua who opened the door, Mo Yan was startled. She thought she had entered the wrong door. She looked up, that's right, No. 5 on the third floor, why isn't it a little bastard, but a middle-aged woman? Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Yuan Hong in the room, but there was no trace of the little bastard, so he couldn't help being even more surprised.

   "I....I'm looking for Longen."

  Huang Cuihua rolled his eyes, shook his head and sighed, "Come in, Xiaolong hasn't arrived yet..."

   "Da da da, da da da" high-heeled shoes sounded, and two women came up one after the other.

  Huang Cuihua frowned for no reason, and secretly said: "These two people are also here to find Xiaolong, right?"

   "No. 5 on the third floor, yes, it's here." Yang Ting said.

   "Well, that's right, No. 5 on the third floor is here." Huang Juan looked at it and said.

  Huang Cuihua shook his head secretly, and said to himself: "Under the whole world, I am afraid that only Xiaolong has such courage. We have a big gathering of friends with benefits, hey!"

  Actually, this is just the tip of the ice...