MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-v2 Chapter 42 Vodka: Big brother, is it your first time?

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Vodka cautiously drove the black Porsche 356A with Gin, trying not to let himself turn his head to observe Gin's expression.

"Brother, do I need to open the window a little bigger?"

"No need."

Gin is still the same as usual, keeping his eyes closed, and the old **** talking. His waist-length blond hair now seems to be able to see a few white hair, and two very obvious dark circles are printed on his pale face, but this does not make the temperament of gin appear to be. Being old or vulnerable will only make people feel a little more crazy and fearful when facing him.

Vodka knows very well why he can follow Gin - Gin believes in his loyalty, and he also believes in his brain, but in terms of trusting the brain, it is the other extreme.

It's just that even if vodka, which never makes an assertion, makes gin go viral, sometimes you still have to use your brain to do something. He still gave vodka a certain degree of autonomy for chores that didn't matter.

Including whether to open the window when sitting in the car, what set menu to order when eating, and even the brand of pajamas... Of course, since Gin knew that vodka is a party that likes to drink milkshakes, he took back the vodka to help him prepare pajamas. that power.

"Boss, if we do this, will that indifferent woman really not react excessively?" Vodka sighed, but still couldn't help asking the question she had always wanted to ask, "Of course, I know you, brother, There must be a way, I just wanted to ask, what do I need to do next..."

Although Vodka's own personality is "loyal and honest, and nothing to do", he still possesses the most basic curiosity of human beings. Although he will not question the arrangement of gin, he still wants to know whether gin will choose any way to solve the latter problem.

Vodka probably belongs to the kind of movie that likes to be spoiled first and then go to see it.

"What you have to do next, of course, is to drive to your destination." Gin still closed his eyes, his ability made him not dare to sleep easily, and his spirit has been kept awake. Although he has already received the relevant killer training of the organization, he will still feel tired after a long time.

"Then, after Miyano Akemi solves it, go back and watch Shirley and keep her from running around." Jinjiu took out a cigarette from his pocket with his eyes closed, and took out a cigarette very naturally, "She knows this The news doesn't last long, and the more calm and indifferent people are, the more extreme they tend to be when they receive this kind of news, doing things that they can't even think of themselves."

"But eldest brother, Shirley is also an important figure in the organization after all. We just treated her sister like this, will we..." Vodka was still a little hesitant. Although he had no access to the deep secrets of the organization, he also knew what Shiho Miyano was doing. A scientist, as a scientific researcher, is definitely not something that can be arbitrarily manipulated in the organization.

In addition to the regular hidden economic and military strength of their organization, as well as their influence in the political, literary and artistic circles, the high-level and core personnel are all stand-ins with incredible abilities. Especially his eldest brother Gin, whose ability is even more terrifying, can easily play with time, which is really enviable.

"Do you want to be a stand-in too?" Gin opened a bloodshot eye and glanced at Vodka.

"Ah... No, no, I just think that, after all, it is the most special part of the organization. If there is no Shirley, will research be possible..." Vodka hurriedly shook his head, expressing that he didn't mean that.

The higher-ups in the organization are all stand-ins, with incredible "stand-in" power, but vodka itself doesn't. But he also learned that, except for the stand-in messengers who were born with the talent of stand-ins and awakened naturally. Ordinary people want to get a substitute, and the only hope at present is the research of "Shirley" Miyano Shiho. Although there has not been any actual results so far, vodka still has some expectations, in case he can also become a stand-in ambassador one day?

"Hmph, after studying for so long, nothing came of it. I wasted precious materials, but only made potent poison. I think that woman's title of 'genius' is nothing but a false name." Jin Jiu snorted coldly, " Moreover, she is not loyal to the organization, and the awakening of the substitute must not be in the hands of people like her."

"Anyway, she only started research from scratch based on a part of the data. Then we will find another person to start the research from scratch based on the same data, and the result can't be worse."

"Shirley... no longer has the value of existence. Therefore, her sister, the useless woman who was seduced by the FBI's red guy, has no need to live."

"I don't want you to ask such stupid questions again, otherwise..."

"Yes, brother, I know."

Vodka pretended to hold up his sunglasses and wiped the sweat from his forehead. No matter how insane he was, he already understood the meaning of gin.

Although "Shirley" Miyano Shiho has taken over the research on the awakening of the substitute, but so far there is no result, and she herself is not loyal enough to the organization. In addition, her sister once fell in love with the FBI, the man named Shuichi Akai, UU reading several crimes, Gin naturally disliked the Miyano sisters...

In addition, when the organization selected the researcher to take over the research at that time, Shiho Miyano was able to be selected, and there were many factors because she was the daughter of Atsushi Miyano and Elena Miyano. In fact, there were many people who met the conditions. So it's not completely irreplaceable.

However, Vodka always feels that among these factors, Gin has a greater anger towards Miyano Akemi. After all, Miyano Akemi's ex-boyfriend Shuichi Akai is the only one so far that can make Gin have to admit "failure" , people who can't even be killed with a stand-in ability...

At that time, he foolishly asked, "Brother, is this your first time?" Although his original intention was to ask Jinjiu if it was the first time he had experienced this period of time, and to remind him whether to activate the ability retrospective, but from his own Still remembering this, and judging from Jin Jiu's murder-like expression at the time, his guess was obviously wrong, and Jin Jiu's understanding of this sentence was probably wrong...

Thinking of this, Vodka immediately threw off all kinds of distractions in his heart and concentrated on driving. Anyway, he couldn't do anything else, and he had never made any mistakes in driving.

"However, the sisters look good, but it's a pity that the eldest brother has neither that kind of mood nor that kind of energy, otherwise it would be okay..."